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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/21 in all areas

  1. Bin it and get a decent one. Get some LiPos while you're at it.
    3 points
  2. Not my place to take offence on others behalf but certainly bad vibes mocking people's accents. Not like it really makes a difference but its thanks to people like "Wang in HK" that we have this hobby. Just something to think about
    3 points
  3. KC02 in a muzzelite stock. The red dot is temporary, it'll have something much more 80s/90s action movie on it, it'll have a MFG tracer on it and also probably a .223 lookalike mag housing. But, it might be a bullpup @Asomodaidoesn't own.
    2 points
  4. I'm entitled to say what I like. It's called freedom of speech. If you are that incensed about it then do the leg work and bring a case. Good luck👍 Oh and by the way I don't want your welcoming,inclusive hairy fairy community thank you lol
    2 points
  5. Top tip - massively tarbrushing the group you're attempting to reprimand is a hypocritical move.
    2 points
  6. Think it's an age thing, those of us that are more mature (🤣) grew up before it became acceptable to be offended by absolutely everything, when comedy did focus on differences, colour/race/religion were all fair game, & that included non white comics ripping the shit out of whitey, & everybody laughed & no one gave a toss............... in many ways, better times 🤔
    2 points
  7. I thought it was funny and so did my slitty eyed little yellow friend down the local takeaway 😳 Regards ( name withheld due to possible litigation)
    2 points
  8. edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity .
    2 points
  9. Any version of NBB MK23 I've used. They perform incredibly and have absolutely earned their reputation for that, but fuck me if they haven't all been the saddest thing the moment I pull that equally sad trigger. I want a pistol that goes bang, not that sounds like a trapped fart popping out. Purely goes down as disappointing for me because I didn't think it'd bother me as much as it did, alas, disappointment is a very personal/subjective thing.
    2 points
  10. It's a tricky one. Every culture cracks jokes about how funny the other chap sounds / looks / acts, without meaning anything malicious about it. It's just in-group banter and doesn't necessarily mean that the other fellow is viewed as inferior, just different. It's really a way of celebrating that the local culture, mores and speech are - of course - correct and exceptional, which is something that all strong, stable cultures inculcate. A culture that doesn't do that, which tell itself "You know, maybe those Huns and Visigoths at the gates have some good points, let's invite them in and see.", is on the way out. [Sinister foreshadowing intensifies] I've visited and worked in many places, and while the local professionals have always been polite and courteous, there's never been any doubt that I was the kuffar, gaijin or mat salleh. I have no doubt at all that they were laughing about my hilariously awful pronunciation and clumsy, childish table manners the moment I was out of earshot. It's not something to take any offence over, because after all, I know that speaking the Queen's English around a mouthful of deep fried haggis being eaten with a knife and fork is the zenith of human civilisation, right?
    2 points
  11. You are right mate. I meant that to be a deliberate groan joke rather than mockery. I should have realised that it would be read as you say. Certainly hope no one was offended.
    2 points
  12. Lozart

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    Looks like earwax to me! Pretty sure Lukes "special blend" has man sauce in it.
    2 points
  13. Lozart

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    That's what I use for the piston slides. I use their LT2 grease for the actual gears https://www.amazon.co.uk/Abbey-Shotgun-Airsoft-Spring-Molybdenum/dp/B071FYQGLJ/ref=pd_bxgy_img_1/257-2017919-9316805?pd_rd_w=80UpA&pf_rd_p=c7ea61ca-7168-47e3-9c8b-d84748f5b23c&pf_rd_r=MPA4EXXRH2YD7V30JMT4&pd_rd_r=bcd4b62f-49cd-47e0-855a-fc297ef2a669&pd_rd_wg=4VEtA&pd_rd_i=B071FYQGLJ&psc=1
    2 points
  14. Lozart

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    Plastic on metal (piston rails etc) or plastic on plastic (such as pistol slides or tappet plates) - silicone grease Metal on metal (gears) - LT2 grease Personally I use Abbey grease products and WD40 Specialist products for silicone oil, Lithium grease etc (which can all be bought from Halfords).
    2 points
  15. Rogerborg

    Buying a RIF advice

    UKARA is really just a way of recording site membership, so I'd agree with talking to your site(s) and seeing what they're prepared to do. I'd 100% agree with not trying to import a RIF without a defence at the moment. But within the UK, it is not, and never has been, an offence to buy or attempt to buy a RIF. So: buy privately from someone who wants to sell. It's entirely up to them. And truth to tell, there are some retailers who will sell to anyone, which is dropping a huge turd in our punchbowl. However, if you have a history of playing or membership, you can always ask retailers if they're willing to sell to you - they are in the business of doing that. Given the stocking issue at the moment, your first challenge is to find something for sale.
    2 points
  16. I've had to pack running in. I miss it so much that I dream of running. Arthritis sucks. However, there are many ways to do cardio though. Hi-rep free weights and bag work are good for me. Find what works for you. My knee is fucked up, but supports and topical opioids work well for airsoft/hiking/combat sports. Full time opioids are bloody awful. Don't give up or get down hearted. There is nothing bad or good but the mind says so.
    2 points
  17. EDcase

    Buying a RIF advice

    Yeah, granted it may not be a written rule but I would think most sites would accommodate a player renewing, especially after the recent difficulties. If not I'd suggest to find another site 🤔 I certainly wouldn't risk importing with an expired UKARA.
    2 points
  18. *Tarkov music intensifies* Took my final delivery of ZenitCo bits from Russian this morning, small amount of filing on the mock gas tube and dishes are done. Taken months to get it all together, but I love this angry little bastard. (Tracer installed in PBS-1 for CQB)
    2 points
  19. "To which Wang in HK replies “Wat da fluck you talk about ? I plint good nock off platches you plick !” "Hay its a mea, I is alika meat balls and da pasta da source" “Bwai, ya done know seh mi deya gwaan easy." So when you read the above quotes what person do you see in your head reading them? Are all 3 quotes racist? Is it racist to assume because someone talks that way they look a certain way? If you said Chinse, Italian and Jamaican you think the same as me. Does that mean you and I are prejudice?
    1 point
  20. look guys, we gotta accept that airsoft is a sport that attracts folks from various ages and backgrounds, it should be no surprise that forums surrounding it will be no exception. that's inevitably going to lead to dealing with folks with whom you have some fundamental philosophical disagreement with whether that separation be age, politics, religion or whatever. however i do think that alex has a point that certain things are best left unsaid on a public forum, although not for the same reasons. one of the things i've always loved about this forum compared to many is how rarely debates of this sort arise, either because they're not talked about or because folks here realize the truth that arguing with someone on an internet forum isn't going to get them to change to any great degree. on the flip side, shamal and druid have a point that if you support free speech as an ideal then you have to accept that also means accepting others should be allowed to voice opinions that don't sit well with you. I realize that it's an easy trap to fall into, hell i remember the vaccine debate suckered me in good and proper, but looking at the long term you can choose to either hold the grudge and end up having constant little spats (until the forum suffers for it), or accept the inevitability that nothing's going to change the other party's mind and you're better off forgetting it and focusing on the real issues that affect us all. like kickingmustang and speedsofters and hpa users because for sure we ain't gonna be solving a problem as complex as racism from behind a keyboard.
    1 point
  21. Bloody hell the I'm offended mob are everywhere. Funny thing is the ones who always seem most offended are those that live insular lives where they barely know anyone of different race. I grew up Birmingham during the 80s/90s and saw some real racism but funnily enough all the older people who actually experienced it just laugh it off and find all the shit going on now as farcial. The younger generation who have never had it as bad seem to be the ones who shout loudest, especially the white self righteous ones. While racism is bad people need to realise that what ever race experiences it is quite capable of standing up for themselves and don’t need someone who has never lived it trying to fight their battles for them.
    1 point
  22. Tackle

    Lack of enthusiasm. Again.

    No, what I did was speak the truth, as for my mate, if you came at him spitting bile & ranting about his colour, yeah, he'd snap you like a twig, whereas if you tried to have reasonable conversation about third party casual racism he'd likely laugh about it & tell you to get a life lol. And he'd be right snowflake😜
    1 point
  23. Lol, thread derailment is the norm here, no one should be surprised. As for racism, my best mate is from Trinidad, spitting image of Mr T, & there's nothing we don't say to each other, literally nothing, does he take offense ?, of course not, do I ?, not a chance, why, because we're bigger than that, we're aware of what's important in life & being offended by banter/jokes, even if it's by unknown third parties is the least of our worries. In fact rather then lament & whine about genuine cultural wrongs/crimes that happened long before anybody here was a stain in their daddies undercrackers, he embraces it, so much so that when he married, he wore the tartan of the plantation owner slaver from whom he is descended, in acknowledgement of everything he is & has. How's that for some "fuck you racism" ironic shit ?
    1 point
  24. edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity .
    1 point
  25. As soon as you mentioned old DV I was going to say it's one of the more hilariously dangerous places I've played because of the ability to do things like run straight into an empty swimming pool. Or how you weren't allowed to move the furniture because it had all been strategically placed to cover holes in the floor and other hazards. And then I read the bit where you injured yourself. Figures... I think I may have been at that WASP outing. I definitely recall running around with a comedically large moustache and possibly a beret.
    1 point
  26. karlos103

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    thanks all ...have ordered both 🙂
    1 point
  27. @Jacob WrightThe plan is that we do get a FOB, i still have to hump gear to the fob. Where i have taken medic role i also need to carry my share of bandages and the load carrying for the bandages. I think my load out is as light as i can get it. @Tactical Pith Helmett good shout on the bottle of something, i'll have a look in the cupboard and add my hip flask. I think i have warmth covered with layers, i'll let you know, although the idea of poncho..... as to food - veg (not much) is part of the supply run @Rogerborg its both really easy and really hard to get kicked from the a.r.a.b.s page....there are not many lines but cross one and you're out. Good pick up on lack of water mentioned, that is part of the supply run on the friday heading towards site. Its the Gunman Alpha site so not plumbed in, need to carry or leave at fob - given that food/water raids are part of the objectives...i'll be carrying most of that gear/supplies As to the coffee thing....its safer for everyone that i get all the coffee i want/need 😉😂
    1 point
  28. You don't need to run to be healthy. I've never been a runner, since my build is not conducive to being good at it, or it being particularly healthy for me to do too much. When I was a teenager in my school rugby team, I had to stop because I got shin splints because even when I'm "slim" I'm still pretty chonk. I could probably do running if I bought some expensive, fancypants trainers, but I hate running, so I would likely not do it and it'd be a wasted investment. I hate exercising for the sake of doing exercise, so the only running I do is during airsoft weekends. I've found that doing things that don't feel like I'm exercising are the best, so for me that's martial arts, airsoft and cycling to get from point A to point B; it's rare I go for a cycle just to go for a cycle. I've forced myself to hit the gym too, which is the only "workout" that I do, but I don't do cardio (since I do cardio when I cycle to and from the gym) and just focus on strength training, as it's what I enjoy. Also, swimming is both a full-body workout and it's low impact on your joints; it's like a super-workout. Highly recommend it, plus it's a skill that is worryingly lacking in this day and age; loads of people I know are absolutely terrible at it, and I live in a coastal town where the beaches are packed as soon as temperatures reach around 25 celcius! That's a free swimming pool right there, so how people are so bad I will never know
    1 point
  29. karlos103

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    brilliant ..thank you for the advise 🙂
    1 point
  30. Lozart

    Gearbox lubrication ?

    You don't want it too thick though. Gear grease needs to have a high shear strength but low enough viscosity to provide a lubricating film. High speed applications like airsoft guns (and power tools and the like) have very different needs than high stress, low speed applications that need a thicker grease. It also needs to not be so low viscosity that it flings off. (good examples here: https://www.nyelubricants.com/gearbox-grease-guide)
    1 point
  31. Agreed (mostly). Silicone grease on anything involving plastic. Metal to metal, eh, whatever's closest to hand in the garage, e.g. lithium bearing grease, or even a drop of thick chainsaw or gearbox oil. Just not a thin oil as you don't want it flinging.
    1 point
  32. Rogerborg

    a.R.a.B.S. Weekender

    Earplugs, and a sleep mask. You haven't mentioned water supply. Unless it's nearby and copious, I'd avoid any diuretics like caffeinated covfefe. Hmm, did I leave A.R.A.B.s or get kicked out? Can't seem to recall, I'm sure it would have been ranting about the rants either way.
    1 point
  33. Good stuff! I do these style of events as often as I can, one a month spring to autumn and couple each winter. I would say take a variety of food (even if just a couple of 'extra' ramen packs) and a bottle of something decent for the evenings. If you can't eat what you fancy it's miserable, and a half bottle of rum works wonders if the weather turns nasty/noisy fuckers stay up half the night etc. A seriously warm jumper is a must for evenings too. The thing with September events is that you ca still get August daytime temps, but combined with October nights! A thick fleece poncho that rolls up into its own bag is a good cheap addition as night wear/extra blanket/looking vaguely like Clint Eastwood etc etc.
    1 point
  34. BigAl

    Bolt AEG Recoil Rifles

    Leaf, Guarder Clear or Purple Prommy iirc. Any decent shop would fit if for you for a few quid. They really are ace guns mate, even th eold winger at Negative Airsoft had nowt bad to say about em.
    1 point
  35. I'll second/third/fourth whatever has been said already but... I am not really into indoor sites. I much prefer outdoors, but then I just about live outdoors. I'm just a feral thing that gets dragged indoors by my wife some evenings. If you are a little like myself, you may for no tangible reason prefer outside sites, so try both and see what you like.
    1 point
  36. Apologies for this trip back to 1973...
    1 point
  37. BigStew

    Buying a RIF advice

    there are no steadfast provisions for getting your UKARA registration renewed. some sites may renew after one game but some may expect you to play your 3 games in no less 2 months. A site actually has no obligation to register you on the UKARA database no matter how many games you attend. I would contact the retailer you are consider buying from and asking if they will except your game booking confirmations as proof you are a player( if you are looking to import i wouldn't try this method).
    1 point
  38. Don't tend to concern myself with others ads much, only thing that irks me is if there is something that takes my fancy put up and it has next to no information about it. When buying something second/third/fourth etc hand there will always be an element of risk irrelevant of how thorough the text in the listing is and how good to photos are. If someone is looking at an ad that is obviously not particularly well fleshed out or seems dodgy and isn't thinking much the same as you are, and then they go ahead and buy it... well frankly that's their issue. The only folks this thread stands to serve are those who aren't aware it's for them ultimately... because neither buyer nor seller will care to look.
    1 point
  39. I have been looking at a few reviews on the KWA Ronin it seems pretty good. One thing that may push me to the TM though is the fire selector on the KWA. In a review by Patrol Base he mentioned that although it’s ambi the right side is slightly shorter than the left to accomodate your trigger finger. Thing is although I can shoulder and shoot both left or right I am left handed and it’s much more comfortable for me left hand on the trigger. I will have to hold one in person to decide that.
    1 point
  40. I tried a cam once, but on a shoulder mount, it was crap, however it did manage to capture me doing quite an loud and aggressive fart to which a nearby team member turned around and was like "WTF was that?!" I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on uploading it anywhere or starting a youtube channel, just to capture some memories, so will probably try a head mount next time, I just don't fancy wearing a helmet 😂
    1 point
  41. What’s the point? In most cases the footage will be 1+ hour of your life you’ll never get back watching it. name a decent YouTube channel and you will see an iceberg of ten minutes footage that has had hours of crappy footage edited out plus hours of time making a story out of it. Unless you really want to waste your life learning a niche skill that provides zero income for the time limit/money you put into it then why bother. aside from a very few (yes and I include kicking mustang as love or hate the videos are well scripted/edited whatever) all the rest are not worth wasting your life viewing. if you were 15 at least you would have your parents patting you on the back for your new skill. I liken it to filming a concert, you are missing the moment poorly filming something others are experiencing to obtain footage that no one will ever want to watch. Or maybe you are the next Stanley Kubrick and I await your first YouTube masterpiece. Cynical comments aside, you won’t be considered a nob for having cameras on your toy gats in answer to your question.
    1 point
  42. That, really. There are enough cameras out there that it won't attract much attention now. I filmed a few games, but the thrill of scraping through hours of footage to find the few seconds of actual interest quickly wore thin. The other cardinal sin is posting "OMG CHEETAR!" videos, unless you've already provided the footage to the site and given them time to respond. Oh, and you will need a lens protector. BBs always seek out an unprotected lens, no matter how small it is.
    1 point
  43. For personal use no. What would make you a nob would be acting like you think you're the next Stanley Kubrick and starting a shitty youtube channel, then spamming social media begging for likes and subscribers
    1 point
  44. Someone asked pretty much the exact same question less than a week ago... and arguably better, because at least they gave additional information as to their wants/needs. Link to that thread here. Don't. Be. Lazy.
    1 point
  45. Well, I took on the general consensus of advice and picked a beautiful summers day to dust off the cobwebs. Went fairly light and did a half day (best option for me as I find post-lunch I am full and verging on wanting a nap!) and it was pretty...pretty good.
    1 point
  46. The OP specified the GC16, which is metal-bodied. Likely to be stronger than the Specna as it's billet-styled with extra girth around the rear of the lower The CM variant is plastic bodied, which to be honest is just as good (if not better) as Specna's metal bodies in terms of strength (I have both right in front of me to compare). I would buy the G&G (Plastic) along with a Perun ETU++ personally. You get most of the features of the Aster (no dongle required!!), and G&G's QA/QC is generally better.
    1 point
  47. Just airsoft fella, just airsoft. But thank you, I can assure you my wife would have me in front of our GP if I felt like this with anything else.
    1 point
  48. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My wife said to me last night that she had a bag of used clothes to give to the charity shop and can I take them up there for her. I said just throw them in bin it's easier. She said there were thousands of poor starving people in the world that would benefit from having them. Stupidly I said that anyone who can get into your clothes certainly ain't starving!! And that's why I can't make this Sundays game and why I'll possibly be walking with a limp! 🤕 Regards
    1 point
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