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  1. PayPal updated their terms to permit 'gun related' payments again where the items are legal within the country concerned.
    3 points
  2. PP does cover airsoft sales now.
    3 points
  3. NEVER pay by F&F unless it's someone you can find and kneecap easily.
    3 points
  4. One final thing airsoft is an enjoyable game played by people on an HONOUR based system, you get hit you call it you walk away......... I hate the idiots that wish to escalate everything IT IS A GAME!!!! You idiots out there yelling I hit you when the BBs are landing 10 or 20 feet short all the time get a friend with face pro and get him to walk towards you from 80m then you will see your true range and I tell you it is less than you think and less than it looks from behind the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about that the next time you play.
    3 points
  5. That is this evening's job sorted then 😁
    2 points
  6. you've not met the kind of players i've seen, our record so far is failing to call a broadside from a 40-mike...... couple of months back running the dragonuv there was a chap in that position, called me over to take a shot (because of course big gun with a scope=more range but that's by the by and tbf i was yeeting .48's), my first shot went about a foot over the guys head, close enough for him to flinch but definately not a hit, meanwhile all i'm hearing is "you hit him you hit him". likewise yesterday i was being credited with a double kill despite being 99% certain the first guy the bb passed didn't make contact (ironically he was the guy i was aiming at, the second bloke walked out at the wrong time) unless you not only see the bb land, but you know it's close enough to impact with authority and hasn't bounced off a mag pouch or something where they might legitimately have not felt/heard it, then you gotta give them the benefit of the doubt.
    2 points
  7. AlphaBear

    THE TM MWS thread

    Rare as rocking horse poop is this i tell ya!! And that’s the price in HK dollars not USD 😂
    2 points
  8. Hi, ALL! 👋 Had a Great time this Sunday at Red Alert! 🔫🤪 Got some footage, going through it today, got some pics! 🤔 Can’t wait until my next game!?.... 🔫🤞 💷GAMBLE💷
    2 points
  9. Alimcd

    Gun picture thread

    AKMSU hand guard finally arrived, looks great, feels awesome. Had to sneak in a picture of the Combat Union rotary hop, awesome piece of geardo-porn
    2 points
  10. No, he's actually not one of those people, genuinely just doesn't interest him.
    2 points
  11. I decided to upgrade two of my guns professionally and see what difference if any a professional tech could make. To be honest I could have done the same quality of job myself. Other than tuning and fixing a RHop and soldering wires. I hate soldering grrrr. Has it made me a better player. Nope. Does it make me smile each time I use them? Hell yes! Will I ever get a good return back on them if ever I sell them? Absolutely not! Oh will I ever use a tech again? Nope. Disclaimer... >>>Just Luke at Negative Airsoft cuz he ‘loves TM recoils and Titans’ and I just got to see the video when I ask him to make it the best pew pew like ever. Couldn’t have said it any better myself. This is what I can’t get my head around. If you’re buying something which has been gutted and replaced with upgraded parts and it’s been done by known named techs then why sell it. I mean what am I missing here. Agreed situations can change for whatever reason cuz we live in crazy times. But still...
    2 points
  12. Oh for sure, the diminishing returns is strong in this hobby. The biggest lesson i learnt from the m4 is perfection is nice but not worth the effort over "good enough" and that was after having incrementally got it there over the guts of a decade
    2 points
  13. Asomodai

    Gun picture thread

    Got my new E&L AKS74U through the post. It's just as solid as the E&L 74N I got through last month. The stock is especially wobble free. Gunfire downgraded it a tad too much, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Goes to my tech on Friday to be given the once over, the usual replacement barrel and bucking as I dont rate any stock ones.
    2 points
  14. Actually in all fairness a recoil is pretty easy to take apart and put back together. It’s not rocket science and there are so many videos on YT these days. All one needs is the right tools and a bit of patience and plenty of whiskey. Now going back to the actual topic... £900! Is it worth that’s? It’s all a matter of perspective. If the upgrades can be verified and you know which tech has done the work then there may be some merit is the asking price. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. But as I said, it’s quite easy to upgrade a recoil. But then again some people may just not want the faff of doing it themselves. Now, would I pay that for such an item which can’t be verified. Erm No! Nada! Nichts! No way hosey.... However there maybe someone who may.... Oh will it make you a better player? Erm.... somehow I doubt it.... but then again you may feel like the only seal team member on the field with your CAG 416 and that’s all that matters at the end of the day isn't it? .... enjoying oneself and taking part....
    2 points
  15. Is it actually he can’t be arsed to put it back together or is it more like “I’ve taken it apart AND now I haven’t a fecking clue how to put it back together !” 🤔 seen it happen SO MANY times ! if I’m buying TM recoil 2nd hand the nano second I see ‘upgrade’ I turn and walk off in the opposite direction ! Don’t care who’s upgraded it , anything bar a deans connector fitted as far as I’m concerned the guns bollox’ed and will implode sometime in the future where as a stock one is just like the energizer bunny 🐰. 👍
    2 points
  16. Got my rhino finally and started building the holster for it. Still needs the top strap to hold the pistol in. The holster has a molle attachment panel bolted to the back and the angle can be changed.
    2 points
  17. Watch out for sales by Josh Suvekette/Lucas Perkins So the other night I saw a VFC Glock 17 with spare mag and holster for sale on Airsoft Nation for £50 under the name Josh Suvekette. Obviously, that’s a very low price and the picture, description weren’t the best, so I was on my guard when I messaged Josh. I asked him if the gun was still for sale and if he could send me some more pictures, providing my email. His reply was very short, basically yes it’s still for sale. I then immediately received a payment request from PayPal for £50 in the name of Lucas Perkins. Alarm bells started ringing, but I messaged back asking again for pictures with our names on a handwritten note and why was the PayPal request from a Lucas Perkins. He replied that it was his uncle's PayPal and when I pressed for more pictures he said it had sold. Today I’ve seen a post on Airsoft Nation from a guy saying he had bought the gun, but it wasn’t posted. When he chased this up with the seller he got a phone call saying “I’ve scammed you.” Apparently this seller has other items up for sale, so definitely one to be wary of.
    1 point
  18. jsmithski

    THE TM MWS thread

    Please record how the trigger works before and after.
    1 point
  19. Blast from the past. It's STAR UMP that I've had for a while that needed repairs. The selector gears sitting between the gearbox and the lower receiver had snapped due to metal fatigue. Luckily they are the same as a CYMA G36 so I fitted a set and then fitted a Pico SSR which involved chopping the inside of the upper receiver so that it would fit along with a battery. Just when things were looking good the selector plate snapped but again thankfully it's the same as a CYMA G36 so a quick order to fire support and things are all working now. I might give it a run out this weekend if I can find the rest of the magazines.
    1 point
  20. Let me guess, Friends and Family payment? Who the fuck still pays with F&F in 2020?
    1 point
  21. Some Oldschool Aussie pouches, Issue Softshell in DPDU, Navy patches and TimTams!
    1 point
  22. I think a scope cam killed his father.
    1 point
  23. It looks like I just bought a split front TT MAV for €42 posted
    1 point
  24. Wild Weasel

    THE TM MWS thread

    +1 on vortex crossfire - the last red dot you will buy.
    1 point
  25. I would say that at the start of the day : I did talk to the marshals and they were aware of what I intended to do: I would say when at the age of 58 I would have run rings round most of the unfit kids I meet at airsoft with a few exceptions. I always try not to get into slanging matches with even the worst cheaters and when possible start my day with a 350 fps AEG, if I encounter cheats I change to my DMR and heavy weight BBS. It is not easy to say you are not being hit when the pain is making you dance.
    1 point
  26. True, but so many of these fUlLy UpGrAdEd GnUs are sold as "never skirmished" or "put four rounds through it". I even get the appeal of making - or paying someone to make - the best possible toy, without any real intention of using it for its ostensible purpose. I guess it's like those chaps who trick out cars with every available Stage Eleventy-Nine performance part just so that they can park them up at a car meet with the bonnet open then wander off and ogle similar concours queens. However, I can't help but feel sorry for such hardware. Their Machine Spirits must be restless.
    1 point
  27. Why on earth would you think that it's wor... "Fully upgraded by KOA " Ohhh. Translated: "All the diamond encrusted stuff that neither the guy who paid for it, nor I who traded for it, ever once actually liked enough to use: that must be worth at least that that much to you as well. Beg me to sell it to you, peasant. On your mud encrusted knees."
    1 point
  28. Think of it as a golf-style handicap for more mature players....anyone under thirty can figuratively and literally jog on!
    1 point
  29. Had an amazing time at Dagger Woods on Saturday, one of my favourite days airsofting in a long ol’ time. Gave the ghillie bits their first proper run out, can definitely see it being more effective once I’m more familiar with the sites I use it at. Fortunately a chap grabbed a photo so I can see where needs some work, namely the boots... and the Mk23 will be making it’s way back onto the chest rig. (Would loved to have seen how it looked front on, but this photo is useful to see for improvements to make nevertheless) Had some lovely ambushes and some great long range shots. Everything performed up to or past expectations and the staff and players were fantastic. Such a welcoming atmosphere from the moment I arrived at the site, as someone that suffers with a lot of social anxiety I can’t understate how much this set the day up to be a good one. Superb sportsmanship from start to finish, I don’t think I have anything negative to say at all. Just one of those days you have every now and then that reminds you exactly why it’s all so worth it.
    1 point
  30. I was at Tactical Warfare Airsoft in Croydon on Saturday. I'd been feeling burnt out with airsoft but wanted to force myself to go, so wasn't expecting much. Surprisingly I had an excellent day. 12C, so chilly at first but perfect for running around. They have limited the number of players to 60 (peak days they used to get 150+) who have pre-booked and that seemed the perfect number. I think @Asomodai did a review noting high numbers leading to a lot of spraying and praying and not much in the way of tactics. With 60 there were enough to have a decent number of targets but still being able to pick your shots and move forward without facing a constant hail of BB's. Also the first time using my FDE Scorpion Evo and it performed excellently, especially once I'd dialled in my red dot. My only gripe, was the same one I always have with airsoft, the lunch break is too long. I'd be fine with half an hour to chow down and get back out there but they always seem to stretch 1hr 30 - 2hrs and not only do I get bored but my muscles cooldown and seize up too much! Still I stayed for the second half and again everything went well until my gun seemingly jammed. It was only half an hour or so before the end, so called it a day. Got the cleaning rod out when I got home but there didn't seem to be anything blocking the barrel. A peak up the magwell revealed a spring around the nozzle and I quickly realised where the one from my bottle of BB's had ended-up (I had noticed it missing earlier in the day but couldn't be arsed to do anything about it). It must have been poured in to my hi-cap mag and fed through! Fortunately I was able to do a basic disassembly and it doesn't seem to have done any damage. Long story short, I'm back in the game baby!
    1 point
  31. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    @Marroksteel $$$$$ Are you the guy selling COVID masks and hand sanitiser? 🤣
    1 point
  32. Matt!

    Transporting RIF's

    Props to Finius for this.
    1 point
  33. These are taken straight from the UKARA website Q&A section/news feed. Use the find function of your browser (CTRL+F) to find what you are looking for if you do not wish to read this in it's entirety, but we would appreciate it if you did. This is to stop repeat questions appearing on the forum This guide has been compiled over a number of months, some of the information may no longer be valid or accurate, though we do try and update regularly. Please read thoroughly. A RIF or in other words a black gun requires you to be 18+ and have a valid defence. An IF or in other words a two-tone requires you to be 18+ only. I am a member of the Armed Forces can I buy a RiF? There are no exceptions to the legislation for members of any of the services, the crown servant section refers to purchase for the crown by crown servants not individuals. Service personnel are still required to become a member of an insured Airsoft Site or Club to be eligible to purchase RIF's. The same can be said for shotgun licences etc. they are not a valid defence. Due to service commitments I cannot play enough times when at home on leave to qualify/how quickly must I play the 3 games? The time period over which you have to play your 3 games is at the discretion of the participating game site providing the 3 games are not played in a time that is less than 2 months, the maximum time period is 12 months. I am under 18, can my parents buy me a RIF? Not unless they are members of one the approved purchasing groups, it would appear that there is no problem of a gift from an eligible purchaser to a minor. I am under 18 can, I buy an Imitation Firearm or "Two Tone"? No you cannot, an IF cannot be purchased by a person under 18 years of age. Who are UKARA? UKARA are a group of Airsoft retailers who have formed an association to protect their businesses and enable the sale of Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIF's), to the newly restricted recognised and approved customers resulting from the Violent Crime Reduction Act (VCRA). Why have they set up the UKARA Scheme? Under the new act it is the responsibility of the seller to verify that the purchaser is approved, and they may be prosecuted if they fail to do this with due diligence. How will the UKARA scheme do this? UKARA has set up an Independent Data Base which will be used to list eligible purchasers and allow UKARA retailer members to check sale recipients are bona fidi. Who are the eligible purchasers? The only groups of persons now allowed to purchase RIF's are Film, TV, Museums, Theatres, Crown Servants, and persons engaged in Re-enactement activities, and airsoft skirmishing. All these purchasers must be over 18 years of age. What must Re-enactment people and Airsoft players do to show the are bona fidi? Both these groups must show that their activities are covered by third party liability insurance and that they are over 18, in the case of Airsoft Players they must also show that they are regular players at an accredited game site. Which means they must be a member of a game site with the appropriate Airsoft Insurance cover. How do players become members of an approved game site and eligible to buy RIF's? The games site has to record you as a member and preferably issue you with a membership card. To qualify as an airsoft skirmisher you must be a regular player at that game site having attended not less than 3 times in not less than 2 months and no more than 12 months. Why the UKARA scheme? The UKARA scheme allows certified game sites to join a list on the UKARA web site to show they are participating in the UKARA scheme, this then means that they can approve UKARA player application forms, the game site having been registered and issued with a validating stamp and recognised signature. Why is this an advantage? If the player downloads a Player application form from the UKARA web site he can have this confirmed by his UKARA registered game site and then send it to any UKARA retailer with his first order, who will then enter the players details on the UKARA Data base. This then means that he can then order from any UKARA member retailer and providing he includes his UKARA game site numbers he can be verified and thus sold to. My game site is not on the UKARA game site list, can I still register with UKARA? No, if your game site is not on the UKARA list then you cannot get your player form validated, you would need to wait till your site joins, or go to a UKARA approved game site. Will UKARA use my personal information for other purposes? No, your information is protected under the DATA protection Act and may not be divulged to any third party unless authorised by you, if you are at any time unhappy you may have your details expunged from the record. It is only there to allow retailers to confirm you are eligible to purchase. Can I have my RIF sent to a different address? No, RIF's must be sent to the registered postal address of the player. How do I purchase from a UKARA dealer at their shop premises? If you take suitable ID such as a drivers license passport etc. along with your UKARA Players number the retailer can check that you are the registered buyer by checking the Data system. What do I do with my players application form? Once you are a member of a UKARA game site and have been a regular there for more than two months, having played at least 3 times, you can get your form verified and then send it off with your next order to a UKARA retailer. You will have to do this by post, and if your actual order is via the net or phone make sure you reference the two together, posting a day in advance of your order would probably also help. Your form can also be sent to a Core or Associate retailer as it makes no difference, though please do not post directly to the UKARA Admin. When they process your order they can add you to the Database, and once this has been done you can order from any UKARA retailer quoting your UKARA site membership number. Please remember RIF's can only be sent to your registered address. Why don't UKARA change the law concerning painting and purchasing of Imitation and Realistic airsoft guns? UKARA is a retailers association and although we did put forward our views to the Government of the day when the Violent Crime Reduction Bill was being drafted we did not get all our ideas accepted and ultimately we did not draft the bill nor have any ability to change the current Act only Government can make and revise UK law. I am under 18 can I own an Airsoft gun and play airsoft? There is no legal restriction to the ownership or use of an airsoft gun whether RiF or IF related to age you may not purchase a RiF or an IF if you are under the age of 18. There is no restriction other than game site own rules and insurance cover as to the age of a player of Airsoft. Can my parent buy me an airsoft gun? They can buy an IF but not a RiF unless they are a member of an insured game site, although if you are under 18 you can be given or win a RIF or IF. Is a red tipped, or camo painted gun legal to import as an IF? No to class as an IF a gun must be 51% government approved bright colour or clear see through plastic. Accepted bright colours are: - Bright red - Bright orange - Bright blue - Bright yellow - Bright green - Bright pink - Bright purple Could you give me more information on how to obtain a Airsoft licence? There is no such thing as an Airsoft License (or A "UKARA") you can become a member of an insured game site and if appropriate register through that game site onto the UKARA database. If I/I have/I am going to, import from Hong Kong, USA, etc will Customs impound my gun? If you cannot prove that you are an eligible importer the Boarder Agency will impound and destroy your import without compensation, if you are an eligible importer e.g. a member of an insured airsoft game site, (and UKARA registration helps a great deal) make sure that you have clear information put on/with your import proving your eligibility. I want to buy RiFs not to play Airsoft but to use in my back garden or hang on the wall? The VCRA was expressly designed to eliminate RiFs from the UK, Airsoft players only got a "Special Defence" because they proved that they needed them for the realistic element in playing Airsoft. I have changed my registration details e.g. moved or a different email address what should I do? Your first course of action is to contact the game site that you are registered with as a member, tell them of your change of address or other details and ask them to update you on their own records and on the database, to which they should have access through their own players section. Hopefully this answers some of the questions that keep coming up.
    1 point
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