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Skullchewer last won the day on June 27

Skullchewer had the most liked content!


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  • Guns
    Your mum throwing a shoe
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    Camo stuff innit
  • Sites
    Red Alert
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    Airsoft, D&D, Metal/Punk festivals, anything Post Apocalyptic.

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  1. It's this Sunday, people! Weather is looking like it should be perfect, and we've got some fun objectives for you.
  2. Great... 🤦🏼‍♂️ "A former Fonacab taxi driver who assaulted a passenger with an imitation firearm will spend 10 months in jail and 10 months on license. Belfast Crown court was told that 49-year-old Brian Alexander Stalford, from Park Avenue in east Belfast, was under the influence of cocaine the day of the gun attack and admitted “acting the hardman”. The court heard that Stalford issued the threat to the front-seat passenger over a drugs debt. His barrister Sean Devine said the "supreme irony" of the incident was that Stalford issued the threat to pay off his own drugs debt, and was under the influence of cocaine at the time. The court heard that cocaine made Stalford “feel confident and invincible and made him act like a hard man”. Det Sgt Hughes said today's sentencing "sends a message that the possesion or use of firearms, imitation or otherwise, is unacceptable in any modern society". Previous convictions Stalford has 66 previous convictions. Judge McColgan said this including two prior charges for possessing an offensive weapon. The court was told Stalford has expressed remorse and regret for his actions and has displayed victim empathy regarding the impact his actions will have had on both passengers." Doesn't mention airsoft, but...
  3. I'm hoping that there will be enough player marshals for me to be able to play.
  4. Yeah, the two hour game blind sided everyone. That was the biggest feedback, from me too! "Oh your ankle hurts? Walk for two hours." But feedback in overall was good. Good to see you again, and that one big contraband extraction you guys did was epic. 🤣 Come to the Simlite on the 28th. We are also trialing evening games soon.
  5. For the lites, yes. Teams will be assigned on the day. Our full battlesims you select teams at booking.
  6. I'll be on gate duty in the morning, so you can't miss me. Say hi. Lite days are fun. They give you more focus for the day, rather than a quick 30 minute ctf or the like, but they're not as intense as a full Battlesim. They add more depth to the gameplay. Pace yourself, bring a bag you can leave at your team HQ with snacks, water, ammo etc.
  7. Another of our increasingly popular Battlesim "LITE" days is coming up, on the 28th of July. Looking to get in to sim days but don't know where to start? Wanted to try a sim day, but put off by the camo restrictions? Enjoy sims but find them a bit intense sometimes? A Battlesim Lite is just what you need! Usual skirmish rules apply with the following changes: The day will consist of morning and afternoon gaming, with a break for lunch. There will be fixed point and rolling objectives given by your team commander. Three teams will be designated with tape/armbands, there will be no camo restrictions like there are on full Battlesim days. There will be no weapon restrictions or ammo limits, as there are at full Battlesim days, however guns must use the magazines designed for them, for example: no mag adapters or drum mags except on LMG's. Days Schedule: 8:30am - Gates Open 9:00am - Check In & Chrono from 9.00am 10:00am - Daily Brief and Start of Morning Game 1:00pm - Lunch (included) 1:45pm - Afternoon Game Starts 4:30pm - End of Afternoon Game, Return to Safe zone for debrief. More details about the themes and missions of the day will be released on social media over the next few weeks. £30 for the day, with lunch included. So come get your sim on! Book in advance here: https://redalertpaintball.co.uk/booking/airsoft-battlesim-lite/
  8. Possibly? Not sure. I can't even remember his name 🤣 He's "that dude from Warhound, you know, thingy"
  9. Player: "I was shooting that guy behind that bush!!" Me: "Which bush?" Player: "There!" *pointing at thick foliage about 30 metres away* Me: *deep sigh* "What weight BBs are you using?" Player: ".2s, why?" Me: *internal even deeper sigh* "Okay, so......"
  10. Shaaaameless plug for where I work! Warhound Tactical visited us this last Sunday, and did some filming. They also interviewed Pete, the site owner, and Beaker the site manager. Check us out
  11. Ain't that the truth. One guy gripes to a friend about someone he's absolutely sure he hit, his friend gripes to someone else, and suddenly there's a witch hunt. And 9 times out of 10 the player in question IS calling hits, it's just the griping player doesn't understand that he's not shooting lasers.
  12. This reminds me of a chat myself and other marshals had about dumb responses to asking players what weight bb they're running at chrono, the best one being: Player steps up to chrono Marshal: "What weight?" Player: "Ummm" Player hefts RIF Player: "About 4 kg?"
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