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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/21 in all areas

  1. Gonz.

    Airsoft Dad

    Hi, been lurking for a while so thought I'd sign up. My 11 year old son has been Airsofting a few months and I bought him a AEG from my nephew who changed his mind after buying it and decided to get a GBBR instead. It's a Nuprol Delta Sopmod, which I know has many detractors, but it shoots really well and I enjoy fixing and upgrading stuff. I'll probably get him a second AEG and have one as a backup and something to tinker with. I also got him a Cyma CM030 Glock AEP for plinking a couple of years ago when he was too young to go skirmishing. I've been involved in all kinds of RC stuff for 35+ years including cars (used to race 1/8th scale buggys), heli's and FPV racing drones. I'm even thinking I could put some of my RC skills to good use helping my son with aerial drone reconnaissance or ground reconnaissance with an FPV setup on an RC car doubling up as a grenade delivery system ๐Ÿ™‚ Will be seeing y'all around.
    3 points
  2. So the Modify barrel gave me an extra 25fps, sorted!
    3 points
  3. Whatโ€™s the difference between a Chickpea and a Lentle I wouldnโ€™t pay ยฃ50 for a Lentle on my chest
    3 points
  4. So as the title says I have decided to finally put out a review on the relatively new infinity system for PTW and will detail my experience from fitting to using it, this will be a long read so please grab your preferred beverage. My aim is to educate anyone thinking of buying one of my experience with the infinity and the niggles i encountered while fitting it and during its use. To begin I bought the unit through my local retailer High pressure airsoft to the tune of ยฃ1250 and they ordered it from RWA group for me when the units first came in stock, it arrived around 2 weeks later. Upon receipt I attempted to see if my unit was an updated one with the self learning feature properly installed but I couldn't get my hands on a t3 torx driver so i made the decision to wing it and see if it had it when I built it (fortunately it did have self learning installed so it didn't have to go back to the land of the rising sun). Dropping the infinity into my max2 donor ptw was a pretty simple task and i encountered no problems putting the gearbox into the lower. I elected to change the cylinder head from the infinity one with my original cylinder head so i could continue to use my wonderful hop setup consisting of a systema chamber, orga flat hop roller and a pdi 6.04 264mm barrel. Upon sliding in my cylinder and pulling the trigger i was met with a faint click though, so i opened the upper and found that the significantly larger sun gear on the infinity was interfering with a small portion of material on the inside of the upper, so a quick grinding sesh with the dremmel and we were in business. With the supplied m130 cylinder the gun was punching 0.28g bbs out at a tasty 310 fps ๐Ÿ˜… A little too tasty, so i opened the cylinder set up and took a coil or two off the spring until the gun was achieving a consistent 280 fps on a 0.28g bb. This allows me plenty of room to account for any chrono inaccuracies and to generally not have to ever worry about chrono. I smashed 8 mags through it at hpas range and every shot was an absolute dream to fire, exceptionally fast response, comparable only to a hpa gun, surprisingly quiet, the gun hardly makes any noise minus the piston hitting the piston head. Full auto is a steady 800 rpm, same as a real m4a1, so not too speedy, just right. My first game with the infinity was at Humber airsoft club and it did not disappoint, range was unchanged from the full stroke legacy system, the improved trigger response and speed of follow up shots was definitely a game changer when it came to closer engagements where being the first to fire wins the engagement. over the course of the day i encountered only one feed jam due to a chopped bb inserting itself in a strange manner in the hop unit and the rest of the day was niggle free....right until i dumped all my remaining mags at the end of the day, when the infinity began failing to feed and then ground to a halt with its faint clicking again and the upper receiver was slightly pushed up, making it a proper c*nt to push the rear pin. Upon returning to my workshop i found that the piston was very very slightly warped at the back which was resulting in an odd pickup angle and the dsg wasn't having any of it and was failing to pick the piston up. To remedy this issue I installed a new Systema piston with the infinity rack with was in good serviceable condition and that fixed it completely. After fixing the piston i can gladly report I am now about 8 skirmish days and 1 milsim in and i have not had a single failure bar my magazines which I have sadly neglected on occasion ๐Ÿ˜… The gun continues to impress me every time i pick it up and it's very rare I put it down. The technology inside the infinity to me represents a great leap into simplifying the gear train
    2 points
  5. Gonz.

    Airsoft Dad

    Thank you for the welcome. It's great to hear how many people are spending quality time with their kids through airsoft. I haven't ventured into a game yet, but I will give it a go once we get another gun. I do fear I will present a large and slow target though! I enjoy the tinkering mainly and it's an opportunity to teach my son a bit. I've already started teaching him how to solder, which is essential if you are into any of a number of hobbies.
    2 points
  6. Anyone see on the news (BBC in this case). The part where they showed a market stall selling โ€˜militaryโ€™ items in Afghanistan, most shopping were Taliban fighters, hoping for Real Steel American parts, sadly they were Chinese clonesโ€ฆ. Most I guess similar to what we use at the weekends ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    2 points
  7. Whilst there may not have been any verified reports of strobes causing epileptic fits, I'd rather not be the cause of the first
    2 points
  8. I love the idea of the infinity system, and may the Airsoft Gods bless you for adopting it early, but I reckon I'll wait for CYMA to clone the hell out of it.
    2 points
  9. I thought that some of the cheaper option's power claims would probably be suspect. I not really after strobe mode due not wanting to possibly cause epileptic fits In that case 3000 lumens is probably a bit OTT Thanks, I'll have a look at that
    2 points
  10. Valkyrie Olight PL2 is probably the answer lol
    2 points
  11. AAP01 hpa adapter. The plastic leaked like a shiv so it got a few coats of cerakote.
    2 points
  12. Email should be better because customers and businesses need a record of conversations and agreements.
    2 points
  13. Because in this day and age a lot of people donโ€™t like confrontation, Iโ€™ve learnt this over the years in business that indeed you need to talk to people, but for some this is a difficult skill set. Information is everything, and if you are not certain you are right, or if you even know your rights regardless it makes it very hard to have the confidence to have a direct conversation โ€˜on the spotโ€™. Mail has always allowed people the opportunity for a considered enquiry/answer.
    2 points
  14. Itโ€™s the JG version , bought it before all this Brexit bollocks kicked in and compared to todayโ€™s prices it was a steal. So glad I did at the time ๐Ÿ‘
    2 points
  15. JamesWills

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    With MP5's now starting to be delivered into the UK I thought it would be good to start of thread of people who have got or are wanting to buy the Tokyo Marui MP5 NGRS. Something I saw on Facebook today was that RS handguards fit perfect onto the gun without any modification. RS stocks however will not fit however without modification. Below is a link to the Facebook post for people wanting more information https://www.facebook.com/groups/TMInfoGroup/permalink/1218857961950989/
    1 point
  16. Hi All, It is a risky and very long shot, but why not. 2 years ago I've made a box with multiple game modes, sold couple of them. I've came up with the whole design and functionality and very smart 15y/o boy programmed it for me. Tried to learn programming myself and I know it is not difficult, but it is just not for me... I was paying for programming and ended up dropping everything... 2 years after I've decided to carry on with my dream and ideas So looking for someone in UK who would want to be a programmer/designer/partner in creating Airsoft/Paintball props We both would buy all parts separate and test them together Can't promisse any money at start, but we would share agreed percentage on the finished products Project examples: Bomb with remote controls for diffusing / detonating Balance box transportation Wireless automatization using Baofeng radios Death zone automated player register / timer And so on...
    1 point
  17. How did it go? I am still processing the games or rather my interactions with the games so i will leave that out for now but as to kit.... The social aspect of sharing camp space was great, there was plenty of for all and chat and banter came easy. Carrying this lot was a pain but not unfeasable it was really only between trains and platforms. There was a (short lived plan to walk to the site from the train station but thankfuly i got a lift. sleep system - needs tweaking - the hammock and tarp went up really easily with the exception of needing extra loops for the hammocks to attach to. So that will be the long ones that i ordered in june and simply didn't appear so had to order alturnites, which are much shorter. nevermind there was spare rope. Now to make you all laugh, i fell out. i landed like a sack of spuds being rejected from the harvest. rolled all the way over and thud. I also need to plan a bit better when it comes to set up as i managed to have opening for sleeping bag on the opposite side to the opening of hammock. But over all slept well. Cooking - need to invest in a burner as i borrowed for the weekend. so the plan was to make a couple of high veg count super noodle numbers and supliment with breakfast bars, nuts and biltong and that was mostly the case for the Saturday. Sunday was only breakfast and biltong due to how the day played out. As a whole on the next weeekender there are likely thing that i will not pack and i think a larger backpack; to allow for more compartmentalised packing.
    1 point
  18. That's very interesting. I guess it's not that surprising that most BBs perform about the same, as from what I've seen with my testing they tend to have similar size ranges/variation & as they mentioned in the video many brands are probably made in the same factory anyway! It would also be interesting to see how various BBs perform after being fully loaded into midcap mags (especially ones with particularly strong springs like the EPM1s) as some BBs are much softer than others and could end up being deformed & suffer reduced performance as a result. The results for the Ares BBs are a little surprising as the ones I got were unimpressive, with the bag I got containing a bunch of badly deformed BBs (and the ones that looked ok didn't seem all that special either). Although the ones I looked at were the 0.25g version & it wouldn't surprise me if some weights are just more consistent/better made than others for whatever reason, as I've seen with other brands. It's also possible that I just got some from a bad batch but then I would've thought that any that were so visibly dodgy as the ones I found would've been picked up by QC, especially with them being visible through the packaging... It's a shame they didn't test any BioSphere BBs as those are the closest to perfect BBs I've found so far in terms of size & roundness, but every one I broke apart had an air bubble; it would be interesting to see how much of an effect that has on their performance. I'll definitely have to take a look at the 6mm Ammo BBs though, those sound very promising.
    1 point
  19. EDcase

    Airsoft Dad

    Welcome Gonz Yeah I got into airsoft for something to share with my son when he was 14. He's 16 now and has two GBBRs, an AEG and a couple of pistols as well as several outfits. Sure is lots of fun for all the family ๐Ÿ˜„
    1 point
  20. Op i will say the same thing I say to every noobie that joins and asks this question. Don't spray it in-front of a cop and don't be a cunt with it after you spray it. Follow those simple rules and not one person or site in the UK is going to give a shit. Not even a part shit. Nay even a nugget of a shit.
    1 point
  21. JamesWills

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Just seen on Facebook that someone has created an SD6 and I think it belongs to @SonnyMP5 I will let him share the photos ๐Ÿคฉ
    1 point
  22. Shamal

    Airsoft Dad

    My son is interested but reluctant to start as he tends to go the whole hog into all his hobbies and he know it would cost him plenty lol. His main hobby is astrophotography and he has spent thousands on kit. Even nasa has asked to borrow it lol. My targets are 30 to 50mtrs his targets are 30 to 50 light years! It's a shame but next best thing is my grandson. I've got him and his mate hooked and we have played a few games together now๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  23. "Can't promisse any money at start, but we would share agreed percentage on the finished products" I really think you need to rework your business plan before you take someone on board to make stuff for you. If I was a candidate, that kind of phrase would make me run away faster than a speeding bullet. IMO, it's either you pay them upfront for their work or it's nothing. Because, as you said, it's risky and you've not shown that there is market potential for these kinds of products. So if you do happen to take on some talented person on an agreed percentage, and the business flops, that talented individual has worked hard and wasted much of his time for diddly squat. After all, it is your dream, not theirs. For most airsoft/robotics projects, python should be adequate and there are a lot of free learning resources out there.
    1 point
  24. Lozart

    How bright is too bright?

    Horses for courses - part of the purpose of proper tactical lights is to dazzle your target hence they go into the 1000's of lumens. Navigation lighting is usually more subtle so you can see where you're going without (completely) giving away your position. So if you want to see where you're going but not crisp up vegetation or strip paint at 100m then get something in the 200-600 range. If you want to be "that guy" then go big or go home. Preferably with a strobe.
    1 point
  25. If they're aware of it. A dark, cluttered CQB environment with pieces of hard plastic whizzing around is a poor place to find out. The Depot used to ask if anyone was epileptic and allow or prohibit use on a day to day bases. Then they just blanket banned them, and I'd wonder if it's because someone learned the hard way. Yes, the parts listing player's duties of care to each other and to the site make sense, and I'd always encourage people to let sites know about any relevant medical conditions. The parts that attempt to waive and disclaim sites' duties of care or liabilities towards players are very, very silly indeed though, and I do wish they'd stop mucking around with that nonsense.
    1 point
  26. i have seen one where the mag catch was installed the opposite way round meaning it wouldnt lock a mag, the spring tension would stop it falling out but you could just pull it down and it'd come free. i'm guessing there's no obvious sign of wear on the magazine tab? the mag catch isn't too hard to get to, just the one big screw on the back of the grip and a sliding metal retainer.
    1 point
  27. Surely retinal burning comes at the higher lumens? I spend a lot of time mountain biking in the dark and judging by the impact of when mates look round and forget their head torch is on, anything over 1000 should do that nicely. But more is probably better in this case.
    1 point
  28. Reciever mark 1 unfortunately started developing some pretty bad cracks so I decided to ditch it, switch steels and try again. Second one went much more smoothly. Given that I get all my steel as spares and offcuts from a factory I dont necesarrily know what im working with until I start so these things happen. Needs a lot of smoothing out but the sides are level, the angles are mostly 90 degrees and Its all looking pretty good. Lower shoud be a lot easier as its 1 straight box.
    1 point
  29. Rogerborg

    New to Airsoft

    Ahoy and welcome. Yup, you're on the sensible track (well, as sensible as playing with toy guns can be). I would recommend full face for CQB and Dye i4/i5 are a solid choice: you don't want to take a big hairy bloke's load point blank in your mouth. Whaaat? This is my straight face.
    1 point
  30. Well after a year and a half away from the sport, looks like I'll soon be able to jump back in. Any tips for making sure my kit is still in working order by the time I'm able to play (probably Jan 2022)? I've been charging batterys and firing off a mag or two for the AEGs and then just kept the GBB mags up with some gas.
    1 point
  31. Brophy

    New to Airsoft

    Dont need to go "full face mask" unless you want to get some fans/ventilation on the go to stop it fogging up like the car on the sex scene on Titanic. I went glasses (with a combo of "cat crap" anti fog paste, yes its a real thing) and a mouth guard similar to this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07RDK983J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
    1 point
  32. Just to update I got my plate carrier setup from Poland delivery by UPS and I was thinking about long delays and extra charges. Only took over a week and no extra charges on 269 order,I already paid VAT from the shop though.
    1 point
  33. An extremely convincing argument, a heavy defence of the seller that isnt remotely suspicious even with the lack of evidence beyond "looks legit to me bruv" and loyal devotion to spreading the word. On the other hand we have the guy who has a long history on this board of buying both legit real optics and chinese clones, but that doesnt mean anything.....
    1 point
  34. tbf, joule creep generally doesn't apply to aeg's, at least in the same sense it's applied to the likes of gbb's, hpa's or bolty's with heavy pistons. that said, i've heard the term applied to meaning the difference between X fps on X weight compared to X fps on Y weight, which isn't the same thing. although i do get the sentiment that a site insisting on the old 0.2g chrono probably hasn't bothered learning the situations when that's not such a good idea.
    1 point
  35. As someone who has worked in retail before and now looks after global businesses. Why do people always email when there is an issue? Has never made sense to me. Pick up the damn phone and speak to a human. Then if you don't get the answer you want, you can give them shit over the phone. We put all emails and tickets raised through our PSA system to the lowest priority, because if its not important enough to call, then they can wait until we get to it. If they call we start on the resolution there and then.
    1 point
  36. @M6GXH This is an airsoft forum. You will need one for air rifles. Whilst an airsoft gun is a BB gun, not all BB guns (firing metal ammo) are airsoft. Topic locked.
    1 point
  37. before cutting anything, are you running thrust bearings on both the piston and the spring guide? if so you can lose the one in the piston (replace it with a washer) and that'll drop you a few fps. you do want at least one thrust bearing though, and having it on the spring guide saves piston mass.
    1 point
  38. Several test prints later, and a few changes were made. The screw hole has been enlarged for the bolt to pass clean through the base, and halfway into the shell. This makes it flush inside the assembly and actually serves as a pin between all 4 parts. I have also decreased the outer sides of the Inner parts by .02" all around (.5mm), as it would require a pneumatic press to actually get the two inner halves into the shell. Just the cm or so I shoved them together to test the fitment took a hammer to remove. So far I have 2 of the latest bases done, a possible "production" print of the shell done (I have three options to print it: First, I can do it with the top horizontal, and support material as a wedge. This is what I did for the shell I have printed. It worked, but did have some errors along the base and had to be sanded flat. Testing with the inner parts after theyre done will determine if this is a problem. Its also the longest print - at 80% speed it takes a whopping 14 hours: Second is to print it with no supports at the bottom, leaving the top as a slant. This has the plus of ensuring a flat base, but gives a layered top: Third is to print on its side. This is the fastest method at only 8 hours and change at 100% (approx 12 hours at 80%), but does use the most material and cost the most. To be fair its about 3 Euros per shell vs the 2.70 Euros or so if printed in either vertical orientation, so not exactly an important difference. Cleaning all that support material out is gonna be a PITA though, and itll leave the face-down side a different texture due to my textured print bed. ), and I am working on printing the two inner halves now. Heres what it looks like mostly assembled, still missing the two inner halves:
    1 point
  39. leadly

    The AAP-01 Owners Thread.

    Just ordered a TDC kit from Airtac. Hopefully that will arrive and I can get it fitted before I goto Leicester Gaol later this month. As we all know the hop is a ball bag to adjust with a stock and rail attached!
    1 point
  40. Scorp

    New to Airsoft

    Cheers that's excellent advice, thanks very much.. and for the link. I actually have started looking at gear. I think I'm settled on the Lowa Zephyr GTX boots... but face, head and eye protection is going to need a looot more research it seems, there seem to be so many combos all the way to the HALO looking, but apparently the best performing Dye style full face protection.
    1 point
  41. EDcase

    New to Airsoft

    Welcome Scott, Sounds like you have a good plan to start at your local site ๐Ÿ‘ Yes, CYMA and Specna are good makes. Be careful buying second hand because its quite common for people to modify their guns and often mess them up so they sell them instead. Beware of sales with 'upgraded' in the description unless you can validate them. Best thing to do now is read lots of the posts on the forum because most questions have already been answered and there may be things you haven't thought of yet.
    1 point
  42. Just gave mine its once a year deep clean.
    1 point
  43. First third prototype casing assembled. Not had chance to wire it up yet to test the fan's performance. If airflow is sufficient (it might not be - it's a 5V 4020 fan that was sent to me in error, I could end up with a 12v 50mm fan yet), I'll integrate a battery and add loops to the main body for bungee retention to the Arc rail.
    1 point
  44. Groot

    RIF Incident in News

    They should have shot him in the face.. With Real bullets.. but hey ho..
    1 point
  45. Apparently this goes against faceache community standards
    1 point
  46. Soooo a long while (3 or 4 years ago) back I managed to get a 2nd l85 cheap.... so I did a thing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ (had it finished 3 years now, mixed ICS and 3d printed parts etc)
    1 point
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