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Cannonfodder last won the day on July 20

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    E&L AKS74U
    Galaxy MP5K
    Ares Amoeba Striker AS02
    WE P99
    Mk23 Socom and a few more
  • Loadouts
    It varies depending on my mood
  • Sites
    Wherever I can get a game, yes I'm an airsoft slut
  • Gender
  • Location
    Right here

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  1. To add to my earlier post, the MP7 could be used in a outdoors game but you would need to adjust your playing style to suit. With a gbb you're carrying less ammo (1 M4 high cap is the equivalent capacity of 6 MP7 mags) so you need to pick your shots and avoid getting bogged down exchanging fire with someone who can just hose the area. The times I've done it I found I was most effective staying away from the main battles and using hit and run tactics to attack from unexpected places
  2. There's no universal power limit for all cqb sites but they're all (at least the ones I've played at) between 330 and 350 fps (with a .2) and many have a weight limit, usually .25 but some go up to .28. As with most things it's best to check with the specific site you're going to play at Unfortunately there's no such thing as "one gun to rule them all" and using the same gun for cqb and outdoors will usually end in making compromises between the two. For cqb I often don't bother taking a rifle. I find that no full auto being allowed takes away a big advantage AEGs have and the smaller size of a pistol helps when moving through tight spaces. The pistol (or any gbb) also has the advantage of a faster trigger response, something which is invaluable when targets may only present themselves for fractions of a second
  3. Personal preferences aside I'd say it depends on what you're wanting from the rif. Do you want something which will allow you to put loads of plastic down range and go to to toe against other AEGs in a firefight, or something which is more of a fun gun despite it's limitations? If the former then go for the AEG, if the latter then the MP7. Of course this doesn't take into account the sort of site you play at. If you mainly play cqb then I'd definitely go for the MP7 as the lower magazine capacity isn't such an issue and the shorter length makes moving in tight spaces far easier
  4. Personally I find 99% of the "proper" survival shows unwatchable too. Yes these guys know their stuff but the way they hype up the danger. For example making out they're days walk from anywhere, whereas in reality they're less than a couple of miles from civilisation
  5. This is why I hate those survival shows, the people on them are incompetent attention seekers who struggle if tesco is shut for a day. Take the dippy moo complaining about the effects of dehydration, at least lay down in the shade rather than direct sunlight
  6. So it'll need a downgrade before use in a game too. 330fps with a .25g bb is 1.26j or 368fps with a .2
  7. This. When I worked for asda I was told a happy customer will tell 1 person while an unhappy customer will tell 10. Also unfortunately a lot of the information given is what the person heard from their mate's cousin's neighbour's uncle and are blindly repeating it without knowing how true it is
  8. Considering you don't know what this platform will offer, whether it's anything different or the same as what's already out there, makes this whole idea look like you don't have a clue about what you' want this new platf, hence the reason you dont have people lining up to pat you on the back and tell you what a great job you're doing. Oh, and loose the passive aggressive attitude. It just makes you come across as a petulant child who can't stand being told no
  9. If you're cocking it, pulling the trigger and then cocking it again and a bb comes out then you're loading a second bb into the chamber, pushing the first bb past the hop up where it's free to roll out the muzzle
  10. Welcome. As Rogerborg posted, don't worry about turning up on your own. You'd be surprised how many people do. If you're looking for a site have a look at https://playairsoft.uk/
  11. This. Buying second hand significantly increases the chance that the gun will need work and I'm guessing that as @Biggie-Banana264 is new to the game he isn't going to know how to do said work. Buying new from a shop may cost more but if the gun does turn out to be a dud you can send it back
  12. As I understand it many years ago bios had a nasty reputation for swelling and cracking, particularly in damp conditions, ruining guns. However I've played at a few bio bb only sites over the past few years and fired thousands of them with no problems
  13. Good. It makes searching for info on a topic easier and I don't have to search through a load of posts which are just attention seeking bellends trying to get likes and followers. Nope. You can private message and tag forum members in posts There's already a good website (https://playairsoft.uk/) which has a good list of sites nationwide. As for sites they can have their own section of the forum where they cam make announcements etc. Whether or not they choose to use them is down to them and as most people who run sites don't do it as a main income, I can seem why they wouldn't want the hassle of another social media platform to manage In your opinion and opinions are like arseholes..... It doesn't. Tbh this sounds like a you problem and want to be spoon fed People believe the earth is flat and vaccines cause autism but it doesn't make them true. Do you have any data or evidence for this demand?
  14. Is there a demand for anything new though? If so then one of the previous ideas would've come to fruition. What will your platform offer that others don't?
  15. Great, another social media app which nobody asked for. I can see how this is going to go Seriously though, every few years someone suggests this and every time bugger all happens
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