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  1. Let me hazard a guess: 98% of the 50 will tut and do nothing the remaining 2% (one person) will come on here and start a poll
    4 points
  2. Not sure which % I am as I’m more than happy to stick my neck out and say yes I’d report them , if I come across anyone using anything that can alter their mental state before , during or after the game day and before they drive home then yes I will report them , to the site during game time and the police out of these hours . I put absolutely no credence on “if it ain’t affecting me it’s not my business” as in any of these two situations it could have a very detrimental effect on me(and by the fact I don’t go on my own my friends AND my two sons)so nope sorry you gave up any understanding from me the minute you started taking these substances not in your own home or some other private or closed environment but in a public area where your coming in to contact with others who aren’t using . Some of you will know I work in A&E so on a regular bases I see the results of ‘it’s only a bit of weed ?” or “it’s only a couple of drinks he/she’s not harming anyone ?” When in fact yes they are actually harming/maiming/killing others due to their actions . Plus as OP said he almost lost his job(admittedly was a result of his own choice of putting him self in the environment)due to smelling of cannabis from being in a ‘weed filled’ party so even then yes you smoking it can have a detrimental effect on others .
    3 points
  3. Translations of the key points : 1) Mis quote of Bill Hicks: If you're at a ball game or a concert and someone's really violent and aggressive and obnoxious, are they drunk or are they smoking pot? (content warning with various rude words etc) 2) If it ain’t hurting you then mind your own business: AKA if you see people partaking in illegal substances in the car park then report it to the site, or don’t. Alternatively report it to the police, or don’t 3) Anyone using cannabis won’t be running around on site. Not entirely true. Particularly with the ‘medication’ element, whether self medicating or under advice … and that alcohol is a greater worry. An alcoholic can function ‘well’ with quantities of alcohol that would put others under the table. Cannabis has positive effects and negative effects. An individual can be suffering from a condition under which the THC/CBD content enables them to function. But that’s not the true subject of the thread - it’s more about being under the influence - which does not bode well for an ability to make good decisions around shooting people The abuse of drink and drugs don’t belong in airsoft, they can supplement ‘apres skirmish’ later
    3 points
  4. Hey, @leadly, fancy a mention in the “featured creators” section of the next PlayAirsoft newsletter issue? If so, gimme a shout. I’ll be happy to sort you out, since no one yet has sent me their recommendations. You’ll be first! The newsletter has quite a few subscribers now. Got an instagram? Shoot me a link too. If you guys know of any more indie channels, please let me know! PS: No sponsored clickbait bullshit content a la “n00bz gEt pOUndEd. sEe hIM rAGe!!!zzz”, plz.
    2 points
  5. Quite often when playing at certain venues you can the whiff of something that little bit extra menthol burning. My issue with it is that there are younger kids who play airsoft, they don't need exposing to it as well. If you're going to go and do drugs, do them out of sight and mind of everyone else. Don't affect me and I won't affect you. If you're spaced out your head and you break an ankle in the woods, don't expect sympathy.
    2 points
  6. I was a functional alcoholic for many years. I know all too well the long term effects of alcohol. Reporting to the police, unless you have evidence or proof, if you have concerns, then those matters should be the judgement call of the site operator and not the police who may turn up and ruin everyone's day or cause the site operator issues. IMHO, rather than outright accuse someone behind their back, playing it with care that "You suspect that <player> is a bit worse for wear" and let the site operators speak with the player, any good operator would know a sobriety test and perform both a visual assessment and any obvious odours and perhaps opportunity for the player to defend themselves. I say this because I went to work one day after being at a house party. Lets say my "Odour" was from being around plenty of people who had been using something. What happened at work, well they subjected me to a covert drugs test, found nothing untoward as they asked me in the office. A member of staff had commented to management that I was using when I wasn't. Nearly lost my job because of it. You have to remember that you are messing with peoples lives here, while you may be thinking that you are doing your public duty, exercise caution because things do not always appear as you think.
    2 points
  7. Tackle

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    A man sees a sign outside a house - 'Talking Dog For Sale.' He rings the bell, the owner appears and tells him the dog can be viewed in the back garden. The man sees a very nice looking Labrador Retriever sitting there. "Do you really talk?" he asks the dog. "Yes," the Labrador replies. After recovering from the shock of hearing the dog talk, the man asks, "So, tell me your story." The Labrador looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I joined the SAS. "In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one imagined that a dog would be eavesdropping. "I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years. But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at Heathrow to do some undercover security work, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded several medals. I got married, had a few puppies, and now I've just retired." The man is amazed. He goes back into the house and asks the owner how much he wants for the dog. "Ten quid," the owner says. "£10!!? But this dog is absolutely amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheaply?" "Because he's a lying bastard. He's never been out of the garden."
    2 points
  8. Eh. Sites, like politicians, tend to talk a great game. If they actually acted on it then the tiny minority of throbbers who ruin it for everyone wouldn't last long in the hobby. This is actually a fair point. Nicotine and caffeine are awful drugs, they'd be banned now if so many influential people weren't already hooked. This isn't a joke (although addicts will laugh it off), they're both debilitating, mood altering, and highly physiologically addictive. They're treated differently to cake in part because we can take them in small, controlled doses, without stigma or (generally) without bingeing too much. If Woka-Cola started putting small amounts of cocaine back into their bottled diabetes, it would be no worse than caffeine, and less harmful than the sugar. OK, I'll bite on the original bait. I wouldn't actually have much of an issue in principle with someone airsofting on a bit of recreational THC. I'd actually prefer it to a speedyboi rushing around off his tits on sugar, taurine and caffeine and seeing things like he's in the Matrix. However, in practice, you don't know what they're smoking, its strength, how much they're binging, whether they think the squirrels are spying on them, or if they've got the full blown... I've mentioned before that there seems to be a lot of people who turn up to airsoft sites for reasons other than actually playing airsoft. Me, I'm there to sling balls, and if I had one airsoft wish, it would be for all sites to be run by people who will actively facilitate that, and nip everything else in the bud, pun intended.
    2 points
  9. Hello all, I've come begging for likes, comments and shares 😂 My first official YouTube upload. I'm aware the audio is shite from my cheap Amazon NoPro but I've asked Santa and the overtime fairies for a GoPro for Xmas. Recommendations are welcome! Here it is! https://youtu.be/OsLnyFtyji8 Thanks as always!!
    1 point
  10. Yeah I’m really happy with my chest rig and belt combo. However, I’m off to UCAP Vendetta in a few weeks and am thinking about dusting off the plate carrier as I think it’ll be a bit more effective in the close quarters environment where there’s less kneeling down and crawling about. I can comfortably run 3-4 magazines on the front of it, and will probably just Chuck the remaining 2 on my belt.
    1 point
  11. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    New TM. Eventually I'll sort some type of gucci US civvie build, for now I've got an HK F stock on the way and will probably get a real standard plastic handguard too for this original look. Wanted the SF 628 but oh lord no not for that much; may just get a GBB lighted forend. For now, just that HK aesthetic.
    1 point
  12. Wasn't she in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
    1 point
  13. Druid799

    What have you made?

    Funnily enough I’m just waiting on the kydex to arrive to make some MP5 and M4 inserts ! out of curiosity what mil kydex did you use ? I usually use 3mm my self .
    1 point
  14. Kydex pouch inserts for Scorpion EVO mags . Fitted into M4 chest rig . It took one and a half A4 sheets .
    1 point
  15. Thinking about it , once I get to 3 guns and a pistol, I'm going to go all Dogs Of War feel confident about having enough pew-pew kit to suffer the odd setback with a broken part. And as I've got an on-site tech, and I've almost successfully negotiated a spring change, fixing guns doesn't feel so scary now. (But maybe getting the spare parts is ) And also my sites' games are quite often in short-range areas where only single shot is allowed anyway, and I go for short bursts when I am in full auto. So 11.1 ahoy, me hearties!
    1 point
  16. No no no, save your finest ones. Sent him your worst turds!
    1 point
  17. Yeah. But publicity for his INSTA innit!
    1 point
  18. Couple of replica rgd 5 grenades for the russian loadout 😁
    1 point
  19. The gearbox is a standard v3 apart from it has a low nozzle like an m14 As soon as I got mine I gutted it, fitted a titan and other bits and made it into a dmr. Now it overhops .40s with no hop on 😂
    1 point
  20. Over looked that :), still makes me wonder out of those 50 who voted would actively do something about it or just get on with their days game. Also how many people who do think it's ok would actually put that out there on a forum .I understand and totally agree it's the official line of the sites. I'm of the inclination I don't care what people do as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
    1 point
  21. In a "recreational" setting, I'd far rather be around a stoner than a pisshead (far less likelihood of violence and far better choice of snacks for a start). As for whether or not it's acceptable on a site - it's irrelevant if the site rules disallow it. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not or if you are fine after a spliff or two or a couple of beers. Airsoft sites are privately run and more often than not have a landlord. If that landlord doesn't like anything the punters do the company running the site for airsoft can lose their lease. Breaking the rules and pissing off the landlord is a dick move.
    1 point
  22. I run an M14 with midcaps. If i'm playing a site that doesn't go back to the safe zone for reloads between games (eg Gunman Camp Bravo) I typically take 8 mags out with me. Plus smokes, bangs, pistol +2 mags. I still just use a chest rig and a belt (for the pistol and pistol mags) though.
    1 point
  23. Some pics from the last time i played.
    1 point
  24. The OP's thread title is clear enough. He asks about the use of drugs, not abuse of drugs. I drink three Arabicas each morning, not fifteen.
    1 point
  25. Finally got a natural picture at a game of me, which is a rarity since I'm always hiding in bushes so the photographers never see me, but AI500 didn't have enough bushes! This has been my go-to loadout during the summer. I'm the one on the right, doing as much of the sniper business as I could since no "sniper rifles" were allowed at the event. Totally would've taken my VSR otherwise since the sight lines were massive.
    1 point
  26. No alcohol , no illegal drugs in the safety brief does not need translation.
    1 point
  27. @RostokMcSpoons I run my M904E with 11.1v LiPo, no problems at all, but only get to use auto at one site I go to but it's very fast and lays a hail of plastic. If you're only ever going to be on semi maybe 7.4v would be better, as if I spam the trigger on semi with an 11.1v you can feel the motor steadily getting hotter in the grip. Be aware though that Falcon MOSFET doesn't have all the bells and whistles like pre-cocking and braking, but I like three round burst rather than full auto so I'm not burning through BB's (lots of trigger pulls though on burst is pretty much the same as full auto anyhow).
    1 point
  28. Meh. Cannabis is nothing, it's CAKE you should be worried about. Others to be aware of are clarky caps and spunky backpack
    1 point
  29. BigStew

    Drug use at airsoft sites

    Every site I have been to it has always been stated in brief zero tolerance to drugs and alcohol on site.
    1 point
  30. Plenty of sites I have been to have mentioned its not ok and people will be removed. A few years back a whole team were kicked out of Battle lakes when Zed were running it because of of their guys had a joint in the carpark between games. In fairness it was mentioned in the brief so tough shit really. Most people are idiots anyway, drink and drugs heighten that so I would prefer it not on site.
    1 point
  31. I've never been to an Airsoft site which sells alcohol. Please would you name a few examples? (seeing as you used plurality to imply it's the norm) In regards to smoking weed prior to/while playing, let's just say a large portion of players don't need any help being slower or dopier.
    1 point
  32. Fit the parts you already have, use the gun and work out what it actually isn't doing well enough. Don't chase improvements that aren't there just because you can swap a part for something more expensive, it doesn't always work like that. Personally I wouldn't bother trying to DMR an Orion gearbox. Shimming and motor height have three parts of fuck all to do with trigger response unless it's completely wrong to start with. Stick with the zci hop unit, it's fine. AOE will also be absolutely fine, leave it alone. If you have good compression then that's all you can ask from your cylinder/ piston etc. Leave it alone unless it breaks. Yes, the Perun will be an improvement on the x-asr as that is the most basic of basic mosfets. I would go with a Gate Aster and USB link so you can make changes from your phone but I like gadgets.
    1 point
  33. Our insurance states that anyone under theinfluence of drugs or alcohol must be removed for safety...
    1 point
  34. I know a few sites I’ve been to in the past have commented on it during the safety brief with a zero tolerance policy.
    1 point
  35. I'm putting a Unity button on it; (and yeah it's backwards in the pic, it's not even screwed down I just laid it on for the picture) Because there's no rail there for the picatinny one I had previously. See here: Try to imagine it cerakoted red; I'm getting the MARS lower reciever too, it's gonna look badass. I love space gats.
    1 point
  36. ^that personally i'm a fan of the wide port piston heads: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/pistons-heads/xt-piston-head-5-large-vents-aluminium cylinder wise, unless the stock one is particularly scratched no real need to change that. if the stock cylinder head is sealing well then no need to change, same applies to the nozzle, although if your gonna change nozzle then be very certain about the length requirement and get one with a sealing o-ring such as https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/nozzles/ec-m4-metal-nozzle-double-oring-21mm you've already got a decent barrel/bucking/nub combo so with decent airseal and good ammo it should be most of the way there. the gearing i'd leave alone, if you're staying at 18:1 then changing the gears is only really relevant if the existing gears are weak (ie have broken) or you're super paranoid about gear noise (beyond what can be acheived with a decent shimming/motor height job) and want to do something weird like helical. indeed, that's the real big difference for "trigger response". mosfet choice is up to you, personally i like gate stuff but plenty of folks are happy with perun too. motor wise the asg 30k is nice enough on 7.4 but if you really wanna splash out then the warhead brushless motors are very snappy, although a tad more delicate (especially the contacts).
    1 point
  37. Grip pod system for my dmr
    1 point
  38. What FPS are you getting now and how much does it vary from shot to shot? The main thing to do with a DMR is make sure it's consistent which comes from having a good airseal. If your current cylinder/piston/nozzle is giving to good consistency - leave it alone. As for trigger response, a better motor helps, a decent programmable mosfet with cycle completion and pre-cocking will also help.
    1 point
  39. what is your goal with this "upgrade"? because that's gonna define which of those builds suits your purpose, or if a different build would be even better suited.
    1 point
  40. That is why you need both a wife and a mistress. Because when your wife thinks that you are with your mistress, and your mistress thinks that you are with your wife... you are free to go airsofting uninterrupted.
    1 point
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