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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/21 in all areas

  1. Double Eagle M906C... Yay! Stuck my Kobra red dot on top, because... it's the only red dot I have, but it's cool Notice how Double Eagle can't spell "Marksman" as I guess that's what they wanted to say. Either that or they're great advocates for safety on, and off the field 🀣 First impressions... yowzers! Plugged in a 7.4v 25C lipo via the supplied Tamiya connector and it's shooting very nicely. Will look forward to trying an 11.1 in there. I've just pinged a few shots into my garden so no real idea on accuracy / range / hop etc but all good things, eh? The main thing is it just feels great, so pleased!
    6 points
  2. went to apocalypse airsoft in Kent this Sunday. had a great day despite the weather. day started off badly, as i had forgotten about the hill to access the site, so pulling a trolley full of my kit uphill it was reinforced just how out of shape I am. after getting my breath back and signing in I got my kit set up ready for the games. this was my second time at apocalypse, and i had to laugh when one of the marshals approached me and said they recognised me as "the guy with the Tippmann and underslung grenade launcher firing TAG rounds" I expressed surprise and asked if he was sure as it was only my second time at the site. he replied that he was certain as I had left an impact... then he put me on red team because he wanted to "see you blow up blue team" I found out soon after from overhearing one of the other marshals chatting with some other players that one of their site marshals was playing on blue team, so im guessing that was the reason for my assignment to red team XD got chatting to a few players and answered questions about my kit as I was getting ready, mainly from fairly new players. eventually it was time for the safety brief, which was held next to a bonfire so we could all keep warm in the rainy weather. the safety brief was fairly quick, but covered all the required points as was the subsequent game brief. apocalypse was on top of chrono, keeping track of how many people had chronoed relative to how many were booked in, and all guns were tagged to say they had been through chrono. game 1 was destroy the pumpkin. each team had a pumpkin in their base which they had to defend, (red team in the Vietnamese village and blues in the stockade for anyone who has played the site before), they also had to head out into the land between the bases to locate the engineer, escort him into the enemy base, and after shooting the enemy out of their base, the engineer would place remote detonation pyro in the pumpkin to blow it up. i opted to play a defensive game to begin and quickly climbed a sniper tower to try and get a better view of the approaches to the village and was able to get a few kills before getting shot out and heading to respawn pole. after respawning I decided to play a more offensive role and discovered that red team had smashed the blues pumpkin quite quickly, but blues had moved into the village, so our objective changed to clear the village and hold it against enemy attack. there was great communication between players regardless of whether we had met before or not and we were able to organise a good defence of the village. eventually it appeared that blue team were starting to give up or run low on ammo, so the marshals called the game a little early... and just for a laugh, before we headed back to safe zone, the engineer blew up our pumpkin. after a break to rearm, get food and warm up by the fire, it was back out for game 2, area defense. 4 locations across the land that had to be captured and held by teams at the end of the game. spawns were reversed this game, so reds started from the stockade. I was mainly focussed on the bunker and security cabin that were nearest our spawn, using the TAG rounds to good effect to clear out some entrenched defenders, but I also got shot several times by hidden reinforcements as I tried to move in to capture the objectives. eventually red team had secured all objectives and held them for most of the game. at the security cabin, things got pretty static and eventually my team mates decided to make things more interesting by pulling back to let blues capture the cabin and have the marshal advise them to dig in well and, after 15 mins grace period, we would head back and try to capture the cabin again (we actually did this twice in the game, but on one occasion, blues did manage to capture the cabin on their own merits) towards the end of the game, blues did make a very good push, over running the cabin and bunker, pushing right up to our spawn before being asked to pull back slightly so they weren't spawn killing us. at the end of the game I believe we had managed to recapture security cabin and had held the other 2 locations, but blues had captured the bunker (personally I didn't care too much about the score as I was mainly there to have fun) back to safe zone, reload and back out to village for the final game of the day. bomb in the village each team had a "bomb" and had to place it inside a tyre in the centre of the village. the interior of all buildings were out of bounds to make things fairer. lots of good pushes by both teams, and the bombs were switched over a couple of times as both teams made good pushes. over the course of the day I got many admiring glances by other players when they saw the Bifrost in action, lighting up my regular, non-tracer Valkyrie .32g bbs out to approximately 40 to 50m, one player even mentioning that it was sold out everywhere and asked how the hell I managed to get one (simple answer.. I bought it direct from Acetech and had it shipped over) as well as when I fired off tag rounds (one player asked me "did you just fire an actual grenade?" and after I confirmed and showed him what I had fired as I reloaded the launch shell his response was "I think I just jizzed my pants" XD) and in the safe zone I had a few blue players enquiring about the tag rounds and recounting their encounters from the receiving end.. one player stating that after realising that I had a Bifrost as well as TAG rounds, if he saw the Bifrost flashes he knew it was me in that location and he would quickly run the other way.. so the TAGs certainly helped win some battles even when I wasn't using them. of course there were the usual arguments/accusations of non-hit taking levelled against both teams, one incident a blue player managed to get close enough to shoot at several of my team mates in a position near to me, but their gun was audibly running dry, and after getting shot by two guns that were definitely NOT dry, they began accusing everyone of not taking their hits and wouldn't accept the fact that her gun was dry, despite a marshal and three players all saying that there was no bb coming from their gun. personally, I try not to let these arguments ruin my day and try to ignore such accusations as most of the time they are in regard to alleged incidents that I didn't witness. and if I think someone I am shooting at isn't calling their hits, i either keep shooting them, or let a marshal deal with it. only other bad things I experienced was the shit weather (beyond anyone's control) and the long drive for me to reach the site leaving early in the morning (im definitely NOT a morning person..) but aside from that and the aforementioned realisation of my poor fitness level, it was a great day out
    4 points
  3. How the fuck is the only red dot you own a Kobra? They're like diamond encrusted hen's teeth
    3 points
  4. Yes, most "metal" airsoft guns are cast alloy of varying degrees of shite. That said, I've had plenty of cheap metal guns over the years that have been absolutely fine. As long as they're not damp and the finish is intact there's no reason they would corrode and I don't know of any that have just spontaneously bent or cracked unless they were stored VERY badly. In terms of the specific guns you've mentioned they tend towards the better end of the spectrum in terms of fit and finish so you'd be starting off at a better place. Given the use of "dollars" I'm going to assume you're in the US so unless you're happy to skirt the law or just pay the tax stamps for an SBR then a true MK18 is going to be tricky thanks to the whole 10.3" barrel and full auto trigger group (although I'm sure there's ways around it because "muh freedums") but we can only really give you advice on airsoft stuff. As for spending a "few more dollars", I think ou'd need to add a couple of zeroes to your budget to get those as real firearms over airsoft replicas!
    3 points
  5. When you start unloading from Sunday, realise that ex-Workmate Eddy has filled eight magazines with a random mix of BBs, and you're so cheap you try to pick the tracers out.
    3 points
  6. Samurai

    Sniper rang? Really!

    But ballistic calculators don't incorporate backspin, because real steel bullets don't do that. They can not give you anything remotely accurate results for airsoft. It affects range and trajectory for BBs more than anything else. This is ballistic: https://gfycat.com/calmmammothatlanticridleyturtle This is with backspin (Magnus effect) https://gfycat.com/greatvillainouslabradorretriever You are correct about weights, etc, but that's not the whole picture.
    2 points
  7. heroshark

    Rifle choice

    I very much doubt 90m effective range no matter how much money you dump unto a gun, even upped to dmr levels with heavy ammo. Even experienced bolty users with well tuned rifles will tell you 90m shots are not easy to make even on a stationary target consistently.
    2 points
  8. Rogerborg

    Rifle choice

    Hi Carl, we've all been there with that first game buzz. However, we've also seen the classifieds full of "as new, never skirmished" guns as folks' enthusiasm for purchasing exceeds that for playing, especially over the winter months. I'll skip the tl;dr physics-vs-airsoft-magic, and given your requirements, just point you at this. Now back to the scheduled "Buy a TM recoil" posts.
    2 points
  9. for posterity i'd like to point out that whilst i'll use popcorn memes as a tool for communication i generally preferr my snack foods to taste better than their container...... which is why i now have a bag of maltesers sorrynotsorry
    2 points
  10. at this point should we maybe rename this thread to the grand unified theory of airsoft? i think so far the only topic we haven't taken a tangent into is the #knownfact that tm recoils don't abide by normal physics oh bugger....
    2 points
  11. I have carbined one of mine, its pretty damn cool. I have plenty of SMGs but theres something about a carbine pistol thats a bit easier to move around and its a bit different. I still have a pistol on my waist when I use it though for the flexibility. Plus the AAP is so damn cheap its easy and inexpensive to chuck all the add ons onto it. Although when you add it all up it is the price of a cheaper SMG oops haha
    2 points
  12. I did buy it back in the days when dinosaurs walked the earth How much are real ones (like mine) worth now? Maybe I could trade down and fund a new pistol Edit: blimey, I just did a google and the new gen version is Β£400. I might take it back off and wrap it in swan's down... before depositing it at Fort Knox I'm certainly not going to skirmish it again until I can find a 27mm polycarbonate disc to use as a lens protector! I've got the box in front of me, it was made in 2002
    2 points
  13. yep, definately 2 different conversations going on here..... at this point i'm not even sure what the point that's trying to be made is
    2 points
  14. you're literally just describing the three variables in the kinetic energy equation wherein Ek=0.5*Mp*Vp^2 but that's far from the only equation at play if you want to know the answer to how much energy a bb with given starting properties (mass, energy and spin) will have at a certain distance, or indeed as most airsofters really care about how much distance can they get the bb to go.
    2 points
  15. Some of the AK aeg airsoft rifles, are made of pressed steel: LCT, E&L, even some of the Cyma models. I had a couple of the LCT aeg ones. They were very solid and looked authentic. As for gbb AKs the WE versions are steel, and the GHK ones are said to use the steel receivers made by LCT. As far as I know, nobody makes a steel M4.
    2 points
  16. Yarp. From a quick skim through it, he also seems to be saying that he got lower muzzle energy with higher gas pressure, or viewed another way, higher muzzle energy by putting a bit less puff behind it. To be honest, I didn't really watch it, I don't think there's much for us to lean here, no matter how many spherical see-saws free-falling in a vacuum get postulated.
    2 points
  17. I've had a few of mine (cheaper makes) for about 4 years with no degradation except a layer of dust. I doubt they'll deform unless in a poor environment like a garage or loft where they're exposed to extreme temperatures in summer & winter. Those in your list will be made of the higher end metal so I doubt you'll have any problems. Airsoft replicas will not look like blued steel if you want that effect (eg for an AK) but going by your list they would be painted/cerakoted anyway so should look 99.9% authentic. If the airsoft version is cheaper than a deac then go for it.
    2 points
  18. For me, the username says it all 😏
    2 points
  19. Crome

    dmr best bbs

    Geoff's pretty much always get a vote from me and they go up .5 or .6 if memory serves.
    2 points
  20. This is in regards to the latest versions of TM MK18 GBB GHK MK18 GBB Eumarex Glock 19 GBB Deserttech Silverback SRS A2 I believe the Full Metal exteriors part is actually pot metal/zamak instead of pure aluminium or stamped steel. Personally, I am interested in those guns as a collector, to use these for display purposes only. Now I think pot metal/zamak doesnt age too well regardless of how much you use it. They're prone to cracking, bending, being brittle etc over time. I also read a post about a guy pulling out his Full Metal bodied airsoft guns after around 10 years, only to find them bent, cracked or crumbled. For you guys who have owned Full Metal airsoft guns for a couple of years, how does the pot metal/zamak stand up to the test of time? Do they surprise you with cracks and other damages out of the blue? If pot metal/zamak wont outlast me, even though I keep it hung on the wall to just look at, I think it would be better for me to spend a few more dollars and just get the real steel guns. What do you think?
    1 point
  21. EDcase

    Rifle choice

    You don't necessarily have to get a plastic rifle as the first. There are many sub Β£200 metal ones that perform perfectly well for starting out. CYMA, JG and SpecnaArms are well regarded in the bang-for-buck ratio.
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    Sniper rang? Really!

    Airsoft BBs use the magnus effect to fly straight so the backspin influences the distance a BB can fly. Unlike a real bullet, the higher speed of an airsoft fired BB does not necessarily equal longer range. The speed and weight must be perfectly matched to its backspin.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I have the C. My Son has a G36, so want to keep the batteries universal. Any longer batteries and you might find the stock doesn't close up fully. I hadn't used vapextech before, you get absolutely no shipment information whatsoever. I started to think it was a front for a chinese firm but I ordered Saturday and they arrived yesterday. If you're just after the discs I can pick them up and post if you can't find them anywhere else.
    1 point
  25. Oh sorry, should I apologise for not being Scottish πŸ€”πŸ€‘
    1 point
  26. I ordered these: https://www.vapextech.co.uk/airsoft-7-4v-1450mah-20c-lipo-battery-with-case-lp208-vapextech Fit fine. I'm looking at this for a foregrip: https://mpa-airsoft.com/product/magpul-style-angled-fore-grip-110mm-black/ It's local to me so will pop down this weekend and have a look at it.
    1 point
  27. Talking of the other bits, I have a spare set of Vector Optics High scope rings that I don't need. I'm sure I could let them go for a reasonable price. https://www.vector-air.co.uk/product-page/vector-optics-30mm-picatinny-ris-high-scope-mounts-scot-54h these ones. Β£10 posted for you, brand new in the box and everything.
    1 point
  28. Lozart

    Double Bell

    There's a good reason for that...
    1 point
  29. I’m not normally a fan of short M4’s…. But it does look nice!
    1 point
  30. thought i had it for a while there, but now i'm definitely lost again.
    1 point
  31. presumably by being a man of taste and refinement?
    1 point
  32. Geoffs. G&G are good too but only do upto .36
    1 point
  33. Unfortunately not unless you are the only player with night vision in the game area. the thing about digital is that they do still require a light source they just allow you to see IR, so they tend to come with an IR LED illuminator to make anything near darkness visible. unfortunately, because IR is very close on the light spectrum to red you can often appear to people without NV as a glowing red cyclops and for those with NODs you appear as having a giant headtorch, which isn't exactly subtle either. hopefully that explains their limitations, however for dusk and dawn when they don't require the additional light they're great but your eyeball does pretty well too then and is definitely cheaper. as @Monkman said you can pick up a pretty good unit for around 1.5 k second-hand although bargains do occasionally pop up around the 1K mark and there are a couple of FB groups for buying and selling NODs. if you're going the whole hog and making a once in a lifetime investment go for Gen 3s or Photonis Echo's or better if you can, just make sure to see what they're like in person if going second hand. Equally most Gen 2+ units will be amazing for your occasional night game use and it's probably only worth stepping up if you are putting in the hours at night.
    1 point
  34. AlphaBear

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have a prommy barrel inside mine... a sixG brass nub and a HSB buffer.... I find the range pretty good (not as good as my upgraded KoA recoil though) of course it's dependent on temperature and the gas you're using.
    1 point
  35. Perhaps I misunderstood your original point but if you're saying less speed equals more energy at the target then you've got something wrong there.
    1 point
  36. Its nearly there, it has taken a whole bottle of English Walnut Oil Preparation, the coat I just applied is taking a lot longer to soak in, so its near saturation point and its starting to get a nice sheen from my hand lapping. I managed to take photos after each application and will pick several to merge to show the colour depth change and the grain starting to show more character.
    1 point
  37. All sorted! Sent him a message on FB.
    1 point
  38. I'd also have to note that he's only claiming 1.8J from a 2.55J spring, so the air seal is suspect. And a laser though. Has he got the only scope ever made without crosshairs? Given the minimal chance of them staying zeroed together, which one is he using for aiming? Dazzle pattern camouflage. Oh, sure, it means the other team will spot him a mile away, but they won't know what range his gun is at, or which direction it's moving (I guess they could just aim straight it it, like everybody does, at everyone, all the time). Or if he's wearing a ghillie, maybe they'll think it's a spooky ghost gun just floating along, and get too scared to shoot at him. Really though, if that tape is easy to get off, why wouldn't you take it off before listing it?
    1 point
  39. Well they should also be making sure guns are cleared too. As a business they have a duty of care to paying customers (especially under 18s) and should be actively enforcing safety rules, rather than just paying them lip service. By being proactive and stopping potential incidents they wouldn't have to worry about reacting after any damage is done
    1 point
  40. Hi, ALL! πŸ‘‹ Last Sunday, went to Zed Adventures and had a Great day, especially being Halloween! πŸ”«πŸ€ͺπŸ‘ My first game in a couple years, at a CQB site! Can’t wait to play again and going to have some footage of it this Sunday, hopefully? πŸ€žπŸ‘ πŸ’·GAMBLEπŸ’·
    1 point
  41. Nice bit of wood that. I am currently working on mine. The walnut is very dry and has already guzzled 60ml of oil..! I think I need shares or something, I have put in to it so far about 20 hours work and still some way to go by the looks of it, have managed to balance out some lighter areas. Well I am running a HW100 which is current production (well from 2019) I put a Nitehawke 6-24x50 AO Mil dot IR scope on it. On my sons, he has a HW57 that recently had to go back to be repaired by Hull Cartridge. It started to fire at FAC speeds after a Dieseling episode which IMHO compressed the spring to beyond its tolerance and why its only 2/3rd the power. HC doesn't seem to think that the underlever snapping back had anything to do with the problem. My only concern being that the barrel is no out of true from the impact of the lever, as you can banana your barrel if not careful. Anyway, was great to go shooting and my son's chart, given he is a) Partially Sighted b) not sighted in... This is his chart after he works out where to aim to do this... Which is impressive when you consider the disadvantage and disability. Top marks from me on that one.
    1 point
  42. @furylemon97, try somewhere else to compare. Absolute was actually my first site and got my first UKARA there. I thought it was OK until I tried other places. 'Red Alert' is good nearby and so is Skirmish Wycombe' a bit further.
    1 point
  43. Pretty good Hallowe'en event at Biohazard, equipping a friend-of-a-friend with loaner gear. He wasn't expecting to be loaded with with M4 and pistol (both with spitfire tracers), and grenades. He had a blast, got right into it and was pushing like a proper speedy boi - sometimes even still with BBs in the mag. Biohazard have the top floor open now, which really increased the length of a whole-site fallback game, and it's got a fair bit of potential for further development, kudos to them for that. We had the usual barely audible briefs in the echoing safe zone (bad), mostly very fair and good natured play (good), and laissez-faire marshalling (good or bad, depending on what you were there to do). Some rental blind firing and trigger spamming was in evidence, and I Had Words with a Sergeant McShouty after an earful too much following a zinger in the face. All hugs and back slaps before the safe zone though. Much amusement from a wee lad who was about 4 foot high and ran around the whole day with a pistol and backhand knife, coming around corners fast, low and stabbing. The costume competition was obviously a fix, being won by shop bought efforts rather than my hand crafted pretend space soldier rig. Granted it was hilarious being shot by knights, bananas, and a squad of Telly-Tubbies, and I don't grudge the winner in his inflatable T-Rex costume, firstly for even getting into the play area, but then for actually playing pretty well - you wouldn't think an 8 foot dinosaur could be sneaky, but he actually managed some great ambushes. Clearly a natural predator.
    1 point
  44. Been there today with 3 of my friends. Cons: The worst, there was no "chrono" in place, so every shot I took HURT. I could very well show up with an 8 joule gun and start destroying the place. The 2nd worst, the regulars. They cheated and got away with it. Rules changed mid game to suit them. Incident 1 : Shot a guy from 10m, he took 4 bbs to the shoulder, he crouched and then ran off into the bushes. Never seen again. Incident 2 : Snuck up behind a sniper, tapped him on the shoulder and said " knife kill ". He raises his hands up and says he surrenders. I lower my gun, he shoots me in the face from about 30cm. The bb shattered through my mask and I had to spit the fragments out. Please stay away from this place, there is a horror accident just waiting to happen. The people who play here have no concept of sportsmanship.
    1 point
  45. Oddly enough, only with this gun and that's only when i'm feeling extra sweaty πŸ₯΅
    1 point
  46. I saw this one Facebook a while ago. Looks genius
    1 point
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