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  1. best days airsoft i ever had there were maybe 1 or 2 pews that didn't have airlines. even though i was on the dark side myself at the time i saw all those air lines and thought "well today is gonna be shit", but boy was i wrong about that. basically every usual gripe about airsoft proceeded to not happen the entire day and the closest thing to dickish behaviour (and i'm really stretching the definition here) was opting to fire one round somewhere it wouldn't hurt over risking a (non-mandatory at that site) bang kill. when the players aren't arseholes the gear they're using becomes irrelevant.
    7 points
  2. As a fellow grumpy old cnut, I'd be happy if gats were kept stock rof, or even better would be that they matched their real steel counterparts. I cringe when I'm on site & I hear gats running at a ridiculous rof, & usually take an instant personal dislike to their small dicked owners 😏
    6 points
  3. Nick G

    Acceptable rates of fire

    This is the absolute truth, unfortunatly when you get players who are and who are packing guns with insane ROF the day tends to down the toilet pretty rapidly. Not a fan of HPA personally but the high ROF issue doesn't just apply to them , plenty of aegs with stupidly high ROF too and all too often you get a knob using one .
    5 points
  4. I'm looking for a Ferrari SF90, new or used, but sadly i only have £348.87 and a packet of Hubba Bubba.
    5 points
  5. Hi folks Having had our last game of the year today, there was a good turn out of first time players using site rental guns (JG G36’s if it matters) There was the usual mixture of folks using aeg’s, snipers and some HPA players. now normally I’m a live & let live attitude kinda guy, but I did see a few of the new player heads go down after lunchtime in the last few games, had a quick chat with them and they commented on the significant difference between the site guns and some of the regulars aeg’s V the hpa players The hpa guns were easily having a ROF of circa 35-40 a second, and in the game areas where full auto was allowed due to engagement rules, they were simply suppressing the new players with their ROF & slightly aggressive play style. The site doesn’t (yet) have a ROF cap, but that may start next year I have to add , this is an outdoor woodland site, NOT an urban or CQB / indoor 1: is it fair to cap hpa players play style / ROF ? 2: What’s an acceptable ROF to allow “fair game play”? Answers on a postcard please to: Grumpy Old Man Wants to see the new player’s encouraged Not a one time player never to be seen again street 👍
    4 points
  6. Monkman

    Acceptable rates of fire

    HPA user here... personally I love to use semi and only use Full auto when someone deserves it (Not hit taking) - I can adjust the ROF on mine to Wanker level...but why? All your doing as advertising that you a cunt and there is no need. One lad on our site who plays every now and again sets his up to fire at a billion rps...and everyone thinks he's a knob. Marshalls informed and aware and chrono'd to right limits...but still a wanker for running something that fast and overshooting peeps as well. (He's young and I think trying to show off to his mates with his setup all the time) I always wary of peeps on the site, even more so for rentals & new players..we need more peeps coming into Airsoft, not driving them away by shooting the crap out of them with silly ROF setups. **Btw using HPA as an example...seen plenty of peeps with DSG builds and high ROF builds being dicks as well... But it's airsoft..and people are people.... Merry Xmas everyone.
    4 points
  7. Exactly. Highly unfair to have a pop at someone who would have struggled to overshoot anyone even if they had tried. Seeing the kit someone uses and making assumptions is daft.
    4 points
  8. Bang on. Its the players which make or break the dayon a site and if anyone is acting like a like a prick with an extreme rate of fire it should be the marshals who have a word and make it known that they need to curb it or leave.
    4 points
  9. We call them wanker guns for a reason. Anything over 20rps and you're playing a different game from the rest of us, whether you get there via HPA, DSG or a 40-Mike.
    4 points
  10. tbh, i don't think even that works out for a sufficiently determined arse.
    3 points
  11. Decent human being + low ROF gun = ✔️ Decent human being + high ROF gun = ✔️ Nobber + low ROF gun = ✔️ Nobber + high ROF gun = ❌ They shamble among us. Yesterday was a constant litany of "No full auto into the buildings!", over and over and over. Some people just can't be told, and sites aren't going to kick them out, no matter how often they threaten to do so. I'd rather that temptation was never put in their paws in the first place.
    3 points
  12. I don't, it's just another grift. Remember the lad on Facebook who begged his way to a bunch of RIFs then started posting some very ill advised pictures and videos. You don't value what you haven't earned.
    3 points
  13. BigStew

    Acceptable rates of fire

    High ROF is not the issue ( i don't see the point you can still suppress with low ROF and save ammo) but the player them selves as only one person is having fun when some one gets lit up with 60rd and the person having fun is an arsehole. site I play at doesn't have rof restrictions, but if you're spamming people words will be had.
    3 points
  14. My local site is pretty dense woodland has a 25rps limit. I think it's very fair, and kind of frightening to be on the end of. If you can't hit someone with 25rps, you may need to see a doctor for your Parkinson's
    3 points
  15. I’m happy running my stock TM Ak recoil (clunky & noisy thing) with 80 rnd mags and my gbbr with 40 rnd mags Neither of which get to the mid teens with their ROF Going to discuss further with Marshall’s & Site Owner in the new year But a quick chat about it in the afternoon there was nodding heads with circa 20 rps being fast enough A site not to far from us is running Semi Auto Sundays, I like the sound of that! But gimme some feedback, what’s a happy limit for safety & encouragement?
    3 points
  16. Basically all my builds are around the 25 RPS mark. The one gun I have that's around 50rps is a stubby M4 pistol that can't hit the broad side of a barn. It's hilarious fun and inaccurate enough that generally don't get overshot. It'd be a shame if I wasn't able to use it as it's hysterical. That said most guns don't need to be that high and those that do it in regular guns either need to get better or stop being dicks.
    2 points
  17. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Fixed those for ya 😜
    2 points
  18. Albiscuit

    TM MP7 Opinions

    As nick said its more about how you approach the game rather than if it will work for you. With loads of different guns to choose from we often get caught up in the which da best gnu topics and chats buts its all down to play-style. Yeah limited ammo, heavy mags etc, but man an MP7 is fun to use. Range is also one of those topics which is divisive, its not a sniper rifle, but if you find yourself out ranged then be more sneaky and get closer. I run a mixture of either MP7 or MP9 with 6 mags, or an aeg with a drum mag generally. Depends on how im feeling, sneaky or speedy really. Some game days I will play the AEG in the morning and the gas gun after lunch if I cant be bothered to leg it around everywhere.
    2 points
  19. Nick G

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Anything over say 30 rps could be limited to real cap mags only , that would encourage more use of semi and just short bursts of auto. Mag changes would slow things down if anyone wants to go full wanker mode.
    2 points
  20. lokkers

    THE TM MWS thread

    That's pretty normal with a gas gun - as the gas expands it cools the gun and magazine rapidly, which has a negative effect on power. You really only want to use the gun on semi, or very short bursts (as you would a real firearm).
    2 points
  21. So I can confirm that the Emerson holster works a treat, even more so with a one point sling with QD also! This is with a x3 + Sparc + mag! Ordered on eBay came from China in about 10 days surpringly I added a picatinny QD offset mount for the one point sling I added meaning one press of the QD buckle and I’ve instant access to the Galaxy. Now I’m able to throw the rif to the rear with an Emerson 2 point sling and switch to the MP5K in a matter of seconds. There are also two straps with the holster I can thread through the trigger area but you can get away with just the one point sling which is perfect! The other use of the one point is to act as lanyard but also at a push just let the mp5 go and transition to the rif. If I know I’m moving for a while I put one of the straps on for good measure, is also holds a MP5 mag which is very useful, when it’s on I barely feel it. There’s also quick a thick non slip thigh strap too which is solid. It also also strong Velcro straps in the perfect position and fits into a combat belt perfectly. I also had the strike system but taking that back as its cumbersome and it hangs too low down, it’s hard to get it higher and seemed to hit my knees. It might be possible to adjust it more but there are some holding covers that get in the way.
    2 points
  22. Ooo nah Bally and cable ties. Straight in the back of the van.
    2 points
  23. Literally 30 seconds ago, I bought an EU17 Gen4 to go partner with the one my son uses, mainly so I can get to use the pair of tracers I just bought. I bought it as my Christmas gift as I know like for the 15th year in a row that I won't get what I asked for yet I get what is asked of me... long story but easier to accept that its the defacto in my life, never getting what I want unless I specifically buy it myself for me... Sad I know but I am pretty sure that there are plenty of guys who would appreciate a RIF or Grenade pack or a new Mollie or similar but no... we get SOCKS AND FRIGGING CHEAP SLIPPERS FROM JOHNATHAN JAMES, cuz thats all we're worth... subliminal messaging on a consumer level platform... new take on hidden feminisim there... So I managed to bag a cheap pistol, EU17 Gen4 just liek the one I got my son as I know that the tracers I bought work with that piece without me having to check if the piece has screw threads of the internal or external variety... The Acetech Brighter C tracers came with the 14 to 11mm so I am able to swap them on the AEG's if these work out better as they appear to pack a bigger punch than the other set I got for the as the BB's come out glowing more brighter. I got the EU17 here https://msrairsoft.com/products/we-eu17 and the Brighter C's here https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08P47TFCC You can guess what I will be doing on Christmas Day...
    2 points
  24. Sorry for laughing @TheNotoriousLoki , but I seriously do know what you mean mate. I swore really badly in front of a bunch of kids, much to my shame. The marshal laughed off my apology, saying that under the circumstances he quite understood! These all seem to come out of the same factory. I get a pair of the cheapest that E-Bay comes up with every few years, not that the inners have much meat left.
    2 points
  25. i have in the past dabbled with the brrrt side of things and tbh whilst you can punch through undergrowth that a slower rof couldn't, it's otherwise of limited utility, certainly if it's being acheived at the expense of accuracy. it wasn't long at all before i was voluntarily dialing it back because it was difficult to not send more than the necessary amount of plastic downrange. generally the figure that i've heard most sites implementing is 30rps, which tbh could still be argued to be on the fast side, and as long as it's applied equally (as in any gun is limited not just hpa) then i don't see it as a particularly unfair rule. with that said, folks can still be a dick and overshoot with a lower rate of fire, it just takes longer.
    2 points
  26. Today was my first ever game of airsoft, it is safe to say I’m hooked. already looking to book again between Christmas and new year at the same site (Bristol Airsoft). It’s a shame the site is closing soon tho but hopefully be able to get my UKARA before it does. Need to make sure I take gloves with me next time as my left hand (my lead hand) got shot so many times. Also eventually I would like a torch for the dark sections and a tracer unit but no rush as want to get used to my gun before buying attachments.
    2 points
  27. I've just come back from a game where there were a few HPA gunners. I think they were all running mid cap mags so no real problem with the total amount of BB's flying around but it's noticeable there's some (good natured) chuntering in the ranks if/when they all end up on one team because it instantly throws out any balance. And judging by the line of bee stings running up my thigh from a burst I took at 10+ metres, I don't think the regulators are left untouched after the chrono in the morning. That did piss me off
    2 points
  28. He can stay the fuck away from my house this Christmas 😂
    2 points
  29. Like all sports it’s evolving to the most exaggerated version. as an ex hpa user there’s no doubt that if you value low gearbox stress high rof, with near silence over 10m semi auto then nothing comes close. if you just value hosing/winning then Hpa is for you. i sold my hpa rig as truth be known it’s more fun using low cap gbb’S and noisy rattle ngrs. when I found myself grabbing my cyma galil over my hpa I knew I was done with it. i’d ban them now as I don’t think they help the sport and tend to bring out the worst in players
    2 points
  30. Obviously from this sad history you can understand why he wouldn’t want to sell it BUT if he needs the cash then really he’s not doing himself any favours by overpricing it so it won’t sell ?
    2 points
  31. Police knocked on my door this evening. 'Where were you between four and six?' they asked. 'Primary school,' I promptly answered. Seriously, what a waste of public money!
    1 point
  32. Dratsab

    Old hand new member

    Hey everyone Just dropping a post in here to say hello! Started Airsofting many moons ago was pretty active on the ASCUK boards back in the day. Then I got married and ended up drifting away from the sport for a while (10 years!) My kit has been gathering dust up in the loft for all those years. Recently a friend of mine has got the bug pretty bad, as a result I'm now fully back involved. Used to do a bit of teching back in the day a lot has changed but a lot hasn't just recently finished bringing my old M4 back from the dead (one of the reasons I stopped) now she purrs like a kitten with all new internals and a shiny new Titan MOSFET (what a great bit of kit they are!) Looking forward to getting stuck right back in again. I forgot just how much I love this sport. Great way to keep fit as well the 10 years off haven't been kind to my physique! Running round like a nutter in the woods will make short work of that I have no doubt! Anyway it's good to be back look forward to seeing some of you on the field!
    1 point
  33. My builds are about 22-27rps But that's mostly because I quite like them set up like that for stupidly quick trigger response when I'm playing CQB It's always the M4 pistols, isn't it 😂
    1 point
  34. Yeah, best with black. A better base to work with IMO. To my eyes tan looks bogging on anything apart from an M4 or a 1911.
    1 point
  35. @Dratsab a guy in the US sells a basic spring tester that uses a luggage scale, it works but isn't hugely reliable. A real spring tester that will measure the N/mm costs a couple hundred quid. Length, coil number and wire thickness are a good way of estimating, of course different brands are based on different markets where they play with different FPS so there's no standard measuring scale. The closest you can get is having someone measure the Newton force at the stage in which it's released in the gearbox. I've spent a fortune getting a spring factory to working this out, send me samples so I can test etc...Hopefully have some new M100 samples arriving next couple of weeks although with the higher powers.
    1 point
  36. I've got one of these. Seems accurate but yeah, didn't bother with the mounting tubes and have shot the hell out of it. Whoops.
    1 point
  37. Nick G

    TM MP7 Opinions

    GBBRs demand a certain style of play. Much more measured, much more precise, none of this spray and pray rubbish. Except for 2 indevidual games I've only used GBBRs this year and have never been out gunned . Range is easily as good as an aeg. With my L119 I run 5 mags and a speed loader , I get 2 and a bit BBloads to a gas fill so I've got about 1 hi cap's worth of ammo. You have to plan your shots but it's so much more satisfying. I also have the Umarex GBB MP7 as does a mate and it's perfectly capable of being used as a primary at our local woodland site . 5 Mags between us so we just use each others mags to top up. 40 rounds is heaven after the 30 round Stanags !
    1 point
  38. It's definitely not g&g as this one uses a v3 gearbox and is standard parts whereas the g&g build has proprietary parts. Well that's how I understand it anyway. Negative Airsoft did a service on one and he started he preferred it to the g&g version. Annoyingly I can't find the particular video or I'd link it here. Not sure whether it's actually made by Cyma or JG. It's £175/£180 everywhere. I know that's probably a bit steep, but sod it, I can either have it now or not at all, so have to make a rapid decision. I'll buy it from JD Airsoft as I'll take up their bargain bio bb offer at the same time, making the £10 p&p that bit easier to swallow. Edit: JD Airsoft did a good job with a quick reply to my battery query, they think a 1450mAH stick will fit in there, which I guess refers to this https://jdairsoft.net/np-11-1v-1450mah-single-lipo-battery-deans9 A bit surprised if they're suggesting an 11.1v but there you go. Anyway I ought to be ok with my Titan 7.4v. Result! Edit2: Haha, I should have read the JD airsoft description! The F2000 rifle is without a doubt one of the most difficult to get hold of airsoft guns on the market, to the point that this model, previously manufactured by G&G, is long discontinued. So now we have a completely different model, manufactured by CYMA and about £150 cheaper than G&G's version. An ABS composite injection moulded exterior bristling with aluminium, alloy and steel parts. Efficient on the field and for CQB. This is the new version of the FN2000 built by CYMA for Cybergun and features the new V.3 metal gearbox, metal spring guide and high torque motor. Comes with high capacity magazine 470 rounds & manual. No battery or charger included.
    1 point
  39. mickyboy

    ASG Ruger MK1

    Cheers buddy, just putting my order in today, stay safe and have good Xmas.
    1 point
  40. The worst thing is I already had some gloves but left them at home like an idiot. Oh I swore too, no kids today so was okay but the Marshall did laugh then said sorry for laughing. He said it’s the quickest way to learn to remember your gloves.
    1 point
  41. Yeah, same. It lets me go off and be annoying, picking people off at range and then repositioning to leave them questioning if I'm still there or not. Having the whole site in play really opens up my style of gameplay. I mean... with how you were dressed up today, I'd be shocked if you appeared next to me too 🤣
    1 point
  42. What a way to round out the year. I donned the tinsel ghillie once again and went around sniping people with the HPA VSR. Had some really heart-pounding adrenaline fuelled moments of people walking right past me and me lying completely still and hoping they don't spot the shiny tinsel, which they surprisingly didn't! I was really enjoying my invisibility and got some really nice shots as the VSR was firing amazingly well and there was very little wind. Games were pretty close too, with one team winning a narrow victory in the morning, then our team came back strong in the afternoon. Took my newly repaired mk23 out too, since the return spring pinged out at AI500 when it fell out of the holster and it performed like a dream with a new one in. So happy to use it while I heard GBBs really struggling with the temperature, and it's a lot more silent than the mp7 aep (though the mp7 does have a fun switch!). Downside is the lended out my m21 to a friend and it jammed, so I'm going to need to sort that. Wasn't his fault, it's a thing that happens sometimes and I think I'm going to need to tape some card just under the back of the hop unit, as there's a little gap that sometimes BBs roll backwards into in between the nozzle returning to position if you're firing uphill, jamming the nozzle and therefore jamming the HPA engine open so it vents loads of air. I'll do that at some point over the next two weeks...
    1 point
  43. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Now here's a question for all you psychics and mediums out there! Regards
    1 point
  44. Update, Note: this has has a zci inner barrel, maple leaf macaron (330fps version) and omega nub installed. Now that I've used this for 5 games since last posted I can give an update on the performance. Accuracy: Semi = very consistent Auto/3 burst = terrible Range: Semi = 50 - 60m Auto/3 burst = 50-60m Reliability : Never had a single issue. So far it has been impressive on this point. Feeding: G&G 90rnd = 100% every time. Battleaxe 150rnd= only the last 3-6 won't feed. Overall : Apart from the full auto inaccurate shots I can't fault it. I have toyed with the idea of changing the mosfet to to perin and installing a different trigger for less pull but for now I am leaving it as is. Thank you to you all (afuk forum members) who helped answer my questions and give great advice parts for this. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
    1 point
  45. I was about to pop a case of cloudy cider into my trolley this evening. I thought I'd treat myself for Crimbo. I then remembered the weight adding properties of the stuff, and that any added belly fat would mean that my winter Russian loadout would be too tight. Can't decide whether I should be proud of the self control, or saddened by the reach of my obsession with running about with toy pews at my bloody age... Enjoying an isotonic sports scotch in consolation.
    1 point
  46. Given the way inflation is heading, even buying airsoft RIFs may be better than having cash in the bank or under the bed. At least that's what I'm intending to tell Mrs Borg.
    1 point
  47. I'm with you there. I picked up a TM AKM (although I only have 1 mag because they're out of stock everywhere!) and since firing it on the range I've also decided to just stop using AEGs altogether. HPA and non-blowback gas guns are better for stealth, while GBBs (both pistols and rifles) are just way more fun than their electrical counterparts. I can't go back to AEGs after firing my AKM on the range!
    1 point
  48. Loads will tell you to get a TM MWS, but I will say that my WE based L119 and WE L85 are both excellent performers , the 119 has been used at every game day I've played this year running on red gas and even last time out the gun held up to the cold better than I did. WE G36 is a good platform I just dont seem to take mine out very often.
    1 point
  49. ive got a set of the Revision ones as well as the ESS ones, Rev are a lower profile but both tbh work the same. Everybody is different and what will work for me may not for you and vice versa. I use the fans on low most of the time and wipe with fog dx wipes, it helps but there is still some build up from time to time, also used abbey spray but not as effective, others have better experiences with it. Also a pair of each with foam removed....cheap off the forum and credit card at 0% From memory, the Smiths ones i thought werent made any more as i looked to get a set when prices were more reasonable, now they are almost 25%+ more and they couldnt be ordered in be careful of the FMA type ones, cheaper but lenes are not as good, there are videos on youtube....this was a few years back and they may be thicker now im lazy though and done have the time or skill to make my own...if someone did....😉
    1 point
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