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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/22 in all areas

  1. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    I don't think he will. I hear getting rid of 3 year olds is difficult.
    8 points
  2. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    To be fair, there are a couple of members on here that do seem to ready to argue black is white at the drop of a hat, they quickly get tedious, do what I do & block them, that way you won't see their inane huffing & puffing lol
    6 points
  3. Rogerborg

    Gun picture thread

    Are you new to the internets? Just folk fronting and maxing, chilling with the toys we've spent all day waxing. It'll all be hugs and reacharounds in the safe zone.
    5 points
  4. Shamal

    Gun picture thread

    I think it's great that your kid painted it for you. Don't ever get rid of it.👍 Regards
    4 points
  5. Good job he had a whole field to aim at, anything smaller & he'd have probably missed it 😂
    4 points
  6. To be fair a sad back story does warrant a wee bit of leniency but not a lot of baring on wether something gets a negative critique or not when it’s posted up in the public domain . it’s like when you get someone on a tv no talent show and they truck out a sad story of how they grew up on their own living in a discarded biscuit tin because their father ran away with the next doors neighbours granny , their mother died of the mange and the ambulance taking her to hospital ran over the dog as it pulled away ! But soon as they open their mouth they sound like someone strangling a cat 😖 really sad story but don’t change the fact they can’t sing does it ?
    4 points
  7. Scientists in Texas have discovered the leading cause of dry skin. They're called towels.
    4 points
  8. The hissy fits and drama along with macks are the reason I keep checking in here. regarding this thread I now only have two aeg’s left, the least I have ever owned since starting this money pit of a hobby
    3 points
  9. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Just had a policeman come to our door, saying he was looking for a man with one eye. I tried to be helpful and do my my bit for the community, by suggesting he used both eyes, as he might find him a lot quicker.
    3 points
  10. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    You must take in to consideration theirs a good few older players on here who grew up in the “sticks’n’stones may break my bones etc etc” era so the concept of ‘passive aggressive’ or god forbid the ultimate transgression off ‘OFFENDING SOMEONE !’ Is just a load of bollox to us lot and our outlook has always been “just grow a set and move on” talk on the internet has no value , if you don’t like what someone says ? Ignore them and move on . End of the day it’s like @Tacklesaid just block the ones you don’t like and if someone’s not happy with the way a thread is going leave it and comeback in a couple of days when the next ‘in-depth heated discussion’ occurs ? 😉
    3 points
  11. Fully trained by watching every Kicking Mustang video out there, I'm sure. Nice is a bonus, but the main attribute required is the confidence to take a decision to kick a player, or a group, back to the safe zone, or clean off site, and to back it up. The majority of players don't need marshalling. If marshals can't deal with the exception, what's the point of them?
    3 points
  12. frontsight

    Gun picture thread

    You're telling me I read the situation wrong? How dare you. I have exceptional situational awareness and that never happens
    3 points
  13. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Buy a CQBR and a URGI rail system, done.
    3 points
  14. Kid Glock there? No, I was barely aware of his existence, and now he's on the "shush" list. Lucky guess, I guess. Truth to tell, I actually agree. I run irons (or foam) on sniper sidearms and for LARPing, but reticules all the way if I actually want to hit something. Even in CQB I run a cheap reflex on my MP5K. Just not... this cheap. I saw those come up on "cheapest first" (it's a cultural imperative) and was wondering if they really were what they looked like: a cross painted on a bit of perspex. I do like that they've gone to the bother of faking a battery compartment and laser tail end on it. It occurs that you could make something exactly as useful from a sight protector and a felt tip pen.
    3 points
  15. I had a great day at Worthing, though for non-standard reasons. I didn't play too much, only playing in the afternoon. Worthing is a woodland site, but it's very much woodland CQB at this time of year and there aren't many places for me to use the VSR with that 30m MED, so I picked a position and covered a flank. The rest of the team managed to get most of the objectives back to our base so all we had to do was defend and stop the other team stealing them, so I was sure that someone would be sneaky and flank around where I was covering... but nobody did. I had the prime sniper experience of sitting completely still in an uncomfortable position for hours without seeing a single target The reason it was good is that it was a morning of testing for me. I had to set the VSR as the hop rubber had torn a few weeks ago and I'd put a new 85 degree silicone Maple Leaf autobot rubber in it so I had to make sure the hop was set and the scope was zeroed, but the main point was that I also brought the m21 and my spring VSR with me, my two 1.1J sniper rifles, and decided to test what the heaviest BB they'll hop was. Turns out that they both love .4s! The spring VSR gained a little more consistency but no more range, which is still worth it to me as consistency is king for sniping, but the m21 gained a lot more consistency and an extra 5m effective range, slinging accurately to 65m. I can hit around 70m with angled shots, but much further and the BB just doesn't have the energy. I was trying to get angled shots on the 75m target, but I could see the BBs just grinding to a halt shortly after 70m no matter what I tried. No matter, 65m effective range with no MED will suit me just fine. The VSR was doing it's usual 75m effective, 85m relatively effective (have to angle shots, but can reliably do so), but my friend told me to stand by the 100m target as he thought he was hitting it when I gave him my VSR to shoot. He wasn't, as I was standing about 2m to the side of it and they're metal so they make a nice dink when hit, but it was cloooooose. The BBs were landing between 90 - 95m. Could I push for 100m? Maybe, but there's no point thinking about it as I never have to take shots at that range and prefer to take accurate shots. If they're that far away, I'll just sit in my ghillie and wait for them to get a bit closer However, it has shown me that it is time to put the VSR back in stasis, as Worthing is just not practical for sniper rifles any more (well, not entirely as I'll still take it to a Vietnam game next month as Gunman Eversley is far more open than Worthing). It's definitely now the season for the m21 and MWS as the two guns I'll bring with me each week!
    3 points
  16. Well, we did it. Spent the day running around like nutters and shooting people 😂 I'm knackered but what a laugh. Honey badger needs a bit more oomph and I'd get more kills throwing my pistol at people rather than actually shooting it at them.🤣🤣 Game, as they say ON. 😎👍
    3 points
  17. What’s ya poison ? 😉
    2 points
  18. Skullchewer

    Gun picture thread

    First one in hell gets the round in.
    2 points
  19. I'll save you a seat when I get there That's why I can't tell jokes in the USA. My sense of humour is so dark the police would shoot it on sight
    2 points
  20. That'll cost you extra though Unless you're mates with the McCann family
    2 points
  21. Probably your best bet. I'm fairly zen when it comes to Strikeforce. I'm not expecting much other than to get a mad sweat on running around all day and burning through as much ammo as is feasible with gas mags. I pay the speedybois as little attention as possible. They do their thing, I do mine. Gloucester prison is better though. Both sites are close to TGI for post-pew ribs though
    2 points
  22. Davegolf

    Gun picture thread

    Global warming 😂
    2 points
  23. Well, mine is done. Stockless with a crap GB for now but i love it! Also kept the original safety plate, only replaced the swingy part that meshes with the lever and it works a treat.
    2 points
  24. Thanks for all your input, it is helpful. I’m going to read old posts to try and learn as much as I can.
    2 points
  25. alxndrhll

    Gun picture thread

    With it being an MWS I dare say it safer as is, given that it won’t go into safe unless it’s cocked… as I imagine you know. But I’m now lost in some weird internet argument giving actual reasoning for something, so more the fool me I guess.
    2 points
  26. frontsight

    Gun picture thread

    Getting good 1911 grips in the UK seems near impossible to be honest. Even more so for non-government sized models. I've seen some officer sizes for sale on Brownells (example), and I'm also currently working with Navidrex (homepage - US based; supplies grips to Brownells UK) on a set of custom made-to-order wood grips. Its around $20 for a custom set of hand checkered grips so pretty affordable. Shipping costs more than the grips though.. Fingers crossed that UPS doesn't muck up the shipping but otherwise Navidrex was really good with accommodating custom options so check them out. This is a standard Navidrex set sold on Brownells (colour is a bit darker with ~10 coats of tung oil). I'm pretty sure they can make something like this in officer size from scratch.
    2 points
  27. Lozart

    Light/torch mounting.

    As a right handed shooter, I've always mounted my light on the right hand side of my guns. This is mostly because of thing I read about how your opponent will usually aim AT the light pointing at them so if it's outboard of your body then they're less likely to hit you. Seems to work so I stick with it.
    2 points
  28. It never does, because the people doing it don't give a stuff. Either sort it out on the field, or don't waste everyone's time by hectoring the decent players. See above about ejecting the reprobates, any my re-affirmed belief that the skillset for marshalling is pretty much a 1:1 match with bouncers.
    2 points
  29. Rogerborg

    Light/torch mounting.

    "This is quite possibly the most German thing ever created".
    2 points
  30. Interesting note in this article about a potential CO2 version of these Enfields from Ares.
    2 points
  31. ADF jellybean goodness. Battle Lakes last month.
    2 points
  32. EDcase

    New Player Northants

    Welcome mate. Adding to the above: I use CYMA, JG and Specna Arms and all have been reliable and playable from the box. If you just want one toy you can afford something more up-market though. Some people on the forum have good opinions of G&G but personally I think they're a bit pricy for what they offer. Can't really advise on more expensive options so more reading and review watching needed. I prefer to have a couple of (cheaper) play style options on a game day like an MP5 for sneaking attacks or a longer M4 for longer range work. (Having multiple weapons on a game day has also come in handy when a friends or my other main stopped working) Decide on the look you want, find what companies sell it and then check reviews of each option. Video reviews are good if you watch plenty to get different opinions and then ask on the forum for specifics. The thing to remember is you can spend a LOT of money to get a few extra feet of range when you could just sneak a bit closer and pick people off with better tactics and movement. Best advise is not to take it too seriously. Winning a game is less important than having a good firefight 😁 ...and call your hits. Its just a short walk to respawn and offers you a different approach to the target.
    2 points
  33. Sorry I missed you guys today, had something come up. Intriguing to know what got the guy kicked off, they seem very on the ball at Reforger, which is great.
    2 points
  34. Rogerborg

    Glass BBs?!

    He really is a prize pumpkin. The legislation is surprisingly clear on this. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/57A (2)An “airsoft gun” is a barrelled weapon of any description which— (a) is designed to discharge only a small plastic missile (whether or not it is also capable of discharging any other kind of missile), and (b) is not capable of discharging a missile (of any kind) with kinetic energy at the muzzle of the weapon that exceeds the permitted level. Shooting glass, or steel, or lead, or depleted uranium from your airsoft toy doesn't automatically turn it into a firearm - what matters is that it was designed for plastic. Unless it comes out at over 1.3J / 2.5J. That's only likely to be a concern for over-volumed guns shooting heavy ammo. Given the density of glass or fused silica is in the region of 2.2 - 2.8 g/cm3 we're looking at 0.24g - 0.31g for glass, so not a concern given that we're already slinging 0.5g (or more) of "plastic" around the field. That actually concerns me more, in terms of elasticity and impulse.
    2 points
  35. I've formed the impression that there are people who only turn up in order to stand around at respawn pissing and moaning to anyone who will listen about all the CHEETARS that they dumped three mags into. So when I took a gun hit yesterday, I put my helmet on it and held it up above cover to give them something to shoot at and really complain about. Good, I'd like to see it to happen more often. If sites punted the worst player every day, what a hobby this would be.
    2 points
  36. alxndrhll

    THE TM MWS thread

    NGRS Mk18 was early 2019, MWS Mk18 was late 2020. But as you say, whether there is anything to be gleamed from that is unlikely. As Dave says, the bulk of the look is the rail. If you’re after the shorter variant the 9.3” from/by HAO is the one folks will likely recommend (myself included), just be sure to select the MWS barrel nut to make your life as easy as possible. Starting with the CQBR as your build base gives you the barrel length you’re shooting for. After that it’s just completing the look with a replica SF four prong muzzle device, and then throwing whatever ‘tactical gubbins’ you want on the rail.
    1 point
  37. Wavey_Gravey

    Gun picture thread

    As you have an MWS too, you should know that you’ll need to cock it to be put into safe. Drop the hammer and leave it stowed in semi 👍🏻
    1 point
  38. Speedbird_666

    Glass BBs?!

    No clue. But the balls were mangling metal bread bins (normally used as a target holder and BB catcher for the guys that shoot 4.5mm pistols) with relative ease. I would say that higher-end goggles with a proper safety rating and decent retention (i.e. a strap around the head) would fair ok, but cheapo eyepro glasses that some insist on wearing would be blasted clean off someone's face. A shot to the mouth would definitely require a trip to the dentist. And the revolvers - well, they lend themselves to 'custom' projectiles being cylinder-based. A guy on the range made some nasty looking rounds using chopped up hot glue stick (which fit the cylinder perfectly) as wadding and various sharp bits of pointy metal set into them. Whilst I doubt that said person would ever point his gun at a human (he's a pretty cool dude from chatting with him), I'm sure some other idiot would have a similar ideas.
    1 point
  39. Rogerborg

    Glass BBs?!

    I would argue that, since it's Firearms Act 1968 that's being amended, and (compliant) airsoft guns aren't firearms for the purposes of that Act. This is crucial for us in the Democratic People's Republic of Caledonia, since if airsoft guns were to be considered "air weapons", then we'd need to be loicensed to possess them. Dibble can recommend anything he likes, but 24ZA doesn't prescribe any particular form of storage. The offence is "fail[s] to take reasonable precautions to prevent any person under the age of eighteen from having the weapon with him". And in context, this isn't a hypothetical "could" situation, since it goes on to list exceptions that apply to specific minors. So even if "air weapon" covered airsoft (and it doesn't), it's only an offence if a minor does get their greasy unsupervised paws on it. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/24ZA
    1 point
  40. I could imagine that the CO2 conversion is just a canister in the bolt style or something like the wolverine bolt although i'd happily be wrong. still be interested to see what the performance is like stock though... although at that price i'm waiting till they're actually in country before i order.
    1 point
  41. With a raised optic, 12 o'clock works well for me. Even with a suppressor you only really block the ground you can't see through the gun anyway. Plus if you have a torch with a brighter spot in the middle it doubles as a crude laser, makes it a bit easier to snapshot at close range.
    1 point
  42. Cool, thanks for your input, the BCM grip has now changed, wasn’t as tacticool as your FAB one so I felt like I should try and keep up. Enjoy your day, bone daddy.
    1 point
  43. AirSniper

    Glass BBs?!

    The projectile does... That is the distinction, go above the legal limit, it is treated as a firearm, it is also treated as a fire arm in public. yuet it still remains an item that is for its INTENDED PURPOSE not treated as a firearm until you do something stupid that then makes it illegal. Even my local police recommend that I store my guns as in my real guns and RIF's in a gun safe.
    1 point
  44. If the gun is standard you may get higher fps by improving the airseal or fitting a tighter bored barrel.
    1 point
  45. It's certainly not the worst take on Rhodesian baby poop I've ever seen.
    1 point
  46. This’ll be me done spamming the thread for now. Found a repro RC can while looking for something else so got that sprayed up as well (and modded a tracer to pop in there). Then looked at the MWS propped up against the wall and had a sudden ‘I guess I like what I like’ moment. Reject modernity, embrace tradition. Embrace both.
    1 point
  47. Cannonfodder

    Glass BBs?!

    Care to back that up up with evidence? Just like any other convictions It appears your knowledge of the law is almost as bad as your knowledge of physics
    1 point

    Gun picture thread

    And the best porn is the stuff that makes you feel uncomfortable afterwards.... that MP5 certainly does the trick lol 👍
    1 point
  49. blobface

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Work in progress SD, not the most authentic but will do the job, makes fitting batteries in easier the handguard is held on by a 3D printed cap which is then pressed against by the printed suppressor. Underneath it all is still the original gun with the tri-lug and the adapter it comes with, with an Acetech Blaster M module in front of it. Will have the suppressor made in metal in the future.
    1 point
  50. Call me an old dinosaur 🦕 if you like, but what about iron sights, pretty sure they still put them on most rifles for a reason ? 🤔
    1 point
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