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  1. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Latest family reunion Do you ever get the feeling its time for a bigger sofa?
    6 points
  2. Just want to see some of the kaleidoscopic bruises from BB's that some of you guys must surely have. I'll start. Loving the deep burgundy dappling with a greenish edge fading to yellow.
    3 points
  3. I have been summoned! So, I've done a lot of testing around this with my HPA m21 build and it really does come down to what you value more and what power limits you're working with. I will preface this by saying that I value effective range, so that's all the testing I work with. I don't care if you can spray your AEG at a 75m target and maybe hit it with 1 of 10 BBs, I measure if you the gun can consistently hit a man-sized target 9/10 times at a certain range. Some sites operate DMRs at 1.48J, which is utterly pointless in my opinion as you gain barely anything (I didn't notice any visible increase in effective range) but you trade off the ability to point-blank shoot, which can come up more often than you'd think. Some sites operate DMRs at 1.64J, which is a bit more arguable in its use since you do notice a slight difference. I noticed just about 5m more effective range (if that, honestly...) when running my m21 at 1.64J on .4s, however again you're trading off that MED for a, in my opinion, negligible increase in effective range. My local site runs DMRs at 1.64J with a 30m MED which I've looked at and decided I'm never running a DMR there because just about 5m more effective range vs not being able to shoot at anyone within 30m is a no-brainer for me. However, some sites allow DMRs up to 1.88J (which is what it was most places back when we measured in fps) with either a 20m or 30m MED. At this point I feel like you gain enough of a benefit to counteract the drawback, though mostly just in the marksman role, as I noticed I started to hit an effective range of about 10m more than my 1.14J setup while running 1.88J on .4s (I would probably use .43s or maybe experiment with .45s at this power, I just didn't have any). 1.88J with a 20m MED is where I'd run a DMR, otherwise I'm just going to run 1.14J or I'll use a BASR instead at 2.3J. I cannot stress enough how useful having no MED is; it won't come up all the time, but you'll remember every time you get hit out because you've had to swap to your pistol since the enemy are too close. Running a 1.14J "DMR" is a great idea and I've had a lot of success with it, even with my spring TM VSR build which is also a 1.14J build (it's consistently around 1.1J). An effective range of 60m is what I've achieved running my m21 at 1.14J on .32s and it's more than enough; I've been out-ranging the braggarts who claim their AEG hits out to 70m and even contending with a lot of the BASRs people seem to run (a lot of people don't put enough time and effort into their builds...), so I'm happy with it. You can go heavier for a little more consistency, but I go .32s because after that is where ammo gets exponentially more expensive and the benefits I get from heavier BBs at 1.14J isn't worth the investment at the moment. Let me make a few career jumps then we'll talk again Out of the box it... isn't that great. When you're trying to take long range shots, you really start to feel the 0.8J and the fact it can't hop much heavier than a .28 out of the box. I love my TM m14, but I've put a lot of money into it and wanted the TM externals for my HPA m21 build because it was going to be my magnum opus 1.14J build (and oh boy is it ever...). If you want something more affordable and you're not too bothered about a lack of trades / slightly worse quality externals, go with a Cyma m14. I have a Cyma m14 that I've set up as a Vietnam-era m21, though I will convert it to a DMR stock when I can afford one / one is in stock somewhere, and it's fantastic. It will likely come out of the box at around 1J if you order it in the UK (they're higher power out of the factory, but I believe most places reduce the power before selling them because otherwise they're a section 5 firearm out of the box!), but a quick hop rubber and barrel change will have it shooting incredibly well for the price point. My Cyma m14 build has cost me... about £130 in total because I got mine from TG before Brexit, but a Cyma m14 is £150 from Patrol Base, plus Maple Leaf macaron (£10), Omega nub (£5) and a ZCI stainless steel inner barrel (£25) will be a pretty powerful setup for under £200. It's what's in mine and while I haven't run it in a long time it was performing almost as well as my super-expensive TM m21 setup. Almost because it's not as quiet and not quite as consistent, but it's more than enough! Upgrading the gearbox internals of an m14 isn't too difficult either, but it's a laborious process. Dismantling the m14 takes a lot of time and care because there are springy bits all over the gearbox that you have to remove to get inside since the fire-selector and trigger contacts are on the outside of the gearbox. It's easy once you know the gearbox, but the first time will take you hours... You and me both; it's why I'm now transitioning away from AEGs (will use my NGRS 416d until I can get an MWS or more mags for my AKM). HPA for sneakybeaky, GBB for speedyboi clackclackclack. If you wanted to do a GBBR DMR build, I'd recommend the MWS platform on red gas. I haven't done my MWS build yet, but it's something I might toy with the idea if I can get the external parts to turn it into a mk12 SPR. Now, with gas guns you definitely lose consistency, however what you lose in consistency you gain in FUN. Seriously, I took my AKM out for its first game day over the weekend and my decision to start transitioning completely away from AEGs was just solidified in my mind. Every kill was more satisfying because 35rd magazines and cool-guy-oper8r-tac-reloads and firing it was an absolute blast with the recoil. You will get fantastic range on a GBBR if it's set up right and it's far easier to work on than any gearbox AEG, but it won't be the most "competitive" choice. However, that can be a wonderful catalyst for improving your drills and general gameplay performance as you're essentially playing with a handicap that you'll have to make up the gap with your own skills. Anyway, that's enough from me. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
    3 points
  4. since this has been revived, I thought I'd update. AEG is running fine to be honest and the only modification currently is a little cover for the ambi mag release as I have a tendency to knock the release on my chest rig, which is annoying. I designed and 3D printed a cover to stop this happening.
    2 points
  5. I told my friend the other day that I built a model of the Himalayas. He asked "to scale?" I replied "no, just to look at".
    2 points
  6. That's appropriate for that site, it's just a way for people with stuff to donate to find other people who can pass it on. Whether it's a particularly useful site or not will depend on the number of people using it. With genuine respect, if you know a bloke who's accepting stuff, why not tell us who it is? If people can't get their stuff to him via you, they may be able to do it themselves. Every little helps, right?
    2 points
  7. Importing a rif without a defence is an offence under Section 49 (improper importation) Customs Excise Managament Act 1979 as rifs are defined as a prohibited and restricted item by virtue of Section 36 VCRA therefore liable to seizure under Section 139 (General power of seizure) CEMA 1979. The spanner in the works is if you have a valid defence under Section 37 VCRA as granted by the secretary of state (skirmisher) then the above prohibition and rstriction doesnt apply, however the officer 99.9% of the time wont know this part of the legislation. When goods are seized a BOR156/BOR162 should be issued which is a warning letter and a receipt for goods or a General Notice Of Seizure will be issued together with a notice 1a and Notice 12. The Notice 12 explains the right of appeal and gives a template of the letter that can be sent to Borderforce to appeal the seizure. Everyone has a right of appeal even when they are blatantly breaking the rules and it progresses to what is called a condemnation hearing at a magistrates court where a magistrate decides on the balance of probability if the seizure was right. If Borderforce are ruled as being wrong then the goods (or value) are returned or the goods are condemned and the importer pays legal costs. If i was to send a rif through the border i would accompany it with relevant evidence of my defence and a copy of the legislation to back me up or include it all in the box if i was to have it sent unaccompanied. But as i said most officers dont know the intricacies of airsofting/VCRA and dont see firearms in any form except on telly so will assume everything is a real firearm so default to seizure. If anyone has any specific questions let me know
    2 points
  8. Are you bagging on Army Armament mock-Glocks from personal experience? My AA R17 has been fine for maybe 1,000 rounds, using its own mag or WE mags. If that doesn't sound like much, I'd suggest counting how many pistol shots you actually go through in a day. Paying TM or even WE prices for a woodland hip-hanger has never made sense to me, and my R17 has been fine as a CQB primary. If and when it fails, I'm minded to just buy another (and end up with loads of spares) than sink money into it or pay more for another brand which might fail out of the box.
    2 points
  9. Druid799

    Kit for the Ukraine .

    Ok people the topic of donating kit to the Ukraine has been up and down like a nuns knickers in the Vatican so I’ve been looking in to it and I will be getting it done . Basically I’ve got an old mate who sells army surplus kit so obviously he’s been shifting an awful lot of his inventory in that direction and has the connections to actually get it their AND to the right people and is more than happy to pass it on for free if people want or the other idea we had was he sells the kit and the money (100%) will go to Ukrainian aid charities . Their absolutely desperate for anything that can hold armor and mags(he said their making their own armor in country) , helmets , tac vests basically load carrying kit , any pouches need to be able to take AK mags(he said M4 pouches aren’t much use as the ones that need the kit are being issued near 100% AK’s only) so either actual AK mag pouches or big utility pouches/dump pouches and the like , color wise the kit needs to be OG/DPM/OD or desert pattern . what I’m looking to do is some time in the next wk gather up what I can to get to him and then drive to his warehouse just outside Bristol to give him what I’ve collected . I’ll be driving up the M4 from Swansea so can stop off at the services to meet and collect and I’m also willing to go up the M5 as far as Gloucester’ish to collect from their as well before heading back down to Bristol . Going to be a few days before I set a date (only started organizing an hr ago!) but from what Mike said they are absolutely desperate for plate carriers real helmets etc etc . Cheers Druid .
    2 points
  10. Yeah for us is more like: We are 4 people and there is one defender, once he fires he might hit the first but the other 3 need to literally bukkake him in plastic. Defense knows where we are, so being sneaky doesn't work anymore and we need to get the overmatch.. Unfortunately people still think BBs are evil and must be avoided at all costs
    2 points
  11. I see this way too much. Come around a corner and someone has the angle on you and you pull up your gun thinking they will beat you to it, and they duck. Well guess what now you have the advantage as you keep your sights on their position and take them out the instant the pop back up. Tactics 101 know when you have the advantage and keep it.
    2 points
  12. My usual site is £25 or & 20 for site members, which is a fair price imo. For woodland sites I'd probably go as far as £30, but it would have to have decent facilities or something special to justify the extra cost. For urban sites I'd be happy to pay a bit more as running costs are generally higher. I also take travel costs into account as I don't drive and public transport gets expensive, for example the couple of times I played at Echilon in Gravesend it cost me more to get there on the train than the green fees
    2 points
  13. Yup, I mostly post two things in my thread: Really good/fun games, or shit days where everything goes wrong. The "Joe average" days where nothing particularly fun/good/bad/whatever happens I usually don't write about. Also I am pretty sure you guys have these issues as well, but since it's the site owner's responsibility to kick idiots out and not yours (as paying customers), you probably don't even notice it, I think it's also due to the large numbers of people you have on site. We're a small community so everything feels amplified, I'm pretty confident that if I had, say, 100 people in my club I wouldn't post that much about kicking cunts off because it would be "normal administration"
    2 points
  14. I think we all accept that airsoft is an expensive hobby, but then again, most hobbies that people commit to are. I have friends that are into various hobbies; fishing, golf, cycling etc and all spend an equal if not greater amount on their chosen activity than I do on airsoft. To answer the original question, site fees in the £25-30 I think are fairly typical and fair. With various family and work commitments I rarely get the chance to go more than once a month though. Lunch is a nice to have (sometimes!) but not essential, and I tend to buy my consumables in bulk from other retailers rather than the site shops. My regular site, Ground Zero, is huge at approximately 150 acres. Renting that much land in the south of England is not going to be cheap. They recently increased their prices by £2 to £27 for members and £32 for non-members. I still don't think that's too bad, and fully accept that sites, like many other businesses, need to try and recoup the losses caused by Covid.
    2 points
  15. PopRocket123

    Gun picture thread

    That was mesmerising... Ah that's better. No more red. Although I was a little tempted to leave some of it as weathering
    2 points
  16. Any 1911 fans out there? Here's the latest build that I tried. It won't be replacing my glock for skirmishes anytime soon, but a cool build nonetheless.. Did you know people do bowling with 1911's? Apparently it's called "pin shooting" and there are specific styles of 1911's catered to that. Here's the post that inspired this build -> https://www.thearmorylife.com/bowling-with-a-pistol-a-guide-to-pin-shooting/ Wanted to get a short compensator like the real-steel examples in the article, but couldn't find any similar so I went with a 45" muzzle chamfer instead. With the looser tolerances of airsoft it doesn't look as blended to the bushing as RS, but I think I like it. I had to learn the hard way that stainless takes a lot longer than you think to grind out using hand tools...😅 In certain angles it makes the bore of the outer barrel look bigger than it actually is some real-steel examples that I referenced:
    2 points
  17. Stevobeavo

    Double eagle UTR 45

    So I managed to put a few rounds through the gun at work today. It uses the same gearbox as all the other DE guns with the falcon system. At about 10/15m I was getting a grouping of around 2" or so (using valken .20g outside. I then shot at sign about 30/35m maybe which was about a foot square and after adjusting for wind I was hitting it pretty consistent. The gun feels very solid. No creeks anywhere. The only part that has a bit of movement is the stock when extended half way or more but even then it's not that much. I thought I'd highlight a few bits that might be useful and nice touches. First up is the battery compartment. It's pretty airy in there, especially if your a fellow 904G owner. as you can see plenty of room for larger sticks or crane batteries.b The stock has 6 extendable positions plus a couple for the cheek rest. It has a nice rubber pad at the end. A little detail that I thought was nice was a window to show what position the stock was in. The charging handle is ambidextrous and can be swapped over easily. You pull the charging handle back along 2 sprung loaded stainless steel tubes too access the hope unit. Hop now exposed through the large ejection window. This stays open until you press the catch and it snaps shut. Next is the grip. Feels good in the hand. Has a nice rubber texture on it. Definitely more comfortable than my 904G and H. Lastly one slight downside. The stock when folded doesn't click into anything to make it stay fully closed to the rifles body. There's a bit of free play before force is needed to fold it back to lock it out. Easily solved with a bit of velcro, or something. This is the amount 'free play' Hope that helps someone.
    1 point
  18. (The scope is the replacement flashlight) Ill get some better photos soon
    1 point
  19. do you mean this https://3dmixers.com/m/232416-bootleg-m79-a-cyma-grenade-launcher-conversion-kit as CYMA don't make an M79
    1 point
  20. It’s a good few years ago that one , did go to the walk in nhs at the time though just to get it checked out
    1 point
  21. the Nuprol version is the king arms . Nuprol just rebrand other manufactures. I forgot about the breach action on the barrel that is a neat solution. basically unless you are willing to start drilling holes in the thing your options are cable ties or one off expensive mounts. what amount of money/effort are you willing to put into what is nothing but a cosmetic attachment?
    1 point
  22. Viper are ok, own a set myself..great for summer in the heat. I also have a pair of Lowa Zephyr GTX mids which are fantastic and comfy. I also own a pair of German special forces combat boots that I picked up from my local surplus store....I can wade through a knee deep stream at my local site x3 times before they let water in through the socks..as I have retired my old Altberg boots as the treads are too worn. (Used for colder months) Just go to your local surplus and have a looksee...sometimes you can find a bargain on hardly used boots.
    1 point
  23. Hi Well I'm gonna get some flak but for my money viper multicam boots are an excellent choice. Around about the £80-£90 pricetag I've used them for years. They are comfortable and very hard-wearing and yes water resistant. Grip is excellent.I have a pair for game days and also a pair for casual.i wear them all day and no sweating or foot fatigue at all. Regards
    1 point
  24. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    My Grandad always said "The first rule of theatre is to always leave them wanting more" Great bloke... Terrible anaesthetist...
    1 point
  25. You learn how in lesson 2 of the underwater knife fighting course
    1 point
  26. Not me, but a mate after deciding to be a juggernaut
    1 point
  27. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Make: Tokyo Marui Gun/Model: Bodyguard 380 Accessories: Extra mag and holster (all boxed) Condition: Brand new in box FPS: Standard Marui Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: no Price/Payment: £110 Paypal fees & Postage included Pictures: yes I'm slowly selling my gun collection. Brand new, never used or skirmished, everything still in boxes. £110 included of Paypal fees & Postage Brand new extra magazine and holster


    Banbury, Oxon - GB

    1 point
  28. djben9

    Kit for the Ukraine .

    Merged topics please keep posts here
    1 point
  29. I think pretty much any non-M4's are inherently cooler, but if I was only allowed one gun to play airsoft with for ever more, it'd be my DE M906C, or something similar to it. It's just ergonomically so good* and compact (including it's relatively low height profile when aiming over the top of obstacles, or when crawling), it's all-round great. So I can't really argue against having a collection of them. * I wish the fire selector was a 90deg version, and a little more positive.
    1 point

    Gun picture thread

    Oh don't get me wrong, I've bought dozens of Rifs over the years, I just don't collect them. I'll get something new and sell the old one. Most I've had at any one time (nit including pistols) is maybe 4. That being said, I'm sorely tempted to get an M41a 😍
    1 point
  31. Rogerborg


    So I've heard, but my B6 stores at 3.8V per cell which is (somewhat surprisingly) just 40% based on https://blog.ampow.com/lipo-voltage-chart/ 70% would be about 3.95V per cell. I have no firm opinion on what's actually best. The most I'd really venture to suggest that storing at anywhere between 3.6V and 4V is probably better than at under or over that range.
    1 point
  32. When I was in the same situation I replaced more than 50% of the external parts of one of my guns (stock, foregrip and grip of a G3) with bright green painted ones, partly disassembled it, and got it posted here. As this is importing, so it's an offence to import a RIF (Group 2 is wrong). Then when I got my defence, I imported all my stuff and changed the green parts back. All nice and legal.
    1 point
  33. So now they buy on your website that just auto buys from ali express instead 🤣 Fair play. Good luck.
    1 point
  34. Forgot to post about the actual game So this Sunday we were 8 on the field, cold, but clear morning. decided to run the kit I'm gonna be using on mid May's 21h event and I'm glad I did because now half the shit is gonna stay home I've reduced the number of mags from 6 to 3 (2+1), won't bring the mayflower rig but the TMR, will ditch the belt and will store the mk23 in my backpack until the night phase, where it will become my primary. I'm also bringing a larger pack, 9 litres might not be enough for water, clothes (waterproof top + fleece) and mk23+mags+gas. as far as the actual game, I had a big oof moment where I was defending and an attacker walked right past me without seeing me, I fired 4 shots with the mk23 and the first two hit the only fucking piece of shit sapling between us, the third zipped past his head and when the 4th was flying, he had already seen me so we traded kills -.- other than that it was a fun day, I enjoy low numbers way more than 20+ players days, I get way more space to move around and make plays and the low numbers (either 10 or 13) are what we have in tournaments, so it's good training in addition to much quicker games and the chance to teach new kids a thing or two.. this Sunday, for example, it was radio comms, when to use it, how to use it and how to set it up in a way where you can't accidentally operate the PTT so everyone can hear how much of a short breathed fuck you are Because literally, last time one guy had his rifle sling pushing on his PTT and all we heard was boars having an orgy. Next Sunday it'll be shooting back when being shot at, cuz I see way too many people duck in cover instead of fighting back lol
    1 point
  35. Argyld

    THE TM MWS thread

    Mine is stiff, but no so stiff that you can't adjust click per click. If I remember correctly, usually when the adjustment was too stiff, then usually something was done wrong during re-assembly. I access the through the magwell, my fingers are just long enough
    1 point
  36. Will-CS

    Caffeine Shopping (UK)

    So if you go to download the pdf application form it asks for it on there. Its not really clear if they 100% want a RFD License or if it just helps. Then the issue of insurance. Just expenses I can't afford right now
    1 point
  37. Cannonfodder


    I wouldn't fully discharge lipos as this fucks up the cells
    1 point
  38. This is good value even as you state it, willing to pay, again, for an experience that was a fair wack of cash! @Groot I recognise that cs price structure, still too soon, but I have heard rumours.... As to what I pay, well I accept that £25/£30 is fair for a days running around. I think it would have to hit £40 walk-on for me to begin questioning those fees - but then I get to go only every quarter or so
    1 point
  39. adam bussey

    Gun picture thread

    here's my beast
    1 point
  40. It's an interesting model, but I can't see it working in the UK. We're a cramped, crowded island with few areas of secure, isolated land that aren't in regular use, or subject to having public randos rambling onto them. Sites here sadly tend to get kicked off the land as soon as the landowner finds any other way of making money from it. Even if you could find a bit of land that's unused on a given weekend, landowners might not want to have it covered in plastic, or take on any vicarious liability. Indemnity for players might be do-able, Shooters Rights or similar could cover it. I say "could" because their underwriter will be set up to cover people shooting at things or beasties, rather than at other people who are shooting back. Still, it'll be fine on paper until it's not.
    1 point
  41. When your daughter asks "Do you have a pistol I can use in drama class tomorrow?" and at first you're Then you remember that it's CURRENT_YEAR, and a school, and Scotland, and then you're more Not without a contract in triplicate, missy.
    1 point
  42. To be fair, guys, you could adopt the model we use over here: We don't have sites you can play at, we instead have clubs with a yearly subscription fee to cover insurance and get some money to buy/build/rent stuff (varies from club to club, in mine it's €70 for example), you get a permit to play on a piece of land and essentially you're done. Of course you won't have the numbers you're used to, you will lose some facilities like toilets and food, but overall it'll be much, much easier to sustain than dishing out a decent dinner every time you want to go out and shoot your mates in the ass from a bush.
    1 point
  43. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I went to B&Q yesterday for a length of 4×2(150×50). Salesman asked how long I wanted it? I said that I was rather hoping to keep it.
    1 point
  44. what have you heard? that drawing was ISO standard not my fault i only had crayons
    1 point
  45. I have a record for having sex with celebrities. I also have a ban from Madam Tussauds.
    1 point
  46. God I hated decontamination drills in the chamber......
    1 point
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