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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/21 in all areas

  1. When you start unloading from Sunday, realise that ex-Workmate Eddy has filled eight magazines with a random mix of BBs, and you're so cheap you try to pick the tracers out.
    4 points
  2. I'd also have to note that he's only claiming 1.8J from a 2.55J spring, so the air seal is suspect. And a laser though. Has he got the only scope ever made without crosshairs? Given the minimal chance of them staying zeroed together, which one is he using for aiming? Dazzle pattern camouflage. Oh, sure, it means the other team will spot him a mile away, but they won't know what range his gun is at, or which direction it's moving (I guess they could just aim straight it it, like everybody does, at everyone, all the time). Or if he's wearing a ghillie, maybe they'll think it's a spooky ghost gun just floating along, and get too scared to shoot at him. Really though, if that tape is easy to get off, why wouldn't you take it off before listing it?
    2 points
  3. I don't think the video has any relevance to BB ballistics. First off he's using hollow points which don't have an equivalence in airsoft. What he's 'discovering' is the well understood projectile speed vs impact damage trade-off. This is the fundamental dilemma between the two most common military rounds. Slower 7.62 will do more damage to un armoured target but less penetration to armoured ones. Higher speed 5.56 has more penetrating ability for armoured targets but less damage to unarmoured ones. But none of this applies to BBs using the magnus effect.
    2 points
  4. Yup, sorry, but I'm going to have to flag up [citation needed] on that. This isn't intended as personal, just an examination of the law as it's written and demonstrably applied. We'll start with Policing and Crime Act 1968 Section 125 which amends the Firearms Act 1968 by saying that airsoft guns are not firearms for the purposes of that Act. One notable exception is Section 19 which specifically mentions imitation firearms, and 24A (below). We could have a bun-fight over whether the multiple mention of "air weapons" in the Firearms Act still apply to airsoft guns, even if they're not "firearms". That could be problematic, since Section 24 does prohibit gifting "air weapons" to anyone under 18. It says nothing about their ownership of it though. The recipient commits no offence. In any case, we should argue strenuously against "air weapon" covering airsoft guns, since Section 1 (3) (b) defines an "air weapon" as a subset of "firearm", not as a separate category. If we continue with "air weapon" offences, Section 24Z prohibits minors from "having with them" an air weapon. In that case, they just need to be supervised by someone over 21, as per Section 23. Still nothing about ownership though. Supply of imitation firearms (realistic or otherwise) to minors is entirely relevant. That's covered by Firearms Act Section 24A which talks only about sale and purchase, not loans, gifts or ownership. And as we should all be familiar with by now, VCRA 2006 S36 covers manufacture, modification, importation and sale, not purchase, possession or ownership. Purchase is covered by Firearms Act S24A which provides no such defence for purchase by minors. However, again, being gifted or loaned or owning one is not an offence. The VCRA S36 offence has an S37 defence of "the purposes of functions that a person has in his capacity as a person in the service of Her Majesty". But that applies only to the S36 offences of manufacture, modification, importation and sale, not purchase or ownership, and is not a defence to the Firearms Act S24A offence of minors purchasing (but not owning) an imitation firearm (realistic or otherwise). I agree that it's a responsible thing to do, but whether it can shoot or not is immaterial to the Firearms Act 1968 S19 offence (ibid) of possession of an imitation firearm in a public place, realistic or otherwise, functional or otherwise. See this case, of a bright orange springer. The Sheriff's rather curious comment was that children would have a reasonable excuse for being in possession of an IF (but not necessarily a RIF) for the purposes of (I quote) "playing cowboys and Indians". But that's entirely about the appearance, not the functionality. Only if it's classed as an air weapon (and I'd argue that it's not), then Firearms Act S24Z applies. But I can find no such responsibility applying to imitation firearm offences. Despite everything I'm writing here, I do completely agree with this principle. The practical consequences of an ARV turning up are quite distinct from the legal ones. I can find no offences being committed. If they exist, they're likely to be in the Firearms Act 1968, Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, or Policing and Crime Act 2017, although firearm legislation is a right old mess, and I'm always happy to be surprised by other sources. Can we find any relevant offences here? https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/contents https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/38/contents https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/contents
    2 points
  5. I said it on fb and i'll say it now, wires through thevhop unit was a genius move. It ensured the bbs had top and side spins ensuring lazer accuacy.....(/s obvs)
    2 points
  6. Woooo west midlands airsoft high command is re opening 😁
    2 points
  7. A bit of a tm binge for me: NGRS URGI PTS EPM X6 Magpul M Lok handstop TM Detonics .45 I must admit i fall into the finding NGRS "recoil" gimmicky faction but i cannot deny its out of the box performance! The two things that i am surprised/disappointed by are the lack of guiselle markings on the rail system and the lack of resistance on the bolt release. The Detonics is actually surprisingly good for the first few shots given its diminutive barrel length but after the first 5/6 rounds that quickly drops off due to the tiny magazines miniscule gas capacity but its good fun none the less and lets face it this isnt a RIF that you purchase for its effectiveness in a skirmish. These are my first modern TM purchases and i must say I'm impressed, they perform excellently out of the box and feel great in the hand. The plastics are excellent and nothing like the cheap rattly plastics of old.
    2 points
  8. All I can say, from my time as a target shooter with air rifles, there are many disabled people that partake in the sport of shooting, some so disabled that the clubs assist with finding specialist equipment or design equipment to help the shooters. I have seen one guy disabled from the neck down and his PA does things like the loading and charging the rifle, a tutor is there to give guidance and the client gets a buzz from doing the rest themselves of aiming and shooting. As for airsoft, a site my son frequents has a player who is mobility scooter bound because of his cerebral palsy. Myself, have mobility issues as I was born with a disability myself that affects my ability to mobilise, I can walk but not run, if I try running, its more like moon hopping, funny to see. I do what I can and take part in play that I can and any good site like an shooting club will know if they are able to cope with your needs or point you to a club that has all the facilities and possibly specialises in players with health issues. As for the term disability, its a broad term, encompasses mental health, so wouldn't surprise me that the game has plenty of people with mental health issues that do the sport because it helps them with escaping from life for a few hours. I welcome a break myself from daily grind, break the monotony of just existing, IMHO all sites that are able to and have terrain that can be used by disabled players, it would grow the sport more and offer new options to people who may never of thought about the sport. I wonder how many people would benefit from a drive from the various sites to provide game days tailored to the disabled of all degrees, also don't forget that many children have disabilities that could gain benefit from child based games and not mixed with adults as I notice that some players treat kids like they are adults and that to a child can be off putting, on site has a rule that kids are not targets unless they fire an then the response must be measured like no full auto mag dumping on kids, preferably to just take a hit yourself, good for the kids moral and enjoyment. They are the future and players who are older need to adjust game play where kids are on site. In fact, in many cases, new players who experience mag dumps of any age are put off by returning to the game, we had an incident where a player only 2 games in left because they got deluged and literally picked on. Sad because it loses players in to the sport when the sport needs to grow.
    2 points
  9. I see and hear often about people wanting to and looking to power up their RIFs to the maximum permitted on anyone site. People seem to think that throwing more energy in to something will make it go faster and that contrary to what is believed, it is counter intuitive to use lower power as its often more effective. The best demonstration of this reality is a youtuber that made a video about his fire arm that was a PCP based rifle, long barrel and the calibre to make your eyes water but the principle is still the same, you just have to imagine that the 1150 grain slug is 3.08 grain BB (aka 0.2g) So rather than me going on about it, watch the video and first be stunned at the pure awesome that helium is and then check your faces on the shots of the ballistics gel and the high speed camera. You will see in the demo that the power in PSI from the High Pressure Whip in play, is lowered in stages to find the "Sweet spot" in the power setting to both gain accuracy and delivery of the energy, so it dumps that excess and as you can see what the 1150 grain pellet does is pretty scary. So apply that principle to airsoft guns, less power means better results all around, its a question of finding the sweet spot for your BB's to deliver the whack they need to.
    1 point
  10. This could be nothing but I saw this picture of a LK33 on prefired this morning and noticed the box cutout around the stock just happens to be the same shape as the thumbhole stock you see on some H&K rifles like the SL8. Unless LCT start doing a G36 I can't see them doing an SL8 but thumbhole stocks do exist for a g3 and there's also an SR9 - although the angles don't look right on the SR9 for this cutout. I just wonder what LCT were planning/thinking when they chose this shape for the box cutout as it can't be a coincidence can it? I love a thumbhole stock are IMO there just aren't enough in airsoft. g3 thumbhole stock: SR9:
    1 point
  11. Maybe he was hoping to disguise himself as a zebra
    1 point
  12. AirSniper

    Sniper rang? Really!

    Here is what I am trying to make clear, the relationship of Joules to Velocity from BB weight. You want more velocity then you have no option but to lower your BB weight. If you swap out a spring, then your taking the RIF above its rated Joules output for no good reason other than to break it. Things are made to a stress point, even in airguns, like my sons HW57 that had a failure in the piston because of dieseling detonation on firing took the spring past its tolerance for compression and no longer produces the 11.9 ftlbs but only 8ft lbs. Same rules apply in airguns, you want a slower speed and more joule delivery, go for heavier grain weights. This posted image is the simplest way I could demonstrate what I am trying to put in to words. It will also help those I hear uttering that "I don't know owt about this joules business..." and why it is important.
    1 point
  13. Rogerborg

    Bespoke airsoft

    Sorry to hear that. I'm amazed you actually got a refund, I guess that's the power of PayPal. It bends my brain that stores don't realise that it's to their benefit to handle support issues as promptly as possible. In B4 "lol, just fone them m8", sure, that gets your squeaky wheel greased, but it's a piss poor way for a business to to operate. It means they have to drop whatever they were doing, look up order details, Dave has to ask Chas if he's seen it / worked on it / sent it out, everybody's tickets get delayed, and they create pissed off customers who are happy to warn other people about them.
    1 point
  14. I'm always happy to help the boys in blue convert their 5x5x5 intel to the new 3x5x2 system. Just my civic duty.
    1 point
  15. Well they should also be making sure guns are cleared too. As a business they have a duty of care to paying customers (especially under 18s) and should be actively enforcing safety rules, rather than just paying them lip service. By being proactive and stopping potential incidents they wouldn't have to worry about reacting after any damage is done
    1 point
  16. I Messaged him through Instagram, but I imagine FB would work just as well. He has just been away on a milsim, so am awaiting a reply on how to actually pay etc, but I dare say he will get back to you.
    1 point
  17. Didn't that also happen in the safe zone? If so then imo the staff are responsible to a point as they should be making sure nobody is walking in with a mag in the gun Edit: just read the article and I agree that the site fucked up big time through negligence
    1 point
  18. Another vote for skyrc chargers, I've been using one for ages. I also use a idst charger which is even better but it requires an external dc supply.
    1 point
  19. EDcase

    Best Balance chargers

    SkyRC and Turnigy are trusted makes of chargers. Stay away from Nuprol Have a look through this thread:
    1 point
  20. Yup, I want to be super clear that I respectfully disagree with @AirSniper's interpretation of the law, but 100% agree with how we should treat RIFs - or even IFs, remember the 12 year old who got his door put in and cuffed because a passerby saw his two-tone through a window. I was coming home from a game on Sunday and was overtaken by a speeding police van ignoring a temporary speed limit. Normally I'd race them just for shits and giggles ("Where's the fire, constable?"), but thought better of it because I had a boot (almost literally) full of RIFs, BFGs and such.
    1 point
  21. Hi, ALL! 👋 Last Sunday, went to Zed Adventures and had a Great day, especially being Halloween! 🔫🤪👍 My first game in a couple years, at a CQB site! Can’t wait to play again and going to have some footage of it this Sunday, hopefully? 🤞👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  22. Will check it out! Also thanks for the mention on your recent Halloween video!!! 💯
    1 point
  23. Hawke vantage 3-9x scope. Optics are nice and clear, nice eye relief, and it feels really well made. I got a ris mount for an rmr sight too. Just gotta get home and camo her up!
    1 point
  24. Trigger locks aren’t much of a solution - for the exact reasons you’ve given in the example It can’t be fired but he can get into all of the trouble before the lock is found The opinion of the police as a control would be to locking it up away from children Following the death of a child with an airgun legislation was brought in for the new offence of not securing air weapons if there is any potential access to the building by minors. (£1000 fine if a minor gains access) Police recommendations are to use gun cabinets, but this isn’t a requirement as long as it is secure. Eg in a locked case/bag Airsoft RIFs are no longer air weapons so the £1000 fine may not apply, but the intent of the law to prevent avoidable tragedy is the same https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-offence-keeps-airguns-under-lock-and-key https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/air-weapons-a-brief-guide-to-safety-jan-2011/air-weapons-a-brief-guide-to-safety#preventing-children-from-accessing-air-weapons
    1 point
  25. Those seem to be some soft metal slugs. My guess is that it works like a bullet, and expands into the rifling. The more pressure it has behind it, the more it expands, creating more friction and slowing down the slug.
    1 point
  26. Samurai

    Sniper rang? Really!

    Airsoft BBs have backspin that greatly affect the trajectory. Most of them at least. There's an indoor sniping thing in Japan where they have very precisely built rifles with no hopup to shoot coin sized targets in close, 10-20m ranges. No hopup because that makes them less accurate. Only my empirical evidence, but I will try to look it up, because I've read it somewhere first. And it changed my life.
    1 point
  27. @AirSniper but I do agree with the principle of keeping control of our "kids" Airsoft guns, irrespective of what the law is, my son first played when he was about 10, & he was alway told his kit can never leave the house, nor can he ever have any bb's or batteries with them, which I keep under lock & key in a gun cabinet in the garage, its worked well so far, he's 24 now lol 🤣
    1 point
  28. Based on what? The only RIF defence for the military is the defence under para 37.2.f: the purposes of functions that a person has in his capacity as a person in the service of Her Majesty. This does not mean a member of the services may purchase a RIF. It means that someone may purchase a RIF due to their employment - eg QM 1st Blankshires can tell his staff to purchase some SA80 airsoft guns for some drill/familiarisation. (Though if he did then it would often make sense to buy two tones anyway so that it is clear that they are IFs and not the real ones) Potentially Private Smith might want to buy a RIF SA80 to ‘practice’ at home and use the 37.2.f defence to justify that. His SNCOs might decide to keep an eye on him for that for ‘over keenness’
    1 point
  29. Hi @Hussaroperator 👋 Last Sunday went to my first CQB game in a couple of years, fun and pain, should be up this Sunday! 🔫🤪👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  30. You will be happy with it! I am thinking about putting an longer innerbarrel in mine soon and covering it with a either a new handguard or suppressor
    1 point
  31. Thanks Keldon I'll def check it out, I've also heard of Red1 cqb site in Reforger proximity - some old school building, need to try both as I haven't had a chance to play a proper cqb skirmish yet
    1 point
  32. You sure ?, I can't say I've read the "small print" enough to disagree with you, but I know some guys who do, & @Rogerborg@rocketdogbert will be along shortly to settle it🤔
    1 point
  33. As promised in my previous post, and in the spirit of the thread.. i give you pics of my recently acquired acetech bifrost... Amazing bit of kit
    1 point
  34. I shot HFT for years. Weihrauch 97K tuned by Steve Pope with a Venom single stage trigger. Falcon FFP target scope in the epic. Pretty spectacular for a springer.
    1 point
  35. Anyone want to pay £350 for a shagged VFC MP7? https://prefired.co.uk/ads/boneyard-umarex-vfc-mp7-aeg-v1/
    1 point
  36. Tom from AATV does them. It will just make it look a bit longer. Uses another scope ring to hold it at the eye end of the sight.
    1 point
  37. so £145 with a leaf sight oooooorrrrr brand new £115 (3 in stock) with change to find a sight if you need (purely cosmetic), doubt postage is over £30 either https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gp-military-type-m203-grenade-launcher-short
    1 point
  38. Nice to see that the consistency of that site is still the same unsafe place….
    1 point
  39. And a rape dungeon is pretty damn good for struggle cuddles, but it's not anything to be proud of.
    1 point
  40. Been there today with 3 of my friends. Cons: The worst, there was no "chrono" in place, so every shot I took HURT. I could very well show up with an 8 joule gun and start destroying the place. The 2nd worst, the regulars. They cheated and got away with it. Rules changed mid game to suit them. Incident 1 : Shot a guy from 10m, he took 4 bbs to the shoulder, he crouched and then ran off into the bushes. Never seen again. Incident 2 : Snuck up behind a sniper, tapped him on the shoulder and said " knife kill ". He raises his hands up and says he surrenders. I lower my gun, he shoots me in the face from about 30cm. The bb shattered through my mask and I had to spit the fragments out. Please stay away from this place, there is a horror accident just waiting to happen. The people who play here have no concept of sportsmanship.
    1 point
  41. @AirSniper Fancy joining us on Wednesday then for a forum shootout?
    1 point
  42. mightyjebus

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    if anyone was wondering the VFC GBB MP5 Solid stock fits straight on.
    1 point
  43. Glad you like it! Probably going to stick with the curved mags. It's going to be used to fulfil a number of loadout/roles such as Delta, Blood Diamond, Pmc, CIA etc So its not going to a replica of anything specific, but an impression of a lot of things. Hopefully getting a 3d printed sight extension for the back of the Compm2 to mimic an earlier Aimpoint a bit more, and working on a flashlight holder to fit round the barrel at the front sight base. Paint to follow probably too.
    1 point
  44. LBT 6094 (variant) in AOR1 pattern.
    1 point
  45. Something like spitfire tracers is fine - it’s just a light Players using blank firers in a game are an absolute no. (Even if they are UK legal with sealed barrels etc) I don’t like the slippery slope trope (ban this today and they will take everything) But for airsoft skirmishing the ‘realism’ factor is the only reason why the skirmisher defence was added, establishing skirmishing as a level of ‘playing reenactment’ Stating that we don’t need any realism means there is no need for RIFs Definitely no to flame flashes out of a barrel, yes if you want it with light up flashes, yes to appropriate recreational pyro and yes to suitably managed ‘display’ pyro
    1 point
  46. I use my spitfire with muzzle flash on night games. It all adds to the realism.
    1 point
  47. You also have sentinel Airsoft near Dunstable of the M1. You will need someone with a car like reforger and driver wood but it's a smaller sight but is a good mix of outdoor and cqb.
    1 point
  48. isn't fucking up a perfectly good gun the best bit of the hobby?
    1 point
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