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Lozart last won the day on September 12

Lozart had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
  • Loadouts
    A bunch. More chest rigs than can strictly be called "necessary".
  • Sites
    Red Alert, Newbury
    Ironsight, Andover
    Gunman Camp Bravo, Eversley
  • Gender
  • Location
    In your base, stealing all your kills

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  1. I don't have a 553, but given the locking lugs on them I'd suggest looking at G36 mag pouches.
  2. Love me some Tiger Stripe! Red Alert on Sunday.
  3. Yeah, he makes test equipment. https://www.waynekerrtest.com/index.php
  4. What size was your nozzle in the end?
  5. Have a look at the AXL adaptors if you want to mount placards https://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/axl-adaptive-vest-placard-avp-for-jpc--airlite-spc--molle-carriers-33314-p.asp You could also do a lot worse than Whisky Two Four for placards https://wtfidea.com/accessory-panels-placards/
  6. It's a shame to see any retailer go that's been around for as long as they have, but they chose to invest a hefty chunk in a new showroom at just the wrong time. Add to that the location not being cheap and airsoft being rather a luxury, the current economic climate was sure to have an effect sooner or later. To be perfectly honest I was more upset when ProAirsoft shut down.
  7. Great day at Red Alert yesterday. The threat of bad weather seems to have put a lot of people off but numbers were good enough for balanced teams and good gameplay! The rain didn't actually appear until around lunchtime then promptly buggered off just as we were going out for the first game of the afternoon. So that was nice.
  8. Airguns and airsoft are two completely different things. If you're after airguns, you're in the wrong place. The Umarex Legends M1A1 is an AIRGUN not an AIRSOFT gun.
  9. Like this?: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256421318840?_nkw=Viper+Tactical+Load+Bearing+Backpack+Vest&itmmeta=01J73Y55PZWDH77KTVECMWD4DV&hash=item3bb3e6d0b8:g:eGsAAOSwtHtl13BI&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABAHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkAyt4BPT0kDSoInMgQF0DxedSzwaEFUBT3Ac32R%2BAvVFN%2FhT2rJgYl7IESsUMD2FHC7IRNmUjz%2FBG3pGgMkx%2Fyl2IfsVEQ%2BwyYw9uic4ITjKddj9SmTYID1FSwmEk6zUoqYTDdtNJQqBF8Rsd1YVSTGGFX0hTO799tKy%2B3d%2FECSNz3SJCCuxrBQH4bUdz2uNfriFHc8Ur%2FylRKLJipnmISsCIAEPrUIvsaOJ9xINQ2JbgwGyi8ALGoZFK%2FEX7tSocDs4dzt7XGVsWV76N7q2we8yQFDjWugIkbp1te2xV4%2F%2BwgkjR8I%2B2y%2BIEasPKWnfc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8zblP64ZA
  10. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/226327344269?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D272472%2C271656%26meid%3D5c4ccb4155dc471ca85d9776ffb4a962%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D116316148389%26itm%3D226327344269%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSimVIDwebV3WithCPCExpansionCtrV3NoCoview&_trksid=p2332490.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A2263273442695c4ccb4155dc471ca85d9776ffb4a962|enc%3AAQAJAAABEBTAvoxiRE%2FPByyRAza1F6Dru47KLxMBKefZMZ3ZlC2ETXpgPJTyt9JJZBIEc4qq6qCZOLKqnSBAXQ%2B6f4CWqnFC%2BJPm5BAcCTy80RtmahS6TDQJqSfdBRnHtngdPB7XJrsW37ddF6svIDCz32nryI0dfRcu7DcQKdr5FpD0bEVEG95LyeIzjwj45fw5HhkmBCsqWBEocP%2BjelnKnXMPF2XwFQrskPkks%2FPZcdNJuVtbfHdJTe2OfFOg71LzCvGm8fJB92vXY5hfy09r1jYMvro2Wxdmx1wKToTleLOnjAh%2F7odjJsrZ9hqi2WtE4meWqsWgjQXZdHXicZq0hFpvHSqZtM6eOT63HdqVj%2Bh01D3G|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2332490&itmmeta=01J73Y30NC6YZ11MD94SYJH0Q8 or in Green https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276625767588?_nkw=Viper+Tactical+Load+Bearing+Backpack+Vest&itmmeta=01J73Y55PYKVYZGA0KF22Y4BAW&hash=item40682e3ca4:g:5I0AAOSwvPpm2DVE&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlgda%2FRSlxXBhjbPYQuNvgNXDNto9up1lCIuV4e0EMW%2FbaJ5cdEVb0jtndJvxAC%2FbnAXuDtho2e1SxObU7yASZsqEovs4KD91Y%2B2U7vcfMekpeeOP7E2n5JSE9c5vrMKjiwrdenUoSx4vbWcU0Y54RZNgaVsE%2BshfoI36WYXXEyr8oSJwugYWaIluUlr08gGwAl16Eq%2BpDx2g4EOeRt3tK9x9S6uDJz73LJtWPAbQmKqY8aesOdTMOeJGFcgrW7Uta1LAXPjywoigC36Z1kxnI2|tkp%3ABk9SR8rblP64ZA Also -
  11. Such is the law of the universe.
  12. Unless you line one or the other with something to absorb impacts, neither will stop you feeling it when you get shot in the head. Also - if you ever wear the baseball cap back to front I can GUARANTEE you, that you will get shot in the little D shaped gap where the adjuster is. Every. Damned. Time.
  13. I can measure mine at the weekend when I get it apart, but I know the JG gearbox uses a tappet plated marked "MP5" so it's entirely possible they use an MP5 length nozzle which would account for the difference in hop size.
  14. That's all the bits that ring alarm bells for me.
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