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  1. always amazes me how good the memories of these youtubers are. they can remember every shot they fired in every game and apply hit markers appropriately, even when you can't tell from the footage whether or not the bb found its mark. meanwhile mans can't remember what, or even if, he ate for breakfast.....
    6 points
  2. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Going to a CQB game at a place with very low light levels in April. Whoever said AEPs can't be run as a primary
    4 points
  3. Picked up the new DE UTR 45 today. Really liking it and feels very well made just like their M4 range
    3 points
  4. Just to note here, that Border Force and police are just people ensuring the law gets implemented as per legislation. Some of the time they can be overzealous or overly concerned officers that have little idea of how to implement the shit that the Parliament is responsible for writing into law. There’s been several cases of police officers visiting lawful gun owners in Dorset to try and take those guns away from them on some flimsy basis, or issuing blank certificates to lure them into the trap of “fill it yourself”, definitely ATF-style. I have a problem with this woke government in particular; they basically try to expand a list of everyday items that can be considered as an “offensive weapon.” As we know per the very educational Bourne franchise, even a ballpoint pen can be a deadly weapon in the right hands, does that mean we should ban all ballpoint pens? There’s a great series of video by the BlackBeltBarrister on YT about Knife Law, I recommend this. He also did demonstrate the extent of applicability of the law in practical terms.
    3 points
  5. I wouldn't have even let him in the front door without some form of warrant. They have zero right to come into your home. And I am a copper (Civvie/Military) of 20 odd years...
    3 points
  6. The gearbox is a system which was designed to work within a set of performance parameters ie speed & power. If you change components which alter the working parameters to increase the stresses in operation then you have to upgrade parts which deal with those extra stresses. The gearbox shell is too weak to deal with any increased stresses so that needs to be upgraded...
    3 points
  7. Stevobeavo

    Gun picture thread

    My new DE UTR 45 turned up today.
    2 points
  8. I'd characterise it as "only following orders".
    2 points
  9. The upgrade I purchased for my M900 from Malkoff devices arrived. Makes it much brighter than the fitted bulb. It also makes the M900 smaller and very slightly lighter.
    2 points
  10. I can relate to that, in the morning it's all tac vest full metal gun and a load of gas mags plus secondary. After lunch its the plastic MP5 and a mag in each trouser pocket !
    2 points
  11. In the morning I'm a T1 operator ready to wage a one man war. After lunch, a cop on the verge of retirement; no gear, no gameplay, no energy
    2 points
  12. 1000% this, the best times I've had have been unclicking the buckles, dropping all the tacticool gear, and running around in a t-shirt with my pockets stuffed with hi-caps. We get caught up our "loadouts" (*cough* costumes *cough*) but the core experience of playing airsoft is just pointing a toy and shouting "Brrrrt".
    2 points
  13. To be fair, most law abiding folk will respond in kind to a courteous approach, it's the heavy handed nazi approach that gets your back up 🤬. BUT was the law broken ?, if not then surely they now owe you ?
    2 points
  14. border Farce have seized and destroyed and then in formed the plod . Scary thing was he’s from the knife crime unit ! 😳 To be honest he totally threw me when he introduced him self and then straight away said “you’ve been reported too us , so I’m here so hopefully we can clear it up asap” I let him in as I was quite stunned and had switched in to “fuck what have I done this time ?!?!” Mode ! and didn’t think to ask about warrants or the allegation before he came in .
    2 points
  15. Haha, yes! I've got some mid caps on the way for the AK and a Chicom he could wear, but I'll keep things as light as simple as possible. Only extra I'll give him is a radio in case he bombs off on a suicide run. Tbf I told him to go and capture the flag at paintball on Sunday and I'd cover him. Truth is I was fucked so needed a breather. He took two shots to the neck which left him looking like he got hickies 😂
    2 points
  16. It doesn't sound like a CJA 1988 prohibited weapon. If it were, then, yes, it's an offence to import, but there's a specific offence of "manufactures, sells or hires or offers for sale or hire, exposes or has in his possession for the purpose of sale or hire, or lends or gives to any other person". Exceptions rely on intent, not a loicence. That's not to say that one doesn't exist, but I can't see that it has any basis in law. The legislation is, I'm sure we know, a bit of joke, although not so funny when Dibble is kicking on your door to Check Your Thinking. It prohibits both hollow tubes ("blowpipes") and solid tubes ("batons"), aka sticks. Then we get to this absolute gem. (s) the weapon sometimes known as a “zombie knife”, “zombie killer knife” or “zombie slayer knife”, being a blade with— (i) a cutting edge; (ii) a serrated edge; and (iii) images or words (whether on the blade or handle) that suggest that it is to be used for the purpose of violence. Hurty words confirmed! Good on you for taking it calmly, I'm not sure I'd have been that reasonable. It does show that Border Farce are getting rabid for ratting folk out, and apparently they don't know the law either because on the face of it it sounds like what you imported was no more dangerous, prohibited or offensive than a spud peeler. I'm guessing that the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, which criminalised simple possession of a range of prohibited offensive weapons, is still a hot topic for Dibble, and is being enforced based on canteen wisdom rather than the letter of the law.
    2 points
  17. All good points boys, thank you. A Dye is off the cards but something of the MI7 ilk will be fine. The cheek weld is not a consideration as I'll be giving him an AK with a hi-cap for simplicity. He'll just walk them on target. Good shout about the fitment. One I'll make sure we square away properly.
    2 points
  18. Should be in post tomorrow mate. Hopefully it'll tide you over until a better shell can be sourced. As I've said in other threads, I know E&C shells work from first hand experience, but getting hold of one is difficult in the UK at the moment as you've found. I know Retroarms are producing Specna-branded gearbox shells, but they cost as much, if not more than a complete Specna CORE gun. Another option is to buy the cheapest Specna CORE gun for around £100, gut the GB out of it and sell off the externals. A faff, but a feasible option? I've not heard anywhere nearly as many issues with the CORE series internals.
    2 points
  19. Don't dry fire like a MF: There is no resistance caused by a BB in the hop unit so the piston will just slam forward with all its force. A couple of shots at the end of the game day to make sure there is no bb left in the "chamber" and unplug the battery. Use PLASTIC Piston heads and Cylinder heads: Metals aren't very good at absorbing vibrations, the impact from the piston is transmitted directly into the gearbox shell and it'll eventually crack. A damping pad on the cylinder head might help, but depending on your setup it might fuck with your AoE and cause a whole new lot of issues. Make sure your airseal is perfect: As with dry firing, air leaks will lessen the resistance caused by the air being trapped between the piston head and bb (seated in the hop rubber), causing the piston to hit the cylinder head with more force. Plus you get inconsistent energy output, hop up effect and crap performance. A perfect air seal will let you use a weaker spring to achieve the same energy output, which in turn reduces the stress on the gearbox shell. Radius the gearbox: Helps, but if you don't do the above you'll still crack it. You can run high RPS builds in pretty much every gearbox shell bar Onions and Ares boxes (for real, Ares gearboxes have the same strength of wet tissue paper).
    2 points
  20. Funnily enough I've actually got a set of Valken-branded Pyramex V2G goggles (they cost about £30 IIRC). My eldest used to use them with his helmet setup, using a mesh lower. He now uses Paintball goggles. Found the lack of ventilation in the Pryamex a real problem with sweat/condensation (but not necessarily fog) dripping down the lens. Like you say, cheek weld can be an issue for goggles though, but my boys don't seem to mind watching the BB's and adjusting aim from their flight, although drop-stocks/red dot risers can mitigate this.
    2 points
  21. Already have 3 from him. For 2 sights and a torch great products. Perfect fit. Just need one for my acog now before I skirmish with it, it cost around 140 squid don't want that getting shot out. May have to design that myself and get it printed.
    2 points
  22. You may not have seen the conversation around the sight protectors (for the front lens) available on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/294313449017?hash=item448672d639:g:HHcAAOSwLDVhCtFe It gets a thumbs up from me and @Tactical Pith Helmet but if you do get one then superglue it in place because it can be knocked off. Now you've got two sights you might not feel the need to spend another £10 of course
    2 points
  23. Just got some FAB defense furniture. (I know this is not some peoples fancy, maybe I am going for that 'civvie' look 😉😂) but I like it 😝. New pistol grip and fore grip. The fore grip is super comfortable and gives a perfect angle and purchase for me. Fits your hand like a glove. And the pistol grip is girthier than the stock one and rubberized which feels great to hold too. Tested on Sunday in the field and had great fun. So much comfier to have the rifle up and ready with that fore grip. Stops my wrists rotating as much and aching.
    2 points
  24. How dare you!! It has been carefully modded for authenticity!
    2 points
  25. that's true. on the one hand, they are just responding to the audience, sadly "airsoft fights and flipouts compilation #420; cheetar shot in the ballz with crazy 500fps sniper (instant karma) (super painful) (he regretted it)" is gonna get you more views than "yeah went and played airsoft, it was fun playing but the footage doesn't really show it that well". it's drama dressed up as actual gameplay. seems to be a human thing, i mean if you look at regular television we could put anything on there and yet we so often choose to have violence and murder.
    2 points
  26. Good for you. Again - Low and high-end goggles are very much the same when it comes to protection - they have to all conform to the same safety standards when it comes to use at any insured Paintball field. In fact you can argue that lower-end goggles offer more protection in terms of facial coverage (generally larger profile) and use the of hard plastics instead of rubber and other soft materials (i.e. around the ears and jaw). Hard plastics suck for paintball, but for BBWarz/LARPsoft...not so much. You are paying for - looks, comfort (which is subjective because everyone's head is different) and of course, the Dye logo (overrated in my experience). And there is no way that I ever would buy my 13 year old a £160-odd set of goggles just so they can roll with the cool kids.
    2 points
  27. The title makes less sense than I do after a few tequilas but someone has already beat me to posting a video of Sir Cuntly and his magic sniper hits. The only airsoft player who seems to have an infinite range, perfect accuracy sniper rifle, not affected by environment or weather.
    2 points
  28. I found this wonderful record in the charity shop called ‘natural sounds of wasps’. However, when I got it home and played it, I thought, this sounds nothing like wasps. Then I realised I was playing the B side. Apologies but had to post it I'm off now....
    2 points
  29. Step one: growing suitable mutton chops and ‘tache. Step two: never call anyone Shirley
    2 points
  30. EvilMonkee


    Tell me about it........the one release I am waiting for
    2 points
  31. Dude - the Profiler shits all over Grills. I've owned several sets of both 'back in the day'. If they ever do a 'v2' Profiler (with soft ears) I would buy a set in a heartbeat. And everyone knows, that without a shadow of doubt, the best goggles (ever) are 1st Gen JT Flex 7/Proflexs with the super soft rubber lower (newer ones - post 2002ish changed the rubber and are not as good). Had so many bounces off that thing - saved me a couple of times in tournaments. I digress... @C-Diddy Whilst I5s have become 'de rigueur' with the Speedsoft kids, they are eye-wateringly expensive for a 12 year old that's never played. This is me, with my two boys last year - I'm wearing E-Flexes along with the younger son (he nicked my spare - he has a set of green Helixs normally), my older son has the black Helix. All use the same lenses, just the frames that vary. The Helix foam around the frame is not as 'plush' as the higher end goggles though. If I was buying again - I would lean slightly towards the HK Army HSTL because it has an 'over the head' strap that will reduce the chance of it slipping down on a smaller head (i.e. kids). The foam looks better than the Helixs too, which definitely helps with comfort over a full day of play.
    2 points
  32. Right as a middle aged person can I just clarify. Some one shouting out take your hit is as bad as no hit takers yes? I would say it's worse as its much more common than non hit taking and can ruin a game atmosphere as the belief that the other team are not taking their hits can spread quickly.
    2 points
  33. I think I may be able to translate this into English: Creating edited videos with sight target hit markers is as bad as shouting “You’re hit!, you’re hit, I say marshal, that chap over there is hit and is playing on” and also as bad as playing on once you have been hit & eliminated ….. and … discuss ….
    2 points
  34. It's where a YouTuber edits in a little graphic and a sound effect to assure the viewer that "yes, I really did hit that moving target moving through trees 40m away" I utterly despise the practice.
    2 points
  35. Calling your hits is as bad as not calling your hits 🤔
    2 points
  36. fbc

    Price gouging ?

    It’s a different business but hopefully will give some insight from a retailers perspective. I had someone posted that we had price-gouged him on a pair of tyres. Our sale price was the manufacturers recommended retail price, at which we made 25% profit margin. He purchased his tires as a walk-in customer at 7.30pm - we used to stay open until 9pm to accommodate bike riders working all day. In addition we fitted the tyres for him. Most shops close at 6pm. For us to stay open cost us £80 per hour. So staying open that night cost us £240. I checked the toll records and that night we made 2 sales - the tyres and one cup of coffee. Total sales of £82.50 from which we made a gross profit of £21.50. As a result we lost £218.50. In his negative Google review he suggested that we should have price matched an online discounter. Had we matched their price we would have made 50p from the tyres! And the online guys don’t offer to fit them for free, or give him the convenience of picking him up his tyres in time for him to ride to work the following morning. As you can imagine the words ‘price gouging’ is a very emotive one for me. So all I would say is don’t always jump to the conclusion that the retailer is always out to gouge you. There’s always the option of not buying from anyone you think is gouging. But sometimes perhaps they’re just trying to make enough to pay their bills and feed their kids.
    2 points
  37. "Never seen action". 😢 I can only imagine how much "loadout" posing in front of the mirror occurred before chumrade there decided that he didn't actually want to get shot with the hurty-balls.
    1 point
  38. Have/did Border force seized and confiscated your parcel, then send the police round to have a chat, or did they send you a letter saying your goods had been seized, then send the police round? Also will your item be destroyed?
    1 point
  39. @Skullchewer there are knock offs of FAB kit available but I went for legit stuff. Next up next payday is a FAB stock
    1 point
  40. Placed orders with: WGC store Asia Airsoft Bespoke Airsoft Zero One APS Concept And a few other little bits My Postman is gonna be a busy wee fella 😁 Its the waiting that excites me, I kinda get over it quick once it’s all opened 🤭
    1 point
  41. I think calling out hit calling is the same as hit calling, which is possibly as bad as not calling your hits….?!
    1 point
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