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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/15 in all areas

  1. I learnt yesterday that people with LMG's will not follow the sites 1 second burst rule in anyway shape of form.
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. proffrink

    What's this grenade?

    Pull the pin then sit on it. Report back with findings.
    4 points
  4. To be honest I don't get rules like that. Either allow LMGs or don't. The whole point of a support gun is continuous suppressive fire. If you're not allowed to do that then why even bother?
    4 points
  5. Always happens, never figured out why some people would want to pay £35 to stand in a corridor to tell the people with some nuts that the enemy is down the other end of the corridor.Dont believe in dying for the greater good but I am a firm believer in making the enemy die for the greater good.
    4 points
  6. Buy a Krytac,spare mag, 2x lipos and a imax b6 charger. Then use it to shoot that jbbguns useless crap to pieces.
    3 points
  7. Well iv been playing now for around 3 months. And during that time myself and my bro have frequented ucap bunker. (For those who have not played it, 350fps limit and full ato everywhere, with all dark tunnels) Today we traved to the mall, an hour and a bit away. Every one raves about it so we decided to check it out....... Oh my, its bloody amazing!!! Very well marshelled, great games, exellent team spirit from the players on our team. 112 players today all in all and didnt feel crowded atal. The site is very very playable. I now see what all the fuss is about. We will defo be back on the regular! For any noobs who havnt been, it really is worth a trip.
    3 points
  8. Lol, sounds like I would need to run this patch upon my first visit
    3 points
  9. It does happen everywhere but I do think the mall sometimes attracts the idiots more than most.I think the chavs are attracted to it because its running round a shopping centre which is their natural habitat. Just be glad theres not a McDonald's in there or it would be over ran by people wearing airmax trainers. You also get the odd visiting blowhards that take things a bit too serious for how the mall runs. Most of the more regular players are usually a good bunch of people though.
    3 points
  10. It's true. The body wash is quite often vaunted as an effective tick and flea preventative for dogs. Makes you wonder what the hell's in it!
    3 points
  11. I love my fast helmet, and the mesh i rigged on the front too lol Wish i had known what would be comfortable on my face when i started, that has been the biggest hurdle for me
    3 points
  12. jcheeseright


    There's no 'rank structure' in airsoft, it's grown men and teenagers shooting at each other with BB guns for fun. As for awarding yourself a couple of stripes.... get a grip, rank in the military (in most branches at least) is EARNED with hard work and merit, not simply having been round the block a few times. Imagine how much of a tit you'd look if someone recognised the unit badge and rank slide and asked "oh, you're in 2 para, do you know L/Cpl Smith, his mates call him Smudge?" and you have to reply "sorry mate, just thought I'd give myself a couple of stripes since I think I've got some leadership skills".
    3 points
  13. Buy a G&G, best of both worlds you get a new gun and experience on fixing and upgrading everytime it breaks. ☺
    2 points
  14. Told ya SD king of crap guns. 😂
    2 points
  15. Smoke grenades. Two is one. One is none
    2 points
  16. Baz JJ

    New AEG

    G&P look good but have been put off them. One of the guys who plays at our milsim had one crack on him due to brittleness of the metal. Would go Krytac or ERG
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. This isn't a myth peddled by the avon sales reps is it - like when the Cif stand in Aldi told me that Cif by the pallet load could also de-spider your garden, and leave it smelling lemon-fresh to boot?
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Yep, the actual issue is overkilling anyway. Who cares if you are shooting nothing or someone not taking their hits for 5 seconds?
    2 points
  21. Hahaha I don't know the team name or individuals but it got so bad that almost half of the blue side went home at lunch I do remember one of the red side was wearing black & another was in an almost PMC loadout, these were the guys who refused to acknowledge my hits even when they were a blatant 50/50 Plus both my rifles were playing up in all morning with misfires but were fine in the afternoon
    2 points
  22. Oooooh, I love a good bitchfest, name names!
    2 points
  23. How true is that :/ Related learning point: if someone is new to sniping with a high fps set up they likely won't know what 30 metres is for their minimum engagement distance. Expect some very painful hits from very close ranges. Learnt this from experience when a young lad (~13 years old) shot me in the head from 10 metres away. After I stopped cursing a marshal was informed and the lad had to ditch his rifle when he couldn't prove that he knew what 30 metres was. He was disappointed but the safety rules are there for a reason.
    2 points
  24. Things I wish that I'd of known.... 1)How useless mesh masks are. they may protect your teeth but restrict you from looking down the sights as you would normally which really ruins the day for me (no longer use anything, looking into dust masks but I reckon those may also be a hindrance). 2)how serious some people take it and also how big it is, like full on international mil sims lasting a few days/week. 3)Avon skin so soft face cream. Anyone who plays in woods will understand. 4)which shops to give a wide berth and which sites offer the best gameplay for your money and location. 5)most importantly, especially for new players - talk to as many people as you want, have fun, go solo and sniper, follow a highly regarded team and learn/tag along, try anything you wish, don't feel you have to conform to the rest as they're not always the best.
    2 points
  25. I'd like to know about reusable grenades. There seems to be so many available but what is good and what is not?
    1 point
  26. Or if you really want to have an airtank on your back you could just take up diving or become a fireman. *disclaimer-I am not a fan of Scuba Steve 😃
    1 point
  27. Tan guns just make me think of Caramac lol. The Scar H does look beastly but then you have to go down the route of buying new mags and pouches.
    1 point
  28. True but if you buy one then I reckon you will probably end up looking at the HK's and Scars and wish you had spent a bit more. Did you really consider them when you bought your recce?
    1 point
  29. To be honest forget upgrading the SRC It has a split 2 piece hop, 6mm plastic bushings, and some boxes and receivers will need a bit of minor modding to go/put in other stuff. The tiny gearbox pin don't align perfectly with some stuff The receiver has the flimsy eyelets that break easily plus other faults I can't be arsed to go into... It is a dated design and way behind today's standards SRC isn't that bad but I wouldn't waste much time/money on it Pretty damn sure is exact same model as we started with From jbbg tossers btw
    1 point
  30. Firesupport Eagle6 Tiger111 They are the main 3 I would use but there are others that are just as good.
    1 point
  31. Not a 100% sure because I wouldnt buy ares anything so never really look. If I had to guess I would say its probably proprietary and only runs with the ares amoeba guns.
    1 point
  32. Go for a G&P mate you can be them for around £300 and they are designed for Lipos
    1 point
  33. Let you know in a few days then although too soon to give an in depth feedback
    1 point
  34. I would just get one from Poland but the game is only next weekend and I dont trust them frenchies to not cause too big a delay. Living in Kent i've experienced the choas of op stack and would hate to see what it is like on the other side. I've also yet to have a proper visit to an airsoft shop so am looking forward to being able to handle some before taking the plunge.
    1 point
  35. Mr Monkey Nuts

    Sound amplifiers

    A cheap hollow silencer with removable ends also work and don't look silly.
    1 point
  36. Scenario (as a 1st time rental): Getting shot in the back of the neck by a loaded marshal as they check if your taking hits correctly. Now: Watching and grinning as they do it to others. Learnt: Not getting pissed off when shot up the ass from friendlies when pushed up, instead, giving advice... Well... Atleast trying not to get pissed off
    1 point
  37. In fact (here comes the sciencey bit) http://www.bcmj.org/article/mosquito-repellent-effectiveness-placebo-controlled-trial-comparing-95-deet-avon-skin-so-sof
    1 point
  38. Airsoft123....Avon cream, tell me more! haha Nickh, worse when your a newbie!
    1 point
  39. That happens everywhere though...
    1 point
  40. adazrambo


    Don't do what I did the other day. Crack open the side of the gearbox and spring popped out blowing everything out of the gearbox, lesson truly learnt.
    1 point
  41. Use a riser mount for your scope, dont get any issues with using a mesh mask then and you dont end giving the dentist £500.
    1 point
  42. This. I run a 300 fps bolt in my rifle when I fancy a challenge at a CQB site or want to be really quiet at a woodland site. As long as your hop is set correctly you can still be pretty effective with a lower fps rifle. Added bonus you have no minimum engagement distance on a sub 350 fps set up. Can be very handy if spotted. Edit: Plus with a weaker spring you can cycle the bolt faster/easier. Very useful for quick follow up shots.
    1 point
  43. Too bad it's not the FPS that counts.
    1 point
  44. Ermm....what? A FAST helmet really doesn't make that much difference to the size of your head. What are you concerned about?
    1 point
  45. Suppose you have a lot of CAT BURGLARS then - lol ok I'll get me coat - wtf - some bastid's nicked me coat
    1 point
  46. I have been treating myself lately! Bought a KWA Kriss Vector with 3 mags, a Madbull SOCOM stock and a 335mm suppressor! I plan to get the suppressor with the integrated inner barrel to put on my Vector (heard the FPS shoots up! Makes the gun fire hot though so not for skirmishes). But yeah!
    1 point
  47. Same here, I'm now downsizing to a simple chest rig and dump pouch rather than a whole Assault vest filled with stuff I will never need. As the old expression goes "Keep it simple, stupid!"
    1 point
  48. The grey shop have got 6b7-1M back in stock at 108 Euro.
    1 point
  49. One step closer... Adapter turned up today....here it is with my suppressor (I know Stonebridge doesn't have the KAC style, however, I had this already and I like it on there)
    1 point
  50. nellboy

    Gun picture thread

    My pride and joy, an ARES Defence Shrike AWS (Advanced Weapon System). Its a dual-feed (Belt-fed and/or STANAG mag capability), mine is the HurricanE full metal kit fitted onto a CA CQB-R (Only gun I could get my hands on). It has a Prometheus Tight bore barrell and upgraded internals. I have two electric 5,000 rd HurricanE that easily keep up with its 20+ BB per second fire rate. FPS is a decent 320. I mainly use 0.28g BBs in it and because of the TM hop rubber and hop-unit thet fly for miles..... Gun is topped off with an Elcan 3x Scope. (clone 8) ) Here is a you-tube clip of a real-steel in action:
    1 point
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