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  1. I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit. 😄
    3 points
  2. This is my planned loadout for Sunday. Nice and simple, Arktis chest rig with my magazines, Safariland for the Glock. Will be the first run out of my NGRS Mk18 too! Only things I might add are some belt mounted pistol pouches and an LBX sling if it arrives in time.
    3 points
  3. This isn't new news I'm afraid - it was publicised in March this year but I thought I'd post in case it's of interest. 81m is the guinness world record for a sub 1 joule airsoft rifle using less than 0.32g bbs. The video is a reproduction rather than the actual record being broken and it's in itallian. From what I can tell using google translate he used the following setup to do this: g&g sbr tr16 mk1 zero-shock piston (green) double lapping stainless steel cylinder 275mm "diamond" barrel blue hop rubber "without internal groove and without internal hump" he mentions Omega but it's not clear if this is an omega nub or not he also mentions the word "flat" but it's not clear to me if this is a flat hop or just a description of the hop rubber. a bag of g&g bbs I think Looks like you can buy most of this stuff at this guy's shop which is lucky... They don't go into how many shots it took him to do this and I wonder what kind of a tail wind the record breaking bb had when it hit the target. Good on him though. It sets the bar at least.
    2 points
  4. As someone who tried to get them to come and certify a world record I can confirm this is not the case, they generally tell you that yours is too silly (really?! Have you seen some of the stuff they certify?) and then threaten legal action if you call it a "world record" with out them verifying it (even if you never mention the G word) Last email to them was pretty much summed up as "Go away in small, jerky movements'
    2 points
  5. A few more pics of my 417 Drum adapter. It is designed for the A&K SR-25 drums as they are plentiful this side of the pond, dont break the bank, are sized for 308 (the main reason I chose a SR-25 drum over something smaller like the Angel Custom drums, which are sized for 5.56), and have some nice features including a sound-based auto-wind, button-wind, and switch-wind. As it seems all my drum adapter designs end up being, it is split into 4 parts for printing - left and right inner halves, an outer shell, and the base. Inner Right showing the internal passageways for loading BBs, the feed tube, and the sound sensor slot and wiring tube: Right and left inner halves put together: The outer shell: The base - printed inverse to this, of course: The four parts assembled (Isometric): The four parts assembled (top): The four parts assembled (back): The cut-away internal shot of all four parts assembled:
    2 points
  6. Ahoy and welcome. Those are reasonable enough choices, there's no need to spend more than CYMA M4 money on a first AEG to see if you stick with the hobby. They also upgrade well too, mine has evolved into a surprisingly snappy and consistent little thing. Is there much to research about airsoft? Turn up, spray and pray, then complain that you would have made 20,000 kills if they hadn't all cheated.
    2 points
  7. Get it right, your PC wasnt 'hacked' you clicked on something you shouldn't have. 😜
    2 points
  8. So I ran the Southampton Marathon on Sunday. Took me 4 hours and 25 minutes which I'm really pleased with considering summer decided to turn up and it was 25 degrees. Legs have just about stopped aching now. Was it a good experience? yes Am I doing another? hell no
    2 points
  9. Turned up on site at the usual time ready to Marshal for the day Unusually low numbers meant that the opportunity to player marshal arose Some of the usual protagonists were absent, which meant a good day with little to no issues. Managed to get a whole day playing with my new (to me) TM Ak74u . As I wasn’t expecting to play I took no pouches , or any usual playing gear. Had an awesome day Then after packing up time I got paid too!! Beat that 😂👍
    2 points
  10. y'know now you've made me think about it i'm not sure that's such a simple question to answer, at least in the intermediate case you're describing where either config is valid (ie you're not driving it fast enough where short stroking is necessary to avoid pme and there's enough volume overhead for that not to be an issue). there's arguments to be made both directions. normally for me at least the stroke tends to be dictated by the barrel length (dictated by however long the gun is) and volume requirements, but then i tend to lean towards higher ratio gears and torquey motors with a boatload of precocking for snappy semiauto and not really giving a stuff about rate of fire unless it's stupidly low (ie i'm happy with 15-20 rps).
    2 points
  11. Looks hot - as in sweaty 😄 Many people realise that lighter is better. Especially with this kind of weather 🥵
    2 points
  12. Is that all? People are always talking about shooting further than that and the opposition not taking the hit in the safe zone..... oh wait!...
    2 points
  13. EDcase

    NOOB from Norfolk!

    Welcome, Sounds like you're all off to a good start 👍 Yikes, its going to get expensive 😄 The 'accidental' shooting by your wife is unfortunate. Make sure you instil the safety aspects of gun usage; no finger on trigger until ready to fire and ALWAYS wear eye-pro. You should be happy with a CYMA AK. (You'll inevitably consider tinkering to get more range 😉) Do lots of reading in the forum as most questions have answers in here somewhere 😁
    2 points
  14. Guinness confirmed, but won’t list my measurements as they deem that world record to be ‘inappropriate’ Many records these days are about trying to find something that hasn’t been listed before, so if you have some reasonable criteria than you have an instant record - and when you’re beat at least you were first. The other is about hype and advertising. The ‘longest’ paintball shot has existed in a few ways, such as the worlds longest shot - but unofficial because it was just a side ‘competition’ at an event Then a few organisers do it as well and either try to refine it guaranteeing a new ‘longest’ shot or they just make a traders puff with claims and ignore anything else One might go to the bother of booking an official adjudicator to turn up and gain the official longest shot These go hand in hand with publicity stunt ‘advertising’ such as the guy who got all the Daily Mail headlines with a paintball tester job vacancy at £50000 per year ….. plus small print - zero hours contract hourly rate equivalent to £50000 per annum The job being a Marshall / gopher zero hours contract including a photo opportunity getting shot for the Daily Mail follow up story On another tack though…. 81.1 metres is nothing Everyone should be queuing up with their ninja springer snipers from Bbguns4less that can shoot a nats left testical at 500 miles
    2 points
  15. Oh what ever could I be working on now? In other news, my three latest projects - that being my AUG HBAR, L86, and QJB-95 are done. Look for them in the Gun Pictures Thread.
    2 points
  16. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    New & unused. Includes three spare rail segments. Perfect for the Troy M7A1 PDW build. ONLY FITS AEG/MWS THREADED RECEIVERS!


    - GB

    1 point
  17. BGB83

    Newbie from Blackpool

    Hi all 🤪 Just started a couple months ago. Have a WE 1911 hi capa GBB and Cyma M4 AEG to see how I get on. Not got my UKARA yet going to look into it more first. Anyone else from Blackpool or surrounding areas here? Starting to do my research on airsoft as a whole more now so hopefully I'll get the bug 🤣 Cheers
    1 point
  18. Monkman

    Compressor or hand pump

    I was thinking of getting my own compressor, but there are so many things that could go wrong with it and where do I get it serviced? In the end I just bought a dive tank and get it filled for £5 at a dive shop when I need to top it up. Some sites will fill you tank as well for a price or even free....
    1 point
  19. Got another 1911 Also some cheap wood grips. I was going to get the MEU but then I saw the night warrior version 😮
    1 point
  20. Componentshop.com, UK based & great for advice & supply for anything battery/charger related.
    1 point
  21. Lozart

    Shadow 2 problems

    1 point
  22. I’ve gone full circle, simple kit —> all the kit —> simple kit! No messing about, just a rifle, magazines and some bangs! Cheap(ish) and cheerful!
    1 point
  23. Is it just me or does it seem like we've got loads of new members, most of whom seem content to tack nondescript comments on to lots of threads, but with no real value or knowledgeable input. Obviously the biggest concern is scammers trying to appear legitimate by getting their post counts up, do we need more screening or restrictions on new members ?
    1 point
  24. not just recoils, any tm will outrange anything at 0.8j. except the vsr10, those need stronger springs apparently.
    1 point
  25. Tackle

    Snow wolf steyr aug a3 in tan

    Apparently it's SNOW WOLF !, it's in the title 😏
    1 point
  26. must say i'm inclined to agree. i'd even put money on it, just not as much money as Guinness charges, which is kinda the point with records like this.
    1 point
  27. Would be interesting to see a test comparing 'plastic' and 'metal' bodies. I would guess the plastic to be a bit more resilient because it has more flex and the weapon would be lighter so less inertia on impact. I still prefer metal though 😏
    1 point
  28. Brophy

    NOOB from Norfolk!

    Welcome to the forum dude! Glad you are getting into it, especially with the family, might help with getting any grief from the missus over "purchases" I feel for your 14yo, as my mate managed to shoot me in the gooch whilst I was crouched on a hill!
    1 point
  29. It's the little things that count - Waldo Custom Hush valves o-rings for my mws and glock mags. Goodbye to gas jizzing everywhere
    1 point
  30. I went with the theory that if I buy cheap, I can buy twice, or three times, and it's worked out pretty well so far. Less flippantly, I really would prefer to have a CYMA and a JG with me than one VFC or Krytac, as having a backup / loaner gun has saved the day more than once. And +1 to the above: CYMA, JG, G&G and Specna Arms are the default choices. I'd flag up that the cheapest <£100 CYMAs have pretty toyish feeling plastic bodies (although the internals are robust enough). M4, AK, G36, MP5, whatever rocks your boat. The CYMA M14 also gets a lot of love, although its trickier to work on. Given stock levels at the moment, you'll be limited by what's available, mind.
    1 point
  31. Welcome Shadowfox. As CRTHayes said, CYMA is a good make (No experience with the Platinum). Others to look at are JG, G&G and SpecnaArms. Its really up to you to choose a rifle style you like. Obviously the M4/AR15 is the post popular to add accessories but there are many others available too. Look around the online shops to see what grabs your interest... (Unfortunately stock is very low in general at the moment) £300 is plenty to get a decent first RIF but don't forget to set aside an amount for other essentials: - Eye protection. THE most important part. Not only to get good protection but reduce fogging as much as possible. - Boots with good ankle support. - Webbing or some load carrying setup to carry ammo etc. - Magazines. You'll need a few depending if you go for high or mid capacity. - Batteries. A couple of LiPo batteries to last the day. - and a good charger to keep the batteries healthy and not burn down the house. There are many posts regarding all these elements so best do a lot of searching and reading 😉
    1 point
  32. That's bloody awful even for an Umarex.
    1 point
  33. Wanna lose weight without a ton of exercise which you don't know if it will work for you? Cut the sugar from your diet by a lot and eat as less as possible carbohydrates. Then your body will start processing the fat it already has on storage. Please read that I did not say do not exercise. Everyone has their limits when it comes to that. What I do is get myself up to some huffing and puffing, that is pushing it a bit.
    1 point
  34. I'm liking it already even with a picture taken with the lens cap on! 🙂
    1 point
  35. not as many as proctologists....
    1 point
  36. Nice simple rhino holster for a commission
    1 point
  37. Hate to say umarex glocks are OEM VFC who don't have a sparkling rep for internal build quality. Keep maintained regular hope for the best.
    1 point
  38. If it's cycling ignore it Airsoft construction in not exactly precision engineering.
    1 point
  39. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    Latest acquisition. Ares L22A2. Weathered it a little, still a wip. I've weathered susats before, but this was my first attempt almost close to accurate.
    1 point
  40. heroshark

    Gun picture thread

    Trio of Tanaka saa's
    1 point
  41. Steveocee

    Compressor or hand pump

    The question I'd ask is, can you take a compressor to and run it at site? Probably not. A 48Ci steely like most of us buy needs to be topped up several times throughout the day. You would be far better off spending the same money on a decent air rifle type cylinder and then paying £5 every 3-4 games to get it filled by someone with a multi thousand pounds compressor than trying to jerry rig a noisy and dangerous unit at site.
    1 point
  42. I would recommend against a compressor unless you have a serious level of use out of it, or plenty time to leave one running and allowing for cooling. You cannot use domestic or workshop types of compressors. (Actually there is a way, but I’ll get to that) You need something capable of compressing to 3000psi, and providing clean breathable quality air. That will cost a number of thousands, and needs to be maintained. You can get cheaper ones now that are capable of that level of pressure, but I’m unconvinced and you need to know what you are buying to ensure the quality is up to the job. There are booster compressors such as the discontinued Shoebox compressor by Tom Kaye. This type needs a workshop style compressor as a primary source to feed the shoebox at 100s of PSI which then boosts to 1000s of PSI The source air from domestic or workshop compressors is at high risk of oil or other contamination. Best case scenario is dirty air which clogs the bottle side of the regulator and gives an early burst disk failure. The worst case scenario is when you get any heat from air pressure you end up with a flash fill explosion. I’ve seen the effects and you don’t want that. The photos below are from a flash fill explosion near Southampton a number of years back. It was due to oil contamination remaining from an earlier unidentified player and the player concerned had their regulator explode during filling, their bottle became a rocket, their clothes melted onto them and you can see the state of his hand. He luckily lived to tell the tale. My recommendations are: 1) get a fill from the site you play at. This might not be possible at all airsoft sites 2) occasionally use the stirrup and build up your muscles 3) get a fill at a friendly dive shop - you will probably need to bring your own fill adaptor rig, and it will get expensive per fill for a playing size cylinder 4) buy spare aluminum cylinders and fill as many as you can in one go from a site compressor 5) buy a scuba cylinder, fill it at a dive shop, then use your own fill rig to cascade fill to your playing cylinder Fill by as little as possible and as often as possible, just topping up to minimise the pressure difference between cylinders to make your scuba source last the longest
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Well, maybe. Is that "bright" blue? Then again, PatrolBase send out hundreds of IFs a year painted in a rather nice, muted Burgundy red And always have your reasonable excuse to hand why you have an imitation firearm (realistic or otherwise_ in your possession, i.e that you're on your way to or from an airsoft skirmish at an insured site. I think you could search from now until we've finally flattened the COVID curve and never persuade the State to take the slightest interest in whether you've painted an IF. As @EDcase astutely notes, it's more of an issue what you do with it. I'm not advocating breaking any laws, and I don't know that OP has a defence. However, consider that anyone with nefarious intentions would hit it with a can of Poundland black and not give a stuff about even asking.
    1 point
  45. New arrivals. G&G sr15 e3 mod2 knights armament and Novritsch SSG10 A3. The PEQ's 3m velcro adhesive sticker won't adhere on the rubber switch so I'm looking for ways to attach it to the top rail. Just incase the stock barrel and hop aren't up to the job (SR15) I've ordered a barrel and bucking from @ak2m4@ak2m4.
    1 point
  46. loctez

    Gun picture thread

    Purchased a lovely E&L. Don't plan on doing anything to it modifications wise, perfect just as it is 🍑
    1 point
  47. 🤣that's brilliant 👍 (Having seen the film a few times I can literally "hear" the characters laughing at the crap we discuss 🤣)
    1 point
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