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    Quite a few, mostly gbbrs

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  1. Sure you can do that as far as the diameter is good. You can also try swapping the mount (requires sewing).
  2. There are different standards. Always measure it first before ordering.
  3. See, Brexit starts to pay off
  4. Looks exactly like my old KWA SR10!
  5. Exactly. You have to kill the urge inside yourself to paint everything in one go - and I mean it, because it will be itching like hell and the damn satan behind your ear will whisper all profanities and try to convince you with all his powers to make you skip the paint curation time. If you submit, your gun will look like shit and the satan will laugh in AEG (and I mean poorly shimmed and motor leveled one).
  6. I hope we will never have to do the same here in PL but if for any reason it becomes a necessity it’s still not the end of the world.
  7. There are more countries where there’s no airsoft legislation. Does the UKARA really helps keeping the community safe? Australia is a totally different case, their government is mental.
  8. Yeah, HAO designed it to help you fire from the hip
  9. Sure you can have fun with 0.5J too, I’m just saying a sniper rifle gives you the advantage only if it can shoot at greater distance and much quieter than other replicas, but if I were to play a 1J limit game outdoors I would just pick a smg.
  10. Anyway. 1j limit is perfect for CQB, I don’t mind being shot on full auto with that. For milsims and outdoor skirmishes, I think it would kill the joy. I got a sniper that shoots over 4J and is within the limits for a BASR where I play. What’s the point of having a bolt action rifle and be outgunned by every AEG or gbbr? One limit to rule them all, that’s silly. PS. If only one guy shot/killed someone through all these years using a BP gun then it is ok to say that more ppl gets killed in bar bare hand fights. Banning alcohol would make more sense.
  11. Did you read that? They don’t say what was he shooting with. Also, is that all? Wow.
  12. I know only well and fairly trained ones. Do you think a mandatory training every once in a while would do the job? Yes, you are right. I don’t understand why. White people conquered America and half of the world using those. I’m pretty sure a concealed BP Derringer can be a life saver in some situations.
  13. Most firearm altercations happen at 6-7 meters distance (I remember that from a Police Academy training movie) so I think still a Billy Kid revolver wins over a knife or machete and may win against a modern firearm if drawn faster. But the point is, why people don’t kill themselves using black powder guns during road rage if they are so easily available? Because they are not cool? C’mon man as Sleepy Joe would say. Again, no school shootings in Europe using black powder guns. Why? Not cool?
  14. You don’t have much faith in humanity, do you? When people bring up such arguments I always think they speak for themselves, not the general public. Maybe you should not own any guns if you think that way, I agree.
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