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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/08/21 in all areas

  1. Matt.2504

    Message etiquette

    Ok guys I’m now feeling really old posting this, but does anyone else get frustrated with some people’s message etiquette? recieved a text this morning purely saying “open to a trade?” ; no “good morning” or “hi, my name is blah blah, I saw your advert for blah blah on blah blah blah airsoft website would you be interested in a trade, I have blah blah blah on offer” Is that really too much to ask for?
    5 points
  2. Groot

    Message etiquette

    The word "Trade" always sets off my alarm bells. Translates to "Its fucked and I don't want Paypal protection available for you" "I don't own it and the police are never going to get involved, when i don't send it. I just have to ignore your PM's" "I have something I massively overvalue and i am unable to sell it on the forums but I hope you are a little bit stupid"
    4 points
  3. strykerles

    Message etiquette

    was selling 5 parts in an advert a while ago and someone sent me a msg saying "still got it?" still got which one? imbecile 🤬
    4 points
  4. BigStew

    Message etiquette

    Courtesy costs nothing. A couple of times it's actually taken me while to figure out what some people have written. Text speak became a thing because phones had limited characters. That's not an issue anymore type properly!
    4 points
  5. Samurai

    Message etiquette

    Dear Matt, It's not too much to ask for. Sincerely, Raymond Holt
    3 points
  6. Airsoft is a great community, I often find myself chatting loads with the people I trade with about RIFs and everything else inbetween. Why not strike a conversation up with someone that's likeminded - that's what we're all on this forum for in the first place right?
    3 points
  7. It’s shite, rips my tights too nothing wrong with a little bit of flirting to get the chat going, I think you have a better chance of good negotiations with a seller/buyer if you have some dialogue going Somebody messaging me asking my “best price” I always ask them back, best price for you - or best price for me? stop being a fudd chat it out 😂
    3 points
  8. i must admit it does make you think "how many sales ads is this guy responding to that he doesn't have the time to write out properly?" the other thing you get is folk who go silent once you've sent an item, i suppose it's better than a paypal dispute out of the blue but it'd be nice to know they've recieved it at least.
    3 points
  9. Jacob Wright

    Message etiquette

    Nope, I always try to write proper messages with the appropriate greetings etc! Manners cost nothing!
    3 points
  10. On the piss 'till 2:30 and up for airsoft at sparrow's fart = easy. On the piss 'till 2:30 and up for work at sparrow's fart = just about impossible/get the missus to call in saying that you've got a bone in your leg.
    3 points
  11. I've a nose like Rudolph, got hit between my goggles and Delta Mike (lots of blood, very little pain), smashed glass in my red dot, but the best Sunday game I've ever had
    2 points
  12. Great weekend at national airsoft festival. Fantastic weather but cold at night. had the fire going so that was good. Games were good. Plenty of walking and stalking. Only two players were stretchered off with broken bones ☹ I took a nasty fall during night game but just bruised and couple of cuts. Met some smashing people from home and abroad and had a lot of laughs. Caught up with a forum member (shadowfacex) great guy to talk to. Turns out he tagged along with us to form a fire team 4 years ago. Overall on the weekend bravo team lost but that don't matter none cause in my mind the whole weekend was a winner🙂 and I got seven good kills so bonus lol. Here's to next year👍 Regards
    2 points
  13. without wishing to sound too blunt, but i'd consider finding a different tech. or, take this gun as an opportunity to have a go yourself- if you've already consigned it to be a wallhanger then the worst outcome of fucking up trying to fix it is it'll still be a wallhanger. as for dissapointing guns, think this qualifies: up until that point i'd been under the impression lct and e&l were pretty much equals, but that shattered my illusions. i suppose in lct's defence the quality isn't so much bad as simply not as good as the competition, but they do plenty of models (ie not ak's) where that doesn't apply.
    2 points
  14. If you're blowing fuses that's not blowing the mosfet, the fuse is protecting the mosfet. The wires going into your stock mosfet though are battery + and - and then the white plug is the data cable to your trigger contacts. The devil in me says to look at swapping in a Perun ETU++, they're inexpensive, give more functionality and a 3 year old could install one but I'd probably be doing you an injustice as a fuse blows for a reason and you probably need to resolve that first.
    2 points
  15. An SHS AK head, got a few of those, which one did you need out of interest? I've noticed that since the larger Chinese stores like Aliexpress have implemented VAT at source all of my other purchases from independent HK retailers have sailed through customs with no charges.. It's almost as if no vat and duty checks are being made simply because they are catching the majority at source. Maybe we'll start seeing the rise of HK stores again similar to mid-2000's. Who knows, still early days.
    2 points
  16. Trying to drop subtle hints to the girlfriend for her to get me a new RIF for Christmas but she seems oblivious to my subliminal manoeuvres. I know its still over 3 months but i like to plan ahead. any of you guys getting airsoft related gifts this year ?
    1 point
  17. edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity .
    1 point
  18. Long time bump but the test has ended. I wrote a final summary here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UEbdWLlQ0mhU6KDJK4WMe1JZ5D6dEQYOkyd7ipUBJ2s/edit?usp=sharing During the time of the test, I have further iterated a superior version of it with textured sides: Which looks like this: The biggest obstacle currently is money ahah. I will have to get some of that first. Work + sell off a bunch of stuff.
    1 point
  19. Do you have any receipts to confirm this is genuine magpul ?
    1 point
  20. No, that was for another gun that needs to be brought back to life:). Apologies all; I have been walking and wild camping on Dartmoor since that last post and have not had access online. I have no idea what the issue was; I stripped the gearbox and ZCI hop down again, checked everything, reassembled it and, whizzo! 320FPS! Dartmoor was fun; we found a rather large tag round.
    1 point
  21. So if I buy one of your springs with the Japanese steel, will that make my BBs sharper? Hattori Hanzo style 😁
    1 point
  22. Oneshotscott

    RIF Incident in News

    Should of emptied the mag just to be sure he got him.
    1 point
  23. I'm no expert but have a small bit of experience with spring making companies as I have my own (Gearparts) springs made. Yes stock springs on the whole will lose power over time. They're generally made from cheaper non-tempered wire, sometimes call "piano wire". This wire is readily available and cheap. My own springs are made from oil-tempered Japanese SWOC-V steel and less susceptible to shrinking overtime. The M110 I've been testing for the past 18 month 300,000 cycles is still the same length as day 1. I've never performed a stress test on Guarder but imagine they are pretty much up there.
    1 point
  24. vialli

    g&g mosfet burnt out

    Yeah not been used for years ,charged up ok and works fine in my ics m4 and JG mp5 Yeah fuck it I'll give it away can't really be arsed with it anymore
    1 point
  25. Me :- someone please talk me out of getting a TM MP7 AFUK:- … “you should get one” …. “Give in get one” … “do it!” Me :- ok ok I’ll do it
    1 point
  26. if the receiver is in good nick and there's nothing wacky going on in the design (eg recoil etc) then just wholesale replacing the gearbox is a viable strategy. replacement boxes aren't that expensive (comparatively speaking) for example: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/gearboxes-complete/ec-complete-gearbox-qd-v2-rear however if she's cycling and just has low fps then there's a limited list of candidates that could be the cause. i'm probably not the right person to talk to about electrical fuckups...... i tend to advocate doing your own tech work as it's a good set of skills to learn, and can (in the long run) save you a lot of headaches wether you've got a gun brand new or secondhand.
    1 point
  27. MalHollywood

    Message etiquette

    Ah yes, the special edition. Pre-installed with the Bait Shite-an bossfet to spue incoherent bollocks at people trying to be helpful. These are the same people that moan throughout briefings, making it 6 times longer for everyone else and themselves with their hands down their trackies.
    1 point
  28. Highly responsible of them to use their hazard lights
    1 point
  29. Tommikka

    Message etiquette

    You might be showing your age there
    1 point
  30. Even as the saps that had to attack you it was a fantastic day. A ton of fighting, and team kills, as both teams were forced into one direction to attack the scientists. And Paradise is hell to attack an entrenched team, especially if you're wearing a bright white shirt 😂
    1 point
  31. Just looked at what i wrote - let me clarify . The place i took it too put a battery on to see it worked as I’d not bought a AEG up till that point and i was going to get them to do some other stuff. When they put a battery on it wouldnt work - after investigating they discovered the mosfet was fried. I said fit new one - but they said the gun was so poor it needed serious work to get it upto standard. So it was then that i decided enough is enough. I am a person who once tried to fit a car stereo and caused a electrical fire - I don’t do things myself as i either break it through frustration or because I’m heavy handed.
    1 point
  32. Sneaky

    Message etiquette

    I tend to ignore people who cannot make an effort to string a sentence together when it comes to selling items.
    1 point
  33. EDcase

    Message etiquette

    Yeah, forget basic etiquette, that's below normal human.
    1 point
  34. Druid799

    Message etiquette

    I always do an all in price AND it’s priced to sell not rip off so it REALLY boils my piss as well , same as “what’s the lowest you’ll go ?” 🤬 can always reply with “Well I f**ked a gorgeous dwarf once , that low enough for you ?” 🤦‍♂️ But yea when ever I get one I like to use the Robert De Nero from Stardust school of negotiating ; “what’s your best price ?” Well its up for 200 so I’ll take 170 for it ,,,,,,,,,, plus P&P and PayPal fees so I think that’s 200 please . 😉
    1 point
  35. BigStew

    Message etiquette

    I now put in my sales post anyone that asks for a best price will be ignored. Yet people still pm me goes to show some people don't read adverts.
    1 point
  36. Adolf Hamster

    Message etiquette

    urgh that does annoy me. if you're going to go down the route of trying to haggle don't expect the seller to cut their own throat and drop the cost for you. you're basically opening a conversation by asking the seller to give you free money for no effort. you might as well just pm random people asking "how much money can you give me?" if you wanna make an offer fine- put a number to it, at least that opens dialogue (even if the dialogue is simply no)
    1 point
  37. Its printed wrong because it would be the same the other way up 😆
    1 point
  38. Yesterday we had the first game post summer break and it sucked. Or at least I sucked. Wasn't motivated at all and kept playing like crap, zero situational awareness and generally crap aim (if aiming in airsoft means anything at all). Won't be playing for a month now (close friend's wedding on Saturday and then I'm on vacation), hopefully when I get back I'll be a wee bit more relaxed so I can focus on having fun rather than real life bollocks
    1 point
  39. Looks like my custom parts for my QBJ-95 build are done. 4 part AC drum adapter, barrel cover, and battery extension all done. I am looking into getting a real RPK bipod to complete the look, and if that occurs I may redesign the cover, but for now its done. Assembly is tomorrow.
    1 point
  40. 100% with the above.
    1 point
  41. SAW

    Few items

    What size are the boots?
    1 point
  42. I think I just had the best weekend of airsoft I've had in literally a decade. Started with an airsoft car-boot sale, where I picked up a TM 4.3 Hicapa for £50, lots of socialising and chatting to everyone. Then we played some 5v5 and 4v4 games, because the player numbers were super low on the Saturday, which were really fun (and really challenging as a sneaky sniper, since the enemy team gets suspicious when they can't see the 4th or 5th player. It's a lot easier to keep track of things when there are only 5 enemies). Camped over night, which involved some great fireside chats with some of the other guys who were camping over, until 2:30am in the otherwise pitch black. Maybe I should've gone to bed earlier, but I have no regrets and I'd do it again. Then had a full day of fantastic games where I managed to sneak behind the enemy team in the morning games and was picking them all off from behind, finding out my friend was pretty much parallel to me on the other side of the area, shooting them from the front and this getting us some rather colourful, frustrated cries about how snipers are unfair. However, after lunch I was removed from my team and put in a small 6 person group of 2 scientists and 4 guards where the objective for both teams was to retrieve the scientists' briefcases and we were told by the marshalls to "make them work for it"... 3 hours into holding them all off and only 10 minutes remaining for the day, we decided to give a suitcase to each team so that there could actually be a winner to the games. Working as a cohesive unit is the real overpowered way of playing airsoft, as we simply set ourselves up in concealed positions (most of us were experienced sneaky-beakies and/or bush wookiees) with overlapping fields of fire, moving when we had to but always keeping each other's positions in mind when we did. I lost track of how many people I hit, but it was a LOT. Outnumbered, outgunned, but not outdone! So what did I learn? Apart from the normal reinforcement of "you can stealth in short sleeves and a cheap £25 leafy hood thing from Russia", I learned that my new HPA m21 setup is bonkers. Easily accurate to 60m and still pretty accurate to 65m on 1.1J, so no MED and full auto if I really want, though I did change my full auto to 3 round burst. It's also incredibly quiet, not quite as quiet as my VSR, but I think it's quieter than my mk23. It has definitely cemented itself in as my primary gun for the late spring through autumn while the site is pretty overgrown. We'll see if it can dethrone the VSR in the winter through early spring when the sight lines are longer, but it's so liberating being able to shoot people within 30m and having semi-auto ROF instead of bolt action, but also retaining that long range option. I'm going to have tree-trunk arms by next summer if I use this gun on the regular now. It weighs an absolute tonne compared to the VSR!
    1 point
  43. I use the ZCI M100 Springs from @ak2m4 in all my Specna rifles and they are all happy in the 330-335 sweet spot.
    1 point
  44. Welcome to the best airsoft forum
    1 point
  45. SHS high speed is not a good choice for 13:1 gears. That might not be helping with the heat aspect of things. Change over to a high torque.
    1 point
  46. I have one my GBLS and GHK. I am not sure the time saved on reloads makes it worth it but what I do love about them is when you need to lock the bolt to the rear, its so much more intuitive not having to swap hands, worth the cost to me just for that and miss it when using an m4 without it.
    1 point
  47. Just a quick note - don't buy Proball bio's. I lent my M4 and a few EPMs to a buddy last game and none of them fed properly. I never have any issues so I checked what ammo he'd bought and it was indeed Proball Bios. Dumped them out, replaced with whatever the fuck I was using (possibly Ares Amoeba Diamond Precision can't really recall) and it was faultless for the rest of the day!
    1 point
  48. My understanding is that EU sellers can charge VAT and duty at source, and have to do it for anything under £135. It's just that for reasons best known to themselves, aren't bothering. AliExpress sellers don't seem to have any problems with it - or at least with claiming that they're doing it, which isn't necessarily the same thing.
    1 point
  49. paradoxum

    Gun picture thread

    /Almost/ finished my custom ICS BCM Hera Arms CQR: I'm getting fancy takedown pins, forward assist, dust cover, trigger guard, getting the mags cerakoted the same colour but leaving the baseplates black, should look good. I've got a black NGAL and one of the new MAWLs on the way, don't know which I'll end up using. Any suggestions for a sling for this? I am thinking maybe a single-point attached to the stock, P90 style? Also finally my PTS ACR stock got off the boat after 3 long months, I loosely slapped the gun together for a pic: Just waiting on a Warhead motor for this and I can put it together. I am getting a black Wilcox mount to swap that with, and might swap to a MAWL on this too depending on how I like the look.
    1 point
  50. Well you have now.... you're welcome 😉
    1 point
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