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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/22 in all areas

  1. Had a cracking day at Ambush Airsoft in Cobham. This is fast becoming my go to local site with plenty of fast paced gameplay and minimal time spent back in the safe zone. Its a mid sized woodland site with 5 main game zones (village, bridge, bus, fort and church) and the beginnings of a decent trench system currently in the works. Gameplay is mostly outdoors with some small scale CQB in the village with the church and fort being good sized two storey structures. Plenty of pyro and smoke at the site based shop and trust me it is well used 😁 Seem to be a good mix of regulars, experienced walk ons and rentals and one of the friendliest sites I’ve played at with very little in the way of cheaters, non hot takers or other nonsense that can ruin a day. All in all I shot some people, got shot a lot more, got grenaded several times and ran around in bright coloured smoke like a loon! No one took themselves too seriously but both teams were definitely trying for the win throughout the day and I can’t ask for more than that for a fun Sunday skirmish!
    5 points
  2. I was also at the shift your rifts event both days. Ran my new ww1 kit on the Saturday. I need to get a proper canvas holster for the webley, but they are currently out of stock, plus I am struggling to find decent, comfortable replica or lookalike "ammo" boots that don't cost stupid amounts of money, so I just used my spare work boots, but other than that, I'm happy with the way it looks (Also, no idea why the last photo keeps uploading on its side... on my phone its upright and nothing I do will change its orientation)
    4 points
  3. Site Name: Apocalypse Paintball and Airsoft Contact details: 01763 244855 Website Address: Apocalypse Paintball Facebook Page: Apocalypse Airsoft & Paintball | Facebook Site Address: Old N Rd, Royston SG8 5JS Desperate for a Bank Holiday Monday game and Driver Wood being a little too far for @Albiscuit we decided to go give Apocalypse Paintball and Airsoft a visit. This used to be run by RIFT Airsoft and was better known as "The Village". Not much has been written about the site since Apocalypse took back control to run the airsoft side themselves, so we were going in pretty much blind. Apocalypse Airsoft is a very small Woodland site located south of Cambridge. It is rectangular shape with a small tail where the Safe Zone and Playing Area entrance is. There is a Tower/Church Area, Village, Fort and Tyre section. All can be seen from the centre of the site. There are many buildings, only the Fort and Tower have an extra story. Only the tower has a roof. There are lots of very tall trees and lots of extra low foliage along with barricades to help create cover. The site is very flat with no real elevation. Short/Medium/Long engagement distances are in play. There were around 30+ players on the day. This site requires* the use of Bio BB's. No bangs are allowed as the site next to a Psychiatric hospital. Smoke only. Good: Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in affect and result was noted against your registered name though no guns were marked. AEG FPS limits are a 350FPS. DMR is 450 and Bolt actions are 500. Green Gas blowback pistols are not chronoed in the Winter. Safe Zone: Is a fairly small safe zone which can cater for about 50-60 players. Picnic benches that were all under cover. The Shop and confectionary stands were all inside. It was a pretty nice safe zone. Protected from the elements. Toilets were just by the entrance. Parking: A gravel track running up to the safe zone. So no long walks. Average: Clientele: The Vast majority of the clientele were experienced Airsofters. Very few rentals. Everyone appeared to be over 18 and well into their 30's. The people we spoke to were quite friendly but kept to themselves within the safe zone. People did talk to each other during the gameplay though. Game modes: We only played two game modes before going home. The first one was a small push back and flag waving game onto the Tower from the Village. Second was a more elaborate and interesting game trying to get ammo crates and box to a fort. Toilets: Two Portaloo's, they were in OK condition. Value: £25 for a skirmish, food not included. Bang average. Bad: Playing area: On paper, the playing area appears to be very well equipped and should play quite well, but on the day it just didn't work out. The site is just too open. There are plenty of low barricades, but not enough medium height vegetation. You can see from one end of the site to the other almost anywhere you stand. As a result it's very hard to push up on objectives without good team work and luck. The site is full auto almost all of the time and is detrimental to the playing area environment. It feels very much like just another paintball site that does Airsoft. The fort and village area is covered by stinging plants and I came away with lots of welts trying to crawl up to the objective without getting shot. It was almost perverse! There were trenches on parts of the site, but they were so shallow and surrounded by stinging plants that they were difficult to flank people in. Safety Brief: Very short, didn't cover MED for snipers (Which resulted in a bad incident where someone left early). Delivered very flat. Catered towards experienced players rather then the rentals that may have needed more instruction. Marshalling: Either Lackadaisical or non existent. One Head Marshal and two player Marshals. The Head Marshal seemed to not care that much. The player Marshals were no where to be seen; The one our side seemed determined to carry out the objective, but often went off and did his own solo thing without rallying the side together. He was never around to report things to. Complaints of non hit taking were at best not followed up or at worse laughed off. Food: Almost non existent. Sweets, Crisps and Drink. No hot foot available on site. The website mentions you can pre order food beforehand but I saw no real mechanism for this. Shop: Bio BB's and gas were for sale and precious little else. Bio only BB: I have no issue with sites being Bio only, both myself and @Albiscuit bought our BB's from the shop before playing and they were of reasonable quality. However there were ZERO spot checks as to whether people were actually using Bio BB's. The player next to use was openly using non bio bb's as can be seen from his bottle. No point in having a very staunch and visible rule if you don't plan on checking up on it and enforcing it. Turn Around Time: We didn't get many games in at all. Safety Brief was supposed to happen at 9:30AM, but didn't until gone 10. We were given a 5 minute warning to reload and get back out but waited over 20 minutes before anything happened. Hit Taking: Flipping awful. Shooting long range and see bb's pinging off of people? Good luck, because softer hits seem to be completely ignored by almost everyone. Try shooting at people running full pelt and see the BB's pinging off? Guaranteed they wont take it. Shooting someone point blank and expect them to take it? Nah, they will just bring their rifle around and shoot you in response and claim it was 50/50. The day has some of the most blatant non hit taking I have seen in Airsoft. It got so bad that we left early (I have only ever done this once before at an Airsoft Skirmish and it was @Albiscuit first time leaving early ever). Many other people were complaining about hit taking which got progressively worse as the day went on and we were certainly not the only people to leave early due to it. It was just pointless trying to carry on. The Marshal's either weren't around to complain to, or did nothing when we did. One kid was getting so frustrated he told me he was going to put in a 420 FPS spring in his Full Auto enabled rifle for the next game. Mentioned it to a Marshal who just laughed it off. Conclusion: This was the worst Airsoft Skirmish I have been to since Tactical Airsoft in Croydon 4-5 years ago. Which had almost identical issues. Hit taking is optional. Full Auto required to get anywhere and non existent Marshalling. Considering how experienced the clientele seemed to be I was surprised how bad it was (I played Ultimate Wargames in Kent two days previous to this visit where 90% of players were under the age of 18 and took almost all their hits and are an absolute credit to the hobby!). It's a real shame how it turned out. The Playing area looks good on paper but the layout just doesn't seem to work. It could be improved upon by increasing the quantity and quality of the barriers. The Stinging nettles could be cut back. The trenches need to be re-dug to be deeper. Full auto should be banned to help have a better chance at pushing up. The marshals need to be more pro-active in stamping out hit taking. So yeah... Not great! There are far better sites that you can go to. Bullpup Watch: L85 and a Tavor.
    3 points
  4. Wasn’t really sure where to put this so mods please move if in the wrong place. Been playing around with an old GoPro for my last few games and started editing the footage together. Here’s a couple from my game yesterday at Ambush in Surrey, any thoughts, criticism, things I could improve? It’s an old GoPro 4 with no stabilisation so quality wise that’s about as good as it gets so I’m thinking more suggestions for editing. TIA, Col
    3 points
  5. given the standards of youtube review channels in airsoft i genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't fill 50% of the watchtime of a mosfet review talking about how ambidextrous it is.....
    3 points
  6. Well, you can get 45k for the same price if you really like stripping gears. A warhead + an AB++ will give you most of what you seem to want for £130. ETU's do jump up in price with their optical sensors and what not, and a few of those can be programmed on the fire selector so I guess it's a case of putting the right code into the lil chips do do something like that. Or another button elsewhere. You are right in that airsoft is incredibly slow to innovate. It's been a long while since I was into RC and I was surprised at the lack of brushless motors once I learned how they all go together. Hell, we still use backwards wired tamiyas as standard. Deans is only just starting to become normal in stock guns. And, considering how tangential this got. To the main post, I recently tried to fit some MR hop backings into a zci barrel in a prowin hop and it was really, really unhappy. The contact patch is too large for the zci barrel window so it gets hung up and shots were going way left. But, fitted a macaron and it's happy as can be.
    3 points
  7. First you get the range then you get the power then you get the bitches
    3 points
  8. This is one good way to waste a fuckton of money. Unfortunately Airsoft doesn't have any sort of standard, parts from brand X may not fit well with brand Y, and often parts from X won't fit with parts from the same X brand too!
    3 points
  9. Apocalypse paintball in Cambridgeshire. I think the reason it was mostly crap is the place is 80% paintball with a couple of airsoft games here and there so the focus is not on airsoft which I understand to some degree, but if your going to do something as a business, make it work, very frustrating from a paying players point of view. Seems to be the theme for sites who run airsoft when its not their main focus, with a couple of exceptions to be fair but will certainly try to avoid sites like this in the future or do more research on them first.
    3 points
  10. They aren’t the greatest but will give you an idea.
    3 points
  11. Fixed it for you
    3 points
  12. Liking the sound of that because I've just bought two bottles of .28s to try out on Sunday. I think magnification is a big deal and I wouldn't be without my facog. Not just because I'm wearing mesh and don't have my prescription glasses so need all the help I can get, but it's just so useful for spotting, and you can walk shots on target even at longer ranges if the light is good and you understand your trajectory. Totally feasible to play the 'dmr' role without actually running a dmr, it's more a state of mind...
    2 points
  13. @Rogerborg God no, fishing is really boring and I really don’t need another hobby. there’s a review in the relevant section of my terrible game curtesy of @Asomodaiand his reviews if anyones interested.
    2 points
  14. Welcome to airsoft. And I cannot über-emphasise the importance of playing several times before spanking mortgage payments on airsoft toys. The actual experience of playing - once the adrenaline rush wears off - isn't for everyone, and you'll never see that money back.
    2 points
  15. Well, I played at Camouflage Airsoft at Alton at the weekend which is a nice wood set venue (all of the greenery hasn't quite grown back yet to its tallest), with both my DMR and AEG, and the results were interesting (and it was a bloody good day out with my son and his cousin). I ran my DMR with 0.40g BBs, and it was probably shooting the best it has yet for accuracy, but it's still not quite where I want it to be. I was getting bucket loads of hits, and was certainly not playing like a "toxic DMR player", but I think for me at least on that day there was another reason for getting so many hits when I was using it for the morning (and the afternoon was it's own "heavy weight" story). Players on the other team, even those with obviously bank brakingly expensive guns and kit, seemed to forget that the right rifle, whether a DMR or sniper, could have a substantially better range over an AEG so were leaving themselves exposed. With a DMR and a 3x flip to side I could see them leaving half their body exposed, an arm hanging out from a tree, a head fully exposed, so I just took the shot. To be honest at some of the distances the BB by the time it was approaching them could have been seen by them if the were more observant and dodged. I myself dodged a few incoming shot that were from DMR's and snipers. What I found most interesting though, from a technical perspective, was the afternoon where I switched to my AEG using 0.28g BBs (normally 0.25g), and what made a big difference was I decided to put the 3x flip to side on the AEG. I could pick a good spot to hide in and the slightly heavier BBs along with the flip to side allowed me to pick off players at a range they just never expected, plus as a site that allowed burst's of auto on AEG's I could pin down an area. I ended up getting massively more kills than I did with my DMR, the 0.28g's helped, however it was the 3x zoom that made all the difference spotting approaching or hiding players. Long story short, it's the DMR combined with the magnification that's helping me out.
    2 points
  16. Talking of tractors. When I worked on a farm years ago my stock hearder was well into them. He collected models and magazines from all over the world. Every type and make from fordson majors to international harvesters. Then one day he said to me that that he was selling his entire collection. I was shocked! I never thought that one day he would be an ex tractor fan 🤪
    2 points
  17. - 60-70m range. - Increases penis size - predicts lottery numbers
    2 points
  18. Few photos from the Shift Your Rifts event on Saturday. Truthfully the gameplay itself was a bit wank for my tastes granted Redcon is far from my favourite site, but it was nice to catch up with friends and give the MWS its first run out in a while. What is very much ‘the usual’ nowadays, got some new eyepro on the way as mesh is giving headaches when worn for an extended period of time (or at least that’s as best as I can deduce).
    2 points
  19. I've been trying to encourage my wife to join me and my lad airsofting. She mockingly said she'd only come if she could have a pink gun... Challenge accepted. 😁 The pink sling's still to arrive but the rest is good to go. I'm particularly happy with the spring loaded (red) red dot sight, which is an absolute pig to search for online.
    2 points
  20. 1000% agree. Particularly annoying as I do stick to one-in-the-air, which for DMR ranges means a shot about every 2 seconds, not two or three rounds a second, as far, far too many DMR players do. Yes, I've reminded other players, yes, I've brought it up with marshals many times, yes, I've pointed out the worst culprits on my own team, but I've never seen anything done about it, at any site, ever, beyond an occasional token reminder at the next brief. One site toyed with the idea of different coloured chrono tags (not that those ever get checked anyway), or tape around the muzzle, but never followed through. Me, I'd just bin them off completely, and I say that as an occasional DMR player. POW airsoft has already done so, and I agree with them on that. If I ever wanted to "win" at airsoft, I'd go out with my 1.8J+ DMR and spam the hell out of it. At the very most, I might have to say "Sorry, mate, my bad mate, I forgot, mate" once in a blue moon.
    2 points
  21. I ran my DMR on .45s and while expensive they went straight and true. So hit count was higher. Especially when you can follow up firing instantly to adjust for a bush or wind. So 3k of bbs would last me a considerable length of time that i would for the most part take the cost out of it and just stick with my Geoffs. I have returned to springer now and I wont be going back. Its too easily abused. Not saying you do but i think the rise of "DMR" players is a little toxic to the game. DMR spamming is a meta hack for sites that allow it. No one i have seen has ever enforced a delay between shots. I mean how logistically could you. They mention it at briefing and then their part is done and off you go. So its basically a way to run a 1.88J and cheat the system by going "Full Semi Auto"
    2 points
  22. if i had a penny for every "broken misfeeding pile of junk" that shot just fine when you gave it a mag full of geoffs....
    2 points
  23. Sites are always welcome to comment and have done so before.
    2 points
  24. Tried to watch one of those hard core tractor videos that are all the rage last night. I didn't make it past the trailer...
    2 points
  25. I'm a fan of cheeky cheap items especially if they are G&P . Grabbed this on ebay not long ago for £34 shipped!! Could not pass that up , fully working with a charger.. lower handguard has been repaired in the past and good chance I'm not going to use it at my woodland site 🤣
    2 points
  26. If you wanna spend money and learn to tech your first purchase should be a second pew, either a backup to be left as-is or a boneyard gun to learn by fixing up. Either way having a reliable backup gun to pull out when the latest teching experiment fails is infinitely preferable to the walk of shame. Trust me that shit gets old fast.
    2 points
  27. Anybody notice this little issue on another of Andrey's finest offerings - apart from the Two-tone respray and missing selector markings? : Pretty sure those lines should be 90deg to each other.... But of course, it's 'new and never skirmished' - despite the shit paint job and the man's finest gunsmiffing skillz to re-shim, AoE correct and radius cut the gearbox.
    2 points
  28. Another decent day at the small-but-perfectly-formed Area-66, at its 1st birthday celebration. Yes, cake was had. I'm now a confirmed fan of woodland sites that are less walk, more rock. More decent whiteboard briefings, and generally fair and good natured play. More marshals this weekend, but still too laissez-faire for my tastes. The usual delays caused by a couple of teams of Banter Buddies who only started bombing up when those of us there to actually play airsoft were heading out to game start. Hanging's too good for them. Chuckles when we had a bloke with a 40K Commissar hat and chainsword as a VIP. I'm currently waxing my helmet (not a euphemism) preparatory to wearing my Cadian kit next weekend. Let's make dying for the Emperor great again.
    2 points
  29. A.R.M.S #16 clone ( I think ) mount , I had a spare upper ring with the trades so added that. Mounted on my spare upper
    2 points
  30. I briefly played with using some 8g N20 chargers in a tiny custom crosman 2240 I converted to take 8g CO2 caplets. Lower power and fewer shots than the CO2 equivalent, I would just be guessing but would think more powerful than propane etc. In a reciprocating semi automatic gun I'd imagine that it's going to smash the balls out of guns designed to run on green gas, and be insipid in guns designed to run on CO2. Save it for making whipped cream or emergency home dentistry.
    1 point
  31. It might have been the day but it was all a bit lacklustre and felt a bit half arsed from a marshalling point of view. One marshal and a couple of player marshals is never going to be enough, even for small bank holiday Monday numbers. looking back I think it probably wasn’t a typical reflection of the site and a Sunday skirmish may run better. BUT we can only comment on what we experienced on the day we decided to visit and frankly it wasn’t worth the journey and I won’t be going back unfortunately.
    1 point
  32. Yes it's russian and this is from a few months ago, only just found the picture Cyma VSS with MP5K backup
    1 point
  33. I have seen that few times when playing. No one has really been checking up on it. When my stuff is being chronoed I show them that I have a .50 second trigger delay, but again that is not been taken seriously. It is interesting reading about BB weights for DMR's, I'm currently using .40g, but will check out Geoff's BB's.
    1 point
  34. I have the 60' in mine and im running at 1.1j running 0.28s and 0.32s ( 350 fps on 0.2s ) 60' is the right one for that sort of power.
    1 point
  35. The trigger is indeed a Sniper1 trigger which was part of a set from ASPUK. I know as I too bought one lol. They sold the set as a base upgrade kit for £300 for VSR's. Included a crappy barrel, ok hop arm, rebranded ASP trigger, rebranded ASP piston and to be honest an ok cylinder. I would say, unfortuantely a "good" VSR which is really well upgraded including TDC etc etc would struggle to reach £450-£500 so for a mid level (ish) upgraded one which already has issues I think you'd struggle to exceed £250, that's a harsh come down from the pricing you have but my VSR which I went through this mill with and then went on and upgraded more on the other side of this, even that struggled ot hit £350 as you're into SSG10 money and they're new with a reasonable spec.
    1 point
  36. It is, all Specnas come with an M90 and an M120. You'll want that M90 back in, or buy an M100. There's very little use for an M120 in the UK unless it's for a DMR at a site with a low power limit, or if you're removing teeth and reducing cylinder volume. Normally I'd agree with using a Maple Leaf omega nub with a Maple Leaf bucking, but you may have a flat hop as stock in your Specna. If your bucking looks like this, it actually works quite well with a Maple Leaf hop. However, it's likely to over-hop 0.2g. I'd suggest 0.28g for woodland. However, I'd urge you to play with it unmeddled first (with the M90 spring) before doing anything to it, if only to get a baseline of its performance. A lot of airsoft "upgrades" can be sidegrades or downgrades if the parts don't work well together or you get a QC reject.
    1 point
  37. that's airsoft for ya...... sadly a big barrier to innovation in this hobby is that anyone who tries does so in the knowledge that if their new thing is any good, it'll be cloned almost immediately- take a look at the odin m12 saga as a perfect example, some places you could nearly grab a clone before you could get your hands on the original.....
    1 point
  38. The Commissar's faith was weak, he took a bleeder on the lip. Then his borrowed face guard protec. It's like some beautiful dream. Great structures and cover too. It's like some recurring nightmare. Way too much of this at way too many sites. Punters who don't want to play, marshals who don't want to marshal, site owners/runners who are mostly there to banter. Take up fishing instead.
    1 point
  39. I heard from another player Rift were much better organised. It was a very slow day too actually, turn around time was slow and lunch seemed to go on forever but that could have been me. Could have been a culmination of different factors, but a fair few of our team left throughout the day so there was certainly something there.
    1 point
  40. Thanks ever so much mate : )
    1 point
  41. Mine, although I’m not sure how much longer it will be mine…baby number 2 due this year! T2 and mount are being swapped for a scalarworks when it arrives.
    1 point
  42. alxndrhll

    THE TM MWS thread

    Chopped and changed a lot over the last year or so, but I strongly suspect this’ll be my MWS from here on out. Only thing I’ll be changing is the Aimpoint mount to something a bit more fit for purpose. Internally just had the standard Supernub and HSB, have an npas to sling in at some point.
    1 point
  43. AlphaBear

    THE TM MWS thread

    A longer barrel will increase your FPS... there is a lot of info in this thread where it's been talked about.... Of course change your stock nub for either a SixG brass nub or the laylax strike arm (which I happen to have a spare one laying around lol) but seriously both work well... However, it's likely things like your nozzle spring may fatigue out more quickly so be prepared to swap that out at some time... One other thing, where I play any DMR has to be locked to SEMI.... Let us know what FPS you get out of your setup when you do it...
    1 point
  44. So I have done some looking around and I have found the specna arms SA-H12 that is all metal with E&C gearbox. Has anyone had a play with this and what do they think of the quality?
    1 point
  45. L42a1 would be nice , Ares though so I’d only be able to sit and cradle it , staring across the horizon wondering what a working airsoft version would be like
    1 point
  46. Everyone who works producing BBs has to submit a sample of genetic material. That way any faulty BBs can be traced to whoever placed each one in the bag or bottle. Since us buying Valkyries enables that poor young lass to pursue her dream of being an actress, she kisses each BB out of gratitude. If you look closely each bears a small smear of lipstick, enabling Luke to identify the brand with no expensive lab work required. Hudson has actually written about 95% of my comment regarding actual weights already.
    1 point
  47. I agree with valkyrie bbs. I use their .28s and .32s in my ages and they are good. For heavyweights I use .43s in my VSS dmr and .36s in my SVD dmr. Its never cheap buying hevier. I found 1000 round bags of guarder .43s for £11 and they seem fine. I have also considered just taking a bag of coins to throw at people too 😋
    1 point
  48. Me and my mates have been going to driverwood for a few years now. Its one of our local sites. I have to say it's a great well organized site. The safe zone and facilities are the best I've seen personally, the game sites are good with a decent selection of cover, flanking routes etc. The Marshalls are very good and get into the middle of fire fights to make sure people that get hit are calling it. I went to my first night game last night, I turned up a bit late and missed the first game. Where the lights are is called the village and most are dotted around the outside so the middle of the area is in pitch black more or less, so torches are a good idea. Was a different slower paced feel to the day time games. And even though it was dark you could hear people calling hits all night long. So overall I think it's a good site 😃
    1 point
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