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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/06/22 in all areas

  1. I walked into B&Q the other day and a guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted decking. Luckily I got the first punch in and that was that, but it just goes to show you should never let your guard down.
    3 points
  2. johnnyj

    Gun picture thread

    Seen this super cheap and could not pass it up 😃
    3 points
  3. Charcoal or GTFO! 😁
    2 points
  4. Back when Smith&Wesson made Glocks until Glock said you can’t do that anymore
    2 points
  5. DaktariT

    Bbsforless top seller

    2 points
  6. Here's a 21st Century one... What do you call an IT teacher who touches up his students? A PDF file
    2 points
  7. Never mind the grill. Look at the brickwork. Who does bucket handle pointing these days....😉
    2 points
  8. Uncle Bob is completely bald, but still carries a comb with him. He just can't part with it...
    2 points
  9. Druid799

    Using tag rounds

    Problem with TAG rounds is there a brilliant bit of kit UNTIL the human factor gets involved , I’ve only used them once or twice as I’m too much of a tight arse and won’t spend that much on something that goes bang only once so not a problem for me but then you have my mate who’s a fair bit more financially stable than me and absolutely loves them and will use them at every opportunity he has but because he’s ex-forces and was a small arms instructor he can be trusted with them , the way he can sling them down range AND how accurately he can is at times positively scary ! BUT he has the previous training and good sense how to use them properly and safely so he’s no danger , and that’s the giant difference between him and most other players using them , he understands the dangers and can asses wether they can be used safely or not , and if he thinks not then he won’t fire where as a lot will say “f**k it I’ve spent all this money on them I’m using them !” simple as that .
    2 points
  10. A quick grammar lesson for a few of you on here. A colon can completely change the meaning of a sentence. For example: Jane ate her friend’s lunch. Jane ate her friend’s colon.🤭
    2 points
  11. Cannonfodder

    Using tag rounds

    While I'm a fan of all things that go boom, I can see these being misused and someone getting hurt. I'd limit them to milsims, filmsims and special scenarios where their use can be controlled
    2 points
  12. I don't need to talk to you, I already know your a twat, talking to you won't change my opinion. As you've pointed out earlier, times have changed & you need to be able to "defend your space & get the first strike in" , or some other bollocks. As for threats, yep, hold my hands up, Internet or not, you insult me, repeatedly, then I will respond, as for hurting people, I used to do it for a living, & I did it in a professional sporting capacity, & occasionally for special cases I did it for fun, so your threats are like water off a ducks back to me (that's an old saying that us geriatrics use😏). But fill yer boots, your overconfidence, along with your big mouth, will get you in all sorts of shit, which I'm sure you can deal with with your 25 years life experience 🤣.
    2 points
  13. Your so funny, not lol, my duff reference is aimed at the members who've been here a while, Duff was like you, an ignorant wanker with a big mouth, but I'll give him his due, when he got called out he didn't go all pussy & make out he's just trolling. Your a speshul kinda wanker, probably an incel too, so keep chucking out the insults you sad pathetic fuck wit, especially the ones about 50+ members, because your so much more knowledgeable than people with twice the life experiences than you, ffs your a joke. But no ones laughing. Me personally, I help care for a relative who's got dementia, so your were already on my shit list with your ignorant comments & pathetic insults. Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol.
    2 points
  14. Why do these posts always attract the internet hard men like flies to a pile of horse shit?
    2 points
  15. bit of a clone mash up of eras but I like it
    2 points
  16. cropzy

    Gun picture thread

    Finally part of the gbbr gang Torch is mounted like that as it wont fit on any of the side rails due to the front end being chonky.
    2 points
  17. After a few searches , there are quite a few owners on here of GHK AR/M4 variants, but no thread as there is for the TM MWS models So I thought I would start it to allow us to share the knowledge I picked mine up just over a year ago and have toyed with moving it on a few times, but every time I get close to selling or trading it, my clasp on it gets tighter 🤦🏻‍♂️ I have done a few mods to it to help it out, one of which was the T.N.T hop & barrel upgrade which does make quite a difference to consistent accuracy, and also allows me to use a heavier BB (.36’s) with ease It came with the mid power nozzle fitted, which was way too hot for uk sites, so was quickly ditched for the 1j nozzle, which again is too hot - like 380+ fps on a 0.2 I did the grub screw mod in an attempt to further reduce the fps, but it’s pretty ineffective! So I’m going to get the RA Tech Npas, has anyone used one and how were the results please?
    1 point
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Bought to do a FBI kit many moons ago but not my thing. Worn for about 10 mins in cqb so their may be a few BB marks and then put back into the car. Much prefer fast style Helmets £25 + postage Offers welcome


    1 point
  19. SBoardley

    Using tag rounds

    Dynatex bfg used to use 12g cartridges. Whatever they used, the kid had black burns radiating from the middle of his chest outwards. He had to go to hospital to get looked at.
    1 point
  20. Floperator

    Sniper fps

    If its a newish gun or spring then before cutting it down I would try 'scragging' it first. This basically involves keeping the spring compressed for a day or so. Basically simulating a few months of wear. In theory if the spring was properly tempered this would make little difference (it doesn't with a quality airgun spring), but in practice most airsoft springs seem to be not 100% tempered so this might well bring it under the limit. Worked for me the other day when I fitted a new aeg spring. I had to use a long bolt, nut and washers, but you could just leave the gun cooked for a day or two.
    1 point
  21. On a psychological basis the whole Mr. No Brain back and forth is pretty fascinating, while also being entertaining to check back in on and all in all top quality internet nonsense.
    1 point
  22. Adolf Hamster

    Sniper fps

    you say that, i did once have a duel with a chap who was running 0.2's from a bolty outdoors. problem was it was a flat 1j field and that happened to be the day i felt like running the .48's. so when i say duel, it was kinda one-sided....
    1 point
  23. JimFromHorsham

    Using tag rounds

    banned from using it from elevated positions was a career highlight of mine 😛
    1 point
  24. Sneaky

    Using tag rounds

    The kick charge look more more user friendly when it comes to getting them ready, which I’m all for.
    1 point
  25. Rogerborg

    Sniper fps

    It's sad that some woodland sites are still even talking in terms of 0.2g when nobody, literally nobody, is going to be shooting those from a bolt action sniper. Any site that's actually chronoing snipers using 0.2g is gagging for them to creep over 2.5J with realistic ammo. Rant aside, yes, OP is a bit over, but kudos for chronoing on 0.32g and talking in Joules. Is that with the hop set for 0.32g, or with it off? Opinions vary, especially when we're talking about legal limits (what the gun is capable of), but I also chrono with the hop set for the ammo, and I've never played at a site that requires chronoing with hop off. It's easy enough to cut a spring. You're not far over, so I'd go one coil at a time, as heating and flattening the end also knocks a bit off.
    1 point
  26. Cr0-Magnon

    Sniper fps

    As above, UK legal and site allowed limit are different things. If you want to find out the latter, you'd need to contact the site you intend to play at.
    1 point
  27. Rogerborg

    Using tag rounds

    The practical issue is that accidentally smacking Pop-Up Paddy in the face with a BB, even a 2.3J 0.5g BB, is significantly less harmful than yeeting 12J of explosive into his earball. There was an image going around of a chap who'd taken a TAG to the face at some Murcan milsim: it had wrecked his goggles and he was streaming with blood. It won't happen until it happens, at which point everybody will instantly develop 20:20 hindsight about how inevitable it was.
    1 point
  28. Cannonfodder

    Using tag rounds

    This. For every person that can use them sensibly there's always at least one idiot who'll do something dumb
    1 point
  29. meanwhile, somewhere in Austria...... super duper engineer :ponders to himself....'man , I wish I could make something like that...'. "hey, We could use that as our USP on the new ssx3000sTi." nov :"ya, but don't you think it'll get annoying and have no real advantage over any normal pistol?" nov marketing : "chris, the memes gone viral and has over 30.5M views and shares and has comments like 'this is so cool', it has legs and WILL make you more money and make you even more COOL" nov: "well what the f**k are you waiting for?" disclaimer : light hearted fun. I own a lot of novritsch products (incl RIF'S) and I cannot fault any of them.
    1 point
  30. Yeah, I’m not a cave man and I do not have the patience to start a fire! Lol
    1 point
  31. See the old ones are priceless👍
    1 point
  32. A few year later glad I bought this for my TM SCAR H. The launcher now awaits tag rounds..fire in the hole! It is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m the one carrying it!
    1 point
  33. Not sure about these trousers from AliExpress...
    1 point
  34. Rogerborg

    Using tag rounds

    That's my issue with them as well. TAG rounds are so far beyond anything else that we use that I'm baffled as to how a properly informed insurer would indemnify a site. Given the masses, muzzle velocities and ranges claimed, they're barely within UK air-gun power levels, which is a particular issue in Scotland. Something something pyrotechnic something, but there are also solid rounds, right? The bangs are earball-hurty even outdoors, and given the ranges and time to target, any claims of precision have to be qualified with "at the time when you launch, not when it lands". They were fun when I saw and heard them used (at a distance) at a filmsim. But they were used only by the organisers, and essentially non-competitively for theatrical effect. Being aimed at people by J. Random Airsofter, that's another thing altogether. We've seen the injuries these thing can cause, right? Smashed eyepro, and significant tissue damage. They seem like something which will only be allowed until its banned, and it'll be a safety rule written in some poor sod's blood.
    1 point
  35. Lozart

    Using tag rounds

    I'm a fan of pyro, I like shit that goes bang. The bit I don't quite get though is when a site says you can use paper pyro up to MK5 but TAG rounds are also fine. The original blurb for Reapers suggest that they are closer to a MK9 and having had a few land near me (at Red Alert), I could easily believe it.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Showing my age now, don't know about & don't have discord. As for a previous, while I don't remember it I do have a vague recollection of you acting like a total cunt waaay back, probably alienating most of the members then with your "I'm right & you're all wrong" bollocks, no doubt you made a personal attack against me then, so I probably responded in kind. Some people seem to think the Internet is an alternative dimension that allows anything to be said, with absolutely no fallout or repercussions, but sometimes, Airsoft is a good example, the ether & the real world often meet😉. But like I said, fill yer boots, give it all that "you've got no idea who your dealing with" gangsta bollocks. Thing is I do know, your a sad act incel troll that when your not on here trolling, your making silly masks & wanking yourself off in the mirror over your latest loadout. Anyway I'm done with you now, maybe I'll see you sometime, I'm off to spend some quality time with a hot woman (that's in the same room, the Internet doesn't count), you can go back to your latest jack reacher book & Walt around your bedroom in your kit. PS, your now on my blocklist cos I'm tired of your inane bs. Bye😴👌
    1 point
  38. Yep; you are. Like most stupid cunts, you are too thick to realise that you are a stupid cunt.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. You are a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. Keep it going; you are rather entertaining.
    1 point
  41. I may not be in full possession of my faculties but I can spell dementia and know difference between site and sight.
    1 point
  42. Both weenies. HPA person needs to chill with the trigger. Gear guy needs to chill out.
    1 point
  43. Perhaps you should fuck off to somewhere else then; watching Bruce Lee movies does not make you the hard man you think you are, unless you have a mancrush on Bruce, but that is the wrong kind of hard.
    1 point
  44. I feel like I'm getting left out of the name calling and verbal onslaughts of Mr no_faith so just like to say piss off you fecking spanner. Don't think I will bother with your stay alive video. Ive had plenty of action in my time and I'm still in one piece 😉 Love and kisses 💋
    1 point
  45. This 50+ old cnut is quite literally lost for words, just when you think you've seen it all, along comes an Internet warrior whose extreme ignorance is only surpassed by his stupidity. Usually I'd counter with some lighthearted memes, but there's nothing that even comes close to this level of bollocks. All I will say is look around, admire anybody over 50, because with your shit eating attitude, you ain't ever gonna reach it lol 😈
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. pre-emptive defense sounds like a great way to get you kicked off site, and it will be justified.
    1 point
  48. Tackle

    Gun picture thread

    Nah that's not heavy, try using a real steel mg42 like a sniper, I think I had to have a nap afterwards 😴
    1 point
  49. Tackle

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Made me chuckle😂 & scared in equal measures😧
    1 point
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