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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/06/15 in all areas

  1. Wouldn't work on my local site. We are not allowed to run from a grenade. We take it like men. Screaming.
    4 points
  2. Happy

    Airsoft confessions

    Is it an "airsoft sin" to deliberately throw in dud grenades and follow them straight through the door to shoot the enemy trying to get away? Because I am completely guilty if it is haha
    4 points
  3. GiantKiwi

    Gun picture thread

    Keeping it simple with this, Optic and a foregrip added.
    3 points
  4. Monty

    Airsoft confessions

    My usual outcome for most games, lol.
    2 points
  5. Aengus

    Airsoft confessions

    I sent a friend to JustBBguns
    2 points
  6. TMC and Emerson are definitely different companies. Both pretty cheap and cheerful, there's no way on earth I'd ever pay £100 for anything made by either company when you could spend the same amount on Warrior or Condor kit that's borderline indestructible.
    2 points
  7. can't go wrong with an issued UBACS, cheap as chips too.
    2 points
  8. Of the dozens of different brands and models I've owned, the british issued combat shirt has proven the most practical and comfortable for airsoft use. They're available in MTP and dessie DPM for absolute peanuts on eBay; best bang for your buck by a long stretch to my mind. Getting a higher quality trouser that'll accept internal foam padding around the knees is generally cheaper and easier than trying to get something Crye style. Anything sold by tactical-kit or hueys should be good and you're well covered if they should happen to fail you unduly quickly.
    2 points
  9. Why did you put Vaseline in there? Don't do that again, heh.
    2 points
  10. We recommend to never buy from the 'BB gun' sites. Especially this Mark 1 place, never heard of it. Seems very dodgy
    2 points
  11. Please let this stupid thread die.
    2 points
  12. proffrink

    Airsoft confessions

    I'm sure you do son.
    2 points
  13. If I do shoot a kid I try and follow it with a Nelson "Haw Haw", so they fully appreciate the situation. Did have one jump up and scream 'don't shoot' once after I burst round a corner and shot his mate. I asked but he didn't have any lunch-money so i shot him in the foot
    2 points
  14. You could get: http://www.uktactical.com/p-8716-warrior-dcs-plate-carrier-base-olive-drab.aspx or http://www.uktactical.com/p-10290-warrior-ricas-compact-base-olive-drab.aspx Then look at getting cheap mag pouches, there's a bundle on there which is around £150 which is 5 mag pouches and 2 utility pouches(for the DCS) http://www.uktactical.com/p-8717-warrior-dcs-da556-olive-drab.aspx or http://www.uktactical.com/p-10561-warrior-dcs-m4-olive-drab.aspx That works out cheaper than buying them individually. Up to you really, the warrior pouches are nice quality but you could get cheaper ones which may or may not start coming apart after a few months use.
    1 point
  15. If it's just a part, they won't give a pickle about it, just declare it as a toy. As for shipping to hong kong times... it's about 1 to 2 weeks usually.
    1 point
  16. Shouldn't need modification for an EOTech, if anything the holographic and front sight post will co-witness? I have a red dot sight on my M4 and it doesn't get in the way.
    1 point
  17. Ordered a casv front end for my scar, also got a whole bunch of zci bits to go inside it..
    1 point
  18. TheGrover

    We glock 17

    Take the inner barrel assembly out and look down the barrel, can you see the hop rubber? What weight bb are you shooting?
    1 point
  19. I've seen everything from burnt out paper pyros to unloaded BFGs, to shoes, balls from The Mall's ball pit, speed loaders, and more used as dummy nades
    1 point
  20. Very very unlikely to be a 6.23 as that's proper wide-bore, which seems now to be mostly argued as only having benefit when using gas/hpa etc. everyone with a sniper rifle will want a tight-bore in there so would be a poor decision on CYMA's behalf, unless they assumed they were all going to be chucked away anyways and was cheaper to make or something 6.08 is the general standard size of brass barrel put into most guns regardless of manufacturer, if not this then the alternate size is usually listed as a selling point. A decent quality steel one will be better due to more consistency in the build quality & finishing, rather than any difference in bore. The whole idea of bore size and difference it makes in airsoft barrels is all a bit voodoo and entirely unproven either side of the argument (wide is best vs narrow is best). therefore the only thing you can be certain of is a well built and finished barrel of higher density metal will be 'better' than a brass one with a coating layer inside.
    1 point
  21. That's why i always run into where the grenade came from if no immediate cover to hand. No-one seems to expect it and have often slaughtered whole queues of opp waiting to go through the door
    1 point
  22. 99.9% of the time I agree with you 😝 but on this one I am right 😎
    1 point
  23. M_P

    Airsoft confessions

    My local occasionally has a free for all at the end of the day. I often suggest to friends that we team up before shooting them all for believing I'd be so generous. I should add that I only do it to friends who I'd have a laugh with and should know better than to trust me
    1 point
  24. Get a magpul prs stock. Looks awesome on a SR25
    1 point
  25. Only got a pair for of TMC trousers and they are not that great. The Emerson kit is FAR better quality. I have not heard many good stories about TMC.
    1 point
  26. There is a perfect empty building next to where I work. Huge empty warehouse just crying out for adoption
    1 point
  27. ImTriggerHappy


    Succeeding not trying. Get a sense of humour its more important in airsoft that anything else. If you were offended you can find the number for the samaritans in the yellow pages.
    1 point
  28. TheGrover

    Airsoft confessions

    Another confession: I often deploy my BFG more than once per reload when I'm playing aggressively. On Saturday a marshall picked up my beg after I ran off chasing someone through a building as they thought it was live. The Marshall made it safe without realising what I'd done It's always satisfying shooting someone in the back after they turned to run away from a dud grenade
    1 point
  29. Albiscuit

    Airsoft confessions

    Airsoft confessions Yes love this new toy gun only cost £80 as it was on sale
    1 point
  30. Battery will do about 1hr.20 on that. Might want to try an external battery, I would have done that myself but I have 4 gopro 4 batteries now, so no point.
    1 point
  31. The cheapo killflashes are alrite, found mine was a bit dark to look through though, so popped out the mesh and replaced it with some thin polycarb.
    1 point
  32. Tried on my new webbing which I'll be using with my SR25. Love the thing, carries everything I need for a day out as well
    1 point
  33. Hi All, I love playing in woodland and have often played in CQB sites which are built with dirt mounds, sheds, tyres etc. But my problem is they always feel like an extra purpose built set area in which to hold a CQB game. Ive always loved the idea of playing in an abandoned industrial complex/housing area etc etc as if i was playing in an apocalyptic world. Wandered if anyone has played on a site which you could liken to this description, may be dreaming of an ideal world but don't ask don't get an all that. Any suggestions? Cheers
    1 point
  34. Just bought: CM.701b (Fully VSR compatible) GTPA606D - LiPo / NiCad Charging unit from Taiwangun. See them next week!
    1 point
  35. if you've got an air compressor it might be strong enough to dislodge it, i don't know if a spray can would be strong enough. try washing it out, if not try silicon spray to dilute it, then the compressed air?
    1 point
  36. I tend to use their name, so if a man is gay and his name if Geoff, I'd call him Geoff.
    1 point
  37. Sorry about your trouble, Ive never heard of any of these companies. I dont know what amount of money you spent, but its always worth checking retailers out on here. Collectively, we've probably dealt with most of them. We all get caught out occasionally. I guess its a consequence of buying online although Paypal are usually quite good. I bought a decent bipod from a supplier of outdoor and rifle stuff. When I asked if they had sent it yet, they immediately said it should have been with me by now and offered to refund. My suspicions were triggered. On checking they claimed it was despatched by first class post instead of a trackable courier and blamed human error. They said they will refund me and asked that I let them know if it ever turns up. As its a Paypal pay once its delivered type transaction, Im waiting to see if the bipod turns up or Paypal try to debit my bank account. For some reason, I have a sneaky suspicion that they found they were out of stock and its some kind of cover up - we will see. They are a long established Paypal trader with in excess of 99.6% feedback so maybe Im just cynical.
    1 point
  38. It might be worth dropping Paypal a line as guest transactions through them to a retailer ought to be covered by their buyer protection, hopefully you should have a record of the transaction ID. Never heard of Mark 1 before but the fact they haven't emailed you at all is worrying.
    1 point
  39. ImTriggerHappy


    Honestly stuck for words. 😂
    1 point
  40. sp00n

    which starter gun

    have you seen/tried/handled either? to be honest get which ever one fits you the best
    1 point
  41. Playing a game a while ago I got really wound up with my team not pushing and just camping around. After being shot in the back on three occasions by the same group of teammates as I tried to push through and break a bottle neck I had enough so the next time I regened I chucked a couple of pyro amongst them all. Killed about a dozen of my team but managed to push through after without being team killed again.
    1 point
  42. I might not show it but everytime someone on my team screams "call your hits" I am wishing the marshals scoop them up and ban them. I was fighting next to one of these tits for a bit on Sunday and after he started calling that I just backed off and found somewhere else to fight the enemy. My tolerance for that sort of behaviour is really wearing thin.
    1 point
  43. ImTriggerHappy

    Not taking hits?

    The biggest reason for non hit taking is the amount of gear people wear. Some people have so much kit and protection on they just dont feel it. I am sure there must have been times when someone has hit my mag pouches and I havent felt it but others take it to the extreme with thick plate carriers and even backpacks and dont get me started on the hard shell crowd. If people would just thin down their gear it wouldnt be such an issue.
    1 point
  44. Colonel Kurtz

    Not taking hits?

    Airsoft relies on people taking their hits, otherwise it'd devolve into a sadomasochistic event where people just shoot each other until someone uses the safety-word or has to change their underpants. In my experience, everyone who plays airsoft regularly has the right idea about taking hits and how to behave in their mind. However, many people aren't used to adrenaline, or any shade of combat, and many people can behave in a manner they're hopefully embarrassed about once the juices get going. People can get trapped in the moment, and the most common kind of non-hit-taking i witness is those who don't acknowledge the hit until their current purpose has been completed (like the person they're shooting at taking the hit). Then the logic side of the brain takes back over from caveman and order ensues. There's nothing airsoft can do to stamp it out other than turning it into laser-quest, or making everyone use tracers, or have 1 marshal per person like in some those mental Japanese tournaments I've seen online. The best thing the community can do is to make the process of taking the hit seem easier and more enjoyable. This is achieved by all those good-sporting types who congratulate people when hit and cheerfully skip back to re-spawn. Kudos to you all, I try, but sometimes barely able to squeak 'hit' let alone any kind of congrats (the arm goes up with a raised thumb on reflex now, I've beaten the paintball urge to check my clothing for marks finally hehe)
    1 point
  45. Fumps

    Airsoft confessions

    Thats not a sin, it is manditory !!! When people ask how it goes with my 12 year old son. I respond "Kick his arse as often as possible" lets be fair he has entered into a game where shooting people is the point of being there. I say if it moves shoot it, if its small and moves shoot it more!!! so I think your clear on that one. It could be worse, you could shoot a kid in the head at point blank range who is on your team!!!! which is what happened to my son. He copped one right in the centre of his forehead, the guy couldnt stop apologising but we thought it was hilarious my son was chuffed to bits
    1 point
  46. Just call it "That place you get your hair cut, amongst other stuff"
    1 point
  47. I personally think an item is worth what a person is willing to pay for it, and also comes down to supply and demand. Sure, there may be a particular airsoft weapon that could be bought for £100 from a retailer, but there may be no stock in the county. A person puts the same weapon for sale for £200 and another person buys it because they want this particular weapon now rather than waiting... Recently, on another forum, I bought two mosquito molds shower shells. The price they were on sale for was right for me, especially as you can't really buy these in the UK, and I wanted to increase how many of these I owned. I will echo the posts above as well by saying buyers should really research stuff before they buy it - and that includes from retailers as well as any second-hand / pre-used sales as well. The golden advice must always be, 'Buyer beware!'.
    1 point
  48. Could of been worse he could of said KY jelly that would have definitely raised some eyebrows.
    1 point
  49. I'd get the vaseline out if I was you. Being petroleum based it might eat into your seals. Even if it doesn't it's nasty stuff once it gets dirt in it, will probably cause jams rather than lubricate it lol!
    1 point
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