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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/08/21 in all areas

  1. I'll never forget the first time I did a 'window breach' on exercise. I was the first man in. We ran across the open ground in front of the building threw up the scaling ladder and I was up it like a whippet down a rabbit hole (I was a lot younger then, now its more like a St. Bernard trying to squeeze through a cat flap!!!). Me and the guy a couple of rungs behind me in the ladder tossed a couple of training grenades into a pitch black room and after a pair of bangs I jumped into the room rifle at the ready trying to look as tacticool as fook. Unfortunately those sneaky Gurkas who were playing the enemy has decided not to defend that room and instead had just filled it waste deep in barbed wire, which I had just jumped right into the middle off. So instead of looking cool I ended up looking like a fish in a net. Unfortunately the net was made of very old and rusty barbed wire. I remember it must have taken me an hour with a set of wire cutters to get free and it cut my combat trousers to ribbons, and put a couple of nasty tears in my smock (I couldn't have cared less about the issue trousers, but I was wearing a pretty expensive Arktis smock that I had bought myself so I was well pissed about that). I spent the rest of the day in the medics waggon with a blanket wrapped around my waste drinking overly sweet tea. Once they had cleaned me up there were no major lacerations just a fist-full of superficial cuts and grazes, but when I finally cut myself free It looked like I was wearing red tights under my trousers where the blood had been running down my legs. The medic must have asked me at least 20 times if my tetanus shot was up-to-date, which will tell you something about the condition of the barbed wire.
    3 points
  2. Finished the mortar tube.
    3 points
  3. First third prototype casing assembled. Not had chance to wire it up yet to test the fan's performance. If airflow is sufficient (it might not be - it's a 5V 4020 fan that was sent to me in error, I could end up with a 12v 50mm fan yet), I'll integrate a battery and add loops to the main body for bungee retention to the Arc rail.
    2 points
  4. It's like you've never even met a Scotchman.
    2 points
  5. Il refer to clauses 338 & 762 of the 556th edition of the tactical Walts code of conduct that the "operator" must, whilst looking ultra chad/ninja be able to fire their selected weapon at any moment. It also states that in order to comply fully with above-mentioned clauses the operator must be aware of photographer(s) and "strike a pose" where they feel they'll look the most "ultra mega ninja tactical stealth" as this will always be remembered in history, whereas your "kills" won't. The SBS (sneaky beakys) as well as the SAS (obviously super army soldiers) headhunt "operators" directly from the photos published in or on airsoft media so that they can learn from the best the world has to offer. I don't think you'll make the grade this time. I'd love a copy of that manual BTW. Il study it once I've finished the current series of training manuals I am working through called "dealing with airsoft - how to cope with being a virgin forever and how to cope with rejection"
    2 points
  6. Talking of the lottery, I may need to take a punt tonight. The missus has seen her dream house. £3.75 million with 17 acres of land. First thing I thought was it’s got its own woodland for skirmish 😂😂
    2 points
  7. Talk about half full half empty , I bet if you won the lottery you’d complain if it wasn’t a rollover ! 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣
    2 points
  8. nope, the rated continuous current is the mah divided by 1000, then multiplied by the C rating. 1450/1000=1.45*30=43.5A 2000/1000=2*25=50A now often batteries can sustain more in short bursts, sometimes it's even stated (if you see 2 C ratings on a pack that's what it means) but it's a general guide. that's a pretty good example, taking the ratings at face value at least. notice how it even specifies a 100C burst current. however also look at the dimensions- its a literal big battery and has the size to match. needless to say this is a problem if, like your gun, battery compartment space is at a premium. wether or not you're happy to run a fake peq box, or change the stock or some other modification to allow you to run a larger battery is up to you. bearing in mind that the overdraw premise is based on the assumption there's nothing wrong with the 2 battery packs you're currently using, you may wish to test in a different gun just to be sure that's not the problem. tbh, given you say you're mostly dealing in 3 round burst rather than auto, it would probably be better to simply change the motor to a ht (slower and less amp draw) then make up for any loss in trigger response (aka lock time) with a mosfet that allows precocking (not sure if the existing one does or not)
    1 point
  9. I’ll have you know I have several good friends who are porridge wombles ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, actually yea you are right they are all tighter than a 🐧 💩 🕳 !
    1 point
  10. Hatchet

    Tm Mp5 NGRS on Horizon?

    Anyone know what the rear stock compatibility is like? Can you use existing ones? I didn't get round to pre-ordering any spare mags. So I'm going to have to get really really fast with a speedloader...
    1 point
  11. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    I've struggled to like vectors, but that's nice, like REALLY nice, almost makes me want to press "buy" lol 👍
    1 point
  12. I got to play with a friends one last night for a couple of hours (plinking and doing some drills in his garden range) and I thought it was pretty nice for an AEG, but nothing that was going to convince me to trade in my GBBR WE Apachies. Notably split times between shots were consistently a tiny bit better for both of us using the GBBR (we suspect this is down to the fractionally better trigger response of the GBBR). I suspect the lack of magazine availability is going to mean they remain a rare sight at skirmishes for a while yet.
    1 point
  13. 😂 where on earth did you find the actual footage!? Good question… I don’t think I know myself to be honest 😂 Are you telling me you’ve never heard of the off hand, little finger trigger placement technique!? OHLFTPT for short? It’s on page 69420 of “How to Airsoft - Tacticool Edition” I’d lend you my copy, but it fell out of my battle belt completing this actual breach 😂
    1 point
  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    This is new, it's never even been fired. I've only had it out of the box to try my attachments on it. While removing the flash hider to install a new flash hider for a suppressor I stupidly forgot to undo the grub screw which has left a little gouge on the outer barrel. This is just cosmetic, which is hidden by the flash hider and it hasn't damaged the threads (as can be seen in the photo). My plans have changed and I no longer need this gun. Comes with original box and contents. It's had the Deans conversion done. Price includes delivery.


    Pontefract - GB

    1 point
  15. Cazza121

    Worcestershire players

    Hello Dude, I have only done Skirmish's previously, but would like to do some Milsim events, as i feel they would be a little more realistic. I am going to a skirmish (West Midlands airsoft) on my tod in September, i just throughly enjoyed the tactical approach with team mates. Ollie
    1 point
  16. Davegolf

    GBBP Power Reduction

    Of all the mods the rocket valve mod will drop your power AND increase gas efficiency, all other ways of reducing power will also reduce efficiency.
    1 point
  17. That's what I'm doing. I have the CM.123 1911 and have drilled out the plastic under the barrel so that I can slide in a 116x17x13mm Turnigy nano-tech 1200mAh 2S 25~50C Lipo, with a Deans connector. It does improve the response and ROF over the stock nimh or a tiny lipo, but from awful to just mediocre. Adding a stronger spring degrades it again. There are loads of things that you can try with AEPs, and it's been fun doing so, but there's only so much that you can achieve.
    1 point
  18. it has been done, in the past … there was a thread about it on zeroin iirc tbh though, if you can get a lipo adapter, you can get pretty small 7.4v lipo’s that do a pretty good job. I did a thread about it (cyma g18c aep) many many moons ago now, still have my little aep somewhere 😂
    1 point
  19. EDcase


    It may be obvious but just to be absolutely sure and ultra clear... The battery must always be fitted with the female end (Right one in the pic) That way there is less chance of the pins being shorted.
    1 point
  20. Someone must have tried it... It will probably work for a short time before something burns out or grinds up. Most likely not worth the effort. Oh yes, I forgot about their tiny cylinder volume. Not much you can do to improve that. For pistols gas is king.
    1 point
  21. That looks really good on there. Do you know what material it's printed in? Looks like PLA? Moving on to my next project - Helmet-mounted fan. Basically my knockoff version of the ExFog. I'll be printing this prototype tomorrow for fan fitment/airflow testing - If it works I'll add an integrated battery box and some cosmetic updates to 'pretty' the thing up for the final design.
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    Worcestershire players

    Welcome Ollie, Are you into skirmishing or milsim? Sorry to hear about your two mates. (They're going to miss it for sure) You don't need a team for skirmishing and you'll probably meet regulars if you go to the same site a few times.
    1 point
  23. GAMBLE

    Worcestershire players

    Hi @Cazza121 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 Have fun, don’t need to join a team to have fun, but that’s up to you? 👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  24. Nah, got L85 has a quick change spring so chrono it M90 then wap an M190 in 🤪 On a serious note, @Dentonboy is bang on - TM M14
    1 point
  25. EDcase


    No, its normal Deans, also known as T-plugs, T-connectors Usually come in red
    1 point
  26. you can do both- tracer unit inside a suppressor. or a hop-up tracer unit will let you run whatever muzzle device you want kinda depends on your preference, personally i prefer a mock suppressor look to the way tracer units are on their own. but there's no real right/wrong way to do it when it comes to pure aesthetics- if you like it then do it.
    1 point
  27. you and me both ! 🤦‍♂️
    1 point
  28. Are you climbing in? or about to fall out?....lol Nice pic!
    1 point
  29. Shamal

    Rate My Window Breach

    These days I have trouble getting through my front door without tripping over something ☹ Regards
    1 point
  30. One of the best films of all time 😍
    1 point
  31. Firstly, welcome to the forum and great phot. From that image the main thing that I noticed is the placement of your right hand. I know its just a game/toy guns etc but...you should always be ready to put the rounds onto the enemy (ignore if you have a buddy inside covering you). What the fuck am I going on about, throw some bangs in first and enter how the fuck you want. 🧠🧨 👊🏃‍♂️
    1 point
  32. You could try the kool-aid man method https://media.tenor.com/images/40d606370b8f31361335188a66290870/tenor.gif
    1 point
  33. Tackle

    Rate My Window Breach

    I used to do 'em quite well, but these days I need much bigger windows lol 🐷
    1 point
  34. jajaja

    What have you made?

    Spending a year on developing a glock pdw frame(spare mag font grip, 4 level retractable stock, build in magwell,raiser optics & flashlight mount,double side qd sling, silencer compatible)
    1 point
  35. Yeah, we totally would have stayed if we didn't have to be at Worthing for the Sunday. It's a bit of a bummer, but it's how the skirmish days fall unfortunately. I'm looking forward to harassing the US as a VC sniper, as that's usually how I enjoy playing at skirmish days too. I think I'll always be an OpFor player at any of these sorts of events, as it just feels more fun to me. I'm on Cartel side for AI500 too
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Welcome to the forum, hopefully see you soon at anzio
    1 point
  38. I enjoy those filmsim games immensely, for exactly the reasons that you give. I enjoy skirmishes but do like a bit more complexity. I enjoy milsim but a lot of players move with all the grace of an elephant and the speed of a sloth with a broken leg. They can end up a bit larpy tbh. Signing up for a 24 hour game and the opposition all bed down for six hours is crap. Doing the full immersion bit during the day, a few beers round the campfire at night and then go again next morning is the perfect mix; for me at least.
    1 point
  39. Adolf Hamster

    Airsoft Sites!

    there's always an aspect to a game folk don't like. simple games (for a hobby where understanding the complex rules such as when you get hit your out, don't shoot people after they put their hand up, don't be an ass etc are often too complex for grown men to adhere to) can be handy for preventing undue conflict. However, a fixed respawn team deathmatch wether there's macguffins thrown in or not will always descend into a boring stalemate defined by whichever team ran fastest out of spawn and got all the good spots. complex games tend to descend into chaos the first time they're tried, folk forget rules. of course if its played often enough to the point where the marshall can go "it's the doodadamajig game" works fine for regulars, except where newcomers raise their hand at the start to ask the rules and had a 3-page rules list explained in 30 seconds. then regulars lose their shit because they missed the bit where they were only supposed to respawn 3 times after the first 2 flags had been captured but only once if the enemy team had crossed the bridge but back to unlimited if the defenders manage to get 4 whirligig's around the vip. it's why i'm a fan of the simple fall-back, simple enough that *most* folk can get their head around the concept and keeps the game moving so a stalemate can be broken by effort rather than simply waiting 30 minutes. but then plenty of people hate fall back games because the defending team always "loses", because apparently you can't have fun if you aren't winning.
    1 point
  40. Just when I was approaching being content with my stripped back arsenal, I buckled
    1 point
  41. tokyo-joe

    The TM AKM thread

    Tagging in for news on a short hand guard and folding stock combo. I got a first gen unit and while the recoil is impressive the fake wood is terrible.
    1 point
  42. Handbags ladies, (stick that in your pronoun and smoke it) anyway i feel Tm have created a monster, at least with the mws it is close to the competitors in general design whilst doing the shooty bit better. a cast ak with plastic wood??? you can keep it it may shoot well but I lump this in with the jg svd in a close but not quite category
    1 point
  43. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Hi all 👋 Has anyone noticed that the spacing of the rungs on ladders has increased as the population get taller? I think it's down to climb it change. 😉 Regards
    1 point
  44. https://shop.jkarmy.com/blue-style-m4-gen2-chest-rig-ikea-style-custom-mdae.html
    1 point
  45. See that wasn’t hard , and now from these 4 lines of text you’ve risen high like a soaring duck in to the minuscule number of group members who actually know what their talking about . 👍 AND not talking a load of old bollox like the rest of us ! 😳 cheers bud .😁
    1 point
  46. Evidence to counter what @AlphaBear said ? Nothing personal but just saying “not true” is hardly a 100% totally reliable and ‘convincing’ argument now is it . Savvy ?
    1 point
  47. I think a few of the chaps above have answered your question I do have a few TM's, probably more than I need to be honest, and I will be slimming down my collection so selling off my SOPMOD and my 416D when I get my finger out...They will pay for the MP5 so I'll recycle the money I have invested. But going back to TM's they just work out of the box and a stock TM will easily chuck a 0.28g 50-55m with good groupings. And swap out the spring guide and wallop 5-10fps increase! and if you are feeling brave then a TB barrel and a purple prommy hop and you are looking at another 5-10 fps... I do own a Systema PTW too though and that outguns my upgraded TM's marginally I guess... TM's tend to come into the country by one importer and then they are divided up between the UK retailers according to their stock allocation so I expect all UK retailers will get them at the same time.. But CAMO may have an alternative source so it's anyones guess...
    1 point
  48. Wo1f

    Tm Mp5 NGRS on Horizon?

    As much as I’m only interested in GBBR’s I’d rather this was an NGRS. While it’ll shoot amazing, TM’s plastics are shit compared to VFC or WE nylon fibre. Just watched the TM video where he says the new AKM gbbr is die cast zinc, and those subcompact NBB things have fixed hop and about 5m range... they need to get their shit together
    1 point
  49. rj1986

    Tm Mp5 NGRS on Horizon?

    TM trolling people and its a springer.
    1 point
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