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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/22 in all areas

  1. Groot

    Site Banned all C02

    Sites banning HPA?
    8 points
  2. My old site had a ban on CO2 and HPA. Why? No idea and tbh I don't really care why as I wasn't running the games. At the end of the day its down to site owners to decide what rules the do and don't want to implement. If people don't like a site's rules then don't play there rather than moaning about it online
    7 points
  3. Rogerborg

    Joining a Team?

    We're playing pretend soldiers with toy guns. It's something that little children do, plus a budget. I've never understood the urge to take this hobby remotely seriously.
    6 points
  4. which isn't an excuse.
    6 points
  5. Spam issue has been addressed with the addition of an extra plugin that claims to help. We'll see I suppose...
    5 points
  6. When my lad started playing he bought a two tone CO2 pistol. It must have been several sites in until it was chrono'd. It was running at about 420-40fps on .2. He had been using it at close quarters around buildings. That was one of the reasons that we went back to that site and became regulars. No excuses for not checking secondaries!
    5 points
  7. kasaran

    Site Banned all C02

    I think insurance requirements based on this is probably fairly likely. Plenty or risk assessments are lazy copy paste jobs and i can imagine someone who knows airguns wouldnt care to learn the difference when the power source is the same. Had my employer argue with a larger company's H&S for requireing 6 point ppe to run a gps across a farmers field. at what point is a hard hat necessary among dog walkers? we knew they couldnt come up with a valid justification when they then refered to it as a uniform for the project.... because ppe items have to be relevant to the task, and they couldnt be arsed to amend the ppe to the specific tasks on the scheme....
    4 points
  8. "Fucked" doesn't cover it. It's complete junk, in and out. Fit for the skip IMO. Rogerborg has it right, it's predatory. I really like PB but ffs that's ripping the pish. There again if some mug buys it its not really their problem... Wtf. Pics of someone's todger are not summat you want to see in an ad...
    4 points
  9. Dratsab

    Site Banned all C02

    Not sure encouraging players to break site rules (no matter how ridiculous you believe that rule to be) and just accept a ban if/when it happens is a good look. Everyone should play by the rules if you don't like the rules find another site. It's pretty simple.
    4 points
  10. Bought this WE Scar H SSR fitted with Inferno Gen2 premium mainly for the engine . It was painted black at some point by a previous owner ( not the seller ) . I was praying I could get the paint off and it took me two days with Isopropyl , kitchen green scourers and a toothbrush . Here it is as nature and the Belgians intended :-
    4 points
  11. Here's an absolute stoater. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/evolution-airsoft-by-100461-devgru-dg74-aeg-rifle Missing multiple parts and requires reassembly. Yet on sale at full price sans any warranty (these were actually in stock tail end of last year for £85). Or an even better one from the same page:- https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/evolution-airsoft-by-100444-dg74-aeg-rifle Another EA 74, this time completely and utterly fooched. Decisively u/s, does not work at all, and stock and handguard busted for good measure. A bargain at almost full price with zero warranty! Spivs.
    3 points
  12. EDcase

    Joining a Team?

    Yep, unfortunately taking it more seriously increases the 'must win' mentality which always ruins the gameplay for everyone else.
    3 points
  13. Winds me up a treat when "Chrono is open" means most of the marshal team sitting in the office bantering while the newest recruit is sent out with one unit and sometimes no real understanding of what he's doing. What I'd like to see is it being done mob handed, including scouring the safe zone to at least try and spot people who are treating it as optional. Less matey-mate-mates, more zero-tolerance, maximum-deterrence. Even at better sites, there's far too little checking at game-on to spot stuff that's been "forgotten", and as @EDcase unpalatably but correctly points out, even blanket bans are only as good as the in-game enforcement. Blanket bans are like dog breed specific legislation. Unfair, overly general, punish the decent majority, it's the owner, not the weapon (dog), and so on. But on the other hand, when a dog rips Little Timmy to bits while its owner says "Bloodslaya wouldn't hurt a fly, soft as butter" and it's a pit bull every time, eventually you spot a pattern.
    3 points
  14. Shout louder at your team mates. Costs nothing, no extra weight and no electronics to go faulty...
    3 points
  15. Tackle

    Joining a Team?

    As has been said above, if you've been playing for quite a while your likely to have met other regulars & small groups locally, better to gently build on those links & see what forms. Pushing too hard to join or form a team usually ends up with unknown entities that don't always mesh well, which can be awkward when the team breaks up & you continue to frequent the same sites. As for teams that take it more "seriously", they tend to be populated by Teflon Walts who insist on hierarchy etc, & believe their own hype too much, usually falling out with everyone they play against lol.
    3 points
  16. Following the same logic, The Game Awards and other similar contests are also pointless, because nobody is capable of playing absolutely every single game to have skin in the game. Or watch a movie. Or try every recipe. Of course it's a subjective popularity contest. The point is to find out which sites are the most favourable among the online community. That's why it's called "Player's Choice". I could tell you objectively which sites are most popular based on the traffic on PlayAirsoft, but that would be also a biased representative, since it's algorithmically driven by search engines with plenty of queries for some specific sites. In the end, feel free to ignore this whole thing. If you don't think your vote might be representative due to a particular viewpoint, I have no objection there, but let's not make it into something bigger than it is. Some things are not made to be super serious. As a hobby niche we've been hit with enough crap over the last two years to put a lot of dedicated players down, to the detriment of the sport. It's not like I'm suddenly going to start slapping "recommendation" badges based on random online polls, which are subjective by nature. It's not a meaningful metric of excellence by any standard. The contest was created to raise awareness of airsoft, airsoft organisers, see what players think is best, bring us together, maybe entice organisers to start paying attention to player standards in the near future, etc. Lots of positive points to consider to bring us together. We've had enough divisions in the past two years.
    3 points
  17. I used my mws between Christmas and new year, 8degrees with asg green gas and .32 bbs mods tan modify bucking hsb buffer sixg brass nub out ranged most things on site, two full mags from each gas fill. (no full auto though) Very happy bunny arp 9 users with drum mags are louder and provide a challenge to engage against but each hit is so rewarding carrying 5 mags means a realistic 300 rounds before regassing, based on my experience last week that is one full auto burst for some
    3 points
  18. You could always use the Rebuild Progress and Achievements function, this would start a re-count of all members stats and badges based on the settings you have defined in the ACP for a community this large that would likely take the system 14 days to complete but its a passive background operation so it wont harm or take down the community board. This might bring justice for the long standing members since it will re-count their entire posting history.
    3 points
  19. It’s all organic, baby! 😎 In all seriousness, web stuff is what I do professionally, and SEO is not black magic. I’m still not 100% happy with the effect, but it’s been a few good months, and the compounding effect of building good, quality content people actually rely on has paid off. I have way more in store for 2022, as there are some glaring shortcomings of having a static website as opposed to something more dynamic and player-focused. But that’s something for another topic on this forum. Not objectively, no. It’s just a contest to see which sites are trending in players minds, see regional spread, which regions are more active online, that sort of stuff. Technically, if you got enough friends you could skew the results, so… 🤪 It’s not really going to reach the numbers I’ve had during the initial player survey, but it’s a good indicator of “engagement vs traffic”, as I currently cannot measure this reliably. It also tests aptitude for more complex ideas in the future. A - Always B - Be T - Testing And just like that you’ve got an inside scoop into this whole thing. Ain’t being on a niche hobby forum informative at times? I thought this internet thing was made for watching cat videos, social media and playing video games. 🤣🤣🤣
    2 points
  20. If RAs are copy and paste jobs they aren't fit for purpose nor legally correct. Sounds like someone couldn't be arsed updating their RA which makes an arse out of the whole thing. I do RAs as part of my job, in each case risks have to be identified, rated and mitigated appropriately as much as reasonably practical. Banning everything on a blanket basis or copy and pasting is never an option. The problem is, all too often H&S/RAs are used as a justification to stop stuff if someone wants an excuse to stop stuff happening or can't be arsed doing something.
    2 points
  21. No, there’s 5 of us on the team plus a spare and then 2 which I programmed to VHF channels instead. I use them outside of airsofting too hence the quantity 😉
    2 points
  22. Not that I'd tell your granny how to suck eggs (so to speak), but have you tried a tester on an offcut or two, I'd be inclined to do so, both primer & end colour, be a terrible shame after all your hard work for it to go wonky at this point 🤔 At least then all black is still an option.
    2 points
  23. I could see the point of these sort of listings if there was a "make an offer" button, but at this point it feels like they're predators looking for victims.
    2 points
  24. 'This could be a good start to a Kyber pass style AK build, but only for the advanced tech, since the gearbox is completely dead.' Translation: 'It's so fucked that you could build an authentic looking fucked up rifle from it, but only if you know what you're doing.'
    2 points
  25. Some UR Tactical GZ AK pouches 😎
    2 points
  26. Is this a number of Baofengs you’re currently burning through? Are they so crap you need to buy a regiment of them just in case? 🙃
    2 points
  27. Druid799

    Joining a Team?

    If your thinking about wanting to join a team and have to ask the ‘team’ if you can join OR you see “my team is looking for new members” ? don’t . Only successful teams I’ve ever come across(my own team included) are made up of players who already knew each other to a certain extent wether outside of or through Airsofting , the members where invited to join the team (they didn’t ask to join it)AND they all had the attitude of it’s just a bit of fun running around shooting each other and having a laugh . Plus there’s no ‘rank’ or leadership structure in them either , it’s all by mob rule !😆On the whole my experience of interacting with structured teams was they where either all up their own arses about there ability/kit/knowledge (hence they’d migrated to each other’s company as no one else actually liked them that much) or you had one very strong/bossy/walt’ish character who was fluent in ‘Call of Duty’ speak as the ‘team leader’ and then a couple of kids who thought he was Andy McNab because of this !
    2 points
  28. Rogerborg

    Joining a Team?

    I may have been a little harsh, but I would definitely echo that organically improving your communication and teamwork with people that you already play with is likely to work out very differently than trying to form or join a team that's based on principles, mottoes, patches or [shudders] winr8. I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions, but I've had some bad experiences playing against Team Teflon Walt. "Stacking" groin-to-bum seems to be the switch that engages God Mode.
    2 points
  29. You need to zoom in a bit. It's roughly a bit under 1000m2 as the main footprint. 3 floors. Some houses to the left for scale.
    2 points
  30. Cannonfodder

    Joining a Team?

    Chat with others on site to see if they're up for it, if they are then the first thing you need to do I decide how deepvyou want to go. Do you want simply a band of people playing together as a group, or will you go with everyone using the same kit? As for taking the game more seriously, the last thing the hobby needs is more deluded twats thinking they're Captain Price and can order others about before getting all pissy when they don't get their way This
    2 points
  31. Good shout. I've just done that now. Will revisit this thread in a week to see if that's enough or not, then go to a vote.
    2 points
  32. Tommikka

    Site Banned all C02

    If it has not been chrono checked then it should not be used If secondaries are not checked then no secondaries should be allowed When I began at scenario paintball events there were long queues at the chrono and air fill stations At the chrono people were checking, adjusting, checking, adjusting etc at a limited number of chrono points. I bought my own handheld, chronoed myself and then went to the official chrono - it would be slightly out. If I was a little below then I didn’t squeeze out adjustments for a few FPS, if high I would adjust and rechrono. I also chronoed as soon as possible rather than dithering and chatting - the queues were always at their worst when the organisers were trying to herd the sheep to get games started Sites brought in more chronos so players can get through more quickly & tinkerers can tinker to one side, they standardised limits between events so players didn’t keep upping and lowering each week, players learnt that if they didn’t get their act together they were going to miss game on A similar thing with air fills. I began events with a 3000psi system, the big queues were at the 4500psi fill points. When I ‘upgraded’ to 4500psi, rather than stand in the morning queue for 4500 I could get 3000, chrono and come back while others were still queuing Sites would then start up the fill stations earlier, bring in an extra air specialist for large events etc. Players also learned to avoid queue bottle necks Airsoft in the UK existed when I began paintball, there are seemingly more regular airsofters than regular paintballers - it should be better organised Either we don’t talk about the ‘good’ ones and the ‘bad’ ones don’t care / have not learned the lessons yet
    2 points
  33. Themed milsims and filmsims tend to attract loose teams via FB groups and the like. For CQB I would try and form a team around existing links. A few mates play in a team of former squaddies from the same regiment. I play along with blokes I have met playing a specific role in filmsim and milsim. Again, for CQB teams/groups tend to grow onsite. Chat to fellow players that you tend to end up beside.
    2 points
  34. True; however, that is for the site to deal with.
    2 points
  35. Zigey

    Site Banned all C02

    The only reason I could understand for banning co2 is as Tommikka points out is the risk of a "wet shot" spiking the power, whether or not this actually happens in modern airsoft rifs is another thing. All other reasons die at the crono.
    2 points
  36. I've seen the rules in the past and in the end I just didn't play those sites. It seems stupid idea in my opinion. Hpa has tournament lockable regulators etc, just require those. As for co2 being over anything has the potential to be over if you adjust/build/modify it that way. I have a co2 m9 I've used for winter and have done for years simply as it's much better at dealing with the cold than my green gas pistols at the time. All I'd have suggested is that you contact them and ask for clarification and then vote with your feet/wallet one way or the other. Not all site owners/operators are the sharpest of tools or brightest of lights.
    2 points
  37. CO2 weapons have been banned at Ace Combat for years, due to concerns about the potential for them to be overpowered on the first shot or two from a fresh bulb and about the potential for a gun suddenly going hot due to system problems. Are those reasonable concerns? Discuss. I cannot think why anyone would play there; it is a small, flat, boring site. That is an argument for proper chronoing of CO2 pistols, not for banning them.
    2 points
  38. EDcase

    Site Banned all C02

    Co2 pistols tend to be hot from my experience owning one and seeing others being used. I'm not going to complain about Co2 pistols being banned since they tend to be used at close range and can get close to 400fps
    2 points
  39. Thanks for the vote of confidence @Tactical Pith Helmet, although it remains to be seen if it all doesn't fall apart on its first skirmish or is a nightmare to run about in... time will tell. @Shamal I don't even know my own strength at times... pure space marine beefcake. Oo-rah! For the eagle-eyed among you, you'll notice the shoulders are a bit squint. That was a snafu that only got picked up after I'd glued it all together. D'oh! The glue seams are very visible but it'll all be painted over anyway. Still, that black and OD look doesn't look half bad. Choices choices...
    2 points
  40. mirinjawbro


    silly? some of you could work in airsoft shops, maybe some have heard something somewhere else, notice the word "guess", just any sort of idea so no its not a silly question. people like you make this world the trash it is today
    2 points
  41. That's a good point about insurance. As much as folk like to call site owners either lazy or stupid for having these rules, for all we know they could have their hands tied by the insurance company
    1 point
  42. EDcase

    Site Banned all C02

    I didn't encourage anything. Just pointing out options that anyone can think of whether they admit to them or not. Saying someone could walk off a cliff doesn't encourage people to do so...
    1 point
  43. Unfortunately popular doesn't mean best. Eg the NAE is popular but the gameplay is shit. I think everyone on a airsoft forum will already be aware of airsoft😁
    1 point
  44. EDcase

    Site Banned all C02

    Yeah, but chrono time is already busy testing primaries so testing pistols as well could double that time.
    1 point
  45. Zigey

    Site Banned all C02

    I've sent them a message on Facebook asking for an explanation but I'm not holding out much hope of a reply.
    1 point
  46. SSPKali

    Site Banned all C02

    The thing is CO2 is less effected by temperature than the various propane-based "insert colour here" gas. I know that some places were worried about CO2 == twelfty brazillion fps, even when there are plenty of gnus out there (Cybergun 1911, CZ's, etc) than safely shoot sub 330fps on CO2. When I had my CO2 1911 I simply popped a fresh bulb in at the chrono and fired 3 test shots and never had an issue. Sounds like lazy marshalling and/or a lack of basic physics / engineering
    1 point
  47. EvilMonkee

    Site Banned all C02

    The old Mall didnt allow CO2 as far as I remember either. Its because during summer its too hard to regulate. FFZ is my local site and is well ran so never really had an issue with it
    1 point
  48. Hypokondrikern

    THE TM MWS thread

    I’m gonna defend this item. It is far from needed but it made my alu bolt slightly snappier and gave the rifle a very satisfying sound. A sort of metallic rattle. But for the new club members. # HSB buffer # mod the nub or buy the sixgun nub # actually bring the rifle to a skirmish!!!
    1 point
  49. I'm not getting back on a site until the middle of the month, so my recent airsoft days have been "learning how to (bedroom) tech". I've been spending quite a lot of the holiday at it, and to be honest it's been time consuming and frustrating in parts, but ultimately very rewarding when it's all come together. I've now meddled (apparently successfully) with all 4 of my guns... 1) Double Eagle M906C - quick changed the spring, new bucking and nub. Super easy jobs! Not even teching, really 2) Classic Army M15A3 - shooting off to the right, spent a while shimming the outer barrel to get it straight. Fixed full auto feed. 3) Cybergun F2000 (Cyma) - shooting at 270fps out of the box with a rather slow trigger response, so replaced the spring, cylinder and motor 4) TM AK47S - Replaced cracked nozzle Given the last time I tried to change springs on the AK I ended up giving the gun to a tech to put together, the fact I've got all this done on my own feels great Only thing that's a tiny bit of a pisser is today I found out one of my two Turnigy Nano Cell 11.1v 1200mAH batteries has completely died.
    1 point
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