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  1. Since we're well off topic now, I heard a player-marshal grumbling after a game that he'd "hit someone, and the cheeky cnut had put his hand up, then ducked back into cover." I kindly let him know that the cheeky cnut was in fact waving cheerily at him because his BBs were dropping about 3m short. Perhaps ill advised, but he was already convinced that he was hitting me and would have been salty anyway, so I might as well have fun with it.
    6 points
  2. BigStew

    Acceptable rates of fire

    And that's the problem 99% of non hit taking is the shooter not hitting the target. So the problem is the player with super duper gun that can shoot laser straight and hit a 2 inch target at 100m can't judge distance for shit. So when they get frustrated at the non hit taker and move position to actually be in range and then then light up the player "who didn't take their hits" they become the arse hole ruining people's days. As Marshall I pull up far more people for shouting take your hit than actual non hit taking.
    5 points
  3. Mad-Al

    Gun picture thread

    I think i may have a new favourite! LCT LK53 ARMS mount Vector frenzy VFC torch grip HK 3 point sling Perun hybrid, maple leaf macron, omega nub.
    5 points
  4. Rogerborg

    Scam or stupidity

    +1 to him being honest to begin with, then realising that he's got your money and the RIF, and that he might end up with both if he just does nothing. Well, you did the right thing, although I agree that I wouldn't have left it that long. It's harsh on sellers and senders at the moment, but ultimately you just have to mash that "Refund, now" button, and the sooner you do it, the sooner you're back where you started. And 1000% on never, ever cancelling a refund claim.
    4 points
  5. Tackle

    Scam or stupidity

    Don't EVER stop the claim, not unless you have the goods or money in your hands.
    4 points
  6. I'm fairly new to airsoft having started in Sept. One of the things that got my attention was rate of fire, in that it excited me. I wanted to buya fast firing rif. I recently bought a chrono Purely to see the rps of mine and my sons ( box std) arp556. His was 15rps and mine is 13rps. This surprised me as I thought it was much higher. Given the amount of bb I can get through in a day I don't want anything faster and really can't see why more than 20 rps would be needed? Infact my preferred rate is now 3 round burst as its plenty. Full auto is only for non callers now. I've no problem with those that want to go faster or what propels them. Only real problem I've come across is the drum mag users. Granted I use high caps at 350 rounds but they are nothing compared to what seems minutes on end from the drummers, from behind their cover ! Really slows or stops the game some days. I've also noticed bar post teen walk ons, it's seems the drummers are the ones who don't call hits more often? I sniped one drummer with 3 body shots Sunday from about 40 - 30m as he did a terminator walk across open ground. On the 3rd hit he turned and sprayed me. I just stuck 2 fingers up at him but also then got head shot by a fellow sniper lol so I called hit and off i went.
    4 points
  7. Pussys, dicks and arseholes. Airsoft has always been this way, I find I just take on the challenge of out smarting them and making the way they play ineffective for them. I do completely get that dick players don’t do any good for potential newbs. However of all airsoft gripes dishonesty and non hit taking are the game day killers for me.
    4 points
  8. Impulse

    Acceptable rates of fire

    As a HPA sniper (best of both worlds!), I'll add spring snipers to that list. Plenty of spring snipers who go for headshots, try to inflict pain because it's "funny" and ignore their MED. Not all HPA users are dicks, just like not all dicks are HPA users.
    4 points
  9. Ammo limits are the way, imho, on account of the fact you can literally use any type of RIF under the sun with any mechanism for propulsion but if you run out of beebs half way through the game and aren't allowed to re-stock you're going to watch your weight of trigger finger. Is this easily enforceable? Absolutely not, same as any other methods suggested, there's plenty of arguments against it. There's no way you're going to have marshalls checking every pouch and pocket for sneaky hidden mags and bags of bbs. However it's a rule I'd think most people would follow and a lot of the time it wouldn't be too hard to spot offenders. Also it just generally adds to the quality of the gameplay in general in all key respects I find, but I have no delusions that that is subjective and some won't agree with me. Just an idea I've held for a long time and like to put out there now and again.
    3 points
  10. Steveocee

    Scam or stupidity

    Honest opinion.... stupidity on both of you's side. Why has your common sense not kicked in that buying from abroad, especially privately wouldn't be an absolute nightmare? Paperwork as it's an imitation firearm for a start and then probably that YOU have a valid defence for receiving it. He does seem to have messed you about a bit and has gone quite scatty with it but just claim the money back and learn from this.
    3 points
  11. EDcase

    Scam or stupidity

    Since you received notification of documents needed I think he just got caught out by the Brexit fiasco. He then got a bit stupid with the delays. You did the right thing by waiting a good amount of time (many would say too long) I would certainly avoid buying or selling second hand abroad
    3 points
  12. lekne

    Gun picture thread

    My first paint job Used plastic primer and tamiya acrylic paint.Two coat of clear coat
    3 points
  13. Monkman

    Acceptable rates of fire

    HPA user here... personally I love to use semi and only use Full auto when someone deserves it (Not hit taking) - I can adjust the ROF on mine to Wanker level...but why? All your doing as advertising that you a cunt and there is no need. One lad on our site who plays every now and again sets his up to fire at a billion rps...and everyone thinks he's a knob. Marshalls informed and aware and chrono'd to right limits...but still a wanker for running something that fast and overshooting peeps as well. (He's young and I think trying to show off to his mates with his setup all the time) I always wary of peeps on the site, even more so for rentals & new players..we need more peeps coming into Airsoft, not driving them away by shooting the crap out of them with silly ROF setups. **Btw using HPA as an example...seen plenty of peeps with DSG builds and high ROF builds being dicks as well... But it's airsoft..and people are people.... Merry Xmas everyone.
    3 points
  14. Made a family picture 😁
    2 points
  15. Adolf Hamster

    F2000 sling

    i just didn't want the gun falling on the ground nah i was selling the gun as a package, although didn't get much traction so ended up splitting, iirc i sold the sling with the tri-rail then sold the gun sans-sling. yeah the tri-rails for the f2000's were difficult to get a hold of, one day my local managed to find a bunch of them and i instantly bought one. i know the real gun had a version of the handguard with a short section of rail protruding from it, but personally i preferred the whole-hog tri-rail as it's juust long enough to fit a 203 onto..... on the g&g version the handguard was hollow plastic (made of 2 halves similar to the main body of the gun), probably would be strong enough to cut a hole and mount a rail into it if you printed a block that would sit tight on the inside of the shell to mount to.
    2 points
  16. My new baby Double Eagle M904G (Honey Badger)
    2 points
  17. I am kinda of both minds. On the one hand, I do not build any of my guns to be too high ROF, whether HPA or AEG. With the advent of Titans and ROF limiters on AEGs all my Titan builds are locked at 20RPS. HPA is even easier to tune - they get the same 20 for the most part. I also have several guns that, when built, just shoot slower. My QJB-95 sits around 15RPS, for instance. I only have 3-4 guns above that rate - my M134, M132, my KA 9mm SBR (shoots 26RPS through no fault of its own, just happened when I switched to 11.1s), and im sure theres a gun or two in there that is above 20 as well. And to top that most of the time I have them on burst or fire 3-5 round bursts on auto, if its not a semi-only game. I personally do not like accuracy through volume, whether indoors or out. What I dont like, however, is people wanting to ban HPA simply because it can be used to easily cheat. I can just as easily cheat any chrono with one of my TItan AEGs as I can with HPA - even easier in fact. You can tournie-lock my HPA reg, but you cant stop me from popping my QC gearbox open and changing springs, and its just as easy to attach my Titan programming card to my gun as it is to change FCU settings on HPA - easier in fact if it isnt a FCU with a screen. If sites would learn to lock regulators and pay attention to their players its not a hard thing to catch those trying to cheat (also I am all for reasonable ROF limits at fields), instead of just banning anything HPA.
    2 points
  18. https://www.politax.com/post/is-brexit-really-about-tax-avoidance
    2 points
  19. High ROF is not the issue ( i don't see the point you can still suppress with low ROF and save ammo) but the player them selves as only one person is having fun when some one gets lit up with 60rd and the person having fun is an arsehole. site I play at doesn't have rof restrictions, but if you're spamming people words will be had.
    2 points
  20. @TheNotoriousLoki glad to hear you enjoyed it. Forgetting your gloves is a lesson I'm sure many of us have learnt the hard way, I know I have. Good call on not buying more gear for the moment, it's very easy to end up buying loads of stuff that ends up sitting in a cupboard gathering dust.
    1 point
  21. I'm playing a night game tomorrow, 6 pm to 10 pm and it will be around 5 or so degrees centigrade, so I'll take my own chrono with me and do a before and after, so let's see what it says.
    1 point
  22. How many RPS is that rifle sir?
    1 point
  23. Been playing since this summer and I'm pretty happy with my loadout so far. Although I might add a battle belt in the future, so I can carry some extra mags on it 😎
    1 point
  24. I suppose you'd have to apply to be a support gunner so you'd take your gun up to the desk or maybe the ammo would get issued and roles assigned at the chrono and they'd decide if you qualify. This is all getting very milsim esque for a regular skirmish day though
    1 point
  25. In general I think that high rate of fire is pointless and "he burned my patch" ing someone should be a should result in a site ban and other sites being informed. High rate of fire aren't inherently bad things. However I would say that if someone is building as super high rps dsg whatever "Just for the trigger response" it should be locked to semi. As someone else said a 25-20rps max limit could become a thing at more sites. It depends how many people abuse it. I could certainly see milsims implementing it. Also speaking as someone who runs a variety of lmgs and support weapons I tend to leave the rof stock, run a 7.4 lion battery and happily chug away an entire game without reloading. High rof is not necessary for suppressive fire.
    1 point
  26. snuff

    Acceptable rates of fire

    I prefer to do controlled burst with full auto but only because of the delay on 3 shot burst,I know the delay is minimal but it is there and during a game it is noticable.On the other hand my m8 loved it.
    1 point
  27. Adolf Hamster

    F2000 sling

    the way i ran mine was using what's sometimes referred to as a "tactical thong" around the back of the rifle, then with the front tri-rail installed it was convenient to put on an SA80 sling. had to run the sling on the loose side as the f2000 isn't as long as an sa80 and the amount of slack when switching it from 2 point to 1 point mode meant it was either too tight in 1-point or too loose in 2-point. pic pinched from one of my old sales posts:
    1 point
  28. Paul72

    F2000 sling

    31mm should just fit,
    1 point
  29. RostokMcSpoons

    F2000 sling

    So I could just run one of these cheap things around the stock and through the slots, attach the single point to the d-ring and I'm golden...? Cool. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Tactical-Universal-D-Ring-Sling-point-Adapter-rifle-buttstock-Loop-Strap-Airsoft-/353409589012?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Is the 1.25" width of that strap the standard size that will fit through the slots ok?
    1 point
  30. Paul72

    F2000 sling

    The “slots” at the rear of the stock are for attaching a sling to
    1 point
  31. Double Eagle used to make rubbish springers that could be had for pocket money prices, that's where their bad reputation comes from. Their current guns' reputation is good 👍 The technology is also excellent, the fire control system with binary fire and burst mode are so easy to program. They're not perfect... mine doesn't seem to like the cold at all, so after 4 skirmishes I'm preparing to do some work on it with a new spring, hop rubber and nub, and a bit of general cleaning and lubing. But I don't think anyone has had theirs actually break on them, which is pretty damned good for our little toy gnus 😁
    1 point
  32. snuff

    Acceptable rates of fire

    As said if you're a dick you're a dick.We played yesterday and there is always a few regular troublesome younger "coders" running HPA's .I say troublesome because they are always getting tagged for non-hit taking, etc,I mean this regularly.It also happens that they are friends of some of the marshalls,so much so that yesterday I heard one of them in question ask the marshall if there was a ROF limit,the coversation continued until the marshall went into the players backpack and made an adjustment for him (you can enlighten me) and the ensuing ROF was crazy.It doesn't personaly bother me so much but you can hear newbies asking WTF!!I think a cap will happen when someone gets tired of being overshot by these types or until someone gets hurt.I know you can hose anyone with any gun but higher ROF makes it easier.
    1 point
  33. I have already spent a bit of money but that is buying my gear (helmet, gloves, face protection & tactical vest). My fiancé has bought me a two tone RIF which I will use for a while then maybe purchase a pistol once I have my UKARA. looking to book my next game on 28th but all depends if Boris does another lock down or not.
    1 point
  34. Police knocked on my door this evening. 'Where were you between four and six?' they asked. 'Primary school,' I promptly answered. Seriously, what a waste of public money!
    1 point
  35. tbh, i don't think even that works out for a sufficiently determined arse.
    1 point
  36. vvv That. And different chemistries means you can't really compare like for like. Notionally an 8.4V NiMH should spin a no-load motor a little faster than a 7.4V LiPo, but those aren't the voltages that you'll actually see. Most chargers will take a lipo up to a reliable 3.7V per cell i.e. 8.4V for a 2-cell rather than 7.4V. A NiMH "8.4V" pack is 7 x 1.2V cells in series but chargers don't know that. All they can do is to stuff charge in until the battery resistance spikes / the charging current drops, which might be at any point depending on the worst cell in the pack. So much for voltage. The lithium cell will also be able to deliver more power, and will deliver it more consistently as it discharges, which will let your motor pull the spring as fast as it's able to. They both work, I'm not saying that you must get lithium based cells, but I prefer them.
    1 point
  37. Yeah, best with black. A better base to work with IMO. To my eyes tan looks bogging on anything apart from an M4 or a 1911.
    1 point
  38. Got me one of these from that there AliExpress... a £21 chronograph so I can check whether my 'upgrades' make things better or worse ... my God it's small! (it's about 1" in height) The tube that you shoot down is very narrow, hence those brass tubes which are used to position the chrono on the end of the barrel (here it's set up for my 35mm diameter silencer) It seems to work ok, but the normal-sized ones have the big advantage of not needing to faff around with those mounting tubes (or risking damaging the inside of the chrono if it's wrongly positioned)
    1 point
  39. The cold does all sorts of things, probably a mixture of the reasons you list above. I know my AEGs drop in performance when it's chilly.
    1 point
  40. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Fixed those for ya 😜
    1 point
  41. lokkers

    THE TM MWS thread

    That's pretty normal with a gas gun - as the gas expands it cools the gun and magazine rapidly, which has a negative effect on power. You really only want to use the gun on semi, or very short bursts (as you would a real firearm).
    1 point
  42. Just an update on the ESS they defo seem to be doing the job, even switched off they fog less than others I’ve tried……that said there not as premium as other goggles I own like blueye sos supercell or Wiley spear but I saw the ex fog and imagine those extractors work wonders but at the price and bulk of them I’ll probably make my own somehow
    1 point
  43. H̴̫̽ȧ̴̢̤v̶̦̲͠e̷͈̻͌ ̴̏ͅy̷̟͒o̸̱̓̚ͅu̵̯̿ ̴̧̆b̷̙̳̊̅e̷͙̳̋̾e̵̱̠̊̍n̸̪̋̀ ̷̩̦̔̊g̸͉͒́ͅo̵̯̿ö̴̲̱́̒d̶̬̭͆ ̶̳̆b̶̺̂̈o̴͈͐̔y̵̨͆͘ś̵̠ ̵̳͛̀ͅạ̷͠n̴͙̎d̸̺͙̔ ̷̥̹̈́̆ģ̵̼̽̊ỉ̸͍͝ŕ̶͓l̸̠̂͠s̸͈̃̀͜ ̶̲̞̕t̷͎̦̏͝h̸͚̽̉i̵̪̯̐s̵͕̓̎ ̴̯̈́̓y̵̞͗e̷̎̓ͅa̵̲̜̒̍ȑ̴̭?̷̠̑ ̶̡͎̄
    1 point
  44. I bought two 4 series AKs last week. They will remain virgins until I've ascertained that they are basically sound. Then ML and barrel and that's about it. Even their 3 series are pretty damn good these days.
    1 point
  45. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Getting ready for tomorrow’s game so I thought I’d share a quick snap of the current state of my KC02’s Edit: Before why two of the same gun? Top one is a 1.8j semi auto GBBR build and the bottom one has the blowback disabled for a single action 2.3j build.
    1 point
  46. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Use the standard bolt or a quality lightweight one if you want snappier cycle, no rollers, no angry gun crap. The MWS doesn’t want for much, just fine tuning, trigger box work and cleanliness.
    1 point
  47. I know it's just personal opinion but the price of branded goggles with fans in them is frankly bloody ridiculous. I've an ExFog, not everyone's cup of tea, but at say £70 for it + £15 for the helmet pouch you can then use absolutely whatever googles you want (a pair of properly safety rated Bolle Coverall Vented googles only cost £8).
    1 point
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