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  1. Egon_247

    Gun picture thread

    On my quest, still.... Welrod aap. 😁🤣
    10 points
  2. Tokkeitai

    APFG MPX, £400

    Why you got the dawgs out 😂
    9 points
  3. If someone is shooting at you with something that can pen a Camel Bak, whoever is in charge of the chrono needs firing.
    8 points
  4. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    Can you tell what it is yet? A trip to B&Q and a bit of fettling to be done then... "Build it, they will come".
    8 points
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126545155341?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GnkRJ9EMRna&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=HBkmeejIT0S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY this one did make me chuckle 🤭
    8 points
  6. New pew today 😁. Since using my lad's SSE18, I've wanted one for my ghillie rig, but I've decided to dual-purpose it for my cyberpunk CQB setup. The massive holo is a placeholder until my low-profile (red) red dot arrives, but I'm starting to get attached to it, whilst tactically sweeping my house over and over. The amplifier was primarily cosmetic but it definitely makes the pistol sound less anaemic. Also missing is a red flared mag well, as it was out of stock. She's ugly, but that's kind of the point. 😄 Once it's complete, the real project begins: Integral torch, using the foregrip cavity, and LED lighting in the rear carbine cavity... all for the cyberiness. 😄
    8 points
  7. Dan Robinson


    Been snowed under with work, covid, and entertaining the boy for the last few weeks/months. The good old double Eagle has been holding the fort while the other pews have been misbehaving. Big Specna needed a rewire, baby Specna was over spinning and not feeding properly. L85's accuracy has slipped a bit too. Until last week when it stopped feeding completely (More on that later). G36 is still at the pleasure of Bespoke and I haven't been in the mood to use the SVU. The boy's L85 has been dropping in fps/ range to. Oh the joys of airsoft 🤣🤣 Two weekends ago we double headered High Wycombe and Ambush near Cobham. That was an Exhausting two days ending in a total mystery.... loading the van on Sunday morning, I put my battery bag in the back. Then I decided to put it somewhere safer. Can i remember where that is? Can I feck. Thankfully, the marshalls at Ambush loaned me a couple of batteries so the day was salvaged.... great venue too. But I spent the day desperately trying to remember where I had put £200 of batteries and usb chargers. Even phoned a neighbour at 9am and got him to walk down the road in case I left it on the roof of the van. Got home in the evening, dead on my feet, and climbed into my loft to scrub through the cctv; only to find that it wasn't on the roof when I drove off. So it looks like senility is setting in already. 🤔 More on the actual gamedays in the respective thread when I get home on Saturday. We're off to AWA on Sunday for the Big Skirm, then Special Ops the week after, with a school friend of the boy who's coming over from the land of the little people. 1 Anyway, nice to see everyone still here.
    7 points
  8. Problem: airsoft is split across too many groups, apps and websites. Solution: add another new group, app or website.
    7 points
  9. So this is my glock collection at present: 12 various glock 2 FMG-9s. Got an agent tracer is one, made my own tracer for the other.
    7 points
  10. Dogsbody100

    Fogging and glasses

    In what seems to be a right of passage in the airsoft world, I have grown to hate with a passion the spectre of fogging. Being a little unfit, quite fat and therefore prone to producing vast quantities of heat and moisture, it has driven me to try and find my own solution much as I imagine many others have too. My somewhat unique difference is that I wear glasses as in ESS ICE ballistic glasses and not goggles as many others do, this has meant that all the solutions that I've seen are tailored to those and not glasses. I also don't run a helmet of any kind just a DPM bucket hat so I found myself even farther from convention. Many things got an audition, from the 50p antifog wipes in the shop at AP (not terrible but very short lasting) to buying a battery powered fish tank pump and some tubing (chinesium crap and failed badly). Now, many will no doubt recognise Novritsch as a marmite figure but I noticed he had the catchily named 'anti fog unit' available, this seemed to offfer an attachment that was usually placed on goggles and magnetically snapped into the tube allowing the hat to come off but the eye pro stays on. It was at that moment I had a bit of an A-TEAM moment, if this piece could be bonded in the right place maybe it could be adapted for glasses? The pictures below will hopefully demonstrate where I went with this, the velcro is simply stapled and double sided taped into place while the adapter got bonded onto the glasses with a smidge of 2 part 3M Scotchweld that definitely didn't come from work at all. Ever. The upshot is that as I place the hat on my head the tubes and the adaptor 'finds' the one on the glasses and very satisfyingly snaps into them. It looked and felt ok but did it work? Yes, surprisingly, my recent visit to Apocalypse with their marathons games was a good test and the battery lasted all day even though the indicator light showed red it kept going. Even if it didn't I could have used a power bank to top it up. Just a little bit of hopefully useful info for you all if you use glasses like me. Cheers!
    7 points
  11. Colin Allen

    Tracer BB's

    I love Bifrosts; they make it so much easier to identify targets.
    7 points
  12. TL;DR Guys comes to forum to steal members for his forum?
    6 points
  13. Airpig41

    Gun picture thread

    My favorite project gun. A TM 1911 MEU in a Guarder FBI kit and Cerakote paint job
    6 points
  14. TM x Guarder Glock 17 Gen4 Full FDE build...
    6 points
  15. More likely eBay spotted Assault Style Toys being sold.
    6 points
  16. Totally freaked out by the feet, tbqh
    6 points
  17. Obliterated, available on Netflix. The premise: a super-special-spy-forces team catches a badman with a suitcase nuke in Las Vegas, goes partying to celebrate, then are suddenly called back on duty when it turns out the real snuke is still out there. The execution: balls-and-cocks-and-boobs to the wall gloriously unapologetic drink-and-drug fuelled amoral uncensored scatological fun that has a great time playing with the genre tropes and character archetypes, edging fnar on parody. I mean, main guy is called "Chad McNight", and their inexperienced Tech Girl is "Maya Lerner". I put off watching this for ages because it looked so dumb that I assumed I'd hate it, but it turns out that "Don't think about it, just crack open a beer or four and enjoy it with us" is the whole point. Does it make sense? Not a bit. Is it funny? Eh, sort of. Can the cast act? Just barely, but wow, they're committed to it, and easy on the eye. Is the gunplay or fighting realistic in any way? Oh, no, not at all. But if sub-plots like "We need to find some hookers, because they'll have meth to wake up Bomb Guy from a ketamine coma" appeals, fill your boobs. I mean, boots.
    6 points
  18. Ucap greenops today. It started out dryish but soon became a very wet slippery site which made the going hard but realistic. We pretended we were in Nam in a monsoon. All that was missing were the crickets and bullfrogs lol. The green ops team have been busy introducing new and exciting props and buildings along with trenches and underground bunkers although nobody was tempted to use them due to the amount of water in them lol. They will be great when the site dries though. Well done marshals and team👍 Game play was very good with no moaning or bitching and no shouts of ' I hit you' 'Oh no you didn't'. I managed seven good kills. Five with the dmr and two with the tm m9 when they came in closer than my med. I was very impressed with the performance of the M9 which was sending 28s down range very nicely. Thanks to @Jez_Armstrongfor the sale 👍 We left the site just after lunch. Wet but happy😊
    6 points
  19. Da Fuq ?, so many questions, how'd he get a job as a taxi driver in the first place with so many convictions, aren't taxi companies supposed to screen employees for the protection of their customers. Why such a piss poor sentence, again considering how much previous he's got, yanks would have thrown away the key with him. And finally, how the feck is he 49, I'm 56 & he looks old enough to be me dad, years of drugs I'm guessing ? The whole thing is an epic clusterfuck, as has been pointed out, thank God airsoft didn't get a mention🤞🙏
    6 points
  20. Finished this build 👍🏽 RWA urban combat 2.0 in tinted black cherry. steel threaded barrel with 417 compensator. all the matching AGA furniture. AGA stippled grip with the big A Full steel internals.
    6 points
  21. heroshark


    6 points
  22. Player: "I was shooting that guy behind that bush!!" Me: "Which bush?" Player: "There!" *pointing at thick foliage about 30 metres away* Me: *deep sigh* "What weight BBs are you using?" Player: ".2s, why?" Me: *internal even deeper sigh* "Okay, so......"
    6 points
  23. JinxDuh

    Novritsch Aug

    Received the A2 today, first impressions are: The body feels absolutely amazing, it feels like it's one solid mass with no creaking at all. Assembly is easy as can be, literally slide in, push a button and done. Admittedly I'm not a fan of the M-Lok handguard but that's just personal preference. What drew me to the SSR over others was the metal upper rail, and the modernisation of the platform. The trigger, oh my, the trigger 😩 It has a very smooth trigger pull, unlike the snow wolf aug I had prior (Although to be fair, may have just been a bad one?) and a very nice break between semi and full auto giving you a subtle indicator that you're about to go into the realm of brrrt. On top of this, the ability to spam the trigger (On a 7.4v, it recommends an 11.1v but I don't have any) on semi is beautiful. The safety bar is also incredibly smooth with a nice "thunk" when you're in safe/not safe. It chrono'd at roughly 242 on .25g BB's with the hop not adjusted at all from factory, didn't have the time to really mess with it too much so I'm assuming the hop may be nearly off. Magazine comparability: Snow Wolf magazines are a bit of a squeeze and need some gentle persuasion to go in, but they do fit and feed fine in the A2. The included mid cap goes in super smooth as expected, however both magazines look to be identical. I don’t have any other brands to test though. I'll be taking it out to a game with me next weekend, but I'm blown away by the absolute beauty and feel of it. I think it may replace my RPK as my go to pew for now... 👀 Edit: I forgot to mention my main gripe with the replica. The battery goes into the rear, like a normal Aug. However the “plate” seems to sit further back than I remember the snow wolf I had did. Making this rather awkward for slightly longer or thicker batteries. Not the end of the world, but worth taking into consideration!
    5 points
  24. Forums survive for two reasons: Quality content and filtered access to it. You can't have only one of them, there is no quality content without filtered access and vice versa. A simple registration process (provide an email address, a username and a password) is a formidable tool to keep most of the retards away. Look at facebook pages, almost all of them are shitholes where the same questions are asked over and over and over again in a 15 minutes span from one another, where half the comments make you want to commit a genocide and where people mostly parrot whatever the celebrity of the month said. Also as Tackle said, spoon feeding information is wrong... What was the saying? Give a man a fish.....
    5 points
  25. https://news.sky.com/story/problems-in-british-military-much-worse-than-we-thought-defence-secretary-john-healey-says-13183536
    5 points
  26. Banned from zero in and the NAF for life? Don't you threaten me with a good time.....
    5 points
  27. MorganL

    What have you made?

    Quick make for today, custom glock foam for a nuptial case.
    5 points
  28. An old Pilot sat down in Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, ‘Are you a real pilot?’ He replied, ‘Well, I’ve spent my whole life flying biplanes, Cubs, Aeronca’s, Neiuports, flew in WWII in a B-29, and later in the Korean conflict, taught 50 people to fly and gave rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot – what about you?’ She said, ‘I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.’ The two sat sipping in silence. A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked, ‘Are you a real pilot?’ He replied, ‘I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m a lesbian.’
    5 points
  29. Not chronoing because people chrono'd their gun at a different game and then relying heavily on the honesty and integrity of players. What could possibly go wrong?
    5 points
  30. Neither have I, I'd still go for an LPVO over a copy DR any day of the week. Needed another pistol. Innit.
    5 points
  31. Rifs are banned from being sold on the UK Ebay site
    5 points
  32. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    G17 P80/Razorback Wanted to build something really aggressive after my latest kind of plain gen2 glock. This was the result. TM G17 gen3 donorgun. And I kind of dislike rmrs on pistols but somehow it feelt right to put one on this little monster.
    5 points
  33. “Gosh, I wonder what Women sat on before juries came along? Bean bags I suppose.” Ah, the oddities of the English language.
    5 points
  34. Here is my AKX as it stands.
    5 points
  35. Enid_Puceflange

    Tracer BB's

    Easier to spot a player with a Bifrost than it is to spot the Groom on his stag doo 😂😂
    5 points
  36. Louish118

    GHK Glock 17 Gen 5

    So mine's arrived today. I ordered it from a trustworthy store in Hong Kong as it worked out costing around £70 less than if I were to buy it in the UK and it arrived in less than a week. I've only test shot a couple mags, so I can't comment in the longevity of it but overall first impressions are very good and it kicks very hard as you would expect from GHK. The Cerakote finish on the aluminium slide is lovely, and it does feel steel-like to the touch. The polymer frame looks and feels great too. I hated the trigger and on the Gen 3, thankfully the trigger does feel better on the Gen 5 and quite true to the real steel (but still a little mushy). It would be great as a training pistol though. The hop requires the use of an alan key and seems to be slightly easier than the Gen 3's but it's still a pain in the arse (although I haven't adjusted it yet). Another gripe is the pistol feels very light, so make sure you mount a torch and a sight to fatten it up a little. The pistol comes with 4 metal optic mounts, meaning pretty much every micro red dot should be able to fit. You also get a speed loader and a Glock patch. Winner! I will probably get a steel slide in the future but I'm very happy with my purchase at the moment. ☺️
    5 points
  37. Two lies in the advert - "rare now", "300 fps". Should there be some sort of sanction for trying to rip off buyers?
    5 points
  38. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Right, hopefully it's there now. A few minor tweaks to sort. Cable and ptt for LLM 3d printed and put together. Found the correct LLM ptt rail holder. Unit colour added to LDS. QR codes also added. Still on the look out for the correct sling loop. But I know this is only exclusive to the sa80, so maybe waiting a while. Now to finish my Borneo SAS m16 (colt model 602) with early triangle type charging handle and grooved bolt catch.
    5 points
  39. So yesterdays foray into plastic propulsion wet well. Very well. In fact I had an absolute blast. Fielded the M14 socom, with the boy using his trusty mp5. Chrono was weird though. He was reaching out to 50m+ with the mp5 but the chrono said it was doing 0.65j on .28's. Odd. Still. Everyone took their hits, the only raised voice was from a sniper who couldn't snipe and got lit up when he started shouting about it. Rookie error. 🤣 Much unhealthy food consumed, many pyros lobbed, lots of plastic slung and after a nice spot gathered me 7 in a row, we had one guy left to find to clear the village. Only the sod had got himself inside an upturned barrel and was doing the benny hill hiding thing. Took us AGES to find the bugger!!! Awesome day. I'm knackered now. 🤣🤣
    5 points
  40. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    Decided the TM AKM GBB needed real Soviet AKM wooden furniture adding. After a lot of swearing, it's now fitted.
    5 points
  41. Thanks in part to @gavinkempsell my bank account is lighter and my load out heavier. 😂
    5 points
  42. Lozart

    UKARA renewal

    I started doing that but I was worried the wife might find it and realise they weren't all £30 each after all.
    5 points
  43. You can't buy from them direct I know, but they were awesome. I lost the magnet holder for my p90 perun mosfet. I couldn't find the part at a retailer so I contacted them directly. They sent me a magnet holder out free of charge. The first attempt was blocked by border force but it got to me on the 2nd attempt. They were very helpful and friendly throughout and they really didn't need to send me anything FOC. It was really nice of them I thought.
    5 points
  44. The new site is terrible; the old one was better.
    5 points
  45. Skara

    Gun picture thread

    Did a bit of a revamp of my 10" M4.... It's now a 5" M4. Used a spare Specna upper receiver I had, got a new 5" carbon fibre barrel, moved the ARP-9 handguard from my AAP carbine, cut down and recrowned an old Guarder 363x6.02 barrel, replaced the cylinder (from 4/5 hole to 2/3), random spring (m100? m110? who knows) and now I have a very smol boi. Why? Because I want lightweight and compact for long tournaments, this horrid thing is very consistent in Joule output and spread (very surprising given the silly short barrel), plus I'll be strapping a thermal scope onto it at night, the more weight I can shave the better. Powered by a funny 7,4v 1800mAh 130/65c battery that gets me in the 25 RPS region (by sound, need to confirm via chrono). As always, functionality over aesthetics. P.S. G43 + FTC is on there just for show, I don't really use it.
    5 points
  46. Probably my last game day for a while because I'm probably going onto anticoagulants on Tuesday which means no airsoft until the procedure is done and the recovery is over. Unfortunately it went out with a bit of a whimper though. I took my G&P m14 and KJW m40a5 along with the intent of using the m14 with the m40a5 as a backup in case it wasn't shooting great. Suffice to say, it wasn't shooting great. The power is exactly where I want it and it's incredibly quiet for an AEG, but I think it needs a new hop rubber as the BBs just weren't really hopping very well, so the range was a bit poor. So why didn't I go back to the safe zone and grab my m40a5? Because I had no motivation to, basically. Worthing Airsoft at the moment is a pointless site to use anything with an MED at as there are only a few, very limited spots where you can actually use it. Furthermore, some of the spots that were fine now have twiggy bits in the way, which is wonderful for sending your shots off course, which isn't as much of a problem for semi or full auto guns as you can usually punch through, but single shot bolt actions? Not so much. Anyway, not much to really say. First game was a king of the hill style game over the Tower base; I took a flanking route and discovered the bottom of the site is currently unplayable. It took the entire game for me to fight my way through the foliage. When we flipped sides, I went to my normal spot and that's where I realised the m14 just wasn't firing well. The scope mount was slightly off so all my shots looked like they were going to the left, and the hop up wasn't working well so I was struggling to hit 50m. Combine that with the aforementioned twiggy bits and I had quite a few frustrating moments where I caught someone completely unawares only for my shots to either fall short or hit a twig and go to Narnia, giving them the opportunity to seek cover and get out of my line of sight. Anyway, now I have a few months of no gameplay, so I'm going to spend these game days on the range making sure my guns that need a bit of tweaking are sufficiently tweaked and also might put some DOPE cards together for my main bolt actions (KJW m40a5 and m700) and my DMRs (MWS and the MTW when I get it). It'd be nice to know reliably where to aim to hit targets out to 85m and beyond with a measure of accuracy. I did plink a little with the m40a5 today on the range and it was performing flawlessly as usual; hitting the 75m with pretty much every shot and even reaching to the 85m, but with less accuracy for sure; it's amazing how much difference that extra 10m makes.
    5 points
  47. Found on another forum , was originally getting it for my daughter but far to nice so added to the collection 😊
    5 points
  48. On one occasion, one of the other marshals was playing for the day and, armed with my MP5K, was prone on a track that led along one side of half of the site. He was picking off opposing players on the track who were certain that they were hitting him. I walked up to where he was and observed that their BBs were falling about 4m short of his position. I shouted to them confirming that they were not hitting him. They stated that they must be, so I called a ceasefire in that area, told one of them to go and stand next to him and then told the rest to try to shoot him. That finally convinced them that they were not ranging him. They had the grace to apologise.
    5 points
  49. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So it's getting there. Just need to find a way to replicate the correct paint type. And alter the bolt.
    5 points
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