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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/08/15 in all areas

  1. proffrink

    Gun picture thread

    A potato quality picture of my DG M249 - finally finished.
    5 points
  2. TheFull9

    Coleman propane

    I doubt Coleman gas does any damage to rubber components. Between gas blowback pistols, rifles and 40mms I have roughly 50 gas containing devices and I've used cans of Colemans propane with some silicone oil from AI that they recommend for use with their adapters. Every single mag and shell is stored with said lubrictaed Colemans inside, many of them for half a decade or more. Number of leaks or U/S seals I've encountered is so close to nil it makes no odds. I've had some TM 1911A1 mags in my collection for bordering on 9 years now and they've had colemans inside them for pushing 7 of those years, literally not a single sign of a leak, 100% solid. I see nothing to backup the idea that camping propane does damage to your airsoft stuff amongst any of my collection, including all the hop rubbers for the GBB pistols I've owned for many many years and have been shot using Colemans for the vast majority of their usage. If anything I had way more troubles with stuff leaking back when I wasted my money buying cans of green gas. The filling up Colemans green cans from large bottles I have no idea about, don't have the space for a large bottle even if I really need to go down that route.
    4 points
  3. Just a thought, but be aware that if you use an AEG with a high ROF on auto then either be prepared to carry a load of midcap mags and change often, or do a lot of winding of hicaps to maintain the spring pressure to feed the bbs. High ROF may be useful, but an accurate rifle on semi, or three round burst (if you have a programmable mosfet fitted), can be far more effective that spraying 50-100 bbs down range in the hope of hitting something. That is really only worthwhile if you have a support gun and need to keep peoples heads down whilst your team mates move forward on them. I know BBs are cheap compared to paintballs, but why waste 100s of bbs when 2 or 3 can do the same job and you won't get someone being angry at overkill.
    2 points
  4. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    Custom totally slick panels to replace the rails on my TM SCAR-L. Came up with the idea a long time ago and after managing to find someone with the mill and skills necessary they're finally installed; further write up with more info on my page if anybody's interested.
    2 points
  5. Lozart


    Stop beating about the bush and say how you really feel.
    2 points
  6. CASV M4 arrived today and dropped the P* Jack into it:
    2 points
  7. Or if you don't want to feck about with the guns wiring then you can get an adaptor: http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/581/s/triggertalk-battery-adaptor-for-m4-416-next-generation-recoil-shock-series/
    1 point
  8. Thanks RR01 im probably going to get the g&g T418.
    1 point
  9. Shame we had most of the rentals. Still had a good day bar some very dodgy hit taking. I actually ran out of ammo the 3rd game as I was in Salisburys firing across onto Oranges going up the stairs and through the rear door into Peacocks farming them. Went through 5 MP7 mags 3 PX4 mags and my grenade twice. Was reduced to wandering around Salisburys/C&A basement going 'Has anyone got a knife...' and trying to find some enemy to kill me
    1 point
  10. Hey Welcome Randy. I guess you're pretty close to where I am (Woking). I was down at UCAP GreenOps weekend just gone actually. Big turnout that day. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Mall in Reading yet which should be reachable for you. Have fun shopping for stuff!
    1 point
  11. Dannn

    Coleman propane

    You mentioned the fire hazard, which to me meant you were un aware of green gas being just as much of a fire hazard, being basically the same stuff. As for the dirt, there's a filter that can be used inline that removes dirt partials down to so many thousand micron, that alivates the dirt factor. It does stink though !!
    1 point
  12. Only every week. What's your budget or just curious?
    1 point
  13. Can't wait for the new M&B Bannerlord!
    1 point
  14. GBBRs Cold: Not unless you're using a high powered gas like Guarder High Power or Nuprol 3-4 (though through my testing Guarder is slightly superior). Wet: Fine. Gas system - all parts will be metal or plastic and there shouldn't be any electronics. You'd want to dry and relube when you get home though. GBB pistols Cold: I'd say fine most of the time in the UK, but some higher strength gas wouldn't go amiss. Wet: Fine, but many use cheaper internals that may rust quicker if you don't dry and relube them when you get home. HPA Cold: Fine (air does not change density easily with varying temperatures). Wet: Depends. Polarstar, SMP etc. do have electronics and need proper sealing. Pnumatic systems like Daytona Guns are inherently waterproof what with just being a huge lump of metal. Spring Cold: Fine. Wet: Depends. Rifle stocks like to fill with water, but rain will be fine. Just don't dump it in a puddle. AEGs Cold: Fine. Wet: Mostly not fine - particularly cheaper ones with poor fit and finish externally can let water in during heavy rain, but mid-range stuff will be fine. Also there are ways of waterproofing (see Systema mods etc.).
    1 point
  15. Best bet is to get the gun rewired to deans, it's a simple job but needs a good power soldering iron otherwise the solder won't take properly. Basically where the SOPMOD connector goes gets removed and a standard wire with your connector of choice(deans, tamiya etc) soldered onto the contact bar that runs through the buffer tube. If you want a gun tech to do it the going rate was around £15 last time I checked but you may get it done for free if you are buying the gun from their shop. The proprietary batteries are not very good plus you can get 3+ LiPos for the same or less money. I don't think one SOPMOD battery would even last a day of moderate use. I have a TM HK416 and it's a great gun, I run 7.4v 1450mAh LiPos which last me the whole day. I can happily get 2000 shots out of one battery but I rarely fire anywhere near that much, on days I do I swap the batteries over at lunch.
    1 point
  16. Mr Monkey Nuts

    Coleman propane

    Pressure isn't the issue, expansion is the issue, pressure is your only reliable measurable quantity that would calculate the mass of propane to safely be decanted into a can. You cannot 100% fill a colemans bottle as it needs expansion space. See the combined gas law to understand the relationships. This is also why GHK recommend you only fill for 6 seconds. That Relief valve is designed to be bespoke to colemans specific mass of gas and is designed to vent as their ceiling is broken, but it's only an emergency vent for high pressure, it's not for regulating safe internal pressures. If that vent goes you are filling the atmosphere with oxidised propane, which is the dangerous bit. Liquid propane is safe as demonstrated in the videos, it's expanded vaporised propane that's the dangerous part. That's why LPG cars are safe, they have the failsafes built into the pump and tanks, they are not simply metal receivers. Pistol and m4 mags use such a small amount of propane it's negligible, 3g max in most instances, and it's burn off time is sub half a second, so any ignition is very short lived. But we are talking much much greater masses and volumes of vaporisation in a 400g colemans tin. For the sake of £8.
    1 point
  17. TheGrover

    Coleman propane

    The pressure cannot be an issue. In your post you mention the AI GasCan, which indeed doesn't ha e a pressure release valve, but a one pound propane can has an emergency pressure release valve on case the can is left in the sun and the magazine outlet valves will naturally let some gas escape before a structural failure because the spring holding the valve closes is only so strong Yes. It can be ignited. But no more readily than green gas already is. Yes using a cheap propane tank you have to be clued up on pressures and gas laws, but Coleman's cans are designed to be safe if left in say the boot of a car with the sun shining on it in the middle of summer in a campsite.
    1 point
  18. Might as well get a replica, the tritium light sources on all the real ones are dead (or extremely close to dead) now anyway.
    1 point
  19. Nah I can't mate - back to work now so Sunday was my last free weekend to go airsofting
    1 point
  20. TheGrover

    Coleman propane

    Both the pound bottles and GBB mags are self regulating. The bottles have a release valve to deal with over pressurisation and the outlet of a GBB magazine will release gas if the pressure gets too great, long before a structural failure of the gas well. The only downside is that it's dirty, so get used to cleaning crap out of your gun
    1 point
  21. GiantKiwi

    Coleman propane

    It's completely legal; Safe if you adhere to common sense. And incredibly dangerous? Eh no. There is no need to regulate the pressure, we are maintaining pressure in both vessels, and the smaller ones usually have expansion release valves, the only reason for having a regulator is when using propane for residential reasons where the high pressure would be unsafe, thus need a regulator to reduce it, as we are specifically after that high pressure we don't have that issue. If you are referring to ignition for volatility, yes it is. But common sense should prevail that naked flame/ spark etc + propane release = boom. Catastrophic is possibly a little bit more on the fear-mongering side..
    1 point
  22. Last couple of clothing orders I made were from http://www.hueys.co.uk/ - Good quality gear and excellent customer service.
    1 point
  23. Dannn

    Coleman propane

    All you are doing is transferring gas from one container to another, just like filling a lpg car The pressure doesn't need to be regulated Remember we are all using propane already just under different names in cheap Chinese gbb pistols we are all messing with it every day
    1 point
  24. Don't do it it's incredibly dangerous, unsafe and potentially illegal. There is no way to regulate the pressure, there is no way to monitor moisture and there is no way to mitigate or manage the transfer from liquid to gas. Liquid Propane expands at 240 times in atmospheric air, and is incredibly volatile. It can be done but has the potential to be catastrophic.
    1 point
  25. Yep, that is who I was referring to, do post here if they will fill them. It doesn't matter whether it's hpa, split gearbox, quick change spring, adjustable spring, gas type, there will always be easy ways to "tweak" a gun's power, but it's not the tool's fault, it's the players. Cheaters who want to hurt other's should be removed not the tools. Any site that bans a type of gun which can be used to facilitate 'easier' cheating should be boycotted.
    1 point
  26. I already had the Vz61 - it's the KWA/KSC GBB version. If you were at the gaol this weekend you might have ran into it. Here's the scope mount/ring: http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/321831852823
    1 point
  27. Monty

    Gun picture thread

    Absolutely love those.
    1 point
  28. I like it looks nice and clean. Big fan of the minimalistic look.
    1 point
  29. M_P

    Gun picture thread

    I wasn't sure on it (aesthetically speaking) at least the first time I saw it on facebook but the more I look at it the more it just looks right.
    1 point
  30. Guns come with fuses by default and they should perhaps continue with fuses or themal fuses especially for general/first builds On higher speed/load guns the old fashioned fuses act as a point of resistance on higher stress builds so a number of people do away with them - BUT it is not advised unless you know your gun and prepared for the risk I can't tell you or anybody else for that matter - the fuse is there as a safety/overload feature doing away with it is not highly recomended Some mosfets like the Firestorm is supposed to have a thermal fuse installed and should be fine to remove fuse if you wish Other fet's do not have thermal fuse The old fuse is on the positive wire anyway if it was on the negative wire - then it might be ideal to replace fuse with mosfet but fet runs on negative line plus a normal mosfet doesn't offer any protection against overload/short circuit etc.... so you may as well leave fuse as it is, splice into main negative line for mosfet and wire in a fet signal line from trigger to fet Hope this answers your question - ignore what some others do (I make a regular habit of busting stuff and can afford to replace broken cheap stuff)
    1 point
  31. on V3's fitting a fet doesn't require opening up box as wiring is external the negative wire that ran from battery to motor is cut and fet is wired into it (fet switches negative supply to complete the switching circuit) on the switch itself - 2 red leads one from battery and one to motor these two wires are joined BUT on 1 terminal of switch the spare unused terminal has a thinner wire running back to fet - the mosfet's signal wire In effect instead of switch positive and had a permanent negative supply like old stock setup you now have a permanent posi supply a switched posi signal wire to fet which will trigger the fet and turn on/switch the negative supply to complete circuit/run the motor NB - this is a very basic setup using existing wire with addition of just 1 thinner wire to signal to fet to switch on/off
    1 point
  32. 30mm Triple Rail Scope Mount £8.99 Mass Effect "N7 Armour" Tshirt £23.15 (including shipping from the US) The scope mount is going to be used to add extra rails to my vz61 by attaching it around the front barrel section. Gives me room for a flashlight, fore grip (as I hate gripping the magazine) and either a red dot sight or a laser (most likely). The N7 shirt is to replace my current one that I use in CQB as it has got to ragged to wear. Plus I absolutely love the Mass Effect game series.
    1 point
  33. Sitting Duck


    To me it is a term I suppose you could use for timed based games unlimited respawn to attack defending mofo's with one life sprinting like f*ck - lambs to the slaughter, cut down, back to respawn run like etc...... a few bases to take control of in shortest total time etc........ This is the game type that I'm drenched in sweat and screaming at Doris, Mavis & Ethel back at spawn all talking about corned beef and their poxy loadout or their wonderful gun FFS - girls get ya ar$e's in gear, this is the few moments that my enthusiasm can mask my $hite skills and you lot are just chatting whilst collecting ya pensions.... (actually - I'm too old for this $hit - maybe they got the right idea but c'mon lets go for it first n chat later)
    1 point
  34. TheFull9


    I don't think speedsoft happens much outside of the far east. It's odd because I know Japan in particular has a lot of seriously hardcore impressionists who spend the sort of money that makes the SEAL/Delta/SAS re-enactors in the US and Europe look like little kids with pocket money. That said, in Hong Kong a fair bit of the skirmishing is (or certainly was in the past) based on a 'how much can you stand' system with people unloading their electrically fed box mags at 2 joules with no MED. All armoured up tofuck as you only called hit when you physically couldn't take the pain of getting constantly laced any further. Absolutely dread to think how many people would lose their eyes and teeth if something like that happened often here, especially with the bargain bucket, shitty, non-sealed eye pro some new players buy.
    1 point
  35. Dannn


    I must admit occasionally at our indoor cqb site we do have fully auto free for alls when it's just a few of us regulars and it's such a laugh, nothing better than cutting up your mates with 40 odd rps at 350fps within spitting distance 😂
    1 point
  36. MxHaze


    Esoterick Knows the score Its airsoft in small areas with small teams and terrible marshalling. its my opinion that its shite, and the general forum consensus is that its shite, and no matter how many times this subject pops up on this forum it will aways be shite.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Esoterick


    Sounds like those videos from the far east where they rinse people up with guns held together with gaffa tape in a field with chest high walls. I think the objective is to unload an entire high cap onto someone at point blank, at which point the marshal declares the player hit.
    1 point
  40. Hibernator


    Bit of an odd concept. Speedball for paintball has been around for ages - part of the whole "it's an extreme sport" mentality. I though most people turned to airsoft because they wanted something more tactical and simulation like, rather than running around inflatable barricades dressed in brightly coloured strips. Not sure why it's a thing at all in airsoft. Especially with a move in paintball towards "magfed" and more tactical/simulation like games. If you want fast and furious airsoft do CQB or kill houses!
    1 point
  41. ImTriggerHappy


    Thats me then
    1 point
  42. Jedi_Master


    I have just googled the term speed softer and found this www.http://wikiofmom.blogspot.co.uk/2009/12/case-against-speedsoft-and-mercenary.html Basically a player who runs around "like a displaced paint baller" wIth full auto, and no real military tactics (antipithis of milsim?).
    1 point
  43. ImTriggerHappy


    Sounds like a performance issue that can be caused by over use of amphetamines.
    1 point
  44. Gas guns don't like the cold Aeg's don't like lots of water Tippmann m4's work everywhere lol
    1 point
  45. One the marshal told me The Malls been broken into a fair few times, they've arrived in the morning to find an open door or similar. Mostly 'urban explorers', and no-ones burnt the place down yet. Most the vandalism there seems to be done by muppets during games, trying to shoot out lights etc. Also told me an amusing tale of a 'terminator' game, where the terminator spotted someone in casual clothing in the basement and shot at them. The guy ran off so the terminator followed him, and got to one the fire-escapes which was open. Their guess is it was another explorer! i chuckle at the thought of what must have gone through that guys mind when he broke into an abandoned building, walked round the first corner and encountered a very realistic looking terminator holding a rifle. Personally after escaping my first step would have been to check i hadn't traveled in time when stepping though the door...
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. SgtTalbert

    Gun picture thread

    Will post a better picture once its fully finished...However, here is my Ares Vz.58 compact so far Will end up looking something close to this:
    1 point
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