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  1. guys, dude's new to this place, tempting as it is we don't need to jump straight on him just for being from a country with a different take on civilian firearm ownership. @truckinthumper don't take it personally, as i'm sure you can understand American firearm culture is as confusing and controversial to us as i'm sure British firearm culture is to you.
    5 points
  2. SBoardley

    What have you made?

    Yeah I’ve just done 4 for tm. Tbh bud, the best doner mags are epm. I can show you how to do them in like 10 minutes. The old stanags have a lot of tedious work. You can do the epm mod with a file , a sliding square and hack saw. No power file needed.
    4 points
  3. There's a bit of a theme developing here. If you want some solid, straightforward toxic masculinity not dripping with CURRENT_YEAR tropes, then Amazon seems like the place to be. Reacher: Sherlock Holmes crossed with the Punisher. Big burly bloke puzzles out a crime, and anyone who fucks around finds out. Far closer to the source novels than the daft movies where Tiny Tom Cruise gnaws on kneecaps. Great casting, decent writing, pacing and production. Feels like a throwback to the 1990, when the novels were written, in all the best ways. The Terminal List: Not dissimilar. Chris Pratt as a Navy SEAL looking for answers after his team gets wiped out, with questions over his own mental state and stability. Pratt does a surprisingly credible job, far more serious than prancing around guarding the galaxy. Some interesting details, including SEAL explosive sniffing doggos and the merits of 9mm versus .45 (2oo wurld warrrghs), with multiple military advisers credited. It turns into a pretty slow burn after a hot start, but it picks up as it goes, with some dick-punching, eye-gouging, arm-biting, double... no triple-tapping action. Not up there with Extraction, but still both better than I'd expected.
    3 points
  4. Sorry sir, but you have a lot of incorrect information here. 1st. Our Constitution is Law. COTUS (Constitution of The United States) protects our right to arm ourselves from any Gov't intrusion. It doe NOT grant us any Rights, it protects them. We also do not have any licensing requirements for ownership. We do have a background check if you are buying from an FFL (Federal Firearm Licensed Dealer). Not only does it check for criminal flags, but also citizenship. Which makes a LOT of sense. We do have many States that require a "permit" to carry on your person. It is technically a violation of Law (COTUS). Private sales are not a "loophole" it is EXACTLY how COTUS is written, so, I will say politely, you have it backwards. I do like how you lay out "civilized world". This is a political term that is basically saying "non poors". We also love keeping data. For good or bad, we just keep too many records. Far too many countries have either Gov't killing the citizens, or killing each other. In almost EVERY country, Gov't has a monopoly on violence. Think about that. I will ask you to please, for all things decent, stop getting your information from the media. They are 90% liars, and our population is far too gullible to to do our own research. That said, do we have a gun problem, no sir. We have a really shitty legal system, along with some terrible social systems that are....how can I say..... oppressive . I dont mean racist, I mean oppressive. We have a multi tier legal system based on social pressure. Not kidding, and it is not only sad, but infuriating. I dont claim to know it all, but what I do know comes from someone who, if my home was ever raided, would read like a guy ready to go to war with a small country. Funny thing is, I am a small player in the massive group of people I know, when it comes to the number of guns owned. Having 30-50,000 rounds of various ammo is a bit embarrassing to be honest. I really cant beg enough (and I hate begging) PLEASE stop listening to the media. EDITED TO ADD: We do have a few States that have a FOID (Firearms Ownership I.D.) card, and may have you list the guns you own. This is also a violation of law. I like the way you think sir. Very level headed and honest.
    3 points
  5. If you want the truth and not what the media publishes, I will tell you what "boots on the ground" (like me and like minded) see. We do NOT have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem. When violent criminals are released within hours or days of either killing or shooting, that should say it all. As for the guns: No one really knows how many we have out in circulation. Estimates are between 3-12 for each known citizen in the USA. We have approx. 350 million people. That is close to a BILLION guns. So, if "guns" were the problem, we would be reduced to 20 million people in no time. We also have a pharmaceutical problem. People are on "personality" drugs as that is pushed more than actually helping those with mental issues. In a nut shell, our law makers are not interested in "bettering" society, but profiting from it. I really did want to get into the politics at all, but we are no where NEAR as bad as the world is shown we are. We also do not have a real "justice" system, but a "legal" system. Our lawmakers want to do the natural thing and be our Lords, which is why we shot the British in the face in 1776. As you say, nutters do get guns, they also get knives, bats, hammers, etc.. Not only here in the US, but in other nations as well. No one is ever truly safe and you have no other option but to live with the fact there are evil people out there. I would say we have less than .005% of "nutters" that show up, the rest of the country is law abiding people. Our shitty media knows that dirty laundry pays better than rescuing kittens from trees. P.S. if anyone has any questions on what things are really like (non airsoft related/ politics) feel free to message me, I will tell you what I see. I would rather keep it in a private message or in an off topic area.
    3 points
  6. There are only 3 pronoun sets of worth 1: He/him 2: She/her 3: It/fuckin really
    3 points
  7. Someone with some serious engineering skillz made a functioning Lynx gbbr. Have you ever seen recoil like this (out of a tiny little glock mag no less)?????
    2 points
  8. Tackle

    CQB training course

    I think one thing we're all in agreement about, whether in the UK or USA, no matter what actions our respective governments do, or are considering to do against airsofters/real steel or any other gun shaped hobby the simple truth is for those who want firearms for criminal or murderous intent, they'll get them, or in the case of the Japanese assassin, make them.
    2 points
  9. Which is why I've been very careful to talk about shotgun certificates. Very few people here choose to get one, but very few people couldn't. No, how many? I guess that depends on whether you consider Brazil and Mexico to be civilised or savage. In any case, I'm not arguing that point. If I could Thanos-snap away all guns, everywhere, forever, I'd do it (to howls of approval from lions and tigers and bears, oh my). Given that I can't, I'm more interested in a dispassionate comparison of the systems. To be very clear, I'm not arguing in favour of the US situation, or its system. I'm more concerned with ours, and how it demonstrably doesn't stop wrong 'uns from getting shooters. It's actually surprising that more career criminals don't get their hands on shotguns here, directly or through a mule. Perhaps they think that it's harder than it is.
    2 points
  10. Pretty damned awesome day at UCAP Valiant today. Some of the best airsoft I've played in years. It was a last minute idea to go there - I was going to take my boys to Camouflage Airsoft near Bournemouth Airport but the online bookings closed on Sat.) - but I am so glad we ended up at Dorchester Prison. If you've not experienced the venue, it's absolutely worth going to experience it at least once.
    2 points
  11. 🎵here we go again🎵🎵 🤣
    2 points
  12. Very cool indeed. More innovation from 1 guy with a 3D printer than a whole bunch of companies
    2 points
  13. Impulse

    Cyma CM.007 M4A1

    While it's not explicitly the m4, I recently purchased the m4's big, 7.62x51mm calibre sister in the SR-25 and I've been incredibly impressed with it (though it's a platinum edition, so it's also the expensive big sister...). Outside of that, I've owned both a Cyma m14 and a Cyma mp5k and both have been absolutely phenomenal out of the box. I'm 3 for 3 when it comes to Cyma RIFs being really great out of the box for good prices; I really don't think you can go too far wrong with Cyma these days.
    2 points
  14. Rogerborg

    CQB training course

    2 points
    2 points
  16. ttony1314

    Umarex VFC UMP9

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    something rather rare and I have never seen another one in the UK. 6 mags as pictured which all been modded to allow smoother loading. has a UAC green hop rubber and a shorter inner barrel to lower the FPS. will consider trade for other GBBR. collection only atm from Leicester



    1 point
  17. Ok, I will say it again. The media lies, they are adding stuff in there to exasperate the falsities from truth. Of that 1 million, I will bet there is a 99.9% reason of corrupt data, incomplete data, or is a duplicate entry. There are more, what they call "delays", for reasons of same names, data entry errors, or something else that does not indicate a "prohibited person". I will provide a link to the Form 4473 that we have to fill out (with some exceptions this is not needed) at the time we purchase a firearm. It basically wants to know your readily available Name, age, race, etc.. Our Social Security number is one given to use at a young age, and is the ONLY thing the federal Gov't has to make us unique. Tracking . It is NOT required and some folks are tinfoil hat nervous about this, so they opt to leave it out. How many John Smith do you think exist in the USA? Tens of thousands. You can guess why that may cause a delay in the right circumstance. Makes sense. Now, we run MILLIONS of 4473/background checks per year, 2021 there were over 38 million alone. That is one person, with a minimum of one gun per data point. It could be 1 or 100 guns, but ONLY one person. To have 1 million delayed is very understandable as a margin of data point errors. More so when dealing with an incompetent govt agency. Pretty sure the UK is just as bad..LOL. Out of that 1 mil that very well may be a known felon? I would say one in 5 million. They are very anal about putting felons on the data records, and part of that Delay up above. They will accidently put it ON more people than NOT putting it on the ones they should. Before you bring up any of our more famous "mass shootings", these are failures AT A COMMUNITY level. So, the local dont give a shit if they are protecting a nut job, and those types are.....well.... you will have to do the math. Use this link to see total number of 4473/background checks since 1998. https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/nics_firearm_checks_-_month_year.pdf/view CHEATER: Last 24 years, there were 427,444,071 BG/4473 ran. In the last 24 years, I dont think we have had 12 of those mass shootings. The ratios are something beyond my math skills , but I am sure people have a better chance of hitting the 100 million lottery than they do getting killed by a mass shooter. I will take those odds all day long. As for the day to day shootings we have, well, that TOO is a local problem and not country wide. Just a small compact area where leadership fails to maintain peace. It is very confusing to people who do not live here and I understand your sentiment, but I am happy to give you the truth. No hard feelings at all. Truth should never make one mad. Like I said, I HAVE to pay attention to the guns laws and news as people want to make me, and every other law abiding gun owner, a criminal. Think about that. So we know the truth/facts, and love to share it. Link to the 4473 form https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download If you are buying at a private sale, this is not required, but you can take the gun to an FFL and have it done there. Both you and the buyer would pay $25 or more each to the FFL. Once this is filled out, it is sent into the the FBI national criminal database (all computer driven). Within an hour it is either good , denied. Sometimes that answer can go out 24 hours. There is also a number of days it can go unanswered before being considered "good to go". I would like to say 5 days. I can hunt it down if you would like. I have a concealed carry permit, so my 4473 goes straight to the storage bin and bypasses the check. I have already been....well..... licensed to bypass that check. Cost me about $15 per 5 years. It also means I can pack a pistol on me as I go about my daily life. If I have on pants, I have a gun. LOL. Not that I am scared, but for the same reason I wear my seatbelt. Never know when it will come in handy. Ok, next question
    1 point
  18. Interesting stuff. I shall take it under advisement and report back. I'm just about to go camping for a week, so I plan to experiment with re-colouring the upper when I get back. I think I'll try the spray stuff first because it suits my setup better. But if that doesn't work I'll definitely look at trying the bath approach
    1 point
  19. Reacher was good, far better than the films. Terminal list I turned off after 10 minutes but might try again when winter comes and I can't find anything better to do. Gray man was actually quite good, totally ridiculous but made me chuckle a lot and Chris Evans stole the whole movie.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. i don't necessarily disagree, i'm just saying if we start going fully down that rabbit hole it's just gonna end in a row.
    1 point
  22. Do you have any rifle ranges close to you? Why not ask (for the range fee) if you can use Airsoft guns.
    1 point
  23. Shamal

    CQB training course

    Congrats fella 👍 Romantic meal tonight? Kids away? 😉 Enjoy the day. hope you got her a nice sideboard.
    1 point
  24. At some point I'm going to, while wearing this
    1 point
  25. Not jumping on him just jumping on american gun culture and how they have lost control of it. Not against gun ownership as if I lived in America I would no doubt be a gun owner. But I am against how bad the gun control is over there, too easy for nutters to get hold of guns.
    1 point
  26. SBoardley

    CQB training course

    It’s easy to remember really: dick= he tits = she dick + tits= he she
    1 point
  27. Combat troops or front-line troops would seem to be perfectly good descriptions without the connotations that some people, particularly in the USA, seem to attach to "warriors". I was not aware that this was polite society; if I have offended the gentleman, I am happy to provide him with my second's details. As for personal pronouns, we are "encouraged" to put them in our work email signatures; this does make sense as many of the people that we deal with on a day to day basis are from Asian cultures and are uncertain as to whether some European names are male or female. If that was the reason we were "encouraged" to use them, I would not mind too much; however, the stated reason was about ensuring that the very small minority of gender-fluid people in the organisation could be addressed by their chosen pronoun. My initial offering on my email signature of that git, that git, that git's was rapidly rejected; my second offering of that bloke, that bloke, that bloke's has not yet been challenged :).
    1 point
  28. Rogerborg

    CQB training course

    In polite company, we disparage people behind their back, not to their faces. "Warriors" is a little cringe, and "warfighters" is also entering the lexicon, but there is a need to distinguish between the people who actually shoot and sponge bullets, and the ever thiccening rump of servicemen servicepersons who count beans, run creches, and police pronouns.
    1 point
  29. Proper jealous. Are you going to be skirmishing it?
    1 point
  30. Rogerborg

    Painting over two-tone

    MODIFY Other than that, top notch answer, I 100% agree.
    1 point
  31. Impulse

    Gun picture thread

    Tacticool M4A1 to "good enough" xm177 build for Vietnam games as a backup rifle (I'm far from stitch-count filmsim!). Good thing is it literally takes me about 90 seconds to swap out the handguard for the rail system, the stock for the regular M4A1 stock and the carry handle for a red dot and back up iron sights. Sticking the magpuls back onto the mags might take a little longer than 90 seconds, but it's still fast! Thanks to @Wavey_Gravey and @Prolish for the parts I needed. Was a pleasure dealing with you chaps!
    1 point
  32. Prison guard, looks to have been their gun training officer. Seems not to have a carry loicence though, might be interesting if that charge makes it all the way up to Clarence Thomas. His side of the story: 1:30 in the morning in the Bronx, gets hit in the back from behind with unknown projectiles, sees a car with a couple of good boys who never did nothing to nobody pointing a gun-shaped thing at him, fired back. The family's story: the whole neighbourhood was having a consensual water fight in the early hours of the morning, boys will be boys. You can pick plenty of holes in either side, we'll likely never know. I guess the take-away point is: don't start nothing, won't be nothing.
    1 point
  33. Fcuking idiots! I remember a good 10 years ago, whilst working in the motor trade I was on the forecourt with clients when a vehicle drove past and shot at us with a paintball marker. I managed to duck between vehicles to avoid being hit, the lady I was with wasn’t as fortunate and was hit in the face from probably 10m range The police weren’t interested even with cctv footage of the incident This was in Edinburgh I can’t condone the excessive police (retired?) force used in this incident, but a good thrashing is just too lenient
    1 point
  34. ReachXDS

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey kinda new to this thread I found it and has been using it as a guide to build my own MWS DMR build figured I finally drop by and say hello and thanks for all the information about this platform, I really enjoyed working on it and having fun using it at my local field.
    1 point
  35. Rs magpul Emags for my TM ngrs.
    1 point
  36. Tomorrow will be mine and the wife's sixth wedding anniversary. I remember the very first time I met her, almost 20 years ago.. teeth that wouldn't have looked out of place in a Colgate advert, sexy, gym fit waist and gorgeous bum. I've let myself go a bit since then.
    1 point
  37. DAS GBLS PTS EPM1 30/120 round magazines. Ordered yesterday from Fubarbundy and arrived today. Pretty fantastic service to be honest. Each Mag comes with a very useful speedloader adapter to make life easy to load them.
    1 point
  38. Too hot for client work, not too hot to dick about with my own little projects. Today I made a packing piece out of brass plate for my FNX, to go around those awkward exposed tabs:
    1 point
  39. First game in 5 weeks and I've missed this. Took the m21 and my 1.1J spring VSR to the site, but they didn't have .32s in stock (or at least they didn't have any of the brands I like and I'm picky with my ammo) so I ended up running my spring VSR. Was a really great day, as there were lower numbers due to people getting scared of a bit of sunshine and warmth and there were very few ghillies for once, which felt great being one of them even though I was only using my Russian cobra hood because I didn't want to cook. Skill level was... pretty poor. I spent a lot of time being the front line with my bolt action rifle as I slowly crawled up along the flanks, because nobody was pushing all day so my stealthy slow-crawl was faster than the rest of my team. During one of the afternoon games, I did a slight naughty because our team was getting stomped horribly on a rolling assault where we were the attackers. We just weren't making any ground and I was the front line with my sniper rifle, so I continued slow crawling until I was fairly near their spawn. They could've easily avoided me by going through the foliage, they could've easily overwhelmed me by charging past (they had no idea where I was, but with a bolt action I can't hit that many of them if they just charge past), but they kept walking slowly down the path towards my kill-zone and I ended up spawn trapping a good portion of the enemy team for about 10 mins. Desperate times called for desperate measures and my team still didn't push, even with a bunch of the enemy team not able to reinforce the base we needed to take. When it was clear my team still wasn't pushing the objectives, a marshall asked me politely to move on and so I did and that's where I called it for the day. Was almost out of ammo in my VSR after keeping them pinned anyway, but if that wouldn't get my team to push, nothing would. That said, I got a lot of great shots, but more importantly I played with an MED in mind, despite not having one as I wanted to see if I could bring my 2.3J VSR along and still be effective. Next game day I will take the plunge and bring the 2.3J HPA VSR instead because there were many shots I could've done if I had it today, but there were no shots taken under 30m. I think I have the site knowledge and the skill to make it work, even though Worthing Airsoft is so overgrown right now, plus I found a bunch of new spots to play around. Used my p226 as my sidearm and every time I do I come away saying to myself I need to use this pistol more. It's by far my best performing GBB pistol, reaching out accurately to 50m and can still fairly reliably hit the 60m target, plus it cycles like a dream. Also, the magazines don't have those damned pins in the bottom, having a screw in the baseplate instead so they're so much easier to maintain and work on. Highlight of the day is definitely dropping a shot onto a player at about 80m with my 1.1J VSR. Fired one and there's no way it went anywhere near the guy, so I angled it slightly, took another shot and then a second or two later the guy put his hand up and looked over in my direction with a confused expression on his face. He didn't see me, but the shot felt amazing. 80m with a 1.1J bolt action is a nice shot whichever way you look at it, especially using grey BBs like I do so I had to adjust based on my estimate of the range and my knowledge of how my rifle works because I couldn't see the BBs themselves Already looking forward to next game day. Will bring my big boy VSR next time and try running it alongside an mp5k on a sling and my p226 to try and get used to it. If not, worst case if I want to run an SMG alongside a BASR/DMR I can always use the mp7 in a leg holster, but I'd like to run a pistol because I love my pistols
    1 point
  40. That's what I meant to say.
    1 point
  41. P13

    Selling up

    To be honest I ain’t to fussed on someone else making a bit. i very much doubt I’ll use it again
    1 point
  42. Decent day indoors at Biohazard. They made good use of both floors, and play was generally good natured and fair. There were a couple of players taking the piss with rate of fire and getting away with it because - wait for it - they were using silent HPA proton-blasters. If the marshals can't hear it, they can't act on it, sadly. Oh, dry firing in the safe zone. Jesus wept, and there's no way to excuse that since the site owner was chatting with folk while they were doing it. I now habitually wear polycarb sunglasses in "safe" zones since they axiomatically aren't. Still, the actual play was great, although if my faith in the Emperor wasn't so strong I might question His decision about the coverage (or lack thereof) of standard pattern Guard flak armour. All the squishy bits got peppered.
    1 point

    Selling up

    About 10 years ago I bought up someone's entire kit. Kept the bits I wanted and sold the bits I didn't. Made most of my money back. You'll be cutting your own throat if you sell everything in one go.
    1 point
  44. This AEG is loosely based on the HK 416A5 model and I go into details further down this review listing the things not quite right with it to make it a proper looking 416A5. First up is the company Double Bell. Double Bell used to just be called “Bell” and I did a review on one of their AK47’s about 15 years ago (it was crap) so I think 15 years is long enough to revisit them and see what they are doing now. The new name “Double Bell” came about when they bought the Dboys factory and toolings and started pushing out Dboys M4’s but have since up’d their game and are now making their own versions of weapons in AEG form. They also produce about 300 different Glock pistols in different styles and I have a G17L which runs like a train and was cheap to boot so I’m hoping for good things from this AEG. Full disclosure – I don’t know anyone form Bell or Double Bell and bought this AEG from Taiwangun for £197 delivered to my door. I’d normally start with an unboxing picture but since it came in a plain brown cardboard box there didn’t seem to be any point. Inside the box you get the full metal AEG, a Hi-cap magazine and a little Z shaped square key to wind up the magazine as the Hicap doesn’t have the traditional thumb wheel on the bottom to load the magazine. The only other thing in my box was a sheet from Taiwangun telling me it had been tested and 10 shots recorded with a FPS too high for all UK sites (420 approx with hop off). First thing I will do is change the spring to bring the FPS down to 340ish. Going back to the magazine some people might like the realism of having a hicap without the thumb wheel poking out the bottom but I think I’ll end up loosing the Z key used to wind it so I’ll throw it into my spares box and use some other midcaps I have floating around. The Magazine doesn’t have any markings and the black paint seems thin. The Magazine is based on the Gen 1 Aluminium style magazine fist introduced with the HK 416. Let’s talk about the HK416A5 and how this replica compares to the real thing. Let’s start from the back and work forward. The Stock – The AEG has a nice copy of the real thing and the back plate comes off allowing a battery to be fitted to the Mini Tamiya connector inside the stock tube. I can fit a 11.1V 1300Mah sized LIPO inside the stock no problem. The sock doesn't have the HK trade found on the real thing. Stock Tube – The real thing is dark earth in colour and the AEG is black. A quick blast of dark earth paint should sort that out. The stock is tight on the stock tube but there is a slight wobble when locked into the 5 lock points on the stock tube. A lot of AEG’s suffer from this and it caused by the catch/rod that goes into the 5 position holes is too small in diameter for the hole Lower receiver – The lower receiver on the AEG has the correct Ambi controls for fire selector, bolt release and Magazine release. All work flawlessly and when you pull the charging handle to the rear the fake bolt cover locks open so you can adjust the hop unit and closes when you press either of the bolt release levers. I like the fact that the magazine release goes together like the real thing and the rod screws into the button and doesn’t use a screw to hold the button on. The fire selector is black whereas on the real thing they are tan coloured (again a quick blast of paint will sort that out). The rear body pin is captive and the front body pin has a spring and pin retainer just like the real thing. This is good as it stops you loosing the body pin if you have the AEG in half. You don’t need to take out the rear body pin to separate the upper and lower receiver. My AEG doesn’t have the HK trades however I believe that the Far East versions do have the correct trades. Mines is limited to the markings for the safe-semi-auto around the selector switch. The trigger guard is the correct shape (Half-moon) but it’s the wrong colour and should be tan/dark earth. The pistol grip is nice and fits in the hand nicely but it’s actually at the wrong angle. The 416 family use a sharper angle on the pistol grip to improve point ability when holding the real thing but this AEG has a more traditional AEG styled slope to it. I have a spare VFC grip (in black) that I will try to fit to see if it’s possible but in all honesty, I like the one on the DB 416A5 so will probably swap back. The paint finish is in a nice dark earth colour and on the website I thought it looked too light but now that I have it in front of me I think it’s a good match. It seems pretty durable and doesn’t scratch easily. Upper Receiver – there is a slight wobble between the upper and lower receiver with a slight gap between the two. I have a similar gap on some of my TM NGRS rifles so it’s nothing to get excited about. I think I can get rid of the wobble by adding a “Magic Pin” to replace the front body pin. The rear sight is the correct type and correct colour (on the VFC A5 it’s Tan but on the real thing most pictures show it as black.) The cocking handle is black and has a traditional latch whereas the real thing is either black or tan and has an enhanced latch. It should be possible to replace the standard latch with an enhanced one if you can find one. The dust cover is plastic just like the real thing. The fake bolt is so wrong. It should be black and have the HK trades on it. I’m not sure how this will hold up to being sprayed black as it will probably wear off quite quickly. I’ll be on the lookout for a standard AEG style fake bolt in the correct colour with trades. The rail – The rail is the newer 416 style with a front sight built into the top at the front of the rail. This pops up under spring tension but on the AEG the spring is pretty weak and it doesn’t take much to knock it back down. I’ll look at this in more detail to see if I can improve the spring tension but for since I’ll probably run some sort of optic I can’t seeing this being a problem. The rail is held onto the upper receiver in the traditional HK style with a large barrel nut with 1 slot for the bolt to pass through and hold the rail into position. The rail is a free-floating rail for anyone interested. It’s also worth noting that the bolt that holds the rail to the barrel nut changed to a slotted screw type head on the A5 but on the DB 416A5 it uses an allen bolt. Outer Barrel and gas Block – This is probably the area that suffers the most for being unlike the RS 416A5. On the real thing the Gas Block is now adjustable for “Normal” or “Suppressed” whereas on the AEG version they have used the older vented style. There should be a plug sticking out the front of the gas block which in real life is used to adjust the amount of gas going to the piston. The DB 416A5 is meant to be the 14.5 inch barrelled version however the barrel profile is wrong. The DB has a traditional M4 styled outer barrel but it should have a solid 1 piece outer barrel with bayonet lug and pop up front sight. Now if this bugs you as much as it bugs me then all is not lost. The outer barrel is 2 piece and the front part that goes from the flash hider to the front of the gas block screws off (-14mm threads). One surprise for me was that the inner barrel goes all the way through the 14.5 inch outer barrel so if you want to run the AEG at 11 inches then you will either need to cut the inner barrel or fit a smaller length one. If you decide to run a mock silencer then having the longer barrel might work for you as you can just thread the silencer onto the gas block and have a full length barrel. Gas piston – This is a traditional 416 style gas piston housed inside the front rail. I noticed a slight rattle coming from the front rail and when I removed the rail I seen that the gas piston doesn’t plug into the upper receiver properly and is just kind of sat there. I think with a bit of heavy handling this might come loose so to fix mine I’m going to cut the piston slightly so that it fits into the upper receiver. The real thing The flash hider is a traditional bird cage type with -14mm threads held onto the outer barrel by a grub screw. This will allow you to put on whatever flash hider takes your fancy. The internals Popping out the front body pin allows the upper and lower parts to be separated. This gives you access to the hop unit and inner barrel. The hop unit is a 1 piece metal unit with a traditional adjustment dial on the right hand side. Looking down the inner barrel I can see that it works as intended however I did notice that the inner barrel was dirty so if you buy one of these make sure you clean the inside of the barrel. I'll cover the gearbox and lower internals in Part 2. How does it shoot? This is probably the biggest question and in all honesty it fires fine. It doesn’t have a Mosfet so will seem sluggish when compared to a Specna Arms M4 with a Gate Aster fitted and when using a 11.1V LIPO it fired a bit snappier. For CQB ranges it’s going to run fine and if you want to reach out and touch someone at a Woodland site then the normal upgrades would apply. Range now is about 45 meters so not unusable but could be improved. My plans for this AEG is to make it look a bit more like the real HK416A5. This includes swapping the Gas Block for a VFC one (£18), removing the 14.5 barrel extension and fitting a smaller one to take the barrel length to 11 inches. I’m going to fit a Gate Aster and S hop the inner barrel which will also be cut down the inner barrel to the inside of the flash hider. I’ll probably try and find a spray paint that matches the Dark Earth colour and spray up the black parts that should be Dark Earth. Once I rip out the gearbox I'll post up part 2.
    1 point
  45. I'm quite intrigued as to whether these training days teach "real world" tactics, or airsoft tactics. Because real world tactics (I've watched a lot of them in Hollywood movies) mean a SWAT team bursting into a den of crashed out junkies at 3am, or a Delta Beret team bursting into a compound full of women and younglings... at 3am. That's a bit different from two teams of essentially equal players all hopped up and tickling their triggers. Absent grenades, airsoft "door kicking" means shoving some fat bloke in a plate carrier into the room to see where he gets murdered from, and then shooting the shirt out of that area. I'm not sure that "Sacrifice Porkins!" is part of any real world doctrine. However, we live to learn, and I'd be interested to know if anyone is teaching something better than that, that actually works in a game of pretend soldiers.
    1 point
  46. While waiting for the VFC gas block to tuen up I decided to have a go at doing the trade marks. I also added a end plate sling point. Trades were cut on a vinyl cutter and then spray painted. Once almost dry the vinyl is pulled off to leave the trademarks. The the whole thing is given a coat of matt varnish to stop them wearing off.
    1 point
  47. I swapped the pistol grip for a VFC 416 pistol grip and I can confirm that it fits and the motor has no issues turning over the gearbox. I've swapped back to the DB pistol grip as I prefer it. I've now fitted a Gate Aster to mine and it wasn't painless but it's now fitted and working. The Aster has a hole in the centre that is used to secure to the gearbox using a screw with insulating washer. The gearbox shell has a raised post and the original trigger contacts are secured to the gearbox shell with a screw using this post. The Aster hole doesn't fit over this post. You have 2 choices, 1 is to remove the post and 2 is to enlarge the hole on the Aster. I went for option 2 and increased the hole size to 4.5mm. Drilling a bigger hole in an Aster is going to invalid the warranty so don't do this unless you are brave or stupid. The gearbox shell has some extra gears on the outside, similar to a Dboys PDW, and you need to correctly align them when rebuilding the gearbox to make sure the Ambi selectors work. When re-assembling the right hand side selector it should look like this: The left hand side should look like this: Inside the gearbox you will find steel gears, 8mm bearings, vented cylinder, plastic toothed piston and the rest is all standard V2 stuff. Everything is an OK standard so I'm not going to change anything until it breaks but being a V2 you can go crazy with upgrades if you want. I mentioned earlier that the Magazine release screwed into the button but this was wrong. It actually uses a small grub screw to hole the button to the post. It's the first time I've seen this design and it seems to be durable. So that's the review for the Double Bell BY-813S. Here's a comparison of what I started with to how it looks now. The only thing more I will do is fit an enchanced charging handle latch and fit a VFC A5 gas block when it turns up. My conclusion is that this is a good budget AEG which works fine without modification however it's easy to upgrade and being a standard V2 gearbox you will find loads of parts available to make it a very good AEG. It's a sub £200 AEG and is the same standard as a CYMA, DBOYS or any of the other budget AEG range. If you are after a HK416A5 replica then this isn't a exact match but it's cheap enough that you can buy the parts needed to make it look a lot closer without breaking the bank. This is the second Bell replica I have and both work fine so I'm now happy to go and buy another if a model appears that I want and I know that with a few upgrades it will preform very well.
    1 point
  48. feel free to post what you want on this thread. the more info the better. I cranked the gearbox open after I spent around 2 hours trying to figure out how to get it out of the receiver. The hold up was removing the selector levers. Normally you have allen bolts holding the selectors to the side of the gearbox and on this model this is the same however there are fake plates over the top of the allen bolt that have to be prised off to allow you to unscrew the allen bolt and remove both selectors. It took me ages to figure that out since there are no manuals available. The motor is an unbranded one and spins easily by hand so this rules out anything fancy. It does the job well in the stock setup and looks to be well made. The gearbox outer shell looks to be well cast and because it has a quick change spring it comes apart easily unlike the older generation of V2 gearboxes which had a tendency to thown parts far and wide when you separated the 2 halves. Inside the gearbox everything looks to be decent quality. The compression is good, there is a selector/delayer chip already installed and the piston has the first tooth removed. Shimming seems fine, grease isn't overly done and my only gripe is the anti reversal latch is loose in it's hole making it fall over when you are trying to put the gearbox halves back together. The selector plate on the left hand side is metal and I think it has 7mm bearings but I need to get my calipers and double check.
    1 point
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