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RostokMcSpoons last won the day on December 15 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    VFC HK416, DE M906C, Tippmann HPA, AUG HC, G&G G36, Scarab, M14, F2000, S552, AK47S, M16, TM 5.1 DOR
  • Loadouts
    MTP or S95 DPM + assorted webbing
  • Sites
    SpecialOps @ Milton Keynes
  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton Keynes

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  1. In my limited experience of cqb, accuracy counts for a lot. People are carefully peeking corners (if they're not jumping from one bit of cover to another) so being able to hit a < 6" square area at 15m is what you want to do, repeatedly and often. Or just have fun blasting away with a tracer on your gbb, the choice is yours. (Buying my tracer unit was a big improvement in the experience, because blasting away with no knowledge of where the bb's are going in the dimly lit interior was not so great)
  2. My favourite gun to shoot is my vfc 416 GBBR. My favourite gun to shoot people is my DE 906 AEG So it depends what mood or situation I'm in. If my team is struggling and I need to nail the enemy with accurate weight of fire, the aeg wins every time. But the more 'snipey' and realistic feel of the GBBR is sooooo satisfying. I've just invested in an airtac hpa adapter to see if I can find myself in a good middle ground.
  3. Hi ho, you going quiet has coincided with me being on hiatus on medical advice... Which I've now decided to ignore. So hopefully see you on the battlefield at Spec Ops soon 😎. I might be going Sunday morning. Depends on whether I'm still alive, my wife might notice a guitar getting delivered on Saturday, and then.... 💩💩💩
  4. Totally freaked out by the feet, tbqh
  5. Hiya! Yeah, I've had much the same sort of issue, my latest gat shoots quite a bit higher than my aiming point at the moment. What sort of range are you zeroing at? How much hop have you got on? Do bear in mind that our toys have different ballistic properties to normal guns - enough hop dialed in, and the BB will lift quite a bit compared to a normal trajectory. You might find the vertical zero is fine at 30-40m, but quite off at 10-15m, unless you take some of the hop off. Or indeed vice-versa, if you're shooting lower than the aiming point, it might just be a lack of hop.
  6. I was up in my attic a couple of weeks ago. Stiflingly hot... I was more worried about the high humidity. Most of my guns are stored in padded bags or the original styrofoam boxes, but there are a couple that aren't. Should I be worried about them?
  7. My G&G feels very, very nice but it uses non standard mags for its differently-placed feed tube. So no M4 mag adapter.
  8. As an avid DE falconfire enjoyer myself I was amiss to find out that it was playing up on today's gameday - I assumed it was the rain causing issues as it always does with mosfets but after getting home it's doing the dreaded beep-beep and the only mention I could find online was your thread/post from a few years ago:

    Am I fucked? I only just about got this thing shooting nice too 😢


    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Hi @pyromancer6
      Sorry, I used to live on these forums, but now I'm not playing (due to knee issues) and I've been busy with work, I'm rarely here.
      Your video - I don't get it - it looks/sounds great to me... is that the 'before'?

      If it's beeping and won't fire again, then the Falcon has fallen to earth :(   I can't remember the beep pattern of mine, but it matched what was in the manual as an 'error' indicator.

      Tricky to source a new one, DE themselves weren't interested in helping, which was very disappointing, hence my delight at finding someone selling a couple here.   And buying a whole donor gun.

      Good luck!


    2. pyromancer6


      Nah, it's the after - it's firing bursts on semi and on auto it lets off like 4-7 rounds and does a double beep which is a 'module error' according to DE - the only mention online I could find was your old thread which is why I shot a message 😅, appreciate the info!

  9. Do be very careful not to spill any brake fluid on that blue paint, it might spoil the finish Edit: unintentionally correct advice 😌🥴😅
  10. As mentioned in the 'What Have You Just Bought' thread, I've picked up one of these bad boys for a bit of a song from Action Hobbies' boneyard. Had to stick a barrel extension on it for a more SLR feel, and an old red-dot 1.5X sight cos it suits the aesthetic, and bingo, it's close to the classic battle rifle look I really love. I was expecting a polymer receiver, so was delighted to find this has a metal upper. It seems to have been upgraded - the rate of fire with a 7.4v is great. The advert talked of a Gate Aster inside. It seems that's true, I watched a video and it follows the expected Gate Aster behaviour from the trigger programming. I think it has a longer inner barrel too, its poking into the flash hider when in normal carbine configuration. Accuracy seems merely 'ok', but I've only chucked 0.20's down the garden for 15m so far. Might need a fresh hop rubber. But of course, it was boneyard for a reason. It seems to have been upgraded, but there is an issue with the single shot function where it doesn't always fire. You can hear the gearbox cycle but I suspect it's not getting all the way back to the point of release. Next trigger pull releases the pre-cocked spring. I've tried changing the Active Braking from 'auto' to 'off', but that didn't seem to make any difference. Any ideas on things what could be wrong? Breaking open the gearbox will be a last resort, given I don't seem to have much luck with the darned things, but damnit this gun is a lovely bit of kit and I'll want to run it a lot if I can get it fettled. Oh yeah, a handy hint for anyone averse to reading instructions before playing with their new toy - the screw in the buttplate is fake - don't expend masses of effort trying to undo it And be complaining about cheesing the screw head when it's made of plastic The butt plate slides straight down and off to reveal the battery compartment!
  11. Yeah they're Brazi's foremost airsoft manufacturer I believe, for what that's worth They have some quite nice looking AR's which had reasonably good reviews on that there YouTube, so they're a tempting value proposition, but really there's not enough evidence here of their reliability and outright performance to really make a definitive call either way.
  12. I have a Rossi sniper rifle (TM clone) and I like it. But sniper rifles != electric gnus, so not much help really. (And I'm hardly a sniper, just a dabbler)
  13. Sorry (Not sorry ;)) And just to taunt you a tiny bit further, it does look really cool with a barrel extension on it, to make it more SLR'y. I stuck my Acetech Blaster C tracer on the end of that, lobbed an 11.1v battery in, and even with non-tracer ammo it made a very pretty light show in the dark, with an insane rate of fire. I can see why AH said to use a 7.4v, the battery got warm after just a few bursts. I've no idea how long this thing will hold together, and whether it's actually any good past 15m, but so far it's been fun!
  14. Well, just cos I'm not supposed to do any exercise while my knee(s) get sorted, doesn't mean I can't exercise my digits and purchase some airsoft kit, does it? So I've snaffled a couple of good things from the Action Hobbies boneyard... a large hard case for the princely sum of £12 (it's a bit tired and shabby, but it'll still do the job), and something I've wanted for a while.... an SLR! Well, a FAL. Well, a FAL carbine. But it's still a thing of beauty all the same 😍 A JG 3000 SA/LK 58 with 4 (count 'em) hi-cap mags. And it's been upgraded... a high rate-of-fire compared to my other JG guns, even on a 7.4v. It's allegedly got a Gate Aster hidden inside. But.. yeah, it's a boneyard gun - so it's not perfect - 2 of the hi-cap mags seem a bit buggered so they'll be conjoined into a single working (hopefully), and more importantly the single shot mode is a bit iffy. It's usually fine, but every now and again it won't fully cycle. Still shoots on the next trigger pull. Maybe the Aster wasn't quite set up properly? I'll set up a new thread for tech advice on that. In the meantime I just love the heft of this (metal receiver), and the look of it of course
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