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  1. Oops my bad, I was thinking of a different recreational toy gun based hobby 😄
    4 points
  2. To be honest, I think a days entertainment for £25-£30 is amazingly cheap. I don't think there are many activities that are more than sitting on your arse in your own home(Netflix and gaming) that has such a low per hour cost. The rest of the costs (guns, ammo, food, pyro, kit) are up to the player and can be done incredibly cheaply or incredibly expensively, so looking for ways to reduce this further is feasible in the UK. If anything I'd encourage going the other way, charge me more but have paid Marshalls. It's hard to get volunteers to run a site as well as people who are getting paid for it. That's why a lot of sites are based around the one or 2 people who make the cash from it. If they aren't there or they're having an off day the whole site goes down hill. A local site to me has peaks and troughs and it's entirely based around the site managers (not the owners). When they change so does the quality of the site, the games run, the way the briefing is given, the attitude to the whole day/weekend etc. When it's bad it's pretty hard to moan cause they're doing their best and they are just volunteering.
    3 points
  3. To be fair, guys, you could adopt the model we use over here: We don't have sites you can play at, we instead have clubs with a yearly subscription fee to cover insurance and get some money to buy/build/rent stuff (varies from club to club, in mine it's €70 for example), you get a permit to play on a piece of land and essentially you're done. Of course you won't have the numbers you're used to, you will lose some facilities like toilets and food, but overall it'll be much, much easier to sustain than dishing out a decent dinner every time you want to go out and shoot your mates in the ass from a bush.
    3 points
  4. I've done a few more modifications to the suit this week, hopefully I can get a few picture on the Weekend.
    3 points
  5. At my sites... District 23 is £18 for walk on and £28 for walk on plus rental. Rental for a 10er is outstanding when I see people on here quote much higher prices at their local sites. And my other site 101 Scarborough is £25 walk on with or without rental. Cant argue at that either. These are both indoor CQB sites, D23 is a more 'professional' endeavor and 101 is a guy who has rented a derelict care home so the locals have somewhere to play. Much more of a intimate player base of locals and run much less restricted. Like a you don't be a dick and I won't be a dick attitude from the owner. Which is great if everyone plays well and fair. All in all I think they are both great value for the quality of the sites plus how well run they both are and the variety of play.
    3 points
  6. I've played sites for £20 and had a bad time, and played sites for £35 - £40 and had an outstanding time. The opposite is also true. Every time you pay your fee to play you're rolling the dice. There are so many variables as to what will make your day good value for your money; site size, development, layout, rules, marshaling, weather etc.... But frankly, the thing I feel makes or breaks ANY game day, no matter the site, are the players. All it takes is a few dickheads to flip a day and make me regret handing over my hard earned cash.
    3 points
  7. Sorry, I couldn't resist
    3 points
  8. PopRocket123

    Gun picture thread

    That was mesmerising... Ah that's better. No more red. Although I was a little tempted to leave some of it as weathering
    2 points
  9. It's an interesting model, but I can't see it working in the UK. We're a cramped, crowded island with few areas of secure, isolated land that aren't in regular use, or subject to having public randos rambling onto them. Sites here sadly tend to get kicked off the land as soon as the landowner finds any other way of making money from it. Even if you could find a bit of land that's unused on a given weekend, landowners might not want to have it covered in plastic, or take on any vicarious liability. Indemnity for players might be do-able, Shooters Rights or similar could cover it. I say "could" because their underwriter will be set up to cover people shooting at things or beasties, rather than at other people who are shooting back. Still, it'll be fine on paper until it's not.
    2 points
  10. EDcase


    NiMh is a bit old tech. Have a read here. Li-Po (Lithium Polymer) are more common now as they do not have any memory effect and can store more power in a smaller package (Higher power density)
    2 points
  11. Since I'm no longer dressing up like a bush, I finally got snapped while playing! Weight loss loadout in its full glory because I've put 20 of the 45 kilos I originally lost back on thanks to stress eating over unemployment Even managed to use my GBBR AK instead of my NGRS 416, since my friend didn't want to use his last weekend so I could borrow his mags (I only have 1, he has 4, so 5 in total at 35 BBs each is usable). If I managed to lose 45kg before, surely I can lose 35kg now! I'm even going to the gym and healthy eating (again) and stuff 😮
    2 points
  12. It includes 3 hi cap fills at around 330 each (only given 1 mag at a time, you have to go back to recepton to refill) So close to 1000 BBs and extra refills are available at £3 each. So yeah damn good value.
    2 points
  13. you could do that over here but has a lot legal requirements to fulfil. you must either have massive numbers or land and insurance is dirt cheap. no site in the UK could function on that little per year most sites relie on hires to to cover costs and probably have less than 60 regulars at £70 that's only £4200 a year that wouldn't even be able to rent enough land to put a portapotty on. even if that was a £70 a month thats still nowhere near enough.
    2 points
  14. Being somewhat of an M14 fanboy I would say that the TM is great out of the box (but as is typical for TM, low on power). I have three Cyma M14s all of which have been spectacular out of the box in terms of range. They're not always hot FPS wise out of the box but certainly usable. A better barrel and hop rubber will almost certainly see your FPS go up and a new motor won't hurt as the standard Cyma one is a bit rubbish. If you go for the full length one it is REALLY long, if you go for the EBR it's REALLY front heavy. The Socom sits in the Goldilocks zone of having a long enough barrel but without all that tedious apologising for taking people's eyes out when you turn round. I also have an E&C based MK12 which is a LOT easier to work on (QC spring, it's basically an M4 etc) but I do gravitate towards the M14s. Must be the masochist in me.
    2 points
  15. Video of MWS recoil making my bingo wings wobble I'm definitely going to have to do more dips 🤣
    2 points
  16. Manic day at strikeforce Gloucester yesterday, everyone seemed to have had their weetabix and the quality of play was fantastic, my friends and I found the honesty levels to be very high. The MWS always brings a grin to my face (not great when I don't wear face protection lol) and I found I was going through all 6 of my mags most games as well as all 5 of my glock mags. The last game I played was Tug of War which was basically a stalemate for the entire game with the middle of the play zone being an absolute meat grinder. Must have over 100 welts on my body (8 on my face alone). Amazing day.
    2 points
  17. Also as feedback, you may want to re-evaluate that bulk deal on Nuprol 3.0. You're going to struggle to find someone willing to invest £390 as a lump sum on gas. Especially as it works out £15.60 per a can and the individual price is £12 - £15.
    2 points
  18. ak2m4

    TG Prices

    true, been looking more into importing directly myself last couple of weeks, just a small selection of RIF's, but in fairly large numbers. Importation prices seem to change on a weekly basis, that is you can find an agent who will ship Airsoft products.
    2 points
  19. shivarussell

    latest scammers..

    members 'adelson345' and 'RICHY99' tring to get me to email their mate who magically has the exact items i'm after lol. beware!!
    1 point
  20. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Latest family reunion Do you ever get the feeling its time for a bigger sofa?
    1 point
  21. different mentalities. As I said clubs are a legal ball ache over here. You have to the register club as business or charity then you have to have several positions that are elected such as president, Club secretary, treasurer and there has to be regular elections. The owner/operator model works relatively well over here. the site lives or dies on the owners ability to manage. I have seen a couple of sites ruined by Teams that had enough members to make serious dents in income of sites manipulate that fact to get the site to bend to play the way they want ignore game rules/ hit taking and basically ruin it for anyone not on the team. In a club system I could see a team with big enough numbers could take over a club a ruin it.
    1 point
  22. When your daughter asks "Do you have a pistol I can use in drama class tomorrow?" and at first you're Then you remember that it's CURRENT_YEAR, and a school, and Scotland, and then you're more Not without a contract in triplicate, missy.
    1 point
  23. Your first 100 bb's are free, then £6.99 per 100 after that
    1 point
  24. wicksy101

    Caffeine Shopping (UK)

    I can understand going for a profit if you hold stock and its quick delivery but 80% is quite a markup for dropshipping and china delivery times
    1 point
  25. When one of the teens asked for green gas and they passed the HPA tank i had a little giggle
    1 point
  26. Bruh... If you use a VPN, set it to anywhere in N.America, click on the following link and enjoy the episode (among others) for free: https://www.southparkstudios.co.uk/seasons/south-park
    1 point
  27. Jedi_Master

    Keep those spam reports coming.

    Keep those spam reports coming.
    1 point
  28. Cries in milsim costs I normally pay £25 for woodland skirmishes, which to me is reasonable. I think the deciding factor for me though, is how the day itself goes. If it's a bad day then naturally you're going to feel that the cost is unjust for the most part.
    1 point
  29. Oh yes definitely, if considering the cost of airsofting as a hobby these expenses do add up, especially now with the cost of fuel. Hopefully fuel price will come down a bit when things settle down. (Crude oil price has come down a bit since the peak but I haven't seen if they've reduced at the pump)
    1 point
  30. I'm surprised that airsoft remains so cheap. My two regular sites are £26.50 outdoors and just £25 for a full day of indoors. Neither do "free" food, but I'm fine with not having the price of a tepid hot dog costed in. The Depot 2.0 is now up to £36 a day, which is when I start to question the value for a site still under development. Although I'd be amazed if their income comes close to paying the rates on the building - I'd assume they're doing some sort of "sports charity" wheeze again. As just noted elsewhere, I reckon the real rate of inflation is running at well above the headline 4.9% CPI, given the hundreds of billions of new fiat that we've shaken from the magic money tree. That necessarily reduces the value of what's in our pockets. It's amazing that prices haven't risen further and faster. On that, if you're waiting for RIF and consumable prices to come down before buying, I wouldn't. Money printing and now sharp rises in fuel and energy are only going to drive prices higher. True, not when comparing site vs site. However, when comparing playing versus watching Netlix, it's a real consideration. At 50 to 70 mile round trips to the nearest sites now, I can't ignore the costs of fuel any more. Of course, this is all in the context of a hobby where we think £100 for a toy is bargain-basement. I'm sure many of us could find a season's play just by thinning our collections a bit. I've got RIFs in baskets at two retailers, but in both cases I've hovered over the buy button and thought "Wouldn't you rather spend that money on playing instead?"
    1 point
  31. EDcase

    TG Prices

    Ya that's probably it. I was looking at the price of a RIF in TG a few weeks ago and the price was varying by a few pounds daily.
    1 point
  32. ak2m4

    TG Prices

    gbp to euro hasn't changed since Nov, not sure about euro to usd or rmb though. either way inflation affecting Poland just like it is in UK
    1 point
  33. Hence why Airsoft will neve become big. At most Skirmishes what most of your fees are going on is land rent ( I see you play Z-mart I don't even want to guess what they are paying rent for a site in the south of England) and business rates and don't make enough to pay a staff instead has volunteers doing it for free game and petrol money. if sites were to provide everything players wanted green fees would easily push £100+. how much is a Sports club membership, or a season ticket. Hell I payed close to £100 to see muse last time they toured (was it good valve no! was it a fantastic gig yes would i do it again? yes) Airsoft is a niche hobby that is expense you either accept that or find something else to do. Most sites are hanging on by a thread, numbers drop they're done, wood price goes up the site gets cleared, gentrifications comes to town the site gets levelled.
    1 point
  34. RostokMcSpoons

    Action Hobbies

    I empty their boneyard section whenever there's anything good in there, so just buy cheap stuff, but Paul has always been helpful. I'd happily spend on a full price aeg.
    1 point
  35. Not been playing today but had 3 guns in bits for cleaning, lubing and mild upgrading does that count? also copious amounts of alcohol and snacks as the wife is away 😁
    1 point
  36. Daveoc33

    Action Hobbies

    I've used them many times and they've been fine. They are very friendly and helpful on the phone too if you do need them. I called when they were closed on a Saturday afternoon once and they still picked up and answered technical questions on a gun I'd bought from them.
    1 point
  37. adam bussey

    I'm back

    I'm back
    1 point
  38. I ended up in the cells the other day. I'd gone to B&Q to look for some wood for the garden. This cock in an orange overall asked me if I wanted decking. So I got the first punch in.
    1 point
  39. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I went to B&Q yesterday for a length of 4×2(150×50). Salesman asked how long I wanted it? I said that I was rather hoping to keep it.
    1 point
  40. Two down, lots more to go.
    1 point
  41. Deact vs airsoft Value for money. I bought it from Ali Express, for my Chinese SKS deact 😀
    1 point
  42. Don't need any of that hippy dippy woke bullshit. I'll tell ya! Propane till i die! Me and the MWS boys
    1 point
  43. I run a 455mm Crazy Jet in my MK12 DMR build and it has been very good. I can get 450fps on green gas as long as the weather is reasonable and I haven’t noticed any difference in my groupings or accuracy at 50m (which is the longest I can test at home). I usually run .36g BBs at 385fps rather than .2s at 450 fps. It gives much better overall performance for me at least.
    1 point
  44. Bullseye Country sport in NI can be useful for bits and bobs.
    1 point
  45. Outdoor and Tactical. Which is probably AK2M4s closest rival in terms of products and price.
    1 point
  46. Am I doing it right?
    1 point


    Ditto, and the king arms slr!
    1 point
  48. Just to note here, that Border Force and police are just people ensuring the law gets implemented as per legislation. Some of the time they can be overzealous or overly concerned officers that have little idea of how to implement the shit that the Parliament is responsible for writing into law. There’s been several cases of police officers visiting lawful gun owners in Dorset to try and take those guns away from them on some flimsy basis, or issuing blank certificates to lure them into the trap of “fill it yourself”, definitely ATF-style. I have a problem with this woke government in particular; they basically try to expand a list of everyday items that can be considered as an “offensive weapon.” As we know per the very educational Bourne franchise, even a ballpoint pen can be a deadly weapon in the right hands, does that mean we should ban all ballpoint pens? There’s a great series of video by the BlackBeltBarrister on YT about Knife Law, I recommend this. He also did demonstrate the extent of applicability of the law in practical terms.
    1 point
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