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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/04/22 in all areas

  1. Normally I use a mids with a high cap for those shtf moments. As others have posted, the "battle maraca" reputation of high caps is often exaggerated and is only really apparent if you're bouncing around like a gazelle
    4 points
  2. Alright, *now* my MTW is externally done. Still need to tune it properly and add some “softening material” to the front for it to be 100% inside, but I’m really loving how it’s turned out, as long as I ignore the cost haha.
    4 points
  3. Big iron day well , big heavyweight abs day 😛
    4 points
  4. there's a difference between doing things that are required for day to day life, like driving to work, cooking, and keeping yourself warm and spending money on frivolous luxuries that you can absolutely go without. we should be incredibly grateful that the cost of this war for us in the uk is being charged in pounds sterling and not blood. individually maybe not, the point is when done collectively all the little slices of fuck all add up to make something of substance. every Russian factory/shop that shuts down due to lack of sales is a crowd of disgruntled workers who won't be fans of how Putin's government has messed up their lives.
    4 points
  5. Exactly, just like the covid 'heroes'... its only me it wont make a difference... yes but theres millions of 'me' Not saying the individual Russian airsoft store should be the one at loss from all this, but its all these little losses that may add upto a change for the better.
    2 points
  6. Looks like a perfect starter set up to me 👍 As above another mag or two for your primary gun will come in handy, and good ankle support is essential (some sites won't even let you on without it, reading between the lines they've seen too many people with twisted and sprained ankles). What will happen is that after a game or two you'll figure out what works for you and what doesn't, so don't sweat about buying more kit until then.
    2 points
  7. If you're havin fun you're doin it right 😁👍
    2 points
  8. Marketing =/= engineering
    2 points
  9. While it is important to support the "Current Thing". Until everyone stops buying oil and gas from Russia. Me abstaining from spending £40 with a small independent airsofter is not going to make fuck all difference. I truly hope you have not driven, heated or cooked anything since this War started. Otherwise you're just virtue signalling. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/uk-russia-oil-ukraine-war-greenpeace-b2066346.html#:~:text=The UK has imported around,at the end of February.
    2 points
  10. I went to a wake today. I've been to several now; but none of them have worked.
    2 points
  11. Funny that people don't feel the same way about sending money to American or Chinese companies whenever their respective governments gun down a minibus full of kids, assassinate some journalists or harvest organs from prisoners. Nor for that matter did anyone seem to be all that bothered about buying Russian kit in the aftermath of Georgia and Chechnya. We've had a hand in demolishing a few countries ourselves in the last few decades. Let's not get carried away with framing this as a moral choice, or implying some kind of treason or direct contribution to whatever misery the Russian government is inflicting at this moment. If people want to draw a line with where they spend their own money then fair enough - personally I don't buy anything from Amazon, but I'm not going to judge people who do. On a practical level you'd have to be nuts to try and mail order Russian replica firearms parts at the moment. But it sounds like some people are a few newspaper headlines away from burning their cyma ak74s at the moment and it's all a bit silly and hypocritical imo.
    2 points
  12. Druid799

    High caps or mid caps

    Same for me as everyone else really , I do prefer using mids for a couple of reasons , 1 the lack of winding , 2 I enjoy having to do mag changes and the little adrenaline rush(or butthole puckering) you get when your down to your last mag and there’s no obvious let up to the gun fight your involved in ! 😰 but I also always carry a ‘Hail Mary’ hi-cap with me for the “oh shit this is going to end badly !” Moments you invariably get ! But saying all that at the end of the day when I’m absolutely bollox’ed but still want to keep playing or the weathers just too hot for full load out I’m more than happy to head out with just a gun and couple of hi-caps stuck in the pockets of my combats and bog all else .👍
    1 point

    Gun picture thread

    Perfect for GBBR's too. 👍
    1 point
  14. Wavey_Gravey

    TM MWS

    Im sure others will let you know but I would say with the bolt probably the high £300’s, without maybe closer to the lower £300’s. Only because it’s had the marui magic removed and unknown rail. You may be better off splitting it up, I know some people would snap your hand off for a extra lower, some for an upper etc.
    1 point
  15. Well I gave up building houses a few months ago and got myself a wood lathe. I've been turning small religious figures. I enjoy it but just cant seem to turn a prophet 😉
    1 point
  16. I'm with the "No Russian" crowd, but if it helps settle the drama any I've got a spare Bullgear 249 hop I can sort you out with.
    1 point
  17. Tippmann's chug along rather being the high-RoF-overkill-machines some of the other HPAs are... I'm ok with that given the extra immersion of the recoil, but it's personal preference really.
    1 point
  18. Tackle

    High caps or mid caps

    Wot he said👆, if your moving fast enough to rattle a hi cap enough for players to hear, their just as likely to see you, irrespective of how good your camo is, the eye will always pick up that kinda movement, unless your Elmer Fudd 🤓 PS, loading your hi caps properly, ie feed tube full & mag full will stop the mags on your rig from making a sound, then all you've got to worry about is the mag in your gun, which shouldn't be hard enough to keep steady & silent ?
    1 point
  19. Welcome. You look like your taking a pretty sensible approach. I use one of these mesh masks and personally I think it's great. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07953M6Z6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_dl_5YXMAX5TEEC47GCHD7DX Has flexible cheeks so cheek welding and looking down optics is no issue and also has ear protection. As you imagined in your earlier post. It is no fun taking one to the ear so these are great and will work with most standard goggles or glasses. I'm using it with a valken goggle, cant remember which one now but they are fairly chunky and marry up with the mesh lovely.
    1 point
  20. Asomodai

    High caps or mid caps

    I guess I could consider myself a veteran now after 5 years of playing... I still prefer using HiCaps. Yes they rattle, but you are usually making just as much noise just by running around then the rattling of the high caps. When sneaking I have never had a problem with High Caps rattling to the point it gave away my position. High Caps means having to carry less mags which is always a bonus.
    1 point
  21. there is that too.... although that kinda comes with the territory of real wood stocks i think. actually for an Ares that is definitely a gamble at that price.
    1 point
  22. They look cool but I could not get on with one at all, found it incredibly uncomfortable and ditched it halfway through my first game day. YMMV of course! But I'd recommend not spending a fortune on a drop leg set up (or anything else) until you're sure it's for you.
    1 point
  23. Groot

    High caps or mid caps

    Both have a place and depends on your play style Midcaps run anything from 100 to 170ish rounds. So theres quite a difference in what you get I recently start running and AK. Of the 7 mags i have, 1 is a 400 rounds high and my word did i miss the fun early days when i ran 8 M4 300 round hicaps and a 9.6 3300 battery. BRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPP! So much so I bought an LMG
    1 point
  24. RostokMcSpoons

    Honey badger

    Well that's half the battle right there, isn't it I think the AM014 was the first of the 'new and improved' airsoft guns I'd seen, after my initial shopping for TM / Classic Army guns, and I was mightily impressed with the polymer body's build quality (compared to the somewhat flimsier feeling construction of the TM AK). It was a cool gun. Glad it's been reliable for you
    1 point
  25. I believe all scav slots are filled, though Luke did say if there was enough interest they may open up more.
    1 point
  26. My other suggestions (based on the picture, so if you have it already done these things, you can ignore me 😃) would be to get a few more mags for the AEG or get a high cap one that you can quickly refill in a game, I normally go through my two mid caps and resort to using my high cap (as you can normally just tip your bbs in them quickly). It can be a bit of a ballache to reload your midcaps in the middle of a game with the type of speedloader you are showing. I highly recommend footware with ankle support so you dont break a bone when you foot goes down a ditch or rabbit hole. 😂 You might find that mask fogs up too, so try and pre-treat it prior to the game with some cat crap (yes, a real thing haha) or some anti-fog solution/wipes, you'll find plenty of opinions on glasses, goggles, masks and anti-fog solutions on here. Ultimately though, as @EDcase says, if you are having fun, you are doing it right, so welcome to the world of airsoft, hope you enjoy it!
    1 point
  27. It's ironic how, given the Orion sales spiel, what an absolutely shite reputation it has for being poorly manufactured and prone to failure (This quote isn't directly from Specna, but no doubt gifted to a review site by their marketing team) "ORION gearbox is based on a reinforced frame and equipped with the function of the main spring release. The gearbox has arrays of high-grade parts right out of the box, which makes it characteristic for its reliability and preparedness for further tuning. ORION gearbox is ready for cooperation with M140 springs"
    1 point
  28. Quick update, used the TAC41 for one game at the weekend, Chrono'd at ~350 on a 0.4g BB with the 100N spring fitted. Was good to mix it up, two games of full auto fun, then decided to give the sniper a go. I played at the front with the rest of the team, got quite a few kills, accuracy was great and having that bit extra range was handy. I also had some sniper vs sniper battles, like a game within a game, which was fun. As a sniper, I seemed to attract team mates trying to point people out to me (manly kids), assume this is a normal thing? So overall, pleased with the purchase and look forward to using it for the odd game on outdoor days
    1 point
  29. Looks a little less goofy and mounts much better now as a single-piece clamping design: Just waiting on a delivery of black filament today so I can print the final version.
    1 point

    High caps or mid caps

    That's a good point. Generally if using my LCT ak I run mids, but I also have one hicap on me for a "holy shit it's the whole team and I'm about to get charged" moment.
    1 point
  31. So, once again nobody has seen the shady link (in funny image language) in the OP's post... Fuck me you're blind lol
    1 point
  32. Tackle

    High caps or mid caps

    "Takes one to fucking know one" cheeky old fartknocker🧙‍♂️
    1 point
  33. Personally I've found I automatically play differently depending on how much ammo I carry. Certainly in the early days when I'd have a couple of 300 round maracas, I'd use weight of fire a lot. Moving to mid caps meant I had to put a some thought into ammo conservation, and the issue of timing reloads came into play. For about the last 9 years I've used mostly GBBR's and whilst it's a huge disadvantage in terms of ammo capacity, I find it much more satisfying. Having <40 rounds per mag makes me much more careful with my trigger finger. End of the day, running high, mid or even low caps are great fun in different ways. We can all give our opinions, but you'll find what works best for you and then down the line you'll change your mind.
    1 point
  34. I received a gorka from Russia a couple of weeks back. It was listed as UK stock. I ordered gear from Moscow in January and have had to raise a paypal claim as the seller reckons that the invasion in the last week of February has stopped it arriving. Bollox as it was supposed to be posted on the 16/01/22, five weeks earlier. The parcel was stopped in Kiev. So a bit of a lottery in my recent experience. As @Floperatorsays, if you try and avoid any state that occupies other states, you best make sure not to fill up any with Saudi petrol, or buy Turkish electronics, Moroccan herbs etc etc. Probably best to get an allotment too tbh...
    1 point
  35. That what I use on my JG G36. Like a fair bit of airsoft precision engineering, it needed a file waved at it to get it to fit, and to take mags, but once everything was neatened up, it works fine. I've not had any feeding issues from any M4 mid or hi-caps, and it actually feeds better than the G36 mid caps that I was using.
    1 point
  36. Wot? You mean there is a single shot switch??? 😉
    1 point
  37. @Druid799 🤣 It's not quite as bad as that...I've refined the design a fair bit so it doesn't look so - blocky. I've added a few Unity mount style cuts and changed to a single piece design.
    1 point
  38. have to say i agree here. at the risk of opening a can of worms I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be continuing to buy stuff from Russia given current events. I might like their kit on a technical level, but I don't want any part in supporting the present actions of their government, no matter how indirectly.
    1 point
  39. As long as the wiring reaches the correct terminal and the doesn't foul the way the motor sits against the gears and box then you'll be fine.
    1 point
  40. JamesWills

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Did the unthinkable and opened up my MP5 and let the Japanese pixie dust out changed the bucking to a nineball purple rubber and also chucked in an eagle6 M100 managed to find a YouTube video of some Japanese guy taking the gun apart and it wasn’t too bad, struggled with removing the fire selector until I realised you have to pull the trigger as you pull it out
    1 point
  41. Lozart

    Stuck Barrel Nut

    Ant supplies have them for relatively cheap https://www.ant-supplies.uk/maintenance-and-care/cleaning-equipment/rifle-bench-vice-blocks.html
    1 point
  42. Interesting research but the sample size is too small to be useful given the range of motors available. Which motors were used?
    1 point
  43. Nicely done. It does speak to why you have your holster where you do though, always worth bearing in mind that game designers don't always place things because that's where they should be, so much as it's where it's easiest to put it for animating. As far as how you site your holster, it's a lot of personal preference but also a lot to do with ergonomics. If it's too far down your leg to draw without having to bend down/over then it's too far down. If it's moving about on your leg then it's too loose. In general drop leg holsters came about because people needed to draw around body armour and dropping the holster down gives you the clearance to do that. I'd highly recommend the Fobus EMC series (had one for ages for my HK45) but the draw does take a bit of getting used to and it would be nigh on impossible that far down your leg. I'd personally say that either a mid or low ride belt loop (safariland knock offs are easy to find and cheap) with a single leg strap nestled snugly in your crotch will make for a far easier life!
    1 point
  44. Early 50s, extra lockdown padding, unfit, screwed knees, wonky ribs, multi directional spine, cracked skull, only occasionally smoked socially decades ago (and others would benefit from the free leftovers of the pack at evening end) Shooting people & getting shot is fun and a lot safer then other things I’ve done in life
    1 point
  45. That describes quite a lot of airsofters. As others have posted, play the way that suits you and leave the charging around to those who are fitter/jacked up on monster
    1 point
  46. Size,age,shape have no meaning in airsoft. Well apart from the fact that if you are big and slow you make a better target for me who is also big and slow 🐌 😆😆 Enjoy yourself and have fun 👍 Regards
    1 point
  47. Early 40s medically obese. You can play at what ever pace you want. Till he moved down south there was a regular player that played on crutches on a wood land site.
    1 point
  48. You're already home.
    1 point
  49. @Rogerborg Everything in your answer is very useful, thank you. That chart is perfect, I’ll be keeping that. I’ll definitely ask what gear I need, I don’t have much beyond eye pro just now. One of the problems I think I’ll face is that my whole life it’s been drummed into me to never, ever point a gun at someone. Now I have to point and shoot at someone. 😂 My other concern is I’m in my late 40s, fat, unfit, have bad knees and smoke too much. Oh well, in for a penny. Thanks again for your and everyone else’s advice. I have my answer, I’m happy to close the thread. Cheers Zedward
    1 point
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