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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/08/21 in all areas

  1. I used to do 'em quite well, but these days I need much bigger windows lol 🐷
    6 points
  2. jajaja

    What have you made?

    Spending a year on developing a glock pdw frame(spare mag font grip, 4 level retractable stock, build in magwell,raiser optics & flashlight mount,double side qd sling, silencer compatible)
    6 points
  3. I don't just need a bigger window. I need a set of steps up and down. 😲
    4 points
  4. Finally settled on a gun, although not the one I first set my eye on. I had my heart set on the specna arms edge E-11 but been out of stock for weeks with no foreseeable restock before my next game. So went with the last Ares Amoeba AM-008 patrol base had in stock, and although I was looking to spend a bit more, at £145, I can't complain, as I plan of this being the one I tinker with when I buy more 👀 Will be breaking it in at @Ace Airsoft War Games on the 12th September, so to the usual guys, see ya there 😉
    3 points
  5. Hi guys new here and only been playing airsoft for cpl of months. Have a nice collection of rifs courtesy of friends lol
    3 points
  6. Get the NGRS and a TM sidearm. You only live once. Why fuck about with enjoying yourself? Since you don't actually need a pistol; choose what the hell TM you like. I use a 1911, but my lad has a G18C that he neglects horribly and never cleans. I've scraped the gunk out of it once since 2016, and it still performs spot on. You can get a £100 rif to perform wonderfully, but you need a real affinity with tinkering, or a good tech. The CYMA M14 for example can perform magnificently, but the V7 gearbox is horrid.
    3 points
  7. So I get a lot of stick from my airsoft mates about my window breaches. Yes sometimes the go wrong but other times they are graceful and tactical as F! What do you think?
    2 points
  8. Cars packed,kit sorted,guns ready and I have patiently sat and listened to the do's and dont's from her indoors( it's a small price to pay) YES! I will change my underwear...sweetness.🙂 NO I won't drink too much... Early start for the national airsoft festival in the morning 🙂 Silly but really missed it last year so this year will be great👍 Oo I don't think I will sleep tonight lol Regards
    2 points
  9. Tackle

    Rate My Window Breach

    Lol, definitely my style, last time I played serial 20 at Hythe ranges I attempted to vault a fence while at the same time trying to not damage my TM m4, managed to emulate a well known film star 😏
    2 points
  10. Suppressor, Holo sight and maybe some PTS mags..and your good to go.
    2 points
  11. Yes, you can use that stock, but the G&G stock you linked to has a smaller battery storage area (read:zero) compared to your King Arms. I would recommend the PTS EPS stock if battery storage and easy access are top requirements. They are more expensive, but the quality is outstanding and they hold their resale value if you choose to sell it on at a later date.
    2 points
  12. Better trigger discipline than most airsofters
    2 points
  13. Thanks, a little bulky/deep looking for me, i know OTGs are PITA, especially when you want to wear specs AND look cool 😆 All of us spec wearers are envious of people with 20/20 vision!
    2 points
  14. Thanks for the welcome. That’s not the question I asked in my OP though. It was specific between TM 416 and a novice buying a different gun and upgrading internals. And I did state I am well aware it’s horses for courses. Having said that I do appreciate your advice of asking to use peoples weapons and listening to their opinions on said weapons. This is why I posed my question to a wider audience. Having done that I have confirmed that a well performing OOTB will better suit me as I am in no way confident about what modifications would be best if I went down the route of upgrading another weapon. That’s something best left until I am way more experienced.
    2 points
  15. Yep I usually keep a small stock of over glasses frames. Don't have them on the site as I can't always get the same frames so it's a pm to order job.
    2 points
  16. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    It's finally done and I test fired it a few times to see how quiet it was. I still can't believe just how silent it is! It blows my mind and I think it may be quieter than my VSR, but I'll have to test them side-by-side this weekend to confirm that. I'm so happy so far and looking forward to obsessively tuning it this weekend and I'm hoping to be hitting out to 60m accurately. Targeting 1.14J on .32s with maximum effective range and maximum air efficiency. And yes, that's a long line coming out of the stock, as I will put the tank in the stock pouch, though I do have a line and larger tank that I can use if I need. I think this might be my magnum opus airsoft sniper rifle build. The worst part about this is the quality of my camera, because my phone is about 5 years old
    2 points
  17. So ive always wanted a classic soviet looking ak optic. Specifically for my plain ak74 but unfortunately they are pricey and im a cheapskate. So my next project is to take this aimpoint knockoff and this old cyma side mount and make some kind of soviet looking thingimajig.
    2 points
  18. I'm going to guess that he's keeping schtum because it was something really stupid.
    2 points
  19. Thanks, that's very informative. And that's less so. Why do you think the Specna metal bodies are more robust than the G&G? Do you disagree with the above? Truth is, either one should be fine, as far as airsoft toys go. Just accept that they are very expensive toys, and not pieces of quality engineering. I'd agree that G&G have been more historically consistent, but Specnas offer more features and better value for money - if you get a good one, which you probably will now. It's always a bit of a gamble. I also agree that the plastic bodied G&G CM16s are pretty good for the price too, and it's a really nice, light but strong plastic that's likely to take a drop better than random pot metal bodies. But then they've still got dial hop units rather than rotaries and no QC spring, so again, Specna Cores (or the cheapest Edges) beat them on features. None of them are bad choices, just get whatever you fancy and enjoy it.
    2 points
  20. I sweat like a paedophile in Mothercare so I feel your pain. Full seal goggles won't stop you sweating and you'll still get some fogging inside them if you don't use either forced convection and/or an anti-fog treatment. Or you can go with mesh (I have some @heroshark mesh and they're great). If there's one other thing I would recommend as a specs wearer myself - contact lenses. Glasses just gives you an extra set of surfaces to fog up.
    2 points
  21. All of the best performing things in life are boring, quietly jut getting the job done in the background! 😂
    2 points
  22. TM OOTB…. that should be a patch 😂
    2 points
  23. Philby21


    Yet another order fulfilled with your usual excellent service: SHS High Torque motor (one of the last things to upgrade on my AK DMR) ordered on the 22nd, despatched on the 23rd, arrived on the 24th, fitted and tested that evening. Absolutely faultless as always! There's a lot of much, much bigger companies could learn from this sort of service.
    2 points
  24. So what was it? Just in case someone else runs into the same issue!
    2 points
  25. Hello, I recently tried installing a Maple Leaf 60 degree AEG yellow bucking into my stock hop up, however the lips were too long (It would feed when using a mag however if I hand fed the hop up bbs they would get stuck on the lips of the bucking). I tried sanding it but it became very messy. I then did some research and found that people recommend the ZCI rotary plastic hop up. I also found this video from Negative Airsoft where he uses the same bucking but in the ZCI hop up. So I purchased one of them and installed a new bucking with the new hop up. It was the same issue. This time I used a razor to just shave it as cleanly as possible but I am still not 100% happy with it. FPS is great and consistent but I don't really think I should be having to cut a product such as a bucking just to make sure it works correctly. I use the omega nub too. Does anyone have any suggestions on which buckings I should try instead? Thank you
    1 point
  26. Hello, buying my first airsoft replica in next 2 weeks, and i don't know much about them, but i found 2 of them that are looking good to me -G&G GC16 Predator -Specna Arms SA-e07 Edge 2.0 can you tell me cons and pros for them, Thank you.
    1 point
  27. It will lift 0.28 stock no problem, if its not its because the bucking is dirty or worn out. Buckings rely on friction to create backspin, so if they are dirty or oily this reduces the grip, which in turn reduces the backspin possible. Thats why i dont like Maple ones as they are the least grippy rubber substance ive ever come across - another subject anyway. Stock TM buckings are great, funnily the Maple Omega nub works very well in the NGRS. Make sure to use quality BBs, keep them and the mags clean, swab out the barrel and bucking periodically with the tool provided.
    1 point
  28. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Wolverine Hydra Gen2. Was going to get the P*, but decided on the Wolverine because it was more affordable and does everything I need it to do. Plus, the Wolverine Bolt in my VSR hasn't done me wrong.
    1 point
  29. Sneaky

    Rate My Window Breach

    I thought breaching was diving through the window, combat roll and take everyone out!
    1 point
  30. Like fuck it will. Wall thickness of the Specna 'Quality' body is really thin, even for Airsoft Standards - I have a stripped Edge receiver sat in front of me right now that I'm just putting back together. Again.
    1 point
  31. I also need closure on this anecdote! Sounds like the obvious stuff had already been ruled out.
    1 point
  32. Astigmatism or something? Cos there's lenses for that now. I guess as long as you're not looking to be a sniper no glasses is the way worth taking a look at the @heroshark stuff though. I seem to remember that he does some mesh goggles that will fit over glasses too.
    1 point
  33. Honestly? I never had an issue with cheap drop in quad rails wobbling. At least, not so bad that it was bothering me. At least if you drop a fiver on an AliEx rail and it's shit, you haven't exactly lost much! As @Speedbird_666 says though, a half decent one will have that little clamp bit that stops it wobbling.
    1 point
  34. And as far as ngrs, I hate to say it as it's the only AEG I own but it's boring, I mainly just run my gbbps and mk23 nbb as my long range gun. The mk23 is pretty sterile too but deadly efficient and I prefer to run light. All that said the ngrs is reliable and I prefer it to running any normal AEG. There are other AEG Training weapons out there but you hear mixed things. Das is probably the ultimate but a friend of mine spent a fortune on his and had no end of issues. Then again he is one of those cursed people.
    1 point
  35. alxndrhll

    Sniper suggestions?

    Only advice to throw on the pile is to get the internals as you want them before spunking cash up the wall on externals. It doesn't matter how nice it looks, if you can't hit a barn door with a banjo you're not going to want to use it for very long. It's worth doing some hunting on YouTube as to what's involved with upgrading and fettling, you can figure out from there if it's something you'd want to do yourself. If it turns out to not be something you want to do something like the TAC/SRS/T11/SSG would probably be a wiser choice than a VSR. Having used or owned most of them, it's much of muchness in my opinion. Spend hours and hours (and a small fortune) so you can take the nuts off a fly at 70m to spend most of your time shooting things within 50-60m (or as is frequently my experience, within MED having to use your sidearm). I will say I personally think teching your own bolties should be something you invest some time into learning how to do it, gradually building knowledge of what things do and don't mess with your air seal/consistency/accuracy/smoothness of bolt pull etc etc. But I get that it isn't for everyone. Granted this comes with a degree of hypocrisy, I do all my own tech work on HPA, GBB(R) and springers but wouldn't touch the insides of an AEG with a barge pole. We all have our comfort zones 🤷‍♂️.
    1 point
  36. Aye @Rogerborg that is true, which is the main reason a 500 fps sniper shoots farther. For a new player this level of complexity i feel is not needed, plus most indoor sites wont let you play with a 1.13J / 350 fps gun. If the player decides to focus their gun on field use or a specific game sites fps / joules limits thats fine, but a whole other subject. In the end a 300 fps TM normally out shoots any 350 fps ACM gun - especially OOTB Personally its all the cheeky single shot hits and snap shots that make the game fun for me, not raining a BB shower down from above.
    1 point
  37. ak2m4


    Thanks for the kind feedback, it's much appreciated.
    1 point
  38. The one thing you need to think about is your play style as while everyone here just shouts get a TM that might not be what is best. The correct ergonomics and weight can make the biggest difference to your day and to my mind trump everything as I can still do well with a gun that shoots like shit but is comfortable in the hand but not the other way. From arm length to hand to speed and agility of player all are things to consider. Take the glock mentioned above they are great performing pistols but for my hands they are not a good fit and that drops my accuracy especially at speed by half at least. Look at everything and imagine holding it all day, is the grip good does the trigger and guard suit your fingers, safety switch and mag release are they right. All that effects your day as comfort trumps everything.
    1 point
  39. I agree. Which game are you going to? If you are off to Luton give me a shout if you like. Plenty of room round our campfire.
    1 point
  40. Hi @AirsoftRich 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 Good luck sorting your gear out, watch your bank balance! 🤪👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  41. Impulse

    Sniper suggestions?

    First off, welcome to the forums For that budget you should be able to get something decent (and I don't care if people say "no, you must drop £800+ into a boltie to make it good" because they're objectively wrong ). Patrolbase has both the JG BAR10 (https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/jing-gong-bar-10) and the Cyma cm.701b in stock at the moment (https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/cyma-cm-701b-vsr-bar-10), both of which are based on the TM VSR platform, which has been a really strong platform for over a decade, so there's an absolute plethora of parts. The JG comes in at £120 and the Cyma at £130, so that'll leave you with room for upgrades. For immediate upgrades to put into it, I'd look at the Action Army hop unit, a 70 degree silicone Maple Leaf Autobot bucking and a Maple Leaf Omega nub. This'll put you up to just under £200 and the rifle will perform decently well. Some sort of cheap scope if you don't already have one will be useful too; you can get plenty of decent ones for around £50. Then I'd pick up two spare mags (£10 each) and call it a day for now. You can stash the mags in a pistol mag pouch, or even just in your pockets. A tightbore barrel would be the next thing I'd get, which'd put it up to about £320ish (depending how much you spend on the scope), but this isn't really a necessity as the stock barrel will do the job well enough. My choice for barrel is Laylax because I'm old school, but I know people love the Maple Leaf Crazy Jets too. Then power upgrades cost a lot and don't make a huge difference from the stock 420fps/1.7ish joules power, so I'd just use it until you decide you want to invest more, or until the internal parts break. The other thing I'd ask is, do you have a sidearm? Having a pistol is pretty essential when you're running a BASR, since you'll have an MED to deal with, and BASRs aren't the greatest platform for putting down any weight of fire in case you get caught out while moving. If not, I'd actually get a pistol first and run it alongside your AEG. Make a conscious effort to use it, since with an AEG you rarely actually need a pistol, but it'll help you get used to the movements and shooting it, which will help when you transition to using a BASR. For sidearms, I'll always recommend TM pistols, because they're fantastic and work all year round, though they do come with a ~£150 price tag. Good thing is, you don't need to do anything to them; they shoot fantastically well out of the box. Yes, you can run a BASR and an AEG (like your Specna carbine), but unless you practice doing it, it's awkward and clunky. I just realised I've written quite a lot, so I'll leave it there before I ramble even more. I love sniping in airsoft and could go on about it for hours 🤣
    1 point
  42. Long term you will most likely be a lot better off if the garment (whatever the brand is) uses legit MCT fabric, as highlighted by some experiences above. That's the big difference between more low/mid-range priced uniforms from proper manufacturers vs pure chinese cloners that only make copies for the airsoft market. Shirts and trousers from Tru-Spec and Leo Kohler are what I mainly find myself recommending these days.
    1 point
  43. The OP specified the GC16, which is metal-bodied. Likely to be stronger than the Specna as it's billet-styled with extra girth around the rear of the lower The CM variant is plastic bodied, which to be honest is just as good (if not better) as Specna's metal bodies in terms of strength (I have both right in front of me to compare). I would buy the G&G (Plastic) along with a Perun ETU++ personally. You get most of the features of the Aster (no dongle required!!), and G&G's QA/QC is generally better.
    1 point
  44. When it comes to parts, I typically tried to shop local before Brexit anyway, because something-something-support-local-businesses-and-uk-economy. I typically ask my two local shops if they can get the parts and if they can't I usually look for UK retailers anyway, going through a list of retailers I trust in preferential order because I'd rather give my business to those who have done right by me in the past. Outside of that, I typically go to HK/Taiwan for hard to find parts and have never had any issues with ordering from them. EU retailers that ship to the UK and don't have the £140 cap, I also have had no issues from. Bought some stuff from the Nov, for example, kept it below £135 and watched it sail through customs with no issues. Though it must be said, I don't think I'd import RIFs after seeing some of the horror stories from people importing RIFs. Fortunately, I don't generally need to do this because local shops are quite good at getting hold of stuff. Never really bought from Europe before Brexit apart from getting cheap RIFs and stuff from Taiwangun, but since I don't really need anything new this is no longer an issue. Plus, not having access to those stupidly cheap prices is helping me avoid the temptation of new things
    1 point
  45. there really is no set size for lips, or pretty much anything. I'm testing a couple of new gearbox shells right now and I'm swopping out parts like you wouldn't believe trying to get the best fit - it's just the nature of the beast and something you need to accept when tinkering.
    1 point
  46. As someone who works on m14s (which have different barrel cuts and shorter hop rubbers), this is par for the course in my opinion. Cutting hop rubbers is easy and it doesn't have to be 100% perfect; a bit of a jagged edge isn't going to make any difference. I still get flawless airseal in my m14s and I've simply used some multi-tool scissors to cut it down to size. Plus, as has been said, hop rubbers are pretty affordable.
    1 point
  47. Component Shop https://www.componentshop.co.uk VapexTech https://www.vapextech.co.uk
    1 point
  48. The Taliban have released a promo for their 'Badri 313' Special Forces Squadron. Interesting use of a FAST mag pouch... I can't help but feel that our involvement in the Middle East has been a colossal waste of time, money, and most importantly, British lives. Whilst the UK dodged the Vietnam bullet, we jumps squarely into Iraq and Afghanistan behind the Americans, and for what? The world is no safer now than 9/11/2001. It could be argued that the opposite is true. I just hope that foreign policy moving forward avoids these kind of 'occupational' wars and trying to instill westerns values into societies that, quite frankly, don't want it.
    1 point
  49. Surely you're not suggesting I add a touch more Farage?
    1 point
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