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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/09/21 in all areas

  1. In the interests of transparency, BigShow messaged me to have this thread removed. I declined as it is within your rights as members of an open forum to air your grievances and recommendations of retailers freely. After looking, it turns out the email address used for BigShow is Registered to an "ignite tactical" which seemed a little suspicious in how similarly named it was to the company he's defending. Sure enough, they appear to be sister companies: I'm seeing double here! This takes me back to the time when the dude from Cornwall was having a conversation with a secondary account that he also controlled to try and promote his airbrush painting company 😅
    7 points
  2. Op as others have said. Sniping in Airsoft is an expensive and mostly unrewarding task, compared to the joys of a nicely turned, entry level AEG with a decent hop rubber and quality ammo. Budget around £500 to build a sniper that will be worth using and about 3p per BB. So many people buy a sniper, use it and then we see it for sales on the forums at a knocked down price the following month I myself have a sniper which i have used for about 1/3 of one game over the last year. If you are basing your want to snipr off videos from Youtube, well.. sadly, they are 99% bullshit. Also the people that film them, are usually IRL cunts.
    4 points
  3. Hi, sorry about this and that you have all had to wait for so long. I have just cleared all of the backlog of patch orders today. Not much of an excuse, just busy enough to not check the section in the backend that contains all of the orders and emails not being sent to me when someone has ordered a patch (now fixed). You should all have yours by tomorrow (or the day following at the latest). My apologies also for the lack of responses to your mentions in threads. If you wish to get a hold of me please don't hesitate to use the forum email or PM me. I typically check both of these at least once a week but both do get a fair amount of spam. @Jedi_Master got a message to me earlier last week.
    4 points
  4. What annoys me? People that get upset that other people aren't having fun properly.
    4 points
  5. Yes great bit of kit. I used mine for the night game at nae. Jeez! With the tracers,muzzle flash and 23rps from the badger, I lit up three baddies and they screamed like all the demons from hell were upon them. Great fun 👍 Unfortunately found out they were friendlies.Doh!!! Regards
    3 points
  6. If the claim has no substance to it, then they've been pulled for completely unrelated reasons, and so George-Paul-Ringo would have no quantifiable loss, or cause of action. Unless there is substance to the claim. In which case... he'd have no cause of action.
    3 points
  7. Lol, we knew BigShow was involved all along, what a wanker 🤣
    3 points
  8. Buck3131

    Bedfordshire New Guy

    Hey all. I'm looking to go to my first ever Airsoft event as a rental new guy. I figured after reading a fair bit online, that this is the best way to get started for a few months before committing if I get the Airsoft bug. Ideally it would be cool to meet some people here and join with them rather than turning up alone and knowing no one. I'm in Bedfordshire, but happy to travel within reason to a decent friendly site. Would be great to hear from you and see what we can arrange. Cheers Buck
    2 points
  9. First thought: uh not bad 3 for.... And then i read the description....face palms all round
    2 points
  10. First question: have you actually played airsoft? We generally recommend buying an electric carbine or rifle as a first gun, and if you're in the UK, renting first to get a UKARA or equivalent defence so that you can buy something realistic looking.
    2 points
  11. This thread does seem odd. Tbh as long as what other people do does not affect my weekend / game day then fill your boots. All I ask is you adhere to the rules and take your hits and im happy. Outside of that, if you wanna collect guns, patches, wear a hoody, run high caps, run low caps or whatever, its your hobby, if you're happy then who am I or anyone else to judge Edit - And in regards to the thread title (not that the comment was aimed at me but its currently a slow work day...) Why do we need to understand? If it makes the person happy doing X, Y or Z...then it shouldn't matter really
    2 points
  12. Funnily enough, they explicitly exclude toy guns. The only thing they'll ship is "low powered air weapons" (but not imitations). I know that Post Office Counters are happy to accept airsoft guns, and are even happy to sell >£100 compensation for them that Parcel Force say they won't honour, so in the event of something going wrong it would be a merry old mess to sort out. This is why I ship with whoever's cheapest, well packaged (so they can't wreck it), and marked as "sporting goods" (because if they lose it, how are they going to prove otherwise?)
    2 points
  13. Yeah but that would take effort, fuck that
    2 points
  14. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/gas-powered_1/tokyo-marui-mk18-mod1-gbb-35rds-mag_i30425 obviously an investment
    2 points
  15. G&P RIS Rail and G&P scope mount fit fine. A saddle bag 7.4v Lipo can be fitted in the front RIS however I might need to shorten the wires slightly for it to look a bit better. *edit - A suystema TW5 full stock will fit with a bit of dremeling or sanding.
    2 points
  16. My "stuff" was getting everywhere, so I picked up a cheap secondhand bookcase and turned it into a Airsoft storage unit 🙂
    2 points
  17. [Internally screams in HPA VSR build] I will also echo what has already been said, as someone who plays the sniper role all the time; sniping isn't what everyone thinks it is. In truth, it's a lot of doing nothing. It's a lot of lying in stinging nettles. It's a lot of trigger discipline, not taking shots at people either because they're within your MED or you don't have a clear shot and can't risk letting them know you're there. It's a lot of pistol kills. It's a lot of radio chatter. It's a lot of watching a stray leaf or mild breeze knock your shot off course. You can't take gunfights because you will lose to the 13 year old rental with an m4 and a high cap magazine. Every shot you will take has to be at people who don't know where you are, as if they know where you are they can literally dodge your shots at range and suppress you with full auto fire. At the end of the day, we're firing air powered muskets with projectiles that weight less than a gram. Also, depending on your site, a 2.3J bolt action rifle can be more of a hindrance than a help. I've totally moved away from using my 2.3J VSR at my local site at the moment because during the summer it gets super overgrown, so that 30m MED just hinders me with no benefit as there simply aren't long enough sight lines. Sniping is more of a role than a rifle, much like designated marksman is a role, not a rifle, we just use those terms as an easy way to differentiate power limits. I would call my HPA m21 a "sniper rifle" but it's kept at 1.1J like any AEG so I have no MED with it. You can fulfill the "sniper" role with an AEG for the most part, and if you're playing it properly having someone out of range isn't an issue because you just wait for them to take a few steps forward as they should have no idea you're watching them. I will always advise people play the sniper role with their AEG first (hypocritcally because my first RIF was a bolt action rifle) and see if they enjoy it before investing, as it's typically quite expensive. It's a very rewarding way to play, but it's a very different way to play. It's very much not for everyone.
    1 point
  18. Lozart

    Tokyo Marui Uzi nozzle

    The same store you pulled that picture from sells an aluminium replacement. http://shop.kic.tw/portal_c1_cnt_page.php?owner_num=c1_33589&button_num=c1&folder_id=9228&cnt_id=213897 If it's the gun I think it is, it's WAY our of production now and parts are going to be hard to come by. You could also try dropping Luke at Negative Airsoft (https://negativeairsoft.com/) a message and see if he has one or knows where you could get one.
    1 point
  19. Index, Quest 1 & 2, Vive, Vive Pro, Go and PSVR owner here! I also stream VR games on YouTube! Same screen name as on here if you want to have a look.
    1 point
  20. ARX with my first attempt at a fictional small mock suppressor and a ISM-V
    1 point
  21. Airsoft sniping is not what you think it is. Follow the advice from everyone above. Also to add, speak to other airsofters when you do go, we are friendly!
    1 point
  22. Yeah would recommend what @Rogerborg said. Sniping might look "cool" when you see it on youtube or fb videos, but its an aquired taste and it takes those guys that film a whole day / weekend to get enough "hit" footage to fit a video a few mins long.
    1 point
  23. It happens more often than I'd like but it's part of the game unfortunately.
    1 point
  24. The atmosphere completely changed in the afternoon, much more relaxed and everyone just seemed to be enjoying it more.
    1 point
  25. Mmm, I have a concern about some teams or squads who are more into the brotherhood-of-bros, dress-up, socialising or LARPing aspects, rather than just playing airsoft. And it's great when the folk who aren't really there to play airsoft pack up and push off in the afternoon, I find the games tend to get more fun. Of course, not all teams. If you're reading this, I'm almost certainly not referring to you.
    1 point
  26. I've had no real experience with the 'spit' style, however, I did use a friends on Saturday night and it was very cool (was attached to a Gas M4) looked good and worked well for the 10mins I was using it. No idea which is the 'best'. His was the 5KU version.
    1 point
  27. Sadly in the court of public opinion a gun-shaped-object is a gun-shaped-object.
    1 point
  28. There are a fair few bolt action rifs on the market which are gas driven but as Ed mentioned you will be better served looking at spring powered rifs unless you are looking to use hpa.
    1 point
  29. Spring 😁 AEG and gas are semi auto so DMR's not sniper rifles.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. You can replace the trigger contacts multiple times for the price of the cheapest mosfet. It's not something to worry about.
    1 point
  32. You will hate my patch wall then ! A lot of these I got for free, some from shot show and then yes, some specifically I purchased (Seal Team TV show ones etc..)
    1 point
  33. MP5 won't fire? Procedure: sling it behind, draw Glock and engage threat, When behind cover, working parts to the rear, swear at it, throw away and get G36!!! (Sorry couldent help it)!!!
    1 point
  34. People who turn up to a site week in week only to spend every minute whinning and bitching. If the site is that bad then why come in the first place?
    1 point
  35. I always thought the single fire in and out of buildings was more about giving players a fair chance to move and break in or out of a building.
    1 point
  36. It seems like our firearms coppers are well aware that most Realistic Firearms out there are actually Realistic Imitation Firearms. The folk that get (rightfully) slotted are those who are actually shooting live rounds. When gun-Dibble rocks up and finds some Joey giving it "I'll shoot yers, I'l do it, I'll shoot all of yers", they seem inclined to say "ORLY? Have a beanbag to the ballbag, and let's find out". Well done to them for that.
    1 point
  37. I get that there are folk who turn up to socialise, dress up, show off their collection, flex and banter. I have no problem with that, within reason. What winds me up are site owners who content to hold court with their marshals and regulars rather than cracking on with it. Don't say "5 minutes" if you mean 20, is all I ask.
    1 point
  38. this is a fair point, although tbh it's mainly due to the inevitability of your average airsofter failing to comprehend rule 1, as evidenced by the number of point-blank hosings that occurr outside of buildings. tbh i can kinda get that one, for some folk its as much about getting out of the house away from spouse/kids and having a catch-up with mates. kinda like a social club mixed with a fashion show and a gym session. as long as sites don't mess around more eager players to cater to them i can't see the harm. most often it seems places just start the game and people can show up late if they want.
    1 point
  39. I do get that mate. For one my inner historian gets wound up (despite knowing that other interpretations are available). Secondly I had a girlfriend who lived in Serbia in 1991. What she described still hits a nerve. The Gunman games are fantastic, and certainly unspoiled by my personal whims etc. My own Cold War kit is indeed all pre-1991...
    1 point
  40. see i can understand that, you see the reverse with folk in black outdoors, it's just the crossover between majority indoor/outdoor players having a dabble at the other side but can't be bothered buying new kit just to play indoors/outdoors. cmon man, moaning about things we don't like is a national institution
    1 point
  41. Cr0-Magnon


    "We admit it, TM Hi-Capa's are far superior"
    1 point
  42. Groot

    Best UK outdoor location

    Combat So......
    1 point
  43. Panama

    THE TM MWS thread

    Permission to come aboard folks? After spending the last couple of weeks reading all 350 odd pages of this thread, yes 350 odd, my browser crashed somewhere around the mid 100’s. So I thought well it won’t do any harm to read everything from the start again so I don’t miss anything 😉 I managed to pick up my MWS from @GothicGhost on here on the 10th August, along with a few other bits he had as well. You can probably excommunicate him from this thread now 🤣 This is a pic of it as he had put it back to stock and in the advert: I have since upgraded it and added @davegolf’s awesome SixG Super nub (https://sixgunsmithing.com/2018/03/11/sixg-super-nub-for-marui-gbbr/) and have his HSB (https://sixgunsmithing.com/2019/07/07/sixg-hsb-high-speed-buffer/) on order as well. I also swapped to the Modify Tan bucking and the inner barrel to the G&P Marui MWS V 330mm one that I picked up with it. With a few other external mods and another 3 mags, it now looks like this and I love it Thank you for everyone that has contributed to this amazing thread so far!
    1 point
  44. Whatever's local to you, as long as it doesn't suck. I've been to both Worthing Airsoft and S.W.A (Sussex Woodland Activities) and both were great for different reasons. I haven't been to Dogtag yet, though I've heard mixed opinions on it. I'll still go and see for myself, but that's the point; I think whatever is local to you is good, as long as you try it and enjoy it.
    1 point
  45. That is quite possibly the dumbest, laziest, wrongest thing I've heard of a site doing, and it's up against some quite stiff competition.
    1 point
  46. Shims UNDER the bevel are not too fussy either it is the one place you don't have to shim to perfection as the pinion once installed is never going to allow the bevel to move Not saying don't bother shimming under bevel... Just that you won't need to shim it to fine tolerance like other instances to hold in position Take up some of slack under bevel - but don't fret over say fine 0.1mm tolerance say like other instances Try not to use larger diameter shims under bevel, if you pack a considerable bit with larger diameter shims it can impede/rub slightly with teeth on spur meshing to bevel I've found So I tend to/try to use smaller diameter shims under bevel & on top of sector (smaller diameter shims on top of sector is to reduce possible catching/snagging of tappet fin on sector shim) Rough ball-park figure... Bevel gear: 0.1mm to 0.2mm, maybe 0.25mm on TOP OF BEVEL (take up some of slack underneath) Spur gear: 0.1mm to 0.2mm UNDERNEATH SPUR (whatever is required on top) Sector gear - roughly 50/50 centered, check for rubbing against COL if too low & sector cam rubbing on box if shimmed too high (or thick chunky delay clip installed) (often a ball-park is whatever the spur has underneath - then add 0.1mm or 0.2mm under spur, then 0.3mm (ish) under sector, then whatever req on top) When spinning gears, also lay box on its side to listen for more friction/rubbing from gears or against box (you'd be surprised how sweet it sounds upright, but a tin of wasps on its side, so investigate if you got OCD) Once you got the gears "roughly spaced" or as you got the sector/spur "stacked up" nicely Turn box over so the selector plate side is facing upwards.... lift sector gear up, checking for play - BUT look closely at spur axle... If when checking the sector play, the spur's axle lifts too... then they are stacked a little too close together and/or too much slack on those gears (if left unchecked - it can produce those "swirl marks" on spur gear) Another check & easier to see on a v3, once finished - have a look at how much of bevel's teeth actually mesh with spur's teeth through motor entry point... You want to aim for as much of the bevel/spur's teeth meshing as possible BUT you will never get it meshing as closely as say the sector-spur - you can get these close without touching but often the bevel-spur will not mesh anything quite as close... If there is very little meshing at bevel-spur, then try to shim the spur and sector higher by swapping some shims from top to underneath - keeping the gears together without becoming too tight (as said say shim the spur (0.3 or something now and also the sector increase underneath & less on top) Reason for this checking the bevel's teeth mesh with spur more... Moment you get any strain/lockup, the light meshing contact between the bevel-spur will result in those 10 teeth flying off as little may have made contact with spur You can view this as a weak point - at bevel to spur shim/meshing if you wish but it stands to reason, if little of the bevel's 10 teeth is making solid contact with spur's teeth only the tips of 10 teeth mesh with spur - then under load, the bevel's 10 teeth will tear themselves out at slightest sign of stress BUT - as said, you just won't get enormous near full contact across the width of the teeth like spur/sector Just check for hardly any contact width & adjust/lift up if possible, the spacing of spur/sector Some bevel's have chunkier and wider 10 teeth cut to spur, meaning better contact than others It is the instances where hardly any of the bevel's 10 teeth contact the spur (here is where a bevel may encounter "tooth decay" at some point under stress) Everybody's shimming technique varies & every box is different (heck some gear sets are smooth as silk in one box & rough in another box) But I check for sector lifting spur (selector plate side up) how much actual contact bevel to spur, if poor, look to lifting/shifting spur/sector shimming if required (as said it will never be extremely close, but look to ensure decent contact without throwing out stuff much) Spinning the gears upright AND on on both sides to listen for rubbing/contact of gears/gearbox case etc... TL-DR check for gears being too close together (sector/spur example) check for decent contact between bevel/spur, or as much as feasible to reduce tooth decay spin gears upright and on sides (both sides) for any excess rub/friction if you have OCD like moi or fuck it - just slap them in like the 5yr did at the factory sweat shop (and just say Homer Simpson style - it was like that when I got here/bought it) PS for the record - I know absolutely FUCK ALL tbh... my latest was a v3, shimming was the bollox - really smooth dropped motor, that was I thought meshing nicely at height/angle - even angle of cut of gears 90 degrees FUCKING PILE OF SHIT - 10.2amps, low draw but sounded absolutely fucking awful wobbled motor cage - still sounded SHIT - just doesn't make sense at all Had to shelve it on Monday & hope to look into it this weekend, likely change motor or investigate just WTF is up with it, never expected it to sound so crap after all the attention to detail & sweet it all seemed to go yet proof of pudding was a tin of angry wasps trapped inside a tin of rusty ol' nuts & bolts So what the fuck do I know - ignore my advice, I know completely fuck all
    1 point
  47. Skara


    It's a clever little thing that anyone can make and vastly improve his loadout's concealment properties, thanks for sharing! A bit of an old school method as nowadays people can just use molle loops to the same effect, but it's something anyone can craft on the field, given they have some twine/elastic bands/zip ties (everyone should have at least 2 of these 3 things when playing). On a side note, I was watching a documentary on Vietnam's resistance to the Mongolian invasions in the 12th century and it mentioned a guerrilla manual wrote by one of Vietnam's finest generals at the time. Doc also mentioned that said manual has been used during the more recent Indochina/Vietnam war (successfully, judging by the current name of Saigon), so this ring's design could be much older than the first ghillies! Edit: it appears that this manual is still being conserved in one of the Vietnam's government buildings, ready to be used again shall the need arise. At the time of the Mongolian invasions, this general made a copy for each citizen, it's also full of schematics and drawings for those who couldn't read. That is some serious prepper shit if you ask me
    1 point
  48. Two new holsters. Havent bothered making them nice and neat as the only leather I have right now is covered in scars and defects and I cant get more. They do both work perfectly however and are mounted onto plates which allow me to use them with molle. I can also change the angle they sit at quite easily.
    1 point
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