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Status Updates posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Beauty is in eye of beholder but a tan SCAR is still ugly!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Robert James

      Robert James

      It actually looks nice in person (not Lozarts as I havent seen it) compared to photos in my experience. 


      Doesnt look too bad in PUBG either, but I really dislike the black, in my eyes it isnt a scar unless its tan...

    3. Jedi_Master


      Shock, TM Scar H for sale in Classifieds. The boot getting booted.

    4. Lozart


      Ah but he doesn't WANT to sell it. Clearly fallen on hard times innit. You should help him out and buy it.




      You know it makes sense.

  2. Hacked off with bloody Bombay spam on forum!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Like that. Let me hear you roar

    3. DX115FALCON


      You guys get muslim brides advertised to you? For whatever reason, I get oil drill parts...

      That's Aberdeen for you!

    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      Mofo's at it again today! Looking online this numbers been spammed across countless forums over past week

  3. This is an airsoft forum.  Not a forum for airguns. They are not compatible.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Marc.RG1


      Ahh no for airguns i mean not for the sell of airsoft.. one of my locals does not sell airsoft is just a firearms shop, so airguns and RS firearms..

      but yeah i get things on airgun sells could be more slightly more restricted, but thats the same with most things really isnt it, a lot of things are either too restricted or not enough, finding the happy medium is always the goal, its just very rarely easily reached..

      I must admit i enjoy and do most forms shooting, airsoft, airguns, RS target and clay shooting, and ill carry on doing so while the law and health lets me, well what i have of health.. i dont hunt though i am too much of a softie for that lol

      All the best, marc..

    3. proffrink


      Even that is pretty much unacceptably poor abiding by VCRA, but I know a lot of physical shops will just let you buy it (airsoft is guilty of this too).


      Sales on air guns are restricted, but air gun shop owners are just flaunting the law by not doing checks. 'RIF' covers airsoft, air guns and everything else so yeh. Here we all are doing our 3 games just to get something that shoots 350fps and anyone can walk into or order an airgun online that shoots way hotter, uses metal BBs and looks just as real as anything airsoft conjures up. Perhaps now you see the contrast :S

    4. Marc.RG1


      Oh yeah i totally agree with you mate, i have had this conversation on our forum and in gun shops and gun clubs sites etc many times, i have always said to people i would totally agree to more restrictions on the sells of airguns, a lot more so with full power air rifles, even to the point i would be ok if they decided to licence them all. As you know theres flaws in most shooting sports and hobbies one way or another.. lol i think we could talk for weeks about them all in different categories.. personally i think we have to accept what we have right now, things could certainly be better but they could be a heck of a lot worse to, in all shooting sports and hobbies..

      ATB, Marc..

  4. Off to The Mall on Sunday for some chav hunting. Hopefully the lighting in the basement has been reduced to help with stealthly movement

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Well if you are on trigger's team then stay close behind him and learn the ways of the underworld (basement) and other rat runs across the complex. If we are the on same side then stay behind me as I normally get shot alot going forwards.

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      If you are in there early try and grab enough space on the shelves for me to dump.my kit next to yours. By the time I get there its only ever the wobbly chairs left.

    4. Jedi_Master


      Certainly, Iplan to arrive for about 0800 hrs to get parking space. They could dowith some more small benches or tables for kit. Or at least bolting down the chairs to stop them tipping over.

  5. Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi - excellent film

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. padraigthesniper


      Rogue one is deffo the best they show the real cost of war let alone a star war... But the last jedi was good but so unexpected like damn. 

    3. ak2m4


      Disney WTF!  Saw it last night - hugely disappointed.  I should have known better.  Maybe cos I'm an old miserable sod.  I'm off to set fire to my complete set of Star Wars toys 1977 - 1983 RIP :-) 

    4. jay83


      the moment she did a Mary Poppins into the spaceship :wacko: , what were they thinking. And the constant jokes with the big eyed birds. 

  6. Good luck England, we expect a win.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Wow, that was heart stopping. It is great to see this new team of fresh keen players with a passion unlike the overpaid prima donnas last World Cup


    3. MisterG


      Sweden next, probably the esiest team to play in the next round

    4. Druid799


      And from the rugby fraternity , has something been going on in the fairyball world ?????

  7. Use "Smileys" effectively. If you are joking about something, use them to help indicate that your statement was made humorously. They can be used to indicate your mood and show that something was not meant to be taken seriously. If you don't use them, people will assume you are being serious. Arguments have broken out before because of a misunderstood joke.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      @Adolf Hamster not an argument just a spat. Nobody is allowed to mess with the Duck, nicest guy on here.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck


      Nobody is allowed to mess with the Duck, nicest guy on here.


      Mrs Duck will disagree with that (1000% for sure)


      Joking aside - hang on, need a smiley... :D


      All the same, I bit/barked/growled a bit quickly

      Still no matter whose who - no need for getting out of prams or handbags


      Anyway - live & learn, grab a beer & chill

    4. clumpyedge


      I don't smile when I joke anyway... I'm drier than Margret Thatchers lady parts. I thought that was the fun of the internet - taking something light hearted and turning it into all out war.

  8. Memes, pictures with words. In my day they were called comics 🤣


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Prisce


      He hasn’t evolved much since then, has he?

    3. ImTriggerHappy
    4. Jedi_Master


      finger painting is art too :)


  9. With the destruction and impact of the hurricane across Florida, hope that you and your family are safe and well.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87


      Yea its gonna be a big one. several technicals, about 600 players, a little bird, and plenty of new toys to test hahahahaha

    3. Jedi_Master


      Are you going to be filming any of it?  Could make an interesting video with that many players and a helo.

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      I am not personally going to be on the Helo. Tickets cost more than the event itself, and im a broke college student. But I am a part of Task Force Darby (basically Airborne regiment) and we get a dedicated cameraman, plus ill have my whole YouTube rig running, so we will see haha. The last MilSim I went to at this place I wish I had filmed, so I am hopeful

  10. UCAP Bunker on Wed 28 Oct - time to see how many sneeky hits I get with the TM Mk23

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Esoterick


      Those TM MK23s are pretty tidy. Got shot at close range by one on Sunday and barely heard more than a tapping sound.

    3. Jedi_Master


      Yes, they are so quiet. Advantage of non blowback and a quality suppressor. I have always been impressed when shot by one as I have never heard the shots just felt the hits. One of the reasons why I wanted to get one over the great looking TM HK45

    4. Esoterick


      I think the interesting thing is a lot of players don't seem to pay attention to where sounds are coming from. However when they are the MK23 changes it from "he's on the right round the next corner" to "I think someone fired somewhere ahead of us"

      Most of the time though when I use my pistol it's more about that speed of moving it over the noise it makes. Although quiet guns are definitely good if you know or a site or are just generally a sneaky bugger.

  11. Had a great Saturday night Halloween hardcore game at The Mall last night, and opportunity to meet up with some forum members. First time I have played full auto in the rear corridors and basement.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      You would have loved the masochism of touching the big yellow box for 10 seconds whilst getting shot. Lights off, smoke and music was atmospheric.

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      That'd be the first game at tThe Mall in which I would have been undergunned with my pistols

    4. Sico


      Trigger you would have loved it, the opportunities for sneaking up in complete darkness plus the added fog effect were great. There were one or two blokes with NV that had a bit of an advantage but nothing that a good thrown pyro wouldn't deal with it. Looking forward for the next one.

  12. Beware of PM from Mrs Janet Crews wanting to buy guns  - new member flagged as a scammer.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tackle


      Bear with me, im having a slow start today, she wants to BUY but is a scammer, what's her angle ?, send guns before payment ?

    3. djben9


      lets just say its 'ocean' related ......;)

  13. Anyone going to The Mall on Sunday? Say hello after you shoot me, will be wearing grey kit.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Basically, it is a plastic replacement part that has a hex grub screw in centre of the cover that allows you to adjust the hop with an allen key without taking the pistol apart to access the hop wheel.


    3. Prisce


      What Weight BBs you planning on using in the Mk23? Mine lifts .43 to about 65M with those mods, but it's slow! .25s seem to be best for CQB..

    4. Jedi_Master


      I have some 0.43g to see what they are like and to set the hop with. Previously I have used 0.25g or 0.28g the same as my TM 416 to keep it simple. So may try different weight mags to see which I prefer. Most important part is getting the shots on target.

  14. Off to The Mall on Sunday to try out my TM Mk23 for the first time.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      *3 AAA batteries

    3. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      you'll get better performance from the laylax mount and usual torch, but you'll look less like Solid Snake, so it's a tough call...

    4. Jedi_Master


      Think I will prefer the lower profile light/strobe combo than the Snake look. It is going to be fun though :)

  15. 4.5mm guns that fire metal (steel) BBs are NOT airsoft guns.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      did he? can't say i've been keeping track.



    3. Skara


      Yeah either in here or on fb someone was mentioning it

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i mean being a conversion alone isn't too damning, there's a few guns out there are conversions (like the kwc makarov off the top of my head)

  16. Beware of anyone trying to sell guns without an advert in the Classifieds.  Or wanting to reach out via their gmail account



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. strykerles


      was one a springfield?


    3. Taiga


      Nope, both my wanted listings are MP5's. The guys name was Dannywill, just copy pasted the same message and changed parts to match my listing. Knew it was the scam as soon as the second one came through

    4. strykerles


      same guy as me, thing was the rifle he offered me was one that I purchased from here a few months ago 😂

  17. Hottest day of the year and I was wearing a fleece because the air conditioning was so cold at work.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      colder is better than warmer, at least you can put on a jumper if your too cold, but there's a limit to what you can take off if your warm

    3. djben9


      yep, thats what i say in the office when they moan.....you dont want me stripping!:lol:

    4. Bearded__ninja


      Going london for a Con tomorrow -_- praying to the cool air gods that the venue is well vented

  18. England lost but at least are through to the next 16 round.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Duff


      The result you wanted, jolly good.

    3. Lozart
    4. Duff


      @Lozart I was getting into that... 😆 Although I hate WoW just as much as footy.

  19. Trader Feedback is only meant for actual sales. Do not leave feedback if you did not buy (pay for) an item or sell (receive money for) an item.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. snuff


      What about the buyers who almost complete but not quite? As in right upto the point of payment then nothing.

    3. TacticalWaifu


      @snuff I'd presume not, since you apparently can't leave feedback for sellers who agree a sale then keep messing you around 🤷‍♀️

      I'd argue feedback about behaviour like messing buyers/sellers around is important, and goes towards measuring the trustworthiness or respectability of the user in question, but I'm not a forum admin 😕

    4. RostokMcSpoons


      Apologies if this is meant for me, thanking Cannonfodder for his generosity via the feedback.

  20. Summer holiday booked, so getting a back up gun will have to wait a while longer

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Would get a better deal in the States but hassle of bringing it back into the UK. No hurry really as the TM is going strong but feel that I ought to have a spare just in case. Good excuse to get an classic MP5.

    3. Randymanpipe


      Yea get a cqb weapon, shorter and lighter than your 416 for getting round corners quicker. Really impressed with the scar L CQC and the compatible mags is a massive bonus.

    4. Jedi_Master


      I need to be lighter and fitter to get around the corners quicker :)

  21. The Force Awakens - just been to see it, excellent film and a worthy successor to Star Wars. Nothing beats the full cinema experience for picture quality and sound. The full English breakfast and two pints of Guinness before meant no need to popcorn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. airsofter2015


      that doesn't surprise me at all. its ridiculous.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Just read a facebook comment that told me everything that happens. On a history site as well. Whyyyy


    4. Jedi_Master


      Another good reason why I do not do facebook or twitter. I did not want spoilers before seeing the film, a reason for going as soon as possible was that so no-one would ruin it for me

  22. Merry Christmas to everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      and to you & all AFUK members...




      Kung Fu Panda 2: I Love You Guys Gif by NinjaTurtleFangirl on DeviantArt


      even though this year has been a little bit...


      Olivia's Catastrophe: Top 10: Reasons why I Love Kung Fu Panda | Kung fu  panda, Tigress kung fu panda, Kung fu


      Have a good one - well best you can

    3. Shamal


      Sat in bed at moment eating kinder Santa shaped  chocolate.

      A proper christmas breakfast lol



    4. Zarrin


      Belated Merry Christmas! ☺️

  23. Family day out to a museum with dinner for four and I have spent as much as a new TM HK45 pistol. The price of philanthropic support of culture means the Warrior holster will stay empty for longer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Ashmolean in Oxford

    3. deebo


      Damn families getting in the way of warlike persuits! Haha

    4. Randymanpipe


      Me- hmm £85 for a ghillie suit, bargain! take my money. Wife- can we order a new freezer? Me- how much? Wife-£100 me- oof, money is a bit tight this month babe :P

  24. Keep sending the reports of spam

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      But we've yet to determine if my 1911 will stumble.

    3. Skara


      Just set up a macro or something that auto bans users with "kbfr20" in their nick.

    4. Floperator


      Keeping you pretty busy I bet...

  25. Hurrah! Sales posts finally locked to seller only.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      It is pretty rare, probably 1%-2% of sales and stops all the unnecessary posts which make up the other 98%.

    3. proffrink


      Remember when we used to keep it in here?


    4. Jedi_Master


      Yes, that is the one. Just dust it off and away you go.

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