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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/06/22 in all areas

  1. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    Took the freshly pimped TM G19 Gen 4 out today, some indoor action at Invicta Black Site. Absolutely love how snappy the Gen 4 is even on lowest power gas, 45M flat trajectory on 0.25s, couldn’t ask for more from such a little gun!
    3 points
  2. Quick one from today. Vidda Pro Ventilated paired with a Patagonia Adze, same load bearing as usual.
    3 points
  3. I should be clear that I'm not having a "Ban ALL the things rant" since I know it's futile, but I consider Mk5s and even 9mm blanks too loud for indoors given the likelihood of them going off close to ears in an enclosed space. There are a lot of fun things that are bad for you, but when bad means irreversible hearing loss, and when you can have fun with merely naughty things instead, I'm struggling to find a justification for them. My core problem with the fun-but-hazardous things in airsoft is that they're a risk not to the owner but to other people, including, well...
    3 points
  4. Depends on your local site, in my opinion. For me, DMRs are useless at Worthing, as 1.6J with a 30m MED just isn't worth it; even if you want to play marksman you're better off with a bolt action since 2.3J will get you significant range increases and the MED is the same at 30m (and it's incredibly thick with foliage 6 months of the year, making snipers useless too). Different sites tend to have different rules for DMRs and I've written basically a thesis on it in another thread on this forum somewhere since I used my m21 setup to experiment with different powers (HPA is useful like that), but TL:DR is this: 1.48J - totally useless. Stay at 1.1J for no MED. I saw no noticeable difference in effective range. 1.64J - mostly useless. Maybe consider if your local site is fairly open and your MED is only 20m. Even then I only really saw a difference of about 5m effective range over 1.1J. 1.88J - enough to be useful. Probably wouldn't consider with a 30m MED as I have a bolt action with a 30m MED at 2.3J and an effortless bolt pull so I can shoot it fairly fast (still might though) but would go for it with a 20m MED easy. Saw enough of a boost in effective range to make it worthwhile. As a result of Worthing's DMR rules being craptastic, I've long since been honing the idea of a 1.1J "semi-auto sniper" build myself; the goal was to get the most range, consistency and silence while having no MED by keeping to 1.1J. I managed around 65m effective range (at least 9/10 shots hitting a man-sized target) and I find it to be more than enough for most engagements, though Worthing is not a very sniper rifle friendly site even in winter (but it's way better than the woodland CQB of summer). I am a big advocate of the 1.1J DMR/Sniper build and think they're underestimated in the airsoft community for just how savage they can be. Plus people moaning "that's a bit close for a sniper/DMR" is always amusing. Now that I've rambled enough, I'll actually get to my recommendation. Pick up your DMR rifle of choice, whether it's a Cyma m14 (they're nice...), SR-25 or something else. Then don't touch the gearbox, leave it at 1J and pick up a new hop rubber (I like 70 degree maple leaf macarons for AEG style rubbers), hop up nub and if you've got the cash a new inner barrel. Then simply play like a DMR as @Tackle suggested and see if you like the play style and get a feel for how much an MED might inconvenience you; remain mindful of your shots and the distances you're typically shooting at and experiment. Maybe play a game where you shoot only at targets over 20/30m, depending on the DMR MED at your site, then play the next game with no such limitation and see which you prefer. However, I will refute his point that they're 100% compatible and say they're about 95% compatible. There are tiny tolerances that are different, though you'll only encounter them if you work extensively on it. For example, TM magazines will fit in a Cyma m14, but they're really, REALLY picky about how you put them in and if you don't put them in right they'll fall out, while Cyma magazines in a TM will need to be forced in a little. Also, a Cyma stock won't fit on a TM gearbox and upper receiver. How do I know? Because I have both a Cyma and TM m14 and have discovered these while working on them
    2 points
  5. Dmr to whether you'll get the most from the dmr role will depend on what the sites you play are like in terms of dmr rule sets (most of my locals dmr has to be dmr calibre, not long m4 etc) and the terrain. The way that some sites grow up in the summer; the loss of longer sight lines and the MED meant it is so much harder to be effective. In regards to the heavier bbs, it's a must; limited shots and controlled MED means rounds need to have a better chance of getting to and of being felt by the target, so a bb that will hold on to its energy better and be less effected by wind etc makes sense. Cost wise I dont find it too bad. Yes they dearer, but I'm using low and mid caps only, even running all my midcaps I'd still be carrying less rounds than a single high cap mag so 3000 geoffs last a couple of days at least. Before sinking a pile of funds into a dmr use an aeg as a dmr for a few days. By that i mean play in that dmr manner; only use single shot, give yourself a MED, force yourself to either not take the shot or transition to a sidearm. If you are comfortable after that then the extra range you can get with the dmr will just be a bonus. If you find it too frustrating then as your still effectivly an aeg, you flick the fun switch and charge back in. Personally I play dmr-esque anyway, having only recently returned to aegs from exclusive gbbr use. Low cap mags and semi only was easy but I've recently dropped a softer sping into the 308 to get back under the aeg limits and given myself a 3rnd burst. The reason being that with the sites I'm playing currently the range i have is more than enough with the rif well built and good ammo. I can help team mates more by being effective in the ranges the site has and I can still play my low cap, flanking style I like. Long post I know but hopefully it's relevant.
    2 points
  6. Tommikka

    Using tag rounds

    I’m with @Rogerborgon mitigating the less common potential problem If it’s foreseeable then it needs to be balanced Back in the day it was mk9s for everything, then mk5s, mk3s, and onto thermobarics and different recipes & card/paper roll pattern for various combinations of fast/slow detonation, volume/flash etc In paintball the rules have always been that goggles are to be worn as designed with no modification, with chin strap fitted etc. But players put in a second head strap and cut off or don’t fit the chin strap. The extra head strap if fitted properly tightens the goggle. But if fitted improperly tensions the back of the head, and causing the goggles to fly away if making a superman dive into a tournament snake or running and tripping on a tree root. Rare and unlikely - but as photographer I’ve watched too many marshals jumping onto a mask less player - and failed to take the photo worrying about if they will land before balls hit But it took the freak accident of two players to pop around an inflatable, poke barrel into face and flick goggles off. The damage was ‘only’ a circular cut below the eye This then prompted enforcement of chin straps - for a couple of seasons It’s been noted that the discussion is about tag rounds but not mortars. The relevant point is the projectile. What is the risk of that projectile, on its potential flight? The same stands for a mortar - which isn’t directed, so you can argue that if it’s unobstructed on the way up then it’s ‘fine’ on the way down …… but that’s good to depend on it’s mass … does it carry a payload? what could it do to head/face protection?
    2 points
  7. I can old-man-yells-at-cloud about them too, it's just that we hadn't got there yet. I've seen a few pyro-lobbing-things described as "mortars" and "airsoft", but they seem even more niche than TAGs, and mostly just talked about for, well, this.
    2 points
  8. Cyma m14 socom, stock they're pretty much as good as TM's version, for half the price, maybe even less, but are 100% compatible, even for upgrade parts. Then take it out, set it to semi & use it for a few games to get in to the dmr mindset, I'll be very surprised if you don't love it, & then consider a couple of upgrades to get it close to 450fps, it won't take much to get it there, & at the same time set it to semi, I'd consider a programmable mosfet & remove the selector knob, just til you see how it is for lockups (my old one never did😁), if alls good then permanently mod the selector plate. Simples
    2 points
  9. Sneaky

    Gun picture thread

    I have put serious amount of work into my small, but perfectly formed collection. Love them!
    2 points
  10. I had a hot and sweaty day at Tower Airsoft in Essex. This was one of the days run by Camo, who always put on a great day of airsoft with solid but relaxed marshalling and games that make good use of the site and its structures. I went on my own today as my second eldest is away having far too much fun in MTP, some of which involved an L129A1 and a GPMG. I am not at all jealous (honest!), but it was quite scary to think that my first shots with a GPMG were 40 years ago; where did the years go? However, the site had its usual quite large number of experienced and sensible players and I had a great day sneaking around the site turning up where I was not expected to be:). Unfortunately, the heat seemed to get to people and both numbers and energy levels dropped off a bit during the afternoon, which was not really surprising. However, the games were still good, just slower. Overall, another very good day at Tower; many thanks to the Airsoft Plantation and Camo guys, the players and the catering staff, who had a good supply of ice lollies.
    2 points
  11. YEET CANNON?! 😮 Don't be silly, nobody is masochistic enough to own one of these...
    2 points
  12. Had a good day at AWA with their new trenches. Took a couple of directs hits to the cheek but that's part of the fun. Think I've cemented my desire to get a DMR... Don't have the patience for sniping, but also not keen on hosing the undergrowth (ohh err). Certainly enjoyed lying in my 2 foxholes picking people off as they tried to capture the ammo dump.
    2 points
  13. Sods fucking law! Dusting off the DMR that I've setup to use 0.36's and of course I can only find 0.20's, 0.23's, 0.25's, 0.28's, 0.30's, 0.32's, 0.40's & 0.43's 🫤
    2 points
  14. From what I remember they either worked brilliantly or not at all
    2 points
  15. I just called the sea-life centre and when they answered the telephone, the person at the other end asked me to say "do a back-flip’, then to say; ‘jump through a hoop’." Apparently all calls are recorded for training Porpoises
    2 points
  16. Did someone say springers 😂
    2 points
  17. I think it just helps to hold barrell steady. I've got over it in past by cutting a strip from flattened out coke tin with scissors and bending it around barrell to the right length and pushing it into the gap.
    2 points
  18. An alternative headline would be: ”British police don’t shoot teenager following reports of man with gun”
    2 points
  19. I know lol🤣 Yeah the balaclava was probably crucial, kids probably "speshul" wearing a balaclava in this heat, or his mam had just given him a shite haircut lol. The whole "Internet Karen" thing is really pissing off my wife Karen, which obviously I wouldn't dare wind her up further 😜
    2 points
  20. Cover it up, and don't wear a balaclava to hide your age? Given that Karen is going to scream "Assault style toy!" if she sees you walking down the street with it. And public possession of an IF is an offence, although we have a Sheriff judgement that "playing cowboys and Indians" would be a reasonable excuse. Sounds to me like Dibble handled it OK-ish. It's not like Karen would have told them that it was bright red.
    2 points
  21. Type SBS patch into Amazon, you will find all sorts to buy. This is the first one that I looked at, costs around £13 Copytec Special Boat Service SBS Maritim Special Forces Crest # 33726 : Amazon.co.uk
    2 points
  22. First outing of my Full AMCU (Australian Multicam Camouflage Uniform) kit. Based on Task Force Taji Rotation 2 in 2016. AMCU Shirt and Trousers, Redback Terra Boots, FMA Wendy Helmet with AMCU cover, Manta Strobe and FMA NVG box, Warrior DCS in multicam (in place of the rare TBAS carrier) with TBAS pouches. TBAS belt with various SORD/TBAS pouches and Bladetech Holster Mechanix Gloves Gats, JG based AUG with various parts added to make it look more like an F88SA2 Browning mk3
    1 point
  23. Defo what Tackle said! The trigger contacts are not perfect on them, so a 'fet makes perfect sense.
    1 point
  24. At the sites I've played, it's been "1 in the air" or "Every 2 seconds" - which at DMR ranges is much the same if you actually wait to see the impact or miss. In practice, I've never seen it policed at all, and I've seen other DMR players taking the absolute piss with it - and it's very easy to do when you see a target appear. Example, we had a bloke on here reckoning that he might set his mosfet to limit him to a shot every 0.5 seconds, i.e. four times as fast as the above rules/guidelines. DMRs are super, duper exploitable. I enjoy(ed) mine, but if I were running a site, I'd ban them off entirely, as one of my local sites already has.
    1 point
  25. When an airsoft version appears, I will have one, even if it costs more than the real thing. Hi-Points are literally bulletproof.
    1 point
  26. great job on that , very nice build
    1 point
  27. Albiscuit


    Very rarely. I would be cautious of buying an ‘upgraded’ gun for one. I don’t know who upgraded it, if the bits work well together, how well it was put together and if they actually improve things etc unless it’s an upgrade with a receipt or traceable (like a negative airsoft video for example) then generally upgraded won’t add much as you also need to find someone who wants a gun with those upgrades installed.
    1 point
  28. Decent day indoors at Biohazard. They made good use of both floors, and play was generally good natured and fair. There were a couple of players taking the piss with rate of fire and getting away with it because - wait for it - they were using silent HPA proton-blasters. If the marshals can't hear it, they can't act on it, sadly. Oh, dry firing in the safe zone. Jesus wept, and there's no way to excuse that since the site owner was chatting with folk while they were doing it. I now habitually wear polycarb sunglasses in "safe" zones since they axiomatically aren't. Still, the actual play was great, although if my faith in the Emperor wasn't so strong I might question His decision about the coverage (or lack thereof) of standard pattern Guard flak armour. All the squishy bits got peppered.
    1 point
  29. Rogerborg

    Using tag rounds

    Which is rather the point that I'm beleaguering. What gets sent downrange is the choice of the finger behind the trigger rather than the face at the other end. Eh, never mind me, mild tinnitus makes me kind of grumpy about pretty much anything that goes bang. I wish His standard armour covered a little more of my vulnerables, I took a lot of deaths in His name from rib-shots.
    1 point

    Selling up

    About 10 years ago I bought up someone's entire kit. Kept the bits I wanted and sold the bits I didn't. Made most of my money back. You'll be cutting your own throat if you sell everything in one go.
    1 point
  31. Sneaky

    R hop

    I got my sr25 rhop done by Combat South last year, as I have not got the patience nor time to do it myself. Very happy with the performance.
    1 point
  32. Tackle

    Old School Airsofters.

    Weirdly enough, I had one & it was awesome, only time it played up was when the trigger microswitch burnt out, apparently a very common problem, but a microswitch from maplins & 30 minutes fiddling & it never failed again. In fact I remember a game at Fort Amherst, 6 249's were in play, 5 lightweight stars that performed flawlessly & 1 CA heavyweight, & mid game the CA jammed on full auto, causing its owner to rip it open to remove the battery before the motor burnt out. BUT that owner was a guy affectionately known as the "Hand of M", a legendary tech🤣, any wonder it packed up😏
    1 point
  33. Well lucky for some, my buddy who bought my VSR, also bought the M249 and Tavor. So less to ogle at now
    1 point
  34. There are a few 'design your own' firms online. You send them the design, they print it on whatever you need. I had a 5'x3' vinyl banner done for about £30 five or so years back. Print on demand is pretty cheap these days, not that I'd expect you being likely to begrudge a few quid in the circumstances. Respects to your Dad.
    1 point
  35. Tru dat, I had to delete part of my post, the bit where I expressed an interest in one, & then literally slapped myself to stop buying guns😭
    1 point
  36. I can't see em either 😔 Probably for the better since I shouldn't be tempted to buy any more 😄
    1 point
  37. SBoardley

    Using tag rounds

    Dynatex bfg used to use 12g cartridges. Whatever they used, the kid had black burns radiating from the middle of his chest outwards. He had to go to hospital to get looked at.
    1 point
  38. SBoardley

    Using tag rounds

    I was a Marshall at ground zero when a freak accident happened; a young lad had a 12g bfg land down his draw vest. Many years ago. It exploded and he suffered powder burns to his chest. It wasn’t funny. It was a freak accident which led to 12g being banned across the country believe. Now I love 12g, still gutted you can’t use them anymore but I do understand why they were banned. Imagine if he was blinded.
    1 point
  39. On a psychological basis the whole Mr. No Brain back and forth is pretty fascinating, while also being entertaining to check back in on and all in all top quality internet nonsense.
    1 point
  40. Back when Smith&Wesson made Glocks until Glock said you can’t do that anymore
    1 point
  41. Rogerborg

    Using tag rounds

    The practical issue is that accidentally smacking Pop-Up Paddy in the face with a BB, even a 2.3J 0.5g BB, is significantly less harmful than yeeting 12J of explosive into his earball. There was an image going around of a chap who'd taken a TAG to the face at some Murcan milsim: it had wrecked his goggles and he was streaming with blood. It won't happen until it happens, at which point everybody will instantly develop 20:20 hindsight about how inevitable it was.
    1 point
  42. A quick grammar lesson for a few of you on here. A colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence. For example: Jane ate her friend’s lunch. Jane ate her friend’s colon.🤭
    1 point
  43. Agreed, there are loads of YouTube videos on how to do it for various guns. Your hop unit will be under the dust cover. What they don't generally show is the trajectory. Credit to Novritsch, he actually explains and shows that here. What I do is to over hop, to ensure that I have at least enough hop applied, then dial it back slowly until the BB just lifts towards the end of its flight. It helps to have someone standing off to the side to observe your trajectory.
    1 point
  44. I walked into B&Q the other day and a guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking. Luckily I got the first punch in and that was that, but it just goes to show you should never let your guard down.
    1 point
  45. you realize i wasn't quoting the bit about pushing people back right? i was quoting this: because that will get you kicked off site..... we're talking about one geardo losing his rag at an airsoft site, not taking a walk in downtown mogadishu....
    1 point
  46. Why do these posts always attract the internet hard men like flies to a pile of horse shit?
    1 point
  47. Lol, I remember the first time I saw a serpa drop leg, safe zone at Ft Amherst, thought "WOW, that's a good way to carry your pistol, such a quick draw" 😳 A month later I had one, 5 minutes in to the game I thought "ffs, every time I run its like I've got a small child hanging on my leg & trying to pull me the other way" lol💩
    1 point
  48. From the "bargain bin" end of the spectrum... Action Hobbies have a battle belt with harness in multicam for just £15 I bought one, didn't get on with it as my 'non-svelte sizing' (i.e. fat bastard-ness) meant all the kit hung a bit too far around the sides, towards the back. But if you're not a porker then it's going to be fine https://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/products/viper-technical-harness-set/ Alternatively there's the skeleton version which I think can be had cheaper elsewhere, but that fitted me very well, and I'd have probably stuck with it if I'd bought the multicam one instead of the black. https://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/products/viper-skeleton-harness/ (So after trying both these options I actually ended up buying and using a Bulldog Mk3 battle belt with a separate harness, which is deffo 'weightlifter belt' sized. It works very well for me)
    1 point
  49. LVOA-D

    THE TM MWS thread

    My new love has just arrived! Goes well with my Strike Industries build! Just awaiting the mount, Strike Industries buffer tube and takedown pins
    1 point
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