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  1. Thank you Rogerborg for bring this to our attention. we have been in business for over 10 years and have 1000's of very happy customers as our reviews show. however we can't please everyone. So let me give you a bit of background on this situation the customer has been shopping with us for a number of years and would receive discounts and lay away schemes in our store. Sometimes taking months to pay, which is no trouble, however when he did have a item laid away he would come in ever week and use our range, gas, and ammo all free of charge. the item he purchased was a Gas blow back weapon and he would ofter use black gas in it to get a better kick. as a result of course the item broke( you would not put avaition fuel in a car and expect problems not to happen) However as he was a good customer we repaired in free of charge apart from a small part that makes the gun lock back when mag empty. he was also given £100 cash back as we liked him and wanted him to be happy. we advised that if the part can be sourced again we would fit free of charge, however he had invalidated his warranty for 2 reason. 1 being the how long he had been using it in store and then furthermore after he had finished paying for it and 2 as he had used the non recommended gas in it to get more power. However, he came in demanding a refund and was told several times that as the issue was due to missuse this is not a warranty repair. We even sent it back to the supplier who also refused warranty due to user error, i should also add that he had taken it apart himself. the day in question (yesterday) he again came in the store causing a very uncomfortable environment for other customers and staff that have had to deal with his constant abuse. In 10 years we have NEVER had to ban a customer, but yesterday enough is enough and after being advised several times of his position was asked to leave when he refused he was advised that unless he did the police will be called. No this is all a very unfortunate situation and I'm sure he will very happily embellish on the truth to make him seem like the victim. which is not the case. I have CCTV of the gas he has used, the dry firing and the abuse instore to staff and will happly post it if required to protect our reputaion. I have not mentioned his name as I don't want him to get further backlash when the truth comes out. But I hope people will realise there is always two sides to a story.
    8 points
  2. Ahoy and welcome. I mostly play a walking game now: run and you'll just die tired. Great to hear that you're starting with the safety gear. The M4s is indeed a decent default platform, and you'll have magazine compatibility if you both go that way. There are some perfectly reasonable brands out there with decent features at sub-£200 prices: finding them in stock is more of the problem at the moment. When you do get your own, I'd suggest lithium-polymer (lipo) or lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries. The former are cheaper, the latter are higher capacity. 7.4V (2 cell) is fine for most guns. Deans connectors are better than mini-Tamiya, but both work. The SkyRC S65 is the default recommendation for a decent charger - avoid anything Nuprol branded like the plague. Airsofters can get a dose of Magical Thinking about our own particular toys, but with a clean barrel and hop rubber shooting 1J - 1.1J, most AEGs are going to perform much the same. More price doesn't really get a huge amount of extra performance, it's more about metal bodies, trademarks, and nice-to-have features like recoil or mosfets that can do things like 3-shot bursts or pre-cocking to improve trigger response. You don't need any of that though and even a no-feature gun like a G&G Combat Machine is going to sling BBs downrange just fine. In terms of brands, G&G and CYMA are very low risk. G&G Combat Machines used to be the default starter choice, but they're pricing themselves out of the market now. The cheapest CYMAs have robust internals but very toyish plastic bodies. Specna Arms and Lancer Tactical have had quality control issues but seem to be OK at the moment, although the new Specna Arms FLEX range are too new to be a known quantity. Jing Gong are a decent brand, and the Double Eagle M9XX M4s are getting lots of love. Renting will give you the opportunity to blag a go with other people's RIFs to see (or feel) for yourself the difference between plastic and pot-metal bodies, and to hear a straining motor and badly shimmed gearbox versus something tuned to a T. I'd recommend checking and adjusting the hop on any rental gun as it can be neglected. You should be able to find a helpful player happy to assist if you hang around the chrono / test range. At the end of the day though, if you have some that shoots a BB more or less in the direction that you're pointing it, you can have fun with it. Obligatory:
    4 points
  3. Shamal

    Dad and son new to airsoft

    Hi @ConfusedDadand welcome to the Airsoft asylum 👍 it's good that you and your son are starting together.🙂 I would say read as much as poss to get an understanding of the basics. watch videos( check out our own @GAMBLEhe has a utube channel with tips and info) and bone up on the rules of your chosen site. Spring chicken 🐓 or not your gonna have to run till you drop! Lol. No seriously you can take it at your own pace,play within your comfort zone and remember you are there for fun not punishment. I'm very late sixties now and I have times when I break into a sweat but most times I'm creeping around looking for glory lol. £300-£400 is a good amount and you will get some good gear for that.Specna arms edge series, are in my opinion,a good bet as well as g&g stuff. Be guided a little bit by what you personally like the look of,after you will be using it. It might be a good idea to play as a rental player for your first few games to get a feel for it and to decide if it's for you before spending out and also get to look at other people's equipment ( ooh matron).😊 Make sure that you invest in good quality eyepro and nice sturdy boots with ankle support.gloves will protect fingers although direct hit will still be felt but not so bad.Lower face pro is advised but not compulsory unless player is under 18? Check with site. Above all have fun( you are paying) Listen to briefings,watch other people,ask questions,play within your limits,call your hits and have a great time👍 Regards
    4 points
  4. What a weekend; Namsoft is incredibly fun. Went to Operation Boogaloo at Gunman Eversley Alpha as VC with two friends and we caused havoc. Myself and one of my friends were a pair of VC snipers who harassed the US forces all through both Saturday and Sunday. We would shoot a few, then bug out before they could organise a counter-attack and we basically did this all weekend. US forces kept leaving their radio masts unguarded, so it would've been rude of us not to constantly take their radio masts down through the weekend, which sent their morale-o-meter into the gutter (which was our objective as VC and PAVN). The other guy in our group spent the entire Saturday playing as a farmer, ditching all his military equipment and walking around the site with a rake, watching the US forces and their movements, then getting somewhere quiet and radio-ing in their locations. They were getting very jumpy, but to their credit they never shot him as he played the part of the scared farmer very well. This continued into Sunday, where we kept going with the same tactics. Our farmer changed out into a French uniform and played the part of a French mercenary HVT for the Aus forces to hunt down and kill, but they never got him. We even went on a stealth mission as two snipers (my friend was also marked as a HVT by this point), our French HVT and a PAVN soldier to take out one of their radio masts, but we managed to sneak past the US platoon in the area, do the objective and then bug out. Our HVTs never died (though the Aussies got very close to the French merc) and it was a fairly dominant performance by the VC and PAVN. Numbers were 55 US/Aus vs 22 VC/PAVN on Saturday, down to 25 US/Aus vs 15 VC/PAVN on Sunday, so while outnumbered we played to our strengths really well and the VC/PAVN guys I played with were all absolutely knackered by the end because we had to fire and fade so much over the weekend and Eversley Alpha is a pretty hilly site... Only my 2nd Namsoft game, but I'm definitely going back. The VSR performed amazingly and I think all bar two of my kills were 60+ metres (with most of those being 70+ and one of the less than 60m kills being with the pistol) and I thoroughly enjoyed the filmsim experience. I'll never get into milsim, as when I tried that I didn't really enjoy it, but filmsim is an absolute blast and I encourage people to give it a go. Also, especially considering how annoying we were being, I didn't have anyone get mad and square up to me this time (that group wasn't there, funnily enough), but I did have someone moan to me about a headshot I did at about 60m. I'll always aim for the chest and tried explaining how long range shots work (like how the hop up makes the BB go upwards towards the end of the trajectory, how a slight breeze will take the BB on a magical mystery tour, how a leaf will knock the BB out of the park and get a home run), but he wasn't prepared for me to speak and clearly just wanted to have a go at me; I tried explaining my side of it, but he wasn't interested in listening, only venting, so I gave up. Otherwise my experience was fantastic and I loved the whole thing. Some of the special forces guys shook my hand after the first day and said how impressive some of my shots were. Playing as a sniper can be pretty uneventful sometimes, but when you have one of these games where you feel like you're making a silly amount of impact on the game, it makes it all worthwhile. Haven't had such a good game in a long time!
    3 points
  5. Great saturday a Driver Wood, new barricades in some areas really meant that engagement was more intense, lots more cover, some intense battles couple of epic holdouts from people on the other team, one lad held a corner on his own and I swear hit almost every member of our team at some point before about 10 of us rushed him and I finally got the kill shot. Many high fives all round as it was a lot of fun. Some shenannigans from some players on the other team when they moved half way across the map before the game had started and ambushed us badly, meant we got boxed in but it was all good fun. hit taking was excellent, smaller group than usual, I think 60 players or so, more regulars hence good discipline and hit taking, couple of rental kids were there and not good at it but they were pretty young and nobody cared, they were pretty funny especially the lad who fell flat on his face in a massive muddy puddle but laughed it off when we all took the piss.
    3 points
  6. It was my youngest son that got me into airsoft as well, we both played a rental game in 2020 and were hooked ever since (young teenager and me an overweight old fart). Every man and his dog can give advice about what to buy, but all I'd say is both get the same rifle, having the exact same stuff makes life so much easier 👍 (same mags, same stocks so you know what batteries fit, if you fix a problem with one rifle you know that you can do the same to the other etc.). Looking back to my start in airsoft I think there are only two things I'd change, and that's drink way more water (you lose more than you think), and goggles fogging up is a right pain in the arse so get some "Revision" wipes for them.
    3 points
  7. No problem, we often get folk signing up just to air a grievance, and it almost always turns out that there's another, and very different, side to the story. (I mean, except when it concerns Stephen Glennie)
    3 points
  8. EDcase

    Dad and son new to airsoft

    Welcome Dad and son Everything pretty much said above. I'm just over 50 and my son is 17. He generally runs ahead and I sneak around. (Knee pads are very handy 😉) - First, read a lot of the forum. All the questions have already been asked at some point... - Rent for first 3 games to get UKARA registered. As well as being able to buy in realistic black (RIF) it will allow you to experience the action before investing in a pew. You can chose a long or short style weapon depending on your preference once you get a feel for the games. Even though you haven't mentioned it, Sniper is not advised as a starter. M4 are the most common for their versatility. - My top/down list of manufacturers based on price/performance would be JG, CYMA, SpecnaArms, G&G - A couple of Li-Po 7.4v 1300mAh for each of you will last a day. SkyRC S65 charger (+adapter leads needed) Convert plugs to Deans (T-connectors) or XT30 if you can use a soldering iron. - Check out https://playairsoft.uk/ for sites near you. (Google reviews to check) - As said, have fun. Its not about winning but having awesome firefights 😁
    3 points
  9. Hello everyone Dad and son combo new to airsoft!!!! Any top tips on what to do and what not to do would be welcome, especially as I'm no spring chicken and the prospect of running around for the day fills me we dread lol. Any advice on AEG rifles, what to look out for, what's good and what's not etc would be welcome too (I understand there is a qualifying period and joining UKARA before purchasing a solid colour set up). I'd be budgeting around £300 - £400 for each of us and that would include weapon, mags, batteries, chargers etc etc. Look forward to hearing your words of wisdom Thanks Confused Dad
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Jack91

    Gun picture thread

    My krytac Mk2 SPR with surefire clone, trijicon MRO, Stubby PTS grip, genuine Magpul sights and 1 point sling, along with my WE Glock 33 advanced.
    2 points
  12. Not our place to tell customers what they can and can't do with there own product we are only here to advise
    2 points
  13. Thanks Shamal Got the eye and face protection, gloves and boots sorted as don't fancy losing and eye or teeth (difficult one to explain away bringing my son home with a gaping smile lol) and it's my son's birthday so made for easy presents lol. Yes going to rent to start with but been looking at shiny things (oh so tempting !!!) and before I jump head long in to the rabbit hole, getting a general heads up on what's good and what's not would be very helpful. We both like the look and feel of the M4 platform and I believe it's the best for upgrades and add ons. Thanks for your help and maybe meet you on the field one day!
    2 points
  14. Stevobeavo

    Double eagle UTR 45

    So I managed to put a few rounds through the gun at work today. It uses the same gearbox as all the other DE guns with the falcon system. At about 10/15m I was getting a grouping of around 2" or so (using valken .20g outside. I then shot at sign about 30/35m maybe which was about a foot square and after adjusting for wind I was hitting it pretty consistent. The gun feels very solid. No creeks anywhere. The only part that has a bit of movement is the stock when extended half way or more but even then it's not that much. I thought I'd highlight a few bits that might be useful and nice touches. First up is the battery compartment. It's pretty airy in there, especially if your a fellow 904G owner. as you can see plenty of room for larger sticks or crane batteries.b The stock has 6 extendable positions plus a couple for the cheek rest. It has a nice rubber pad at the end. A little detail that I thought was nice was a window to show what position the stock was in. The charging handle is ambidextrous and can be swapped over easily. You pull the charging handle back along 2 sprung loaded stainless steel tubes too access the hope unit. Hop now exposed through the large ejection window. This stays open until you press the catch and it snaps shut. Next is the grip. Feels good in the hand. Has a nice rubber texture on it. Definitely more comfortable than my 904G and H. Lastly one slight downside. The stock when folded doesn't click into anything to make it stay fully closed to the rifles body. There's a bit of free play before force is needed to fold it back to lock it out. Easily solved with a bit of velcro, or something. This is the amount 'free play' Hope that helps someone.
    1 point
  15. GAMBLE

    Dad and son new to airsoft

    Hi @ConfusedDad 👋 Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍 Good luck getting started with your budget, keep it simple, have fun and follow the rules! 🤞👍 Have a channel if interested? 🤔 Thanks @Shamal for the mention! 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  16. Mine loves me playing airsoft... she knows she's got rid of her husband and one teenage son for the day 😆
    1 point
  17. Having driven up to Keele on Friday evening to collect my son from University and driven back down on Saturday, including a diversion to our favourite surplus shop, my son and I decided that a trip to Dragon's Lair would be a good way to spend today. For those who do not know Dragon's Lair, it is a small woodland site in Essex; the terrain is undulating, with a village, a fort, lots of small structures and, as of a few weeks ago, a CQB labyrinth. It has a good safe zone with free tea and coffee and a small shop run by Airsoft Zone. The site is run in a friendly and relaxed manner and the marshalling is pretty much on point. We play there a few times a year as we like to play at a variety of sites in Kent and Sussex. Today, there were around 90 players, with about 12-15 being rentals. Despite the small size of the site, it did not seem crowded; strangely it never does. As usual, the games were simple, but provided some really great gameplay, with good hit taking and good sportsmanship on both sides. It was a really fun day of what a friend once described as "good, old fashioned, dumb airsoft". There were no high tech props, no vehicles, no gimmicks; just a bunch of like minded folk thoroughly enjoying shooting each other and getting shot, although being shot in the head from about 1m by one of my own team was not the most enjoyable part of the day. As to the CQB labyrinth, I cannot really comment as it is not my thing, so I did not go into it; my son seemed to take up residence there and enjoyed it. After a rather "meh" experience a couple of weeks ago at a site I really used to like, this was a refreshing change. We drove home feeling very satisfied with our day out.
    1 point
  18. magaz

    Old School Airsofters.

    Don't forget those Excel 0.23's the cool kids used to run! #airsoft on IRC? Spent many nights on there with the "Insomniac army" Sorry to drag up an old thread btw. I was giving "Academy XM177 vintage airsoft" a googs and this thread came up in the results. (Trying to get hold of another of my first ever AEG for the nostalgia) I played my first proper game in September 2000. (Had springers and gas pistols for a few years before that) I often look back at the old days with how simple the game was, less rules, less stress, less arguments. If I was given the option to time travel somewhere I'd definitely go visit some of my old haunts again with a modern AEG...
    1 point
  19. sjhirst

    WE gbbRifles

    Anyone with an ak74su, and looking to fit a different handguard, the cyma keymod one fits, with a fair bit of dremelling. The front of the top handguard still needs to either be drilled and secured to the bottom or adapted another way. It is a good tight friction fit, but I'm going to secure it down further. The insides have to be widened to allow for the WE fitments, but all good in the end
    1 point
  20. The die is cast fella. That phrase will emerge more than you realise. You will learn! 😉 Regards
    1 point
  21. Surprisingly, yes. I've tried many lotions and potions over the years for biking and then airsoft, and they're the least useless I've come across. They should be, given the price. It's worth keeping an eye open for bulk buys that will last you years rather than buying them at the extortionate sums being asked for a couple of them.
    1 point
  22. Shamal

    Dad and son new to airsoft

    Exactly that.👍 I've never played to win(right or wrong). I play to get dressed up,use my equipment and get immersed in an activity that indulges my personal fantasy( pack it in Mr Tackle)😂 I used to do it when I was a kid,running around the playground with a stick gun,and making brrr,brrr noises. Only now I can afford a real(ish) stick. It still goes brr,brrr though.( I really must get it fixed)lol. Regards Do revision wipes actually work? I use Abbey anti fog spray but it's useless ☹️
    1 point
  23. @Vetso I guess you have seen the reply from the store giving their side of the story. Sound about right? Makes sense to me bud.☹️ I think you have had your day at that store. It's fine to complain about something and I'm all for consumers rights but you have to make sure the reasons for complaint don't lie partially at your feet🤔 Regards
    1 point
  24. Glad to see my Spidey sense is still fully functional .
    1 point
  25. Ultimately what a customer does with there own belongings is upto them. We have all run hotter gas in our GBBs, higher volt batteries in our AEGs etc, we know there will be accelerated wear but it’s our choice. It’s not upto a retailer to stand by a warranty on a product that has been knowingly used outside of the design.
    1 point
  26. Hatchet

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Managed the spring upgrade on mine to an Eagle 6 M100, also seeing around 340. Wasn't too difficult, just following the video and going slow. I found I didn't need to take it apart quite as much as they did (I didn't take the FCU off or remove the recoil unit). Slightly arsed up putting recoil unit back together, but worked it out in the end. Also seemed a bit fiddly getting the fire selector back in. At least the barrel/hop is accessible without taking the whole lower receiver apart, unlike the original. I didn't though. Testing tomorrow I think...
    1 point
  27. Vet

    Only airsoft/ combat UK.

    Jim, no there was no aggression or even frustration shown. Just stood talking. Plus im too old to be aggressive its a waste of time.
    1 point
  28. Whilst I feel for “your friend” I also feel like there is more to the story than you’ve explained , threats of removal by police by retailers don’t usually come out of thin air . Was “your friend “ getting aggressive over the situation ?
    1 point
  29. Ah Daves Custom Scalpers at it again
    1 point
  30. Spare upper for the NGRS arrived today. Purely an aesthetic change for running an LPVO (awaiting arrival of) as they historically look a bit wank an a shorter RIF in my opinion. Wouldn’t be shocked if this upper eventually ends up getting a carry handle grafted onto it 🤷🏻‍♂️. And a big ol’ patch for the back of the PC
    1 point
  31. Airsoft is out of stock everywhere. At around £19.50 per mag, these are a tenner cheaper than you would get them for in the UK so that negates the additional postage cost. https://shop.jkarmy.com/kj-works-24-rounds-gas-magazine-for-kj-cz-p-09.html
    1 point
  32. Been tweaking this loadout for the last few months, think I've got it exactly where I want it now but I'm going to have to play a game in it to know for sure. I've gone through a few rigs to get here...
    1 point
  33. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Ready for Operation Boogaloo at Gunman Eversley next weekend, and this time the hop rubber ISN'T torn, so I can actually use it. Going to take it to Worthing this weekend to MAKE SURE it's working so I don't have a repeat of last time. Will shove a bunch of natural foliage in the scrim net on the day.
    1 point
  34. Ran my Flecktarn last Saturday for a trial run for a MilSim in September. Worked pretty well. My Bingo 249 performed admirably as always. I love the shaded picture where I’m basically invisible haha.
    1 point
  35. Skara

    Gun picture thread

    Tokyo Marui gen.3 G17 Internals are pretty much stock except for a Maple Leaf 50° Decepticon, Maple Leaf I-Key, Maple Leaf hop wheel and TTI Adjustable Trigger Externals are a repro ALG Defense 6 Seconds mount + ALG Flared Magwell, Aim-O T1 @frontsighthere it is And a rail update on my tournament Specna C-08, with a repro DD MFR XS 9"
    1 point
  36. A couple from a few weekends back, big into the Platatac Tigers and black Ferrosi combo for outdoors at the moment.
    1 point
  37. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    As much as I love it, the Wolverine Hydra and the m14 hop unit don't get along, so I've put a strip of a drink can at the back of the hop unit to avoid BBs rolling back and jamming it open. Took the opportunity to get the G&P scope mount which is far lower and now the m21 is complete. I will need to cable tie the rails onto the outer barrel to stop it moving about though as I had to modify it a little to use it with a scope mount; mounting a scope directly onto the rails doesn't work and tilts the sight upwards, hence I need a separate mount to keep it level. Not sure if I can get the stubby mags to feed properly though, so we'll see next game day. Otherwise I'll just run it with normal mags. Also, I now have a decent camera, so have some m21 pics.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    Slapped a Ruger Target stock onto my Rogueworx Underlever KC02, aside a Rogueworx trigger it’s pretty much complete The Trijicon VCog knock off is surprisingly nice too! Beautiful glass that’s on par with my Vortex Crossfire LPVO
    1 point
  40. New summer ghillie. Turned out so well for its first outing.
    1 point
  41. frontsight

    Gun picture thread

    My Tactical and Practical setup. Which one's your choice? And by practical I mean practical shooting; which makes it completely unwieldy and unpractical. Both weigh in at around 1kg💪 Olight courtesy of a fellow forum member Glock has been short-stroked with the slide stop filed back 14mm so it can still lock back when dry "brass" checks - I can't be the only one who LARPs this with an airsoft gun Added a 150mm crazyjet inner barrel on the 1911 because why not. Ends right before the last baffle on the comp
    1 point
  42. Khyber

    Gun picture thread

    Ready for a session tonight!! Trying out the Scorpion Evo for the first time. 😁😁
    1 point
  43. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    I thought it was going to look stubby and weird, but I like how it turned out; Had to file away parts of the stock though because the Action Army outer barrel is chonk. Need to set it up properly, but initial chrono tests (which admittedly are limited) I am able to set it up to be 2.3J or less on 144a, which I couldn't do with the stock 630mm barrel because joule creep was hell. 510mm barrel is letting me run .48s through it at legal limits and it's basically as quiet as my HPA VSR with that suppressor on the end. Won't be using it too much in the near future because my local site will be awful for 30m MEDs until October, so got plenty of time for tweaking
    1 point
  44. Venomous

    Old School Airsofters.

    Is that you Paddy?
    1 point
  45. Well, I've just had mine! I was playing at YTA Borderlands, near Huddersfield,. It's a really nice site (from what I got to play) and the marshals are excellent (very professional, thank God!). It's a sniper's paradise, but not at the expense of everyone else. I was working with two other snipers as part of a pincer movement on an objective, but I got slotted by a counter sniper. All good, I went to a respawn point - but the respawn point was very close to an enemy held objective. I had seen two leave and rather than retreat to a safe distance, I took a shot. To be met by a barage of return automatic fire. They couldn't range me, so I spun on my heels and ran, just as their team members were piling out of the objective to join in. There's me and running and never the twain should meet. The safety brief told us to watch out for the rocky terrain and that things were unstable underfoot. I'd even listened to the safety briefing, as I'd never been there before. However, this information eluded me whilst "running for my life". I was at full tilt, tripped on a rock and went flying. As I was flying through the air I had one thought "Must. Protect. Rifle." And so I twisted to angle the rifle away from the ground. Stupidest fucking thing I've ever done. Instead of twisting it away from me, I ended up landing on it and as my head went down it cracked a rock. I lay there, unmoving, staring at the tree canopy and blue sky beyond and watched as it swirled. I was still being shot. Which was nice. But didn't have the air in my lungs to shout anything. And I couldn't raise my arm. It felt like they were adding insult to injury, so I managed to stick one middle finger up. Unfortunately, rather than thinking something was wrong, or accepting my arm was in the air, they took it as a taunt and continued to fire 🤣 Eventually, I think I heard someone say "is he actually alright?" and they came over to check on me. The first person to arrive was a cracking player called Alan, who just happened to be a first aider. He checked me over and between them they got me sat up. Alan removed my cap, as I'd said I'd hit my head, so that he could just check if everything was ok. His reaction was dramatic and something along the lines of "OH MY GOD, someone get a med kit!". To be honest, I thought he was just taking the piss to make me feel better and was expecting the next line "only joking". But it never came. I had a hole in my head and it was leaking lots of blood and scalp tissue. The marshals had already called ceasefire, and the players all responded immediately - I felt terrible I'd ruined the game and lost them playing time. I was carted off the field and I have to say, the YTA team (and Alan and Andy, two very kind players) did a cracking job looking after me. After waiting 3 hours for an ambulance that never came, the manager of YTA, Paul arrived and decided it would be quicker to just drive me to A&E. So my heartfelt thanks to him for that, otherwise I might still be waiting! Sum total of damage - hole in head, sewn up with four stitches, two broken ribs and severe bruising. Damage to my SRS and MK23 is currently unknown as I haven't dared look. The irony of doing that much damage to myself in an effort to not get shot a lot and then getting shot a lot as well is not lost on me. They're certainly my worst injuries from airsoft, how about you guys and gals?
    0 points
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