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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/04/21 in all areas

  1. Obviously you've never been to Thanet, or Lydd 🀣
    5 points
  2. quango2k

    THE TM MWS thread

    She is complete.....for now.
    4 points
  3. Having grown up in the Marsh I feel I must defend its honour but yeah i agree about Lydd haha πŸ˜‚
    3 points
  4. Some reed camo body armour made by npo-sm. It's 9mm rated. I believe this is 90's and was used by Russian police. I am still researching it. I think the model is SHUL but don't quote me on that, barely any info on this. It's comfy though. It has soft plates in and is GOST R 50744-95 rated.
    2 points
  5. Site Name: Tilmanstone Works Contact details: N/A Website Address: (1) The Heresy Group - YouTube Facebook Page: The Heresy Group | Facebook Site Address: Tilmanstone Works Pike Rd, Eythorne, Dover, CT15 4ND A slightly different one this time around! I heard about The Heresy Groups "Ruckus 2.0" from a friend. THG hire out places that are not used as Airsoft sites on a regular basis, which introduces some interesting places. Coming into the Airsoft scene too late to enjoy UCAP Sandpit, I was quite eager to check out a full blown Quarry. The closest thing myself and @Albiscuithave played at being Imperium which has some Quarry sections. Tilmanstone Works is a largish outdoor site, most of which is an active Quarry, interspersed by Quarry hardware (Stone blocks, shipping containers, rusted out vehicles. There is plenty of elevation as well as a small valley of woodland vegetation. There are some very open areas, but there are always sections you can move through with more cover. The elevation itself can be used as cover. There are sections for short, medium and long distance engagements. So myself Albiscuit and 4 others decided to make our way on a sunny if windy day on 25/05/2021. Good: Playing Area: Very very good. We had reservations about the site being too open and somewhat boring, but were completely unfounded. An active quarry is both somewhat bleak, exposed and interesting at the same time. As mentioned in the intro, there is lots of elevation that can be used to both expose the opposing team, but also hide behind. There are lots of ditches, some woodland outcrops, concrete barriers, shipping containers and vehicles to hide behind. But in some areas it's open warfare with expanses of flat ground. If you are relatively fit, you can take advantage of the more esoteric approaches which can be ankle breaking if you're not careful, but can be utterly rewarding. Clientele: There was a large turnout, no problems with the clientele, heard very little to no grumbling throughout the day. A sense of comradery and people who were just happy to play something as unique as this place . Hit taking: Was very good. No complaints heard. Turn around time: There was little in the way of breaks. There were 4 different games and lunch. We didn't feel short changed. Marshalling: Very good, plenty of people around who encouraged people to get back out there from the spawn points. Safety Brief: Perfectly fine, covered everything, they had a physical representation of the blast radius of pyro which was helpful. There were no noobies for the day, so it was tailored towards experienced players. Chrono: Everyone's primaries were chronoed at the beginning of the day. 370 FPS for AEGs, 450 FPS for DMR and 500 FPS for BAR's. The players own BB weight for the day was used and rifles tagged. Value: Β£30, for something as unique as it is, I felt it was good value. Car Park/Entrance: Directions were easy to follow. The gates shut at 9:30, and there was a reception at the gate to take the money and sign in. The Car Park was based inside earth mounds with an auxiliary car park just outside that was more open to the elements. Shop: Multiple shops were on site including CamoRaids, Valkyrie BB's and a night vision for hire stand (Despite it not being a night game), it's more for promotion purposes. Raffle: Everyone likes a raffle, there was a free one for everyone as part of your entry fee. Two of the six of us even managed to win! Average: Game Modes/Brief: Not the typical attack and defend. There was a capture the flag game and a VIP game. There was a free for all at the end of the day, stages with the winners moving into the finals. It would have been good to know that we needed mobile phones to take photos of the VIP with other players on your team before we went out to the spawn point. I felt this sort of game is better suited to CQB sites like the Mall rather then something at an outdoor quarry. Bad: Safe Zone: It's not a true site, so there is no cover and everyone sets up from their cars. Toilets: No on-site facilities; was recommended to bring Wet Wipes ahead of time. Food: No food on-site; was recommended to bring our own ahead of time. COVID awareness: I didn't hear much if anything mentioned about social distancing or COVID awareness. There was no mask wearing in the safe zone. Also there was no pre-booking, so no control over numbers that could show up. Conclusion: We loved the day. We were very surprised in how good the playing area was and was utterly refreshing to play at over the usual outdoor site. We wish this was a proper full blown regular site and may be one we visit often despite the distance. We heard one guy had travelled all the way from Lincolnshire to play! A word of warning, you wont be washing your clothes after the day as much as beating them with a broom to get the dust out! We cant wait for Ruckus 3.0 and hope it will align with our schedules! What would be a great addition would be working Technical/Vehicles, if this could happen it would be amazing. The Heresy Group have run a very successful day despite the high winds and can be proud of themselves from that perspective. Very little has to improve if this continues to be a once in a while skirmish. Though having a pre-booking system in times of Covid would make me feel much better for turning up. Bullpup Watch: Very few; an SVU... I don't remember much else. Very little variance from M4 styles. Best Guess Map:
    2 points
  6. Small purchase but a great mod / upgrade if you frequent dark CQB sites. 2mm x 6mm green Tritium vial from https://www.iceatope.co.uk/ that cost about Β£8 posted and a drop of super glue onto the front sight of my Cyma CM041 MP-5. Green is the brightest so probably the one to go for, it won't do anything in daylight like a fibre optic one would but then you can see where the BBs are going! I added one to my shotty a few years ago and really helped getting faster shots on target in dark rooms / sites. That front sight wasn't protected like the MP-5 so it did get smashed at CHD when it was kicking about the FOB for a weekend.
    2 points
  7. Naturally your top teeth slightly overlap your bottom teeth so the mouth guard provides protection in front of your bottom, mothguards a mostly designed for impacts like punches and things with a larger surface area than a bb. The impact would hit your top lip before your bottom. They also stop your teeth from smashing together in the event of an impact, you can get bottom row guards as well but id imagine it would make it a bit harder to breath If your worried about lower protection a face mask is probably your best bet.
    2 points
  8. Soldering is easy. If you struggle with it then you are doing something wrong or failing to understand the solder you are using. Soldering the easy way: Buy a cheap soldering iron that has a temp control. Β£20 on ali express. Get solder that has a low melting point. Forget lead free, some 60/40 or 63/37 is perfect for electronics. Get some flux. Colophony 20g tins can be had on ebay for like Β£2. Set the soldering iron to be slightly over the melting point of the solder. 60/40 melts at 188C so set the iron for 200C. 63/37 melts at 183C set the iron to 195C. Clean your parts - Acetone or isopropanol and make sure you remove any grease. Get to temp - Dip in flux - Tin soldering iron. Dip in flux - heat part - Add solder. Work in halves. So tin the wire, then tin the part. Then heat the part and bring the wire to it and melt together. After soldering is complete clean with some isopropanol. Simple as that. If you work quickly and know exactly what you are working with it's just getting the hang of repeating yourself over and over.
    2 points
  9. Personally I totally agree with the players that complained to the Marshals and believe this should be dealt with in the strongest possible terms. Why do I feel so strongly on this issue, Two reasons: First it’s a matter of player safety. If a player is allowed to get away with this behaviour then the only realistic way for the enemy team to react is to treat everyone doing the β€˜dead mans walk’ as a live player and open fire. This is going to lead to massive over shooting/over killing on the poor sods who are genuinely β€˜dead’ and actually making the slog back to the safe zone/respawn. Yes there is an argument that dead players should have pistols holstered and hand/rifle in the air, but the reality is this only happens until they have withdrawn from the firefight that killed them and is impractical if the terrain is even moderately uneven and the respawn is more than about 50 yards away, particularly on larger sites where there can be multiple engagements between where a player β€˜died’ and the respawn. Secondly, it is completely unrealistic and against the spirit of the game in an honesty based system that is intended to mimic engagements with firearms. It is not being clever or sneaky it is just as dishonest as players who don’t take their hits, in fact more so as there is no possible argument that the offending player may not have felt a BB at the end of its range that hits a bit of gear. It is straight out gaming the mechanics of the system.
    2 points
  10. GRAND OPENING BOURNEMOUTH AIRSOFT SITE Our first airsoft game will be at our Bournemouth site, on May 16th 2021. We have great value rental packages and welcome all walk on players, pre booking is required, follow the link below; www.camouflage-airsoft.com/bookings.html Or call us on: 0800 328 4112
    1 point
  11. Hey folks, here is the game day footage from one of our games in April 2021, Enjoy! We're now also taking bookings for Sunday 9th May for our Wolverhampton Woodland Site, spaces are going fast but there are some still available, so hope to see some of you there for some awesome action packed games! Secure Booking Link Below. https://aceairsoft.co.uk/sunday-09th-may-2021-wolverhampton.html
    1 point
  12. Oneshotscott

    Hola Amigos

    Hi, Sherwood Forest I hear you say? Here you are; https://www.skirmishairsoft.co.uk Happy hunting.
    1 point
  13. GothicGhost

    THE TM MWS thread

    I don't know if it's because I have brand new magazines but loading them with the m4 style speed loader feels impossible The tube loader that comes with the gun is really good but I can't carry that around with me in field lol.
    1 point
  14. You all got it wrong.... it will come free with a packet of cornflakes.... but not just any cornflakes these will be Marui cornflakes πŸ˜‚
    1 point
  15. AlphaBear

    THE TM MWS thread

    You know you've just answered your own question right? πŸ˜‚ But yes, I'd do the same... just make sure when you reseat it the rubber is in the correct position. Make sure when you slap both halves of the hop chamber together you don't bulge/buckle/sag/push or whatever the right word is to the rubber... but you know what I mean..
    1 point
  16. 8th May at Skirmish Wycombe πŸ‘ https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/skirmishwycombe/
    1 point
  17. Thedadoodle

    Cyma Svu

    So today is the day the trigger was pulled. I am now a proud owner of a CYMA SVU. Managed to find one second hand for a good price. Got hold of a 1.25 -5x Visionking sight. Got to admit, I thought I preferred it in tan until I got the scope attached. Game day on the 9th and start seeing what work, if any needs doing.
    1 point
  18. Gumshields in airsoft are Just another example of miss use of a product through either lack of knowledge or lack of sense ? There designed to protect the user from blunt force trauma wether direct(a punch) or indirect(a tackle in rugby)for example which could slam the jaws together . They wern’t designed to protect from small object impacts traveling at any kind of velocity . Yes they will protect a large section of your teeth(but saying That the few times I’ve seen teeth get damaged the person was speaking and as most take there gumshields out to speak ?)from potential damage but not the soft tissue of your mouth so I’ll stick with my mesh mask thanks .πŸ‘
    1 point
  19. heroshark

    What's Correct?

    With a little bending you can get them to contour properly with those goggles with out reprofiling the edge giving a little extra nose space. Also very easy to cable tie the mask to the goggles to reduce the gap and you have less straps to faf around with.
    1 point
  20. concretesnail

    What's Correct?

    I'd have the goggles fitting then cut the mask to fit.
    1 point
  21. BigStew

    What's Correct?

    Which ever gives you the best eye protection.
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    What's Correct?

    Yep, as above... Whatever feels comfy and seems to protect better. Don't forget to squeeze the mesh to fit snugly around your nose.
    1 point
  23. Albiscuit

    What's Correct?

    As long as the eyes are protected it’s personally choice. I would rather have my eye pro snug to my face though as a bb did manage to get in a tiny tiny gap at the bottom after ricocheting up off my chest
    1 point
  24. Enid_Puceflange

    What's Correct?

    Whatever’s comfiest bud i run my facepro under my eye pro to help a bit with ventilation
    1 point
  25. Ah! I see what I was doing wrong now. All of the above!! Lol. ThanksπŸ‘πŸ™‚ Regards
    1 point
  26. It's on. And running!
    1 point
  27. Pretty much done. Need to figure out how to remove the front post so I can fit tritium suppressor sights. Requires M&P9 front post and G17 rear according to RWA. In the mean time, I’m going to look for wide head m2.5x8mm screws for the RMR.
    1 point
  28. Decided to give making a holster a go and blow off the old leather working tools. Bit rusty and rough around the edges as was thrown together to prove the design but I’m happy with it for a first attempt!
    1 point
  29. Good choice....! Ahhhh the FS buy one get two mags deal thing How long before you stick a Mk18 rail on it? If you do, you'll need a PTS barrel adapter and a few shims.....
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Not if I did it. Mr blobby has nothing on me when it comes to soldering! 🀭 Regards
    1 point
  33. #blackadder

    Gun picture thread

    Wasn’t aware someone made an upgraded P90 trigger - thanks for the info ! Just ordered one for myself . Can’t wait to try it.
    1 point
  34. I just got my new dog from a puppy rescue that brings them in from Romania - picked him up last night:
    1 point
  35. My worst one seems mild to all of these. I was charging a position and took a BB right in the gob, hit the back of my throat and had me gagging and coughing all day after. Made eating and drinking a pain for a few days after. Now always have face pro as dont want that experience again.
    1 point
  36. EDcase

    St Lee Enfield

    Yeah, maybe its at a premium for the people with money and want it first. Hopefully it'll come down a bit...
    1 point
  37. Armo1000

    St Lee Enfield

    Their K98s and Springfield rifles are only like 250 dollars which is far cheaper than this. If they retail the same as that then i am game.
    1 point
  38. Algy

    St Lee Enfield

    Perhaps the $530 price there is premium as they seem to have the first batch? I've seen a couple of Japanese sites where the pre-order cost is around $390-415. Still a tad pricey, but a bit more reasonable, at least for a product that isn't exactly going to fly off the shelves.
    1 point
  39. Armo1000

    St Lee Enfield

    Yeah sadly looks like another case of "screw them with the price its a Lee Enfield after all"...... For a springer i will pass on that. When airsoft companies stop making these rare novelty guns for stupid money and actually work to make an affordable skirmishable historic rifle, i will be interested.
    1 point
  40. @Helyk can you get more vertical pistol grips for the MCX? Ive always been suprised SiG put such an angled grip on what is a close quarters gun. Got my P90 together and im back in love, shouldnt have sold my old one years back, running sweet at 22RPS / 325 FPS with perfect timing / no overrun fully mechanical on the original TM wiring! Just waiting on the Shadow Regime M-Trigger to land and i can hook it up with the WarFet I know Asomodai will respect the bullpup πŸ˜‹
    1 point
  41. Out with the bulky plate carriers, in with the compact and modular.
    1 point
  42. At this point it's basically finished, minus going back through and making sure all the parts will fit and have the right spacing.
    1 point
  43. GothicGhost

    Gun picture thread

    Finally got the black sling mount and it's finished. Nice compact for traveling
    1 point
  44. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Foundry Airsoft HALO magnum kit , it’s actually intended for the Glock 17/18/19 but with a β€˜wee’ bit of dremeling it fits nicely on an 18c .
    1 point
  45. Not the spirit of the game. Do it once, raise a laugh perhaps. More than once is a bit naughty. Do it regularly and game days are spoiled.
    1 point
  46. Cheating cunt. If his pistol is out of the holster he is fair target. Dead man walking has hand raised (or red flag) and weapons out of hands/holstered.
    1 point
  47. Wo1f

    THE TM MWS thread

    I appear to have bought another mws...
    1 point
  48. Cipher-032

    THE TM MWS thread

    Can some one confirm for me what type of barrel nut fits the upper? (I know you need an adaptor ring, ive got one on mine right now) I see some MWS's with AEG on them. So im slightly bamboozled. Or will the MWS fit AEG and GBB barrel nuts? Trying to hunt down a new rail for my PDW idea. Said Idea: MC6 PDW. I fancy doing some thing similar. I have the G&P stock, just trying to find a nice M lok rail.
    1 point
  49. RobHedley

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have finally joined the club when I picked up my MWS yesterday!!! I went for the CQBR version and I am blown away by it!! I gassed up a magazine when I got home and wow. Absolutely love it!! i picked up some more magazines and I received 2 super nubs from Six Gunsmith (Thanks for the 1 day turnaround Dave!). Just waiting for the Modify Tan buckings to turn up. I have yet to do the green gas mod but my other half is out tonight getting her lips done (!!) so will tackle it then. just wanted to thank everyone for the amazing information and help and I am pleased to be a member of Club MWS 😁
    1 point
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