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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/22 in all areas

  1. Mmm. I called it at 2pm after going through 3 litres, with a 5l backup in the car. It is astonishing that folk try to do a whole day on a few cans of Monster or Irn Bru, and surprising that sites don't emphasise the importance of water along with batteries, BBs and eye-pro.
    4 points
  2. Righto lads, sorry to drag this up again, but this absolute scrote is still at it, just had him hassling me on AirsoftHub again under the same username as before, Chris001, and he's made an appearance on ZeroIn as well under the username [email protected]. Again, only interested in swaps, this time he's offering a lovely 'PX4 with upgraded slide, barrel and extra mag'. Now, to my knowledge, he doesn't know that I know who he is, and the only reason I rumbled his ZeroIn account is that he mentioned he'd spoken to me on AirsoftHub a while ago, so how shall we play this one? Agree to the swap and send a big 'ol box of shit? Get his address and see if anyone in the local area is willing to meet him face to face? Arsehole needs some form of comeuppance and I do fancy myself as an agent of Karma. Applications on a postcard please, everything considered 🤣
    3 points
  3. Cracking day today. Only 20 odd players so we played a load of 30 minute games . All very punchy and hard faught but all extremely good natured. I do like low number days, play tends to be much more tactical 'cos we all know each other and naturally fall into working together properly. Had a clear demonstration of why sight protectors are a good thing when the protector on my 552 took a hit and broke. Sight was fine though. And the GBBR's were really rocking 😁
    3 points
  4. They pop up secondhand from time to time, though Matrix does do batches every now and again. I think I heard they are in batch production now, though that was a few months back so who knows. I turned mine into a DP-28 haha
    2 points
  5. Asomodai

    M16 AEG for sale

    So you want to sell an M16, but you don't say what brand it is and it's also a section 5 firearm because it's firing over the UK limit for full auto. Good job.
    2 points
  6. Hudson

    Accuracy, or lack of

    If you want to use the maple leaf bucking, you could speak to @ak2m4 and buy a ZCI barrel. They're pretty cheap and decent, and should work well with the ML. Inner barrels
    2 points
  7. Get some old dead batteries and tape them together or nice smooth pebbles taped together and put them in a jiffy , write his name on it and pop it in a post box with a single first class stamp attached , he’ll get a card asking to pay the postage difference and I guarantee he’ll do it because curiosity will get the better of him . do this once a week for a month and get your friends from all over the country to join in . obviously forget to write the senders details on it It really upset a known scammer a few years ago , so we waited a few months then did it again
    2 points
  8. They can’t ban you if you never play at their site
    2 points
  9. Pouring one out for our banned homies.
    2 points
  10. Huh, 'tis the season, we only had 14 at Area-66, I guess everybody's on holiday. Really surprising, usually it's packed. Cracking also though. The marshals all got to play, the games were kept small and tight, and were all really fair, good natured and light-hearted, but still closely fought. Less can be more.
    2 points
  11. Kls77

    Atmospheric Photos

    Gotta say I am so photogenic..... And a BB magnet .....
    2 points
  12. Don’t forget the soupçon of near death from forgetting your not a god of war(like we all think we are!) ?🤦‍♂️🤣🤣
    2 points
  13. Druid799

    Atmospheric Photos

    Black and white you say ?
    2 points
  14. A 2015 Infiltration Airsoft game in the Drakelow Tunnel Complex. This sort of captures the experience of playing in a dark, dank WWII industrial complex/1980s nuclear bunker, but the camera doesn't (and couldn't) capture the later atmosphere when players and smoke grenades stirred up so much dust you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I have no doubt that a couple of games there without a gas mask would give you all the 19th century diseases.
    2 points
  15. Hatchet

    Atmospheric Photos

    Is that recent news? They were still open a month or two ago and are still listing next weekend as a date on the Gunman website... In terms of "Atmospheric" pictures, mostly they seem to have people in them doing cool shit or looking tacticool, when we all know the actual atmosphere at airsoft is a bunch of people standing around talking... "so I found this shell casing on the floor" "still hungover from yesterday, had MCd's on the way here..." "No, I've ordered a new one from the retailer but it still hasn't turned up" "Isn't that the wrong suppressor for that impression year?" "not sure, but it's like red and itching..." "Does anyone know what we're supposed to be doing? Have we started yet?" "...whole other team not taking their hits if you ask me..."
    2 points
  16. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Oohh now your asking a VERY contentious question ! Me personally I think most joe player’s home paint jobs really do look like a mound of poop , very rarely they look any good simply because they just haven’t the skill for it(have a look at Geartech’s pics and then look back though the gun pic thread)to turn out any good . BUT like pretty much everything else in airsoft it’s a case of your gun , you do what you want with it and balls to what everyone else says ! 😉
    2 points
  17. Well got my kit together for tomorrow's Big Skirmish at AWA. My SVU courtesy of @Asomodaiwill be having its first run, which I'm looking forward to. Got a big bag of 0.32s to go with it as well as a 3d printed stock extension which is stuck on such that it can be taken off if needed without leaving marks (the adhesive is still going off, but it will be invisible when it has finished). Also got an alternative 2x scope with a filament reticule which is pretty good. There's a red dot sight in my case too. And of course my obligatory "Running Fat" badge. Have got a second Ops panel so I can quickly swap between M4 spray and pray games and DMR. I haven't decided yet whether to try an run with both the M4 and the SVU at the same time.... That's a pretty heavy kit if I do. But I don't fully trust all my pistol mags.
    2 points
  18. After selling off all my MWS’ uppers / lowers / projects I’m now down to one rifle and a bunch a spares…needs a PDW buffer tube if they exist. TM 17’ & G&P 40 rounder for scale, she’s smoll. Short inner barrel barely effects range or power output. Can edit for parts list if anybody actually cares 🙃
    2 points
  19. Aaaand a few from the games themselves, it might not be as comfy to fling around as a more modern front end but ohh boy does that L119 do things to me 😍.
    2 points
  20. Just found the forums dark mode settings..... That's much betterer!
    1 point
  21. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Geartechs jobs are awesome, even the ridiculous bright nerf style paintjobs look right, no easy feat. I've painted a few of mine in the past, nothing fancy, which I think is where some guys go wrong, trying too hard if you haven't got the arty farty skills. Mine were just some random dustings in no particular direction or order , with krylon obviously, as I think that's another area that guys go wrong in, yer Halford etc colours tend to be too bright & too shiny, too artificial, krylon rocks🤟
    1 point
  22. Maybe they are all barnyard
    1 point
  23. Skinn3r4

    Crye CPC

    Training plates arrived yesterday helped massively to make it sit right cheers guys for the feedback. Need to play around with the config and remove the bfg mag pouch as it sits funny in front of the radio when on. Maybe pick up a belt setup but will work for now
    1 point
  24. I suppose you're probably correct on that one buddy, although I'd be willing to swallow the cost if I could see the look on his face... Now this idea I like, well played Jim! Although it would have to be 2nd class stamps of course, just to maximise the financial impact of course 🤣
    1 point
  25. Todays (mainly) DPM loadout of choice with the L119 A1 GBBR. Just after the pic was taken the sight protector took a hit, saved the sight though !
    1 point
  26. Just got back from AWA. It was their Big Skirmish event which was pretty good. Although the other team apparently couldn't communicate properly so ruined the way the combat was supposed to happen, meaning a lot of walking around looking for someone to shoot. Still, 100 people turned up so when the fighting did happen it was pretty good fun. Only thing that really put a downer on the day was the dust cover of my svu fell off..... Thankfully found by the boy in a rather obscure place.... And my Osprey armour has taken the skin off my waste through rubbing, which is now very sore. Still ran, nearly 7 miles, so feeling good about the exercise 👍. Camelbak hydration kit certainly paid for itself too. I got through at least 6 litres of water. Can't believe there were people playing with just little bottles of water. Looks like AWA are going to rename these events Battlesim Lite and running more of them, which as they get used to how thi gs like these play out should only make them better.
    1 point
  27. LazzurusMan

    Accuracy, or lack of

    Macron, and whatever this barrel is. Think it's a lonex 6.03? I changed it years ago, but I can't remember what I bought. Just had a quick check, and it looks like the hop window is too small 😭 I can't see the whole contact patch coming through, so that's probably what's causing the inaccuracy. This is what the hop looks like if I replace the macron with a guarder flat hopped bucking. Seems to be a much more consistent looking contact. Sucks cause the bucking wasn't exactly cheap 🤣🤣
    1 point
  28. A fun half-day with the TM MP7 GBBR. My first time using it and I guess especially because it's warm but it got through mag after mag, without the slightest hint of a splutter. Being limited by 50 round mags and knowing I have to keep them filled with gas, really made me feel like that's the way Airsoft should be played. It just feels so stupid, that people can get kills on others they don't even see, purely by firing hundreds of rounds in a teams general direction.
    1 point
  29. Stratton Oakmont

    Got Ink!?

    Got my face painted at the blueberry festival one year
    1 point
  30. Bought an RDS and a PEQ-style lamp for the UAR off Amazon this week, sci fi build complete I think.
    1 point
  31. Stalking about the woods at last Sundays game.
    1 point
  32. Druid799

    Atmospheric Photos

    I can agree with the ‘SAURUS’ bit , mines killing me ! 😖
    1 point
  33. Tackle

    Atmospheric Photos

    You speak for yourself mate, I'm a god of war AND............
    1 point
  34. Our lad Pete , on the hunt in the trenches at our local site
    1 point
  35. Found one of the lesser spotted boy in his Russian hat.... I say lesser spotted because he hates having his pictures taken.... As for tacticool. I have a few briefing shots, but one thing seems common to the sites I play.... The official photographers are better marshals than they are picture takers. My shots are heavily cropped and tweaked 🤣🤣
    1 point
  36. Zigey

    Atmospheric Photos

    Can I play? Not as polished as some of you fellas but here we are. 1st Is a candid of me and my team while we were getting ready at Bush Valley in Kent (sadly closed down now) 2nd Is from a scorching summer day at Imperium Airsoft moments before I was hit with a burst from a truck mounted mg.
    1 point
  37. It LIVES! So just to close this off - after taking it apart a couple of times and testing where everything worked, everytime I reassembled and tested it didnt work. In the end I gave in and dropped it to Wolf Armouries. The tech initially had the same issue as I did with parts working when disassembled and then not working when assembled. He finally traced the fault to a tiny bit of corrosion on the motor that the initial drop must have dislodged. I'm happy to have the gun back - working and serviced with new lipo connections and happy with the service I recived from Wolf.
    1 point
  38. Shamal

    Accuracy, or lack of

    Is barrell clean? Is it centralised so that the nub is perfectly aligned? When you say all over the place do you mean up,down left or right and by how much?
    1 point
  39. I didn't get 2 games out of mine. It jammed more than Bob Marley before the piston ate itself. I ended up whole gearbox from the cyma it replaced in it. Luckily the body has been rock solid For me it would have to be Best: MY SADF M83 chest rig. Cheap, comfortable and holds everything I need securely. Of all the bits of load carrying kit I've picked up over the years, it's the only one I find myself going back to Worst: A&K M249. Heavy, pot metal parts which would break and totally unreliable. Glad I got rid of it
    1 point
  40. Aj698

    Newbie Advice....

    Hop rubber, nub and spring advice worked well... Lozart thanks for connecting me with Pete @ak2m4! Aj All set for Gunman Tuddenham this Sunday...
    1 point
  41. Wavey_Gravey

    Crye CPC

    As Jim says plates will deffo help, unfortunately the CPC set up with an MBITR isn’t the most comfy due to the height of the radio. I had one many moons ago (repro) and ended up moving it to an external pouch as like you it was right up my armpit.
    1 point
  42. My new ‘PMC’ style loadout is all finished, yet to try it at a game but I’ll hopefully be running it at UCAP vendetta at the end of the month 😁 what do you all think? (Gear list below) - GHK G5 primary - Cybergun FNX-45 secondary - Haley strategic partners DC3RM chest rig with M4 rigid inserts - Haley strategic partners flat pack 2.0 - spiritus systems S.A.C.K mk3 - FRV tailoring shooters belt - Kydex customs holster - T Rex arms thigh strap - warrior assault systems pistol mag pouch x1 and M4 mag pouch x2 - warrior assault systems dump pouch - coyote tactical solutions burrito med pouch - kydex customs mk5 holder - ESS ICE 3 glasses - 5.11 cap - PIG FDT delta gloves - 5.11 rapid dry 3.0 boots - 5.11 trousers - invader gear flannel UBACS - Delta Mike snood
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. GAMBLE


    Hi, ALL! 👋 Been away for 2 weeks, planning for this month and sorting out editing problems for my footage! 🤬 So here’s a video on melee props, would you use one? 🤔 Doing the best with what I have, enjoy it for what it is! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  45. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    AK105-VSU (11.5” barrel) I really enjoy making paint and environments work, spent a lot of time and collected a lot of Cerakote swatches and loads of aerosol tests. Some colours are very ‘reactive’ and play to the human eye changing quite dramatically in different light and backdrops.
    1 point
  46. Never mind the grill. Look at the brickwork. Who does bucket handle pointing these days....😉
    1 point
  47. johnnyj

    Gun picture thread

    Seen this super cheap and could not pass it up 😃
    1 point
  48. Generic jeans and checked shirt from CQB a couple of weekends ago, this was the last hurrah for the MWS. Running a long boi when half the field is HPA Hicapas with AR mag adapters was certainly an experience, was a big ‘I guess times are definitely changing’ moment for me.
    1 point
  49. Here are a few from SIERRA GOLF ONE AIRSOFT.
    1 point
  50. 1 point
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