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  1. Operation Dustoff, Namsoft 22.04.23 This is an event staged by the rather legendary Denn at Gunman’s Alpha site in Eversley. If you’ve not been this is a hilly rhododendron filled woodland site with several chalk streams that cross it. The top of the site is a ‘wild west’ style village made up of cabins that serve as a party area, sleeping quarters and prop buildings for all kinds of airsoft games. Behind the village you’ll find a fire base consisting of trenches and dugouts, covered machine gun posts and large bunkers. This is Fort William, and is the hard regen and home of the 173rd Airborne, plus other US troops. Hard work from the 173rd’s members had resulted in a new building that sleeps two and acts as a storage area for the units gear. This small complex was the site of much fighting over the weekend, changing hands several times. This was our third weekend under canvas, the first that we had a rain free day though. I thought that arriving on site dry and on time for once heralded a smooth running weekend. We then discovered that we had left two tarps, the lad’s sleeping bag, and the kettle behind. Bollocks! Anyhow, Mark the onsite go to man for anything you need a hand with rustled up a large Kelly kettle and a whole bivvy system. After a chat and a catch up we said our thanks and went to mouch around the village where Neil had set up shop with a range of airsoft rifs, militaria bits, and consumables. We bought Mk Vs and a new old stock AK pouch. Snowy helped us sign on and then sold us an M16 bandolier. We went back to the campfire before we spent any more cash. Saturday dawned bright and bloody freezing. We shivered into our black pyjamas, Mrs TPH keeping her leggings and jumper on underneath. Safety brief was short and concise, following the Gunman format. Game brief was detailed and so informative that the only question was from me asking to confirm which channel to call the marshals on in case of accident. We soon deployed to our hard regen at the base of the site, putting down bags of food and spare batteries etc in an old Nissan hut. We had to leave in squads of at least three due to the large number of players in attendance. As this was the first game that the Vietnamese forces had number parity with the US/Aussies, we were pleased to find that Rory and Ian were also looking to form a squad. Both these blokes had also been at STALKERS a couple of weeks previously, and so we formed a recon group of four. Our first task was to drop off a respawn box somewhere useful, without getting spotted. We were soon hiding in a clump of bushes as the whole Aussie squad passed by. Upon hearing firing, we hid the box and joined in what turned out to be an ambush on the squad that had just passed us. A counter push saw us melting away into the woods, only to circle back and harry them again from different angles. Since we were equipped with a decent compliment of radios, callsign Red Star our commander was soon deploying us against the opposition all over site. When not engaged, we searched for the other side and radioed in location reports, sometimes hiding our rifs and approaching as civilians. Points were awarded for working for and spying on the US. This worked well, especially the player who acted as porter for the US only to grab a rifle as soon as they were attacked and managing to shoot most of the squad on the back. By late afternoon we had harassed the US back into Fort William which we stalked up to and took pot shots at the sentries. This was great fun, and my sub 350fps K98 was very satisfying to get kills with. I spent ages trying to shoot the lad and various mates. For only the second time at one of these events, someone got shouty, tempers got a bit hot and we pulled back from the firebase hearing more shouts. I think that a US player had thrown an incendiary pyro that failed to ignite, and thought that VC players were ignoring it. I radioed the marshal team to ask them to calm things down only to find that the organiser was already having a chat with the chap as I called him. Misunderstandings can happen anywhere and will, and people get tired, confused etc. Sorting things out quickly and amicably is the key and an apology and explanation is all that was needed to get the game 100% fun again. The next stage was to build up to a full stage assault on William. This was a bit of a first. William is hard to attack successfully, but for the first time ever we had equal numbers. Given that we usually win these games overall fighting three to one, this turned into a complete grind down for the US team. Huge numbers of pyro and smoke were thrown; it was very atmospheric with the coloured smoke, shouts and constant sound of firing. We so overwhelmed the US that they gave up the base and we took it with relative ease. A quick marshal talk followed, as someone had bought some MKIVs that turned out to be faulty, being extremely loud. The offending grenades were put away and gameplay continued. The US attempts to regain the base were committed and tenacious, but in the end we gave it up at the end of the day. We had raised our flag and beaten off every attack, including a mate who manged to gain entry into the new 173rd bunker via a fire slit. That had been a close call. With the US back in possession, we continued to pick off patrols and ambush US teams trying to carry out tasks. At one point I crawled up to the firebase and slithered in through a window that had been left open. I managed to hit an entire squad who were sitting down for a fag and tea break in what they thought was safety. I then took out two more chaps before being hit myself. For this I used my trusty CYMA AK though. I say trusty as the mag catch has worn to the point that you have to hold the mag firmly into the magwell for it to feed. I’ll get busy with an old credit card and some super glue and build up the mag’s lips at some point. End of day one, both sides had done well, but the huge VC numbers and being well coordinated for once meant that we were possibly ahead. The Aussie team had done very well in the morning, so the game was still very close whatever the winner. Saturday night was a relaxed affair. We were that knackered that we stayed at our own campfire and cooked steaks with spud salad, washed down with Irish coffee and decent scotch. I honestly could not have taken another step and gone and socialised. Sunday morning saw a start at 7:30… well the Aussie team and a few VC did. We got up about an hour later and joined in the fun, contesting the wall section of the site. This was great fun and we had some really good firefights, I had a premonition that this would be an intense affair, and packed the RPK for the day. This performed faultlessly as always, despite its increasingly battered appearance. Mrs TPH’s new CYMA AK 74 SU worked a treat too. She really got into the thick of things, running towards any sound of fighting and getting frustrated if she was not stalking and shooting a US squad. Once again the rain started on and off, and players began to dribble off site. We staged one last attack on William, unlimited respawns for the VC, one life for the US. We had a whale of a time throwing ourselves at the place. At close of play we realised that we were the last VC squad left in the field, against a much depleted US side. We were victorious (I think) but tired and in need of a shower and a bite to eat. Our son was still fucking about in the field so I nicked his pasty. Teach him to forget to take his lunch with him. Handshakes and goodbyes were said. A lot of smiling and looking forward to seeing friends again at the next game took place. We packed the van and pointed it homeward. We’re all seriously done in and airsofted out, but it was a marvellous weekend. Good company, good gameplay and sportsmanship, well thought out storyline and very good social. I love these events and we’ll do one or two a month from March to November. I did order a bloody thick double sleeping bag as soon as I got home though. I’ll also remember to print out my filmsim kit list and tick the essentials off too. I’ll also get a Kelly kettle and cook set kit having borrowed one. The twig burning kettle was far better in cold weather than our iso-butane camping stove. All in all a great weekend, the guns ran very well. The old AK is getting mag fussy, but that’s fixable. The RPK is laser accurate and chugs at a decent rate of fire, i.e. slowly. I can’t believe how well I shoot it from the hip with a loose sling. Mrs TPH was well impressed with her AK SU and the Kar98 is impressively accurate as a standard rif. All of the Russian platforms are CYMA and provide real reliability. It’s great satisfaction to hit someone with a bolt action with no MED too. Next is two Nam games are in June on successive weekends. We’ll do a 90’s Middle-East game before then in May. We’ll shoot at blokes in tri-colour desert and choc-chip camo instead of greens. We drove four hours to get to this game. Some Aussie players came from Scotland. They’re well worth the effort. Du ban GI!
    6 points
  2. Ran our first game at the Trenches we've been building for the last year the other weekend! The theme was Gallipoli - our fictionalised battle of 'Hellespont', so I was running shorts and Pith Helmet with my WW1 kit... (Yes I regretted the shorts) One of the best moment was being held hostage by an enemy officer... I'd been ordered to guard him, as we had taken him prisoner in a raid. However, during an attack I was too busy killing two of the attackers to see him draw his pistol, no one had disarmed him! He almost made it out of our trenches before anyone noticed, but someone managed to shoot him in the shoulder past me, giving me the chance to grab his pistol! I then proceded to kill a further two attackers with it! (Photo credits to Crafty Sniper Photography) (The full kit, had the tunic on in morning as it was quite chilly)
    3 points
  3. OP is probably after one that is in stock 😛
    2 points
  4. Krisz

    Novritsch SSQ22 GBBR

    Novritsch doesn't manufacture anything he only sells overpriced rebranded guns. This gun is just a KJW KCO2 isn't it?
    2 points
  5. Terrywristt

    Gbb only skirmish

    Level 2 airsoft in Atherton seem to be running the exact scenario you're suggesting as a bank holiday one-off, I imagine they'll make it regular if they get good feedback. They also run a tap-tap pause rule as a regular rule in their normal game days, which provides much more interesting gameplay compared to your standard semi-auto rules in CQB sites.
    2 points
  6. Another great write up, as always. Yesterday Red Alert ran their first Battlesim LITE. No kit restrictions. Arm bands in use. No medic rule. Only break was for lunch. Basically one long skirmish day with set teams and shifting objectives throughout the day, and one constant objective. Red won the day convincingly (boo hiss), and overall the day was a great success. It was a good intro for anyone interested in battlesims/milsim/filmsims that don't want to invest in specific kit. Discussion is going on about what worked and what didn't, in order to tweak the rules as this may become a regular event every couple of months or so. I had great fun, with the highlight being escorting two WWII jeeps across the site to an objective point. But by the end of the day my back was giving out to me (I'm an old git), so I switched to war reporter mode and live streamed the last 20 minutes to Facebook, which I've now uploaded to YouTube and included below. I also took off my facepro and subsequently took a round right on the top of my nose (shown on the livestream🤣) Disclaimer: video contains foul mouthed old crusty! Red Alert's next actual Battlesim (not lite) is on the 21st of May. Book at this link: https://redalertpaintball.co.uk/battlesim/
    2 points
  7. Rogerborg

    51% rule

    The law in this area is an ass, three types of mule, and eleventeen varietals of pony-and-trap. We really need a comprehensive consolidation and consistency-check of all firearms and firearms related legislation, although that's very unlikely to play out in our favour.
    2 points
  8. So last night the wife suddenly shouts out "and you never listen to me" I thought,'that's a strange way to start a conversation' 🤔
    2 points
  9. It is done..4hrs 21minutes 22 seconds. I need a shower and a massage and thankfully both are waiting for me.
    2 points
  10. Just a Clone Zenitco bottom rail for my AK, and a Tracer unit Suppresor which was cheaper than just buying the tracer insert module, both from 6mm in HK
    2 points
  11. John_W

    Gbb only skirmish

    Matt Dean with a pair of Infinities, when you could still get Western arms and upgrades for them...
    2 points
  12. According to Taiwangun on Reddit they're close to being able to ship directly to the UK again. They just want to make sure that everything is going to go to plan before they launch it. See here.
    1 point
  13. For me what made the DE M900's great were the cheap, £160'ish polymer bodied ones, from around a year to two years ago. However it seems they don't come into stock in the UK much anymore (of course Taiwan Gun have bloody loads of them though) so all you can find are the metal bodies ones so the price get's bumped up by far too much. Are they still good value, I think so (just), but a fair comparison would be another branded gun with a GATE Aster in it (you get the features without the Titan price). Yes the build quality is not high end, but you get so much for a good price... optical controller with proper cycle control + both piston head and spring guide have bearings + the shimming and lubrication is well done + a very good air seal. But, and you have to be careful here, is that they're not "beginner" friendly, in that the Falcon controller is not tolerant of being used hard on full auto especially on 11.1v so new players may well fry / kill it, plus its battery management is poor and if you forget to take the battery out after a days skirmishing you may find next day a Li-Po with a VERY low cell voltage and possibly even to the point it's been damaged. I love all of mine, but I've been looking after them well (however the M908A's metal receiver is looking well worn now, the paint is very thin / not hard wearing, but I like the look), and I think they'll last me for years yet (I've already swapped in loads of better parts, they're very much "Trigger's Broom"). Personally I'm not sure I'd buy one of their sub machine guns though, mags + some spare parts are a little hard to come by.
    1 point
  14. Ooohhoohhooohhhhhhh Some sex wee has definitely escaped. I want an HK53, I never knew it was a thing.... An MP5 but with AR style mags, yes please 🤗 Especially as a VFC GBBR, given how nice my 416 is Oh yes 🤤
    1 point
  15. Shamal

    Similar M4 stock to this?

    Ah didn't check that.doh
    1 point
  16. https://www.evike.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=58&products_id=30409
    1 point
  17. Impulse

    Novritsch SSQ22 GBBR

    Have another airsoft content creator that people generally hate, but I was honestly surprised, as I expected him to shill it, but Kicking Mustang did a video on it saying that it's crap. I didn't plan on getting it anyway, as I have my MWS and my AKM and my mp9 (and plan on getting an mp7 and a mac11), so I don't need any more GBBRs, and I have seen other people say good things, but I guess only time will tell. I think the usual "don't buy the gen1" advice is the best way to approach it.
    1 point
  18. Skullchewer

    Gbb only skirmish

    I love spring shoties. I'd be well up for that
    1 point
  19. Had a set of these that one of the bearings was mixed up, instead of having the flange on the topside (as viewed during installation) of the gear it was on the underside. The practical upshot of which was the equivalent of dropping a 1mm shim under the gear which massively restricted the ability to put the gear where it needed to be. In my case it meant i couldn't get the bevel in the right spot for a decent mesh but could just as easily cause tappet squishing.
    1 point
  20. Tommikka

    51% rule

    Absolutely It might do, it might not …. But I’ll happily deal with grey areas and potential contradictions with a degree of common sense, be happy with fools who fall foul of common sense getting pragmatic handling from the police and avoid definitive legal decisions in the meantime
    1 point
  21. Genuinely well done, I get a sweaty cleft from just walking 26 yards let alone running 26 miles. 👍
    1 point
  22. Fair point. I have found one small UK mainland vendor (looks like a site-attached/garage operation) that says they one of the G models left in stock. Just sent them a message to confirm before ordering.
    1 point
  23. New vid up on the channel after a very busy easter, a look at my long range modified Maple leaf 7" WE Hi-Capa!
    1 point
  24. Pseudotectonic

    51% rule

    I think you mean s 38(2)(b), which needs to be read in conjunction with s 38(3)(a), also, "imitation firearm not being regarded as distinguishable from a real firearm for any practical purpose if it could be so distinguished only on a close examination" does not provide that imitation firearm can be regarded as distinguishable from a real firearm on a close examination, only 38(3)(a) has that provision.
    1 point
  25. I've decided to that I want a UTR45 and a drum mag - because reloading is for chumps and I figure it would be good for a giggle. That, and it's not 'another' M4 of which I have 7. Only problem is that the only model I can find available is the M917C, which has that gopping mock-brace stock and tiny battery compartment - so I have to wait until the 'G' model is restocked with UK retailers. I found one in stock with a NI retailer but I'm not spending £18 in postage. So i'll just have to wait. Thanks all for your inputs.
    1 point
  26. It is but my own forgetfulness is to blame. @Lozart if you plan on ordering to try out their hop rubbers etc. let me know and i'll split the postage with you
    1 point
  27. Tommikka

    51% rule

    Not a contradiction as ‘indistinguishable’ is referenced to the size/colour exceptions of 3b (2)For the purposes of this section, an imitation firearm is not (except by virtue of subsection (3)(b)) to be regarded as distinguishable from a real firearm for any practical purpose if it could be so distinguished only— (a)by an expert; (b)on a close examination; or (c)as a result of an attempt to load or to fire it. (3)In determining for the purposes of this section whether an imitation firearm is distinguishable from a real firearm— (a)the matters that must be taken into account include any differences between the size, shape and principal colour of the imitation firearm and the size, shape and colour in which the real firearm is manufactured; and (b)the imitation is to be regarded as distinguishable if its size, shape or principal colour is unrealistic for a real firearm.
    1 point
  28. Nick G

    Gbb only skirmish

    I usually play GBBRs, only rarely use any aeg's these days, and also never feel out gunned . As you say , you adlust your play style to suit. I usually run 5 mags and a speed loader which gives me about 300 rounds for a game and I've generally got some left at game over.
    1 point
  29. From what I understood, one of the "nice" things about movies using airsoft guns is they don't need a qualified armourer on set, (who generally work as contractors so charge high prices) but when they use real firearms with blanks they do and so it's much more expensive. Reads like free advertising off the rust incident plus turning a "we did it the cheap method" to a "we took the morally superior high ground, so cut us some slack if you spot 6mm written on the guns". Both are pretty poor from a taste point of view.
    1 point
  30. Colin Allen

    Gbb only skirmish

    Way, way back when I first started marshalling, we used to run gas pistol and spring shotgun evenings; attendance was poor although they were great fun. I suspect that GBB and springer days would be financially unviable for site owners.
    1 point
  31. Gunman does these at Tuddenham. Great fun and very intense gameplay. Very low attendance though.
    1 point
  32. Ordered some rubber (65 hardness) and PU (60 hardness) was thinking about silicone pads (50 hardness) but worried that it would be too soft). Will update on results
    1 point
  33. EDcase

    New Berkshire Player

    Welcome Have a look HERE for sites nearby. Skirmish Wycombe and Red Alert in Newbury are my faves so far
    1 point
  34. Stay single. Don't spawn. Buy all the dumb crap. This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the big kids party.
    1 point
  35. Well I didn’t name the company or the event so 🤷🏽 They seem to have a good rep for themed events and Gloucester Prison is a fun site. Also you aren’t going to be there so it just got better 😂
    1 point
  36. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    WE AK74, test fired only, boxed with one spare mag and a spare red mag cover. Been on display in a glass cabinet in my office. Mags as new and absolutely gas tight, gun literally as new and in perfect condition. Complete with box (not shown). These are very hard to find and are out of stock everywhere. Will post at cost if required.


    1 point
  37. Yes, impressive build. Not something I'd run personally (I'm happy with standard mil-spec issue, so one day I imagine my Hi Capa DOR will be considered 'a bit too bling' and get replaced by a 1911, or a Browning, or an M9), but that doesn't stop me admiring it
    1 point
  38. Okay that's actually quite nice. Damnit.
    1 point
  39. sjhirst

    WE gbbRifles

    Bought a p90 the other week and got to field it. I hpa converted it as i heard the mags were pretty bad to use with gas- they were right lol. Other than the mags, this is a superb smg. So manoeuvrable and even with only .25 bb's it was spot on.
    1 point
  40. Reap

    THE TM MWS thread

    T8 window mag has arrived, waiting on some steel take down pins, steel dust cover, and the BJ TAC 1.5 heat treated Japanese buffer spring to arrive. I think the heat gun needs to come out on the MK18 again after 3 years and what must be 50-60,000 rounds if not way more the modify tan hop rubber has a few small rips and tears with bits of rubber finally starting to affect the flight path of bb’s. SixG brass nub has been incredible and I’ve managed to have sniper battles with actual snipers when using .45g shooting across the huge valley at Stormforce. I’ve chosen not to use them long term as they travel way too slow and can be dodged matrix style, plus I like to be a bit more active. .36g seems about right for me. Platform overall is phenomenal, I honestly expected more problems than I’ve had, but my only issue I’ve ever had was a BB shattering and making it’s way into the trigger unit and jamming my fire selector, easily solved by a good clean out. She’s been well maintained internally, but I am rough with her, she gets chucked about a bit, and that’s what I want from my mws, I want a tank, that’s the way I want to build it. I’ve not even had to replace a nozzle return spring, and all those common wear and tare problems that we all warn new users of haven’t yet really surfaced on mine, I’ve even used the dreaded angry gun internals without issue, which is testament to this great weapon, I just runs and keeps running no matter what parts I use in it, or how I treat it on the field.
    1 point
  41. Cannonfodder

    Gbb only skirmish

    This. When my G&G gbbr worked I played against aeg players with only 3 mags with no problems. You just have to adjust your playing style and pick your shots rather than sitting back and dumping rounds at anything that moves Those were the days
    1 point
  42. Yup. HPA does get unfairly maligned as the issue, when it's the user that's at fault. I have one hpa gun I run (which is lovely but it's convinced me I'm not into hpa, I just don't like the line and tank at all), and I can see that it would be theoretically easy to tamper even when tagged.
    1 point
  43. ...another epic build by the Q.. the AK105 was amazing
    1 point
  44. That's my pet hate too, I hate it when I've got someone screaming in my face "COME ON PUSH UP, GET MOVING, MAKE SOME EFFORT YOU USELESS TUB OF LARD" I hate Saturday nights with the missus😭
    1 point
  45. Think the gaol at Oakham does a pistol and shotgun night game and they allow gbbrs to them (confirm before attending!). I honestly haven't really felt out gunned with a gbbrs vs aeg players, maybe it's the site I attend. If you can't score a hit with 30 bbs you should probably move. I would love a gbbr and support weapon (actual support weapons, not an mp5 with a box mag) only event, ideally a 24+ hour event. Did a filmsim descent game that was an honor based 30 round cap and support weapons then became hugely important as did squads working together I haven't been involved in a forum based skirmish, I think we are probably all quite spread out, logistics would be a pain.
    1 point
  46. Heh, I've just had two coppers move in to the downstairs flat (we have to go down stairs over their back garden to get to ours) and one of them clocked my boy with his mp5 and went "ooh an mp5. Like it!" I think they're cool with it as the front door is still on its hinges and in not full of holes...
    1 point
  47. It looks good but how can you see out of those goggles? 😉
    1 point
  48. My first loadout! Only skirmished twice in my own kit so far, but I don't have any complaints (touch wood) Tried to build it without breaking the bank. Most of it is bargain basement stuff. Only things I really splashed on a bit was the goggles (Valken Thermal Goggles) which are honestly immense and don't fog up at all, even on Saturday when it was a warm day. Carrier is 8fields I think, lid is an amazon special, pants are Viper (I did originally have some amazon specials too but they were shite and broke on first use). Any suggestions on things I could add? My plate carrier seems to look a little bare so I'll probably look to add a few little extra bits there, and I defo need a battle belt of some sort down the line as the thing I'm using right now is just a plain old clothes belt. Still I'm pretty happy with it for my first loadout I can't lie!
    1 point
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