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  1. My lovely airsoft relic is now mostly done. I'll do some fine tuning when I've got access to the range at my local site, but I'm really happy with this. Don't see many of these around these days, much less with a real-steel Remington m700 wooden stock. Now I have the perfect bad-guy sniper rifle for filmsim events as I can dress up as a civilian dissident with a sporting rifle now. Only thing I need to get now is a leather rifle sling to finish that sporting rifle vibe.
    4 points
  2. Not Airsoft but I think it DEFINITELY warrants posting in the gun picture thread ! as big bird said on ‘Sesame Street’ 🎶 one of these things is not like the others !🎶😳 you just know someone’s had their arse re-bored by a rather irate armourer ? 😖
    4 points
  3. Don't point your gun where it shouldn't be pointed and you'll almost certainly always be just fine. Applies to TM G19 Gen4s, and literally every other RIF.
    3 points
  4. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Looks great 👍 Now remember... Don't use it 😆
    3 points
  5. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Need to get better pictures, but got the British trades done on my Hi Power
    3 points
  6. Thanks brother. I’ve always preferred the long gun, they are simply ‘classic’; I think the mixed bag ‘task force black’ load outs are the best looking too, though and will probably search out another mich type helmet n goggles at some point!!
    2 points
  7. https://www.airsoftwholesaleuk.com/Wholesale-blog/li-ion-airsoft-batteries-showdown-oper8-vs-titan-power/ I'll just leave this here. It does state that the cells used in these Li-Ion airsoft packs are capable of up to 95A burst. The simple fact of the matter though is that there is plenty of people out there using these batteries that don't seem to be having any issues. Don't get me wrong, if mine all die in 6 months time I'll be happy to come forward and let everyone know but they certainly don't seem to be showing any adverse signs so far. I've definitely had LiPo packs puff up in less time!
    2 points
  8. I'm going to do this review slightly differnetly from normal. Usually I'd take the AEG to bits and talk about the good and bad parts but there are plenty of youtube videos out there comparing the GBLS to other platforms and very little on what it is like to use one. I'll cover the elephant in the room, the price, later on in the review and give my thoughts. So this is my GBLS and I bought the budget/skeleton kit for a couple of reasons. As much as the full rifle is nice I was never going to keep the supplied rail and was probably always going to make my own verison (Mk18 ish in my case however this might change to a MK16 or L119A2 depending on what I finally settle on). If you have been living under a rock a little bit about what the GBLS is might help..or not. It's not a GBB rifle but it uses a similar design, it's not really a typical AEG but it uses a similar design. Confused? Well the closest thing to it would probably be the TOP M4 shell ejecting M4 but the GBLS doesn't eject shells. Inside the lower receiver you will find the gearbox and in the pistol grip is the motor. In the upper receiver you will find full sized bolt. Inside the bolt is the piston head and spring. The way it works is you pull the charging handle to the rear and when you release it it pushes the bolt forward and chambers a BB in the hop unit. You pull the trigger and this releases the compressed spring which pushes air out the front of the bolt propelling the BB out the barrel. At the same time the gearbox kicks in and cycles the bolt again and loads another BB. If set to semi it does this once. If set to auto it does that until every BB is fired out the magazine and the bolt locks in the rear position and you then take out the mag, replace with a fresh mag and hit the bolt release which loads a BB in the hop. I'm going to be aiming these next comments to people who have been skirmishing a while and use PTW's, GBB's and NGRS's. You know that way on a PTW you can get a quick double tap off quickly and both BB's will mostly likely hit the target. On the GBLS that's not going to happen. Well it will but you are going to have to train with it to get a grip with the recoil as after the first cycle of the bolt your aim will be off by quite a bit. You know the way when you full auto a GBB rifle and the FPS drops about 30 or 40 from the first shot to the 35th shot. Yeah that doesn't happen. The FPS is consistant from BB 1 to BB 60. You know that sound and slight recoil you get when you fire a NGRS well that doesn't happen. You get a very nice kick and quite a loud sound as the bolt slams forward. I'm not having a go at these other platforms as I have them all and enjoy them but the GBLS is just a bit different and in a good way. I'll do a few more comparisons to the other platforms so that the more experienced players get where I'm coming from. On the GBB it's great to have the bolt lock back making you do a mag swap, slap the bolt release and get back in the game. When I run a GBB (MWS, GHK, VFC, or any of the others I run) I'm always concerned that the gas I'm using which was under the site limits at the start of the day is now pushing the BB's above the site limit because it's now the afternoon and it's 10 degrees hotter. I'm also concerned that in the colder months in the UK I'm not getting the best from the platform because it's cold so tend not to use them. The GBLS gives me the mag swaps and the recoil I get from my GBB's but at a consistant FPS the whole year. The recoil is probably just as good as my MWS running sub 350 FPS and if there is a difference it's hardly noticable. On the PTW or a NGRS with a Titan fitted I get some nice snappy shots off. I don't get this on the GBLS. My first shot is snappy and on target but the 2nd shot will need adjusting (GBB people will know what I'm talking about). On the GBLS the trigger pull feels very real. I've heard that the trigger pull was about 10 lb but mine seems to be about 8. It feels very realistic with a nice break and reset. It feels more realistic than my GBB's never mind the PTW and NGRS. My opinion at the moment is the GBLS DAS is more realistic than a PTW or NGRS and more reliable than a GBB. Before I move on to price I'll mention the following. I ordered 2 Nupol 11.1V 30C Lipoi batteries as I thought the GBLS might eat through a battery since it's shifting the heavy bolt back and forward. I used 16 full mags today on 1 battery and there is still plenty of juice left in it so it doesn't seem to be current hungry. I had zero jams, stoppages or feeding problems with the 8 mags I used (although I did loose one somewhere along with a Glock 19 but thats another story!). I took it out the box, set the hop with 0.3g blaster BB's and was easily hitting 55 meters with accuracy and the FPS is running at around 320 (on a 0.2g BB). To be clear I have done nothing to it, straight out the box if fires flawlessly and that leads into the price. So £1350 for a toy gun is quite excessive or is it? Let's have a look at the other toys out there. Let's start with the GBB as this is probably the cheapest platform when comparing it to the rest unless you look at the running costs over a long period of time. So a MWS is around £500 then you add 7 more mags at £45 a pop. Let's also remember that carrying 8 BGG mags is a chore as they weigh a ton. Let's say you want to get the best range out to 55/60 meters so you might chuck in a tightbore and maple leaf rubber and possibly a NPAS to control the FPS. So you are probably looking at about a grand now. TM NGRS can be a bit of a money pit when it comes to getting the best out of them. £550 for the AEG, £150 for the titan, 8 mags at £25 each, tightbore, S hop, new spring and spring guide and possibly reinforced gears to replace the soft TM gears. We are probably at around £1200 now. PTW's are anywhere from £1200 to £2000 depending on the model you buy but then you have spare mags, possibly get the hop sorted, have the electrics waterproofed and then maybe have the motor rewired. God knows the final price of a full tuned PTW. I hate to think how much I've spent over the years on them. At this point you might be seeing the point I'm trying to make. £1350 plus £35 a mag doesn't seem that expensive when you don't have to upgrade/replace/rewire anything and it justs works as advertised out the box and is more realisitc and reliably than the other platforms. Are there any negatives? I know of 1 and heard of another but never experienced it. The electronic board in the gearbox doesn't like to get wet or so I have heard. Tell me a titan or Systema board that does. My only slight gripe is the metal mags rattle a bit inside the magwell. This is genuinely the only negative I could find with the GBLS. Is it the best airsoft gun in the world? well no but it is the most reliably realistic one out there and it's very much a nice experience using it. I'll finish this review of with a couple of notes. I handed it to about 10 team mates today and everyone had a stupid smile on their face after that first shot. I think a few AEG's will be getting sold off shortly to fund a GBLS. I'm probably going to be one of the ones selling other AEG's as I see that there is now a HK 416 GBLS. I'm not in anyway associated with GBLS but if you want to send me the steel bolt and Type B buffer I'm not going to get upset. Just saying.
    1 point
  9. Sneaky

    Night vision mono

    He game was cancelled as only three of us showed up. So I took 5he opportunity to explore with these on and to get used to it. Now home and looking at IR lasers, sacrificial lens and after some digging I found my night vision and the manufacture. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003074919712.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.55c621b4tIShCU&algo_pvid=58381ae7-00a9-46d0-b921-9164223fdfc3&algo_exp_id=58381ae7-00a9-46d0-b921-9164223fdfc3-2&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000023877446118"}
    1 point
  10. But Colt Canada is owned by Colt
    1 point
  11. xCape

    New to AirSoft

    Hi guys! I'm Gabriel and I'm new here. Hope to get many useful advices Thanks
    1 point
  12. Was it Redcap again? (I may be showing my age here)
    1 point
  13. It's a great looking build , and nice to see another 'long' 119 👍
    1 point
  14. Sorreh aboot the the fire eh
    1 point
  15. I was thinking either that or flying with SAS. Get a bunch of drivers and share the journey and make a bit of a road trip out of it.
    1 point
  16. Guardsman394

    Berget 18

    I've mentioned it to my mates but they're not as into it. At this point I'm in the mindset that I'll just say fuck it and do it myself, hence the post looking for some people to tag along with and make the whole thing less daunting. You've still got the best part of a year to go, not sure how quickly tickets sell out... And definitely willing to help out if you and your lot would wanna go
    1 point
  17. I love my USP. First time I used it in Practical Pistol the guy doing the timing was like "wow what is that? It's amazingly accurate." I did suggest that the person holding it might have something to do with it as well. 😄
    1 point
  18. I always carry multiple pistols and make sure I use them. You don't need a back up side arm but they are always fun.
    1 point
  19. I just ordered a universal Molle holster (Kombat UK) so I can run with the M9 for a bit, see how much I actually use it. And then when I can (afford it) I'll grab a Hi Capa. At that point I might swap the cordura holster for a plastic retention style one too. Quick story... I had one great game where my main gun ran out of battery. I was defending in a game of zombies, down to about 4 or 5 survivors versus a swarm of zombies running down a wooded hill at us. Pinging shots from the M9 at unsuspecting enemies was just sooooo satisfying. The adrenaline rush of being swarmed, the lack of ammo, the feel of the blowback on the gun, all just made it really exciting. I probably only got a couple of kills, as the over-hop meant my long range shots were all over the place (I was still using 0.20s at the time) but damn I enjoyed that. So yeah, I'll want to use my pistol, and I'd rather it be realistic/dramatic (sort-of rules out the AAP-01 and also the non-GBB guns) at the expense of practicality. Which was I why I was initially drawn to the Army Armament guns with their metal slides.
    1 point
  20. tbf they keep saying this is the last run and then do another one. its a bit like the M81 ferro slingsters... "it's the last time guys, we know we have said this for the last 5 years but we mean it this time" So you may get another chance yet, i think this was their 2nd or 3rd run of them.
    1 point
  21. Tommikka

    Berget 18

    Transiting in the mail is permitted However it can depend on how customs declarations have been completed Or there was an over zealous depot in their handling of transiting items For travelling through Germany (and other countries) there are transit declarations such as this for Frankfurt airport transit: http://www.frankfurt.de/mitnahmeerlaubnis Be aware that there are also other restrictions, such as they must be securely packed in transit, there may be restrictions on attachments (no tactical lights or lasers) A report of someone’s experience could be due to additional factors than just transiting - eg not locking it in a case, lasers being found with them etc The odds are slim of being stopped while passing through a European country, but can happen due to any random reason. eg foreign cars stand out, groups of lads stand out. And very importantly drivers in different countries behave differently which means a foreigner may catch the eye of the police, even something as simple as raising your hand to signal thanks when someone lets you change lanes - in the UK that’s something to be thankful for, in many European countries it’s the default and waving at other drivers is some form or warning or threat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_issues_in_airsoft
    1 point
  22. I got them from Crawley surplus a few months ago. They weren't on their website and still aren't but maybe send a screenshot to them and see if they have any in stock. I was down there yesterday so I could have checked for you, always the way isn't it lol.
    1 point
  23. Just to weigh in too. I had a TM hi capa. Great gun, shot pretty well out the box and had great build quality. I only sold it as I rarely used it, plus for the price I sold it for I got a action army aap-01 which I have to say is a brilliant side arm (other than a weak stock hammer), holster and spare mag.
    1 point
  24. Think thats a NVG imager, not a thermal. Again, the TP stuff may be ITAR restricted, which means you wont find it outside the US.
    1 point
  25. I do like my fore grip: https://mpa-airsoft.com/product/magpul-style-angled-fore-grip-110mm-black/ It is very small though.
    1 point
  26. We had to rearrange a trip to Poland a few years back as we were travelling with 12ft-lb airguns for a competition (6ft-lb limit in Germany). The German plod had warned us that they were fully aware of the world championships being held in Poland and that they would be looking to stop coachloads of competitors. The coach firm developed cold feet about the whole deal too. No-one fancied being nicked for a firearms offence understandably. If you look at it from Herr Constable's point of view, having 40-50 people per coach casually carrying unlicensed rifles through his patch is a bit of a piss take. Having said that... I expect that UK orders from Poland often arrive via road. Belgian police certainly have a reputation for stopping 4x4s in shooting season and having a look at your paperwork. Although if you're dressed for a day in the field and have your gundog with you I suppose you stand out fairly easy.
    1 point
  27. One option you may not have looked at, or may not work for you is the TP (Torrey Pines) T10 and T12. A tiny thermal imager I use for CQB. Far cheaper that thermal scopes. AFAIK theyve been discontinued but are still readily available stateside for only a few hundred. No idea if they are ITAR or not.
    1 point
  28. They are on Ali Express bud A really good selection of “grenade” styles.. this is quite big If I was to buy again I would probably get a slightly smaller one Took about 4 weeks to arrive , obviously due to it being a lighter and looking like a grenade 😂 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002447712740.html
    1 point
  29. I am actually self isolating for the next 10 days as I head off to Cape Verde for some 27 degree sunshine on the 23rd. I'll be damned if I get sick for it. I have been feeling generally low and meh for the past week. But probably to do with the travel vaccinations I had in one hit. Two weeks after we come back we go to Paris, going Army Surplus hunting (Don't tell the wife I fully intend to come back with three full sets of uniform, F2 Dageut, F1 Olive and F2 CCE). Hope you feel better bud.
    1 point
  30. Got this second hand for a very low price. Firesupport used to do this as a custom option. Its a tm recoil ak102 with lct furniture and a modified ak hop unit to allow the use of regular ak mags. It needs a new selector plate and a few screws here and there but otherwise seems in very good nick. And at the end of the day it cost me little enough that I can probably flog the lct furniture and get most of my money back!
    1 point
  31. Halo

    Thermal scope tracker

    Is there any echo in here? 😃 Oh you forget to mention that these toys also come with guided BB’s, tactical reconnaissance military training chip inplants and stealth cloaking to make the player invisible! in reality, an 18 year old kid will just run and gun the toy wearer down and make him very depressed all the same 🙂
    1 point
  32. Rogerborg

    Thermal scope tracker

    Joking aside, after being DESTROYED by people with decent NV, why would Poors pay to get rekt again? I'd be a little concerned that once you have enough people out there giving it the full Predator that they'll be the only people doing night games.
    1 point
  33. MandalShArK

    Gun picture thread

    Painted my Scout with NFM OD paint and added an aimpoint, also in NFM OD.
    1 point
  34. I was hoping you'd shoot them down with actual evidence, as it seems the anti-Titan stuff all feels very... airy-fairy rather than empirical. So I was suggesting it rather falls on you to disprove their claims if you're so convinced they're wrong, when they're willing to back their claims with a money back guarantee... I've yet to see anyone actually complain about their product not meeting their claims. Ideally I'd like someone to take them up on it by proving their battery is... shit...? Mis-sold? To the point where they have to pay out a refund. That'd guarantee a lot of views for a YouTube channel... But yeah, I'm no expert on airsoft batteries. Limited experience etc... I don't want to be arguing from the wrong end of the Dunning Kruger curve just cos I've watched a few YT videos. That's the sort of poor critical thinking that has Flat Earthers thinking they're right 🤣 Let's agree to not so much disagree as to be on separate trains of thought on this. No harm, no foul? Edit: Re-reading this in the cold light of day... firstly apologies if my previous posts' flippant joke/comment came across badly, it wasn't meant to be arsey and to get a rise out of you. Also, 'airy-fairy' in this post is a bit harsh. I'm all for using science, maths and data to make a point, even (especially?) when I don't understand it fully.
    1 point
  35. Rogerborg

    Thermal scope tracker

    Are there no urchins available? Freshly hot after being extracted from a chimney. CHEETARS FEER IT. I really, really, reeeeally hope that @Haloenjoys playing airsoft as much as he's enjoying buying the gear. If not, well, bargains ahoy in the classifieds.
    1 point
  36. Cr0-Magnon

    Thermal scope tracker

    Seeing as it enables the player to DESTROY other airsofters, it's surely worth thousands.
    1 point
  37. Sneaky

    Night vision mono

    Nice setup.
    1 point
  38. lekne

    Gun picture thread

    LCT m70ab2 modular
    1 point
  39. I buy airsoft guns just for the free BB packs 👍
    1 point
  40. dunno what your on about mate.
    1 point
  41. Wee bit of cowboys at fireball and my regular club skirmish.
    1 point
  42. More pictures have just gone up on my site's site, reposting here for dopamine hits (and because the weird lighting on the last one made my face look like Red Skull). Damn, but I look so purposeful, and so expendable there. Horny xeno girls all want Guardsman-senpai to notice them.
    1 point
  43. First thing I will say is that it's not the ghillie suit that makes the sniper hard to deal with, it's the player's fieldcraft. If the ghillie sniper can't do their role pretty much as effectively without the ghillie, then they need to take it off and practice their camo and concealment until they can do their job and have players almost tripping over without using the ghillie (if more people did this, they'd find they'd be waaaaaay more effective with the ghillie. It's like training with weighted clothing in DBZ ). Am I a jerk for thinking so? Maybe, but I also won't fault these players for playing how they want; that's what the hobby is all about, after all. I think the most important thing to say is prey upon their weaknesses. What I've found observing most bush wookiees in a counter sniper role is that they either move way too much or way too little. If they move too much, you see them and then it's just a case of suppressing them and advancing on their position to flush them out. If they move too little, you'll quickly be able to work out where they are and do the same, maybe with the help of smoke grenades or tag rounds. Also, if they're using a spring rifle, there's still usually a decent amount of noise unless they've really tuned it super well (which is rare), and also their bolt pull will be long, so look for that movement too. I would say to use their MED and slow ROF against them by moving and engaging their position with suppressive fire, but I've seen a lot of experienced bush wookiees moving away from bolties and toward 1J HPA setups as they still get the silence, but they get rid of the weaknesses of the bolt action platform. Personally, once I've cleared my debts, I'm shoving a Polarstar F2 into one of my m14s and relegating the VSR to a backup gun. As a bush wookiee myself, I'll say the following for the majority of bush wookiees you'll be up against, in addition to the movement point above (most have already been said, but I figured I'd post up my views anyway): Don't go to where your mate just got hit. The number of times I get multiple people because I hit someone and their friend either moves over to try and medic them immediately, or they move to take the cover their friend previously was. If they got hit behind that cover, it means someone has a line on it. Move. Move. MOVE! Seriously, it's hard to hit shots on running targets and I'll usually just follow the target until they either move out of my line of sight, or they stop. This is harder if there are other players with AEGs around as they'll full auto your path and hit you, but if the sniper is being silly and being the hollywood "lone wolf" then if you keep moving you just won't get hit. BBs are about as consistent as a WE pistol in winter and the shot will go wide if there's a breeze or a leaf in the way, and trying to lead shots is difficult even in the best conditions (not impossible, but it makes the shot a lot harder). Play the objective. Usually, snipers won't be holding the objective directly if it's like a base defense or something, because as a sniper you want to be where the enemy won't think you are. If there is a sniper in the base, then you know where they are and you just suppress them until you get close enough to hit them, which these days isn't much since hop ups are so good now that AEGs are shooting closer and closer to bolties. If the sniper isn't in the base and he hits you, don't go back to where you were attacking that time and instead push the objective from the other side. If the sniper is covering an objective like a flip can, think about where you got hit from and move to flank them instead. It's super hard to shoot someone behind you covertly when you're lying prone with a boltie, so you either have to let the flanking players pass (and probably take out a lot of your team) or you try and shoot them all super fast, which if there's more than one person you probably won't have much success. If you know where the sniper is and they're not smart enough to have relocated, move around the position or fire and move to keep them suppressed as you close the gap. Most hides are awful when it comes to line of sight, because you need a bunch of stuff in the way for concealment. Usually, the sniper will only have one line that they're watching, so approach from their blind spot, or fire and move (quickly) to flush them out. It's hard to repel an attacking fire team with a boltie if they know where you are and are suppressing your position. However, there are a few things that ghillie snipers will do to counter this. Some will carry a small AEG around with them, some will strike the right balance between moving too much or too little, some will run 1J HPA platforms for both silence and no MED. However, nobody is invincible without cheating. When dealing with a sniper, think about their limitations and the limitations of their current position and exploit what weaknesses you can.
    1 point
  44. BigStew

    ICS and G&G gbb pistols

    I have seen a ICS Korth used and got to shoot it Ironically it was garbage.
    0 points
  45. EvilMonkee

    Berget 18

    From what I can see sadly the Harwich to Denmark ferry isnt running any more....
    0 points
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