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Cannonfodder last won the day on January 7

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    E&L AKS74U
    Galaxy MP5K
    Specna Arms M4
    WE P99
    Mk23 Socom and a few more
  • Loadouts
    It varies depending on my mood or the site
  • Sites
    Wherever I can get a game, yes I'm an airsoft slut
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    Right here

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  1. I've got one of those and I can happily say he's talking bollocks about the magazines. Mine will fit any STANAG mag. Also good luck finding a battery that'll fit the peq box
  2. I wouldn't buy a second hand gun without seeing it working first unless I know the seller, especially so if it's "FuLlY UgRaDeD" by an unnamed person.
  3. Full disclosure: this isn't from personal experience, only what Google says but multiple sites say the same do I'm taking it as true. Vorsk glocks aren't magazine compatible with other brands standard size mags. The extended ones might fit with modifications to the gun
  4. I use a gas shotgun as my main gun for cqb and have never heard of any site with a blanket ban on them. Rift's Blackstone site do have a rule that they're left on 3 rather than 6 rounds though Yes a pump action shotgun puts more rounds in the air with each trigger pull but making that follow up shot if you miss or there's another target can't be done as quickly. Imo wanker guns like hpa hi cappas with hair triggers are m4 mags are far more of an issue as they're more easily abused. Best to double check with the site but I can't see them having a problem with it
  5. As others have posted a few mid caps and a spare high cap is a good choice unless you're the trigger happy type and often put down alot of suppressing fire then stick with hi caps. Also with mid caps you've got the option of trying film or milsim games where there's ammo limits etc
  6. This. Unfortunately video games and YouTube give many newbies the impression that sniping is just putting the crosshairs on target and pulling the trigger when the reality is very different. Fieldcraft and knowing exactly where your shots will land are way more important as the lower rate of fire is a serious disadvantage when you're within range of those with full auto
  7. Ignore these people, they're idiots. Unfortunately there seems to be a vocal minority of people, particularly on places like faceache and reddit, who think that you need to totally gut any airsoft gun to make it usable and this couldn't be further from the truth. The most I've done to my AEGs is changing the hop rubber. The specna arms guns are a great choice and even the most budget friendly Core range are solid guns which are better quality than some similarly priced guns, eg the cyma 5XX lines with their bodies made from recycled ready meal trays One the subject of PPE, get some gloves too especially for cqb as hits to the hand/knuckles bloody hurt
  8. I'd forgotten about that guy. As his polished turd didn't sell for £70 then I can't help wondering why he thinks it will for more Shame he forgot to mention this second time around when the tech dismantled it to fit the micro switch, the bolt behind the magwell broke, theres enough of it for the ghn to work fine, but obviously needs mentioning, It makes me wonder what else is he hiding?
  9. Considering they were around £100 new that's a bit of a piss take for a broken gun. Then there's this its also rear wired so you can still hk slap it with a battery in an I wonder if those HK slaps are the reason the front end broke
  10. Component shop are another good shop for batteries
  11. I think they're only plastic rather than kydex but I've found the amomax holsters to be good. https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/amomax-678-c.asp
  12. That explains it. I was thinking width as the thickness of the pew
  13. And what about the shotgun?😉
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