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Showing content with the highest reputation since 28/10/12 in Status Updates

  1. In the interests of transparency: I am a Specna Arms brand ambassador for the UK. Please direct all requests for freebies and autographs to my inbox 😎
    11 points
  2. Sorry for the almost radio silence from me the past 7 days! I am happy to announce I have finally completed the South West Coastal Path, Poole to Minehead. 630 miles. Dead happy and dead tired.
    9 points
  3. So I ordered some small parts from zero one and today I got a rather large box from them. Taking it out of the cardboard reveled this... Now I am thinking damm this is one messed up order that I am not unhappy about. Imagen my sadness when I open the box to find this I mean come on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    9 points
  4. Well I've bit the bullet and bought an LCT AKM. Been after one for a while and at £170 I can't really beat that price!
    9 points
  5. I know the mk23 isn’t to everyone’s taste, but still a bit harsh
    7 points
  6. Had the kind of day yesterday you always dream of having. Guns worked perfectly all day, fair play, fair weather, perfectly even teams, lots of firefights. I am a happy bunny.
    7 points
  7. Pretty amused to see another load of drugs advertised on the site. As if anyone on here would waste cash on drugs when there are toy guns to purchase.
    7 points
  8. When you start unloading from Sunday, realise that ex-Workmate Eddy has filled eight magazines with a random mix of BBs, and you're so cheap you try to pick the tracers out.
    7 points
  9. Well another busy day for my missus as we welcomed our newest son into the world 😊
    7 points
  10. The company I've been interviewing with for the past month or so offered me the job today - I replied with a counter offer and they accepted. Possibly my second thought on the matter was.. 'I may well now be able to afford an LCT G3A3'... at least without wincing that is.
    7 points
  11. Beware of PM from Mrs Janet Crews wanting to buy guns - new member flagged as a scammer.
    7 points
  12. Happy Christmas to all forum members. I hope you all get what you wish for. Have a good time🎉👍 Regards
    6 points
  13. Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have met. I'm somewhat of a dinosaur now. I spent some time hunting 80-90-2000s spring guns. It became quite an obsessive project. I never thought I would get rid of any of them but I've come to realise much of the thrill was in the hunt, and I let one go and it was nice to let it go to someone else to enjoy. I'm not sure what I want to get rid of some of you will have watched as I amassed it. There are so many it's very hard to list. If there's anything anyone is interested in do give me a shout.
    6 points
  14. I think I'm letting the side down. I've got one rif, one pistol and am happy with what I've got. I look at other pews and think That's nice but I wouldn't use it as I'm happy with what I've got! I'm sorry. I'll try harder.
    6 points
  15. This guy is repeatedly contacting people, offering considerably more than their asking, clearly it's a scam but the finer details are unclear, merely because no one has fallen for his bullshit. But rather than wait for someone to get suckered, he's gone🔨
    6 points
  16. Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't tell mum about it😏
    6 points
  17. God bless ya Queenie. Good job done. Now have a well earned rest.
    6 points
  18. If your selling anything Airsoft related & I contact you, feel free to tell me to FUCK RIGHT OFF🤬, I've got too much stuff already, literally a ton or more, don't feed my addiction 😬
    6 points
  19. Patrol Base be like "Non functional, externals extremely damaged. Save £15"
    6 points
  20. Spam issue has been addressed with the addition of an extra plugin that claims to help. We'll see I suppose...
    6 points
  21. Gonna wear my (just don't give) AFUK hat tomorrow. If anyone asks me my username, I'm going to tell them it's @Rogerborg and act like an arsehole all day.
    6 points
  22. Brophy

    Saw this, had to share 😂 😂

    Saw this, had to share 😂😂
    6 points
  23. So I was working yesterday, surveying a building. This little guy showed up, my instrument has a built in laser pointer. (visible in the picture, right next to Mr. Cat) Could've been a 1h job, it ended up being 2 hours
    6 points
  24. Dear Mods, Please get rid of the search function, its clearly not used and the space on the top of the page could be better used with just a link to google.
    6 points
  25. Second play with camo pens. Quite happy with the result.
    6 points
  26. Just got accepted for my new job which I'll be starting in March... Mo' money, mo' kit😎
    6 points
  27. *IMPORTANT* - Please do not finalise any trades/sales you might have started with TISWAS. He is a known scammer.
    6 points
  28. Thanks @BibbsOnTour - I now have my birth year in community rep points 😂
    6 points
  29. I made this for us all to use. Should get lots of use on here
    6 points
  30. He's from the afuk Nigerian club👎
    5 points
  31. FORUM MODERATORS: Can sale items marked as completed have the 'message seller' button removed, or after a while be deleted. I have had repeated emails asking if a shotgun I sold 2 years ago is still available. 2 in the last couple of months...
    5 points
  32. Pic by Harry Badger taken at last S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. game.
    5 points
  33. Just purchased a CYMA Dragunov. Now for the inevitable DMR-ing and standing to one side of other projects for the new toy...
    5 points
  34. Just ordered a set of m81 woodlands 😎😎😎
    5 points
  35. Just got my booster from someone clad in Multiglam, I feel so violated. Couldn't they have sprung for some Swedish M90 or Belgian Jigsaw?
    5 points
  36. Just fitted a rotary hop to (one of my rapidly breeding) G&G M 4s. ML and Omega. HT SHS motor and some cosmetics/ergonomics. The air seal seams fine judging by the consistency. Think I'll leave it there until it's time of the rattle can. The rest of the goodies can stay in their boxes for another rif.
    5 points
  37. Hi, ALL! 👋 So I finally decided after reaching my goal of 100 Subscribers! 😁 Yesterday made an Instagram account, which I shall slowly grasp and add more content to? 🤔 gamble_0013 Keeping it simple on Social Media and respect before disrespect, “Honour system!” 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    5 points
  38. Hi, ALL! 👋 Just went on to my YouTube channel, checking videos and one video has gotten over 1K views! Nothing compared to bigger channels, still an achievement! 😆👍 Thanks to all those that have Subscribed, been watching and being positive! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    5 points
  39. If you're going to incessantly chase after people trying to buy a RIF that you seemingly: A) Can't afford the asking price of. B) Likely aren't of age to have sold to you. C) Can't be bothered to use proper English. Please do so in private messages so we don't all have to read your pretty embarrasing scattershotting. P.S. incessantly /ɪnˈsɛsntli/ adverb without interruption; constantly.
    5 points
  40. Remember, call your hits. IMG_4287.MOV
    5 points
  41. Jedi_Master

    Merry Christmas to everyone.

    Merry Christmas to everyone.
    5 points
  42. "Brand new.Only fired once in garden" Did you hate it so much that you fired one shot and instantly realised you had made a terrible,terrible mistake! I laugh when I read that opening 'cliche' it's on a par with second hand cars "one careful owner." The other ten didnt give a fuck! Regards
    5 points
  43. Jedi_Master

    Happy VE Day.

    Happy VE Day.
    5 points
  44. Happy Star Wars day. May the 4th be with you
    5 points
  45. Zero In has been hacked... So I'm doing my part:
    5 points
  46. We've had a couple of reports of spam accounts posing as buyers for your classified adverts. Please try not to fall for it. They use quite an obvious template, but please use your Noggin. You'll lose your guns and the money.
    5 points
  47. I've finally solved the "Spectacles with Shooting glasses" conundrum! Perfect!
    5 points
  48. I need to stop reading this bloody forum!... And watching airsoft YouTube videos... MUST. CLEAR. CREDIT. CARDS.
    5 points
  49. Quick update to my dispute against @LTPinney: I won, basically. PayPal reviewed my dispute and refunded me the full amount about 40 minutes ago. Nice wake up to my first present of the day! Have a great Christmas everyone!
    5 points
  50. Spent a few hours on the air rifle range this evening with the G3. Scope is set, Was happily plinking logs and the bigger targets on that range... All the PCP airgunners looking at me like an idiot for having a gun that made them have kittens. I may have walked past them all with the gun in a bag, dropped the mags on the table, thrown in a mid cap quick, and slapped the cocking lever. Before leaving it on the table for a minute or two.... Mostly people were just looking down the table expecting all hell to break loose any second. I then shot it, and they realised it was airsoft lol. Gun is shooing past the 65 meter mark and well into the 70's. Just needs a few K's bb's passing through it to get the rubber where I want it. Not a single misfeed. And I may of put a deposit on a PCP air rifle.
    5 points
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