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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/12/21 in all areas

  1. What a great thread/conversation. God I've missed forums! Loads of great ideas suggested but as had been mentioned the dick's will be dick's regardless of the rules. My recommendation would be to have more specialist games. Gunman run a skirmish weekend (anything goes within reason) once a month and a filmsim (ammo limits, different medic rules and teams by camo, mid caps encouraged). I've never seen another site do similar, the occasional "milsim" day or gas and shotgun but that's about it. My main moan about gunman is I have attended a few of their advertised filmsim games and they were effectively how they do skirmish days (I've done them when run as filmsim and it's very different). It's very rare that event organisers are explicit enough about what each event type is and how it differs. For ages there was chat about what milsim is, it never really resolved, people just got bored of the conversation. I'm not encouraging we have that conversation but if organisers put on an event and could list what it is for and what it isn't. Skirmish - hpa allowed, no ammo limits, some respawning in field as per individual game rules. Etc you as the player then know what you're signing up for and I think the differentiated game would draw more players in from further around. Ultimately I think we are paying for the experience from the day and while sites can't guarantee if you're going to have a good day, they can be explicit about the rules for that event and have events that cater to different groups within the community. I saw an event recently for just tm recoil owners only, while I could have gone I didn't think it would make the game more enjoyable but it was nice to see the option.
    6 points
  2. Well I got an unexpected Christmas present, as I won a FB comp from one of our advertisers Airsoft competitions. Entered it in October and forgot all about it Christmas Eve got message saying I had one. Being sent to me on Tuesday. Looking forward to it.
    5 points
  3. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    None of this be your self crap , a real man crumples at the first hint of peer pressure ! Good man ! 🤣 has to be said that looks fecking awesome ! 😍well done bud 👍
    4 points
  4. Right, right, ok, you're all dreadfull bullies and I hate all of you ! 🤣😂 Might need to invest in a truss now........holy crap it's heavy ! 🤣
    4 points
  5. Not quite as simple as that with ICS. You might find that the motor angle is off too with that particular grip. Ask me how I know... (The smorgasbord includes G&P, G&G, King Arms, Lonex, E&C and ICS) The above is me trying to find a grip to fit on to an ICS CXP-15 that has an MTS grip out of the box. Not even ICS' own newer stuff works (bottom,second from left) with the non-blowback ICS models which this grip was designed for. The motor angle inside the grip is very slightly different and specific to ICS - you could kill a (quite cheaply made) Specna Edge Bevel gear/pinion in no time at all. You might be able to dremel the shit out of the insides to get things aligned better, but is it worth it? No. The grip's crap anyway. And I'm stuck with it. But the rest of the gun is awesome for my CQB shenanigans so it's a small compromise really. OP - avoid that grip (or any ICS ones for that matter) and save yourself a lot of pain.
    4 points
  6. Simple answer: politicians who are trying to balance public safety, minimising the damage to the economy, keeping various pressure groups happy, maintaining or improving their chances of getting re-elected and trying not to get deposed by their own party. I am sure there are more complicated answers.
    3 points
  7. quango2k

    THE TM MWS thread

    This. I think this thread needs a new sticky so new owners can learn from some of our mistakes. The only upgrades I would suggest are the supernub and an npas so you can run propane/green gas. Or anything for cosmetic reasons as long as it doesn't impact the internals OR (and I cannot stress this enough) it's not made by Angry Gun. I have bought and tried many parts from various manufacturers, alternative bolts from HAO ETC. I've removed it all, apart from the g&p npas, super nub and a heavier buffer spring. Roller bolts are nonsense, a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. The stock hop rubber is good for .32+, its cheap and easy to get spares. The stock inner barrel is fine as it is. The trigger box is a bag of turd by design, improving it will just make it a slightly better bag of turd. I've wasted hundreds on "upgrades" which were downgrades in performance. There really is no need to go nuts.
    3 points
  8. Ok, I've thrown a few on to test (note i didn't fit motors): ICS MTR Grip - horrible fit - note the gap at the front and the angle even when tightened: G&G Ergo grip (nearly identical to @Rogerborg's Aliexpress offering) - perfect fit with excellent grip/gearbox spacing, this was what was on the gun up till now. Ares Ameoba Aliexpress knockoff - good fit, but will need a bit of spacing between the grip and gearbox (I use 3D printed shims). ICS UK1 Grip - better than the MTR, but will need some dremelling at the front to get a flush fit with the rear receiver. Hope that helps. I would go for what Mr Borg suggested personally. Comfy enough and should be an easy drop-in fit.
    3 points
  9. Should've pissed in it before handing it back
    2 points
  10. The first step to having a working holster for my USP compact so I can use it with the suppressor mount I'm making for it
    2 points
  11. The EBB lower gearboxes have different geometry to the non-ebb models. You also can't mix and match the Non-EBB and EBB uppers and lowers. I have an ICS EBB model grip (UK1), and it will not fit any ICS Non-EBB models (of which I have three). I have a Specna Edge too. I'll try and fit the MTR grip later. It'll be interesting to see if it fits.
    2 points
  12. BigStew

    ASG Ruger MK1

    Are you filling the mag vertically and what is the temperature where you are? Even though it's NBB it's a small tank and will struggle in sub 10 degree temperature. If you filled it correctly and using it a room temperature something's up with it.
    2 points
  13. It is good to hear that somebody actually wins these competitions 👌
    2 points
  14. I got a bottle of bbs, and they wanted the bottle back at the end of day. Of course I didnt give it back, I paid for it
    2 points
  15. It’ll be the deans conversion that’s bumped the value 😉
    2 points
  16. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Almost , needs a grip pod now ! 😈
    2 points
  17. They are compatible but you may have to open up the screw holes in the top of the grip that connects to the gearbox slightly. As ics are slightly off spec to G&p and tm pattern.
    2 points
  18. This pretty much sums up what I was going to say. And I've been on both sides of the fence. About 10 years ago I ran a rif with a crazy ROF, can't remember what but way more than 35. Now I have a GBBR and whatever ROF I can achieve in semi. thing is, unless an action is explicitly prohibited at a site, like running ROF beasts, then people will do it, for a large variety of reasons. I'm never in favour of clamping down on stuff like this, it's just a hobby. If that's what some people like to do, so be it. Adapt and overcome.
    2 points
  19. Another day at Bristol Airsoft (The Courts) today, was a fun day. A lot smaller teams so played more tactical. it’s such a surreal feeling sneaking through the cells in darkness, listening out for foot steps. As soon as I heard anything I stopped dead and aimed toward the direction it was coming from. My high cappa helped so much today also on the tight stairs. Just need a sling now and had to go one handed while holding my rifle down to the side. always seem to get hit in the same place tho, you can still see the reminiscence of the 19th when we last played but now a few new marks from today.
    2 points
  20. NeatBeard

    Gun picture thread

    The Mrs bought me a new toy, KWA Skorpion with a larger mag, can’t wait to try it out! She also got me a gun case (and a few other goodies) so I’m planning out the ‘pluck foam’ layout.
    2 points
  21. I have both a 904G and a 904H. The G has a longer inner barrel and MP bucking and omega nub and can hit targets 65+ meters pretty accurately and consistency. I've shot about 12,000 rounds through it so far and haven't even opened it up yet. The H is new but again I've got a longer barrel, bucking and nub in it.
    1 point
  22. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    ^this As far as the trigger box goes I think it’s pretty good, definitely reliable above all else, but to make it work nice you really do have to work through a good 10,000 shots to allow all the parts in the trigger mech time to work harden. Only then is it really worth stripping it down, de’burring and radiusing all edges, reassemble with real gun oil and you’ll find you then have a consistent wall, break and reset. There will still be a small amount of creep but on the whole it is very satisfying to operate from that day forward 😊
    1 point
  23. True. But what's the relevance to the policies? If the infection control argument holds for care home staff (reduce few-to-many transmission), why apply the opposite policy to nightclubs? There's a argument that vaccine passports were introduced more to nudge/coerce younger people into getting vaccinated, not primarily for infection control. But if that's the case, why did Queen Nicola just shut down the nightclub industry for three weeks, thereby removing that incentive, and fairly inevitably shifting socialising to house parties or ad hoc raves without any "Papers, please" gatekeeping. To be clear, I'm not expecting answers here, just scratching my head while trying to find consistency in the apparently arbitrary reasoning. It's rather hard to Trust The Experts when there appears to be scant evidence or explanation behind such contradictory actions (or knee jerk reactions).
    1 point
  24. BigStew

    ASG Ruger MK1

    a warm day maybe three/four and a bit. if you are getting two mags worth you are doing pretty good tis time of year. small tank volume is effected more by cool down more so than a double stack size mag.
    1 point
  25. Some to some, not all to all, pretty clearly. But that's not what you're really interested in. Good call on binning of the Specna grip, that quick-drop base-plate is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. All I'll say is that one of these fine looking fellows fits my SA-EO2 Edge, with the motor angle seeming OK. I don't remember having to file anything off to get a good engagement, although I may have done so without registering it as a significant event (airsoft, after all). AliExpress, "Tactical M4 M16 AR15 Pistol Grip", doesn't appear to be brand-named in any way.
    1 point
  26. That's the first time I've seen a rental package mean that you're actually just renting the bottle. I'm surprised they didn't make you go out and scrape up up few thousand BBs to put back in it. Future prediction: "Rental packages now include a sandwich bag half full of largely-intact BBs"
    1 point
  27. Yeah I know the gearbox are different between the two ics versions… I have them both in my possession but never fitted one to the older non bb. So will be interested to see your results mate.
    1 point
  28. Why ?, so they can refill it with much cheaper and lower quality bb's than stated on the label 😏
    1 point
  29. It's the exception rather than the rule, we just remember both the high- and low-lights more. I've always had better experiences in CQB, for one thing because the marshals are closer to the malefactors and can calm things down more effectively.
    1 point
  30. Maybe. Or maybe by being vaccinated they're raising their likelihood of becoming asymptomatic spreaders, as per the multiple fully-vaccinated cruise ship outbreaks (ibid). See whooping cough for an example of asymptomatic spread despite near universal vaccination (and for the avoidance of any doubt, this is not an anti-vaccine position, it's actually an argument for even earlier vaccination). I'm really struggling to find any data for reduction in infections or transmission. Remember, all of the current vaccines only claim to reduce death and severe illness in the recipient. None of them made any claim, or even attempted to collect evidence, regarding reduction of infection or transmission. As far as I can tell, we just assumed that, and it's become asserted as a tenet of faith. The policy for care home staff is one PCR test a week, lateral flows every two days or on a change of location. This is current advice, 23rd December 2021, with what should now be fully vaccinated staff. This is a tacit acknowledgement that vaccination is not sufficient, as supported by the cruise ship examples. So why is it necessary? I know, precautionary principle, you can't be too careful, every little helps. Absent any evidence though, it seems more like ritual than science. And there's the other curious thing: patrons are required to be vaccinated, but staff aren't. Why have opposite policies for care homes and nightclubs? The few-to-many relationship applies in either case. It gives me a pain in all the logic diodes down my left side. I'm minded of an anecdote that I saw on social media (100% guaranteed factually true, and anecdote is the singular of data, right?) about a technician working the club and theatre circuit claiming that staff physically recoil from him when he presents a recent negative test result rather than evidence of prior vaccination. I'll leave parsing the rationality of that as an exercise for the reader.
    1 point
  31. i'm all for a bit of good ol' fashioned internet debating, but it's much less fun when instead of using proper arguments to counter each other's points we just end up slinging mud. i get this is an issue we feel strongly about, i have some pretty damn strong opinions of my own and can see the temptation (hence mostly abstaining from the detail arguments), but i'd like to think this place has a decent enough caliber of user that we can be a bit more adult about this.
    1 point
  32. Mine are 10A... unfused. <dramatic-gopher.gif>
    1 point
  33. Get a life and take the broomstick out of ya arse. Mr Stiff.
    1 point
  34. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    How did Mary and Joseph know Jesus’ weight when he was born? They had a weigh in a manger…boom boom! 😅 Regards
    1 point
  35. Tackle

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    He ain't right, of that I've no doubt 🤬
    1 point
  36. Don't go cheap for holsters, you can lose entire pistols, though this is fairly rare, however losing magazines due to cheap holsters is not uncommon at all. The WAS universal holster is great for the mk23 (it does fit. I leant mine out to a friend last game day and it worked fine for him), though I cannot recommend the WAS universal holster for anything with a normal button mag release. I've lost a 1911 mag and a p226 mag to the releasing system brushing up against the mag release and ejecting while I'm running. As I said, for the mk23, or any HK style pistol, it's fantastic. I typically use my WAS universal holster for my HK45 Tactical, suppressor and all, though my favourite holster for the mk23 itself is the DTD retention holster. Cracking bit of kit that.
    1 point
  37. SBoardley

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Are you a nonce? This is bad taste. Please delete.
    1 point
  38. Why buy brand new, when you can pay the same price used? https://prefired.co.uk/ads/tokyo-marui-sopmod/
    1 point
  39. Thanks, she does look sexy now. She was also shooting relative straight today. Also crono’d at 320 (the highest of the day). I was intending on getting my UKARA but didn’t want a pistol sprayed blue so did it for that. Will still get my UKARA to be safe.
    1 point
  40. might want to try with hop on, whilst it's counterintuitive sometimes having the hop completely off will reduce the muzzle velocity. the answer is it's hard to say. some v3 boxes the triggers will behave and sit in position as long as you don't mess with them, others they'll make a bid for freedom immediately. they can be a bit of a bear to get back in but for an unworn box they should at least stay put once you have them back in position. things like shims it's very common for them to stick to either the bearing, the gear, or both (eg one shim goes one way the other stays where it is), although as long as you keep track of where they were originally it's not a problem (unless you're going to do a full reshim in which case it's irrelevant) tappet plate may play nice, or not depending on where it is in the cycle when you open it. however when reassembling it'll sit nice as long as you have the sector gear in the right orientation so it isn't pulling the plate back. anti reversal latch will generally be annoying, a good method is to use a magnet on the underside of the box to hold it in place on reassembly. you can also sometimes get it to sit by putting backwards tension on it via the bevel.
    1 point
  41. 4 downloads so far, so at least you're not alone
    1 point
  42. Closest I ever got to a stripper on site was Frank dropping his trousers to check for damage after I raked him knee to crotch point blank with an AK.
    1 point
  43. Nick G

    Gun picture thread

    Happy now ? 🤣 Weighs a bloody ton !
    1 point
  44. This is my new pew. Doesn't fire very far though.
    1 point
  45. The SCAR looks like it’s wrapped in used loo roll 🤮
    1 point
  46. Getting my colonial marine freak on , “game over man ! it’s game over !”
    1 point
  47. I have already spent a bit of money but that is buying my gear (helmet, gloves, face protection & tactical vest). My fiancé has bought me a two tone RIF which I will use for a while then maybe purchase a pistol once I have my UKARA. looking to book my next game on 28th but all depends if Boris does another lock down or not.
    1 point
  48. Albiscuit

    TM MP7 Opinions

    As nick said its more about how you approach the game rather than if it will work for you. With loads of different guns to choose from we often get caught up in the which da best gnu topics and chats buts its all down to play-style. Yeah limited ammo, heavy mags etc, but man an MP7 is fun to use. Range is also one of those topics which is divisive, its not a sniper rifle, but if you find yourself out ranged then be more sneaky and get closer. I run a mixture of either MP7 or MP9 with 6 mags, or an aeg with a drum mag generally. Depends on how im feeling, sneaky or speedy really. Some game days I will play the AEG in the morning and the gas gun after lunch if I cant be bothered to leg it around everywhere.
    1 point
  49. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Use the standard bolt or a quality lightweight one if you want snappier cycle, no rollers, no angry gun crap. The MWS doesn’t want for much, just fine tuning, trigger box work and cleanliness.
    1 point
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