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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/12/21 in all areas

  1. Hello all, I have only recently gotten into airsoft (played my first game on the 19th December 2021) but already hooked. my fiancé has bought me a gun already and since playing that first game I realised I needed a torch and better sight. so here is my work in progress. It’s a Bulldog M4PI RIS CQB with a M300a Tactical Torch & a FOCUHUNTER 2 MOA red dot sight. I know it’s not the best but everyone starts somewhere and this is mine. Planing to keep playing with this rifle for quite some time then invest in a different riffle after expecting everyone else’s on game days. I also completely forgot to order batteries too so have been able to set the sight up properly or test the light but it should all arrive Friday. So will update you all when I have chance to set it all up.
    6 points
  2. "Suddenly"? Got to be one of the most wish-listed ever. I'm surprised nobody has come up with a bodykit. Imagine the ignominy of being bayonetted by Kraut Space Magic.
    5 points
  3. The 4th July 2021 was also the start of a five day test match attended by 17,500 people; most of whom travelled hundreds of miles to get there. The initial Bristol protests were attended by around a 1,000 people, although the subsequent support protests were much larger. I Googled sports events on that date, but I could have chosen theatre re-openings or concerts or whatever.
    5 points
  4. I was there as well on that day, ShadopOpz at Richborough. It was the most surreal thing ever. Stripper parts at the end 🙂
    4 points
  5. Without exception the most entertaining airsoft games I've played over the last 16 years have been limited ammo games. I know that won't float on an open day, but I get by just fine with real cap mags, and internally deride the tactical maracas bunch.
    4 points
  6. Aiden Chen

    Gun picture thread

    Some of my proudest collections. Took some real efforts to find stock and get into my hands: Umarex full size G36 VFC AEG M27 and GBB HK417 20" G&G M14EBR limited 22" silver version NPOAEG SR2M (Could have been the last one available in the world) Ares L115 gas sniper E&L AK74M with a real Soviet 1P29 King Arms R93 LRS2 gas sniper (not the ordinary springer one) Also got a VFC Mk20 GBB stuck at customs due to Christmas and covid...
    4 points
  7. This topic has come up a few times already 😉 In my ideal dream world, airsoft pews would have the same rof as their real counterparts. This would mean there would be actual reasons to choose particular models and there wouldn't be any stupid 30+ rates. Of course it's just a dream... 😟
    4 points
  8. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Ultimately cheats will always cheat, & dicks will be dicks. & too many sites are only interested in chasing pound notes than enforcing rules, even their own ☹️
    4 points
  9. Suddenly everyone wants a G11
    3 points
  10. DMRs are an odd one, many different power limits across different sites, where as full auto and bolt actions are fairly universal in their power limits. Depends on your local sites I guess. Though a 1.1j build with a dmr playstyle is pretty fun. And definitely get a second gun before tinkering. You don't want to be canceling game days because your gearbox is in pieces on a work bench 😅 But most importantly, do what is fun, even if its not logical. If it gets you playing its a good thing.
    3 points
  11. I like the way that you're thinking Loki. Far too easy to chuck money on Gucci kit and sell it for a loss when you realise that it isn't what you really want.
    3 points
  12. Been selling off my old PS3 collection to reduce my credit card debt. PS3 games have gone up quite a bit for rare ones. Sold a copy of World of Outlaws, Aussie only game, it was in mint condition. Fairly expensive (50 quid). Buyer asked for a return saying it didn't work. Which is odd, because not only do I test the games I sell, I also run data integrity checks on EVERYTHING. Returned game and confirmed that the disk was screwed with some kind of dull patch on the bottom. Checked the top label and saw that there was more white(It's a sort of grainy white that happens with modern label production, click on the photos to zoom in) on the black label of the disk (Just below/above the small writing) I sent out then on the disk I received back. It's a real subtle difference, easily missed but seems pretty clear it's a switcharoo. Original I sent out Disk I received back. Original Returned Playing dumb at the moment as I realise how much Ebay sides with the buyers. Have emailed the buyer "Hello. It looks like you have sent the wrong disk, there is a printing difference between the one in my advert (1st attached photo, See the extra white in the black part of the CD Label) and the one you sent me back which has very little white in comparison (2nd photo). I understand mistakes can happen, please return the original disk to me and I can process your refund. Kind regards." I haven't sent a refund yet, though the buyer can petition ebay and they will send one automatically. What are my chances for an acceptable resolution boys?
    2 points
  13. When the anti maskers/vaxxers compare their choices to the murder of 6 million people I'll give them the respect they deserve
    2 points
  14. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    Duno, some of those paint jobs could disqualify you 🤔 😆
    2 points
  15. How come every topic I start ends up messy 😂
    2 points
  16. Yeah. Regardless of where you stand on vaccinations, it's rather terrifying this is all that it's taken to divide populations and turn people against each other. Rather disgusting really. Sure, you can say it's dumb or selfish or whatever for eligible people to turn down vaccinations that statistically are doing a lot of good but some of the vitriol that is coming out from certain people is borderline sociopathic.
    2 points
  17. As cold be , obviously you will get the dick’less ass hats who will ignore the rules but it used to be if a marshal did think you where taking the piss they’d keep an eye on the player then do a quick round count to see what they had(if someone’s been hosing the crap out of the other team but STILL has a couple of hundred bbs on them odds are there ignoring the site rules?) so yea did actually world fairly well .
    2 points
  18. Sniper sidearm done 😁 just need a little spray on the rails but happy with it although may change the rail system for one slightly less bulky when I can find one
    2 points
  19. I'm again going to have to ask: who is to blame for Israel's high case rate, given their rapid, early, and near total compliance with sweeping interventions up to and beyond three vaccinations? This is going to go on for years, globally, regardless of what we do. Is it? July to September 2021, yes. It had already fallen to 35% by October. And yet you'll still see 90% repeated as "the latest figures" into December. There are plenty of headlines today about one ICU doctor repeating that 90% claim again, along with saying that it's patients in their 20s and 30s requiring care. Just about every media source is running with the same story, using the same wording, which is a good indication that it's being "nudged" via the revolving door between Fleet and Downing streets. Now, it may very well be true in in London. However, we don't know, since once of the doctor's complaints is that daily figures for care-vs-vaccination-status aren't available. And here's the thing you wouldn't guess from the headlines: the number of people requiring ventilation is falling, not rising. See the NHS figures here, Daily Admissions and Beds. The peak for mechanical ventilation was in early November, and it's actually trending down this week. If that's due to Londoners finally getting vaccinated, good, about time too. Or it could be due to better treatment options. Again, that's good news. Just please, let's look beyond the headlines, and keep things in perspective. Do I think that anyone still stubborn enough to be unvaccinated at this point is engaging in self- and societal harm? Yup. Do I think that calling them "plague rats" and engaging in a Two Minute Hate is likely to be constructive or persuasive? Nope. I'd rather that we celebrate the wins rather than turning on each other, no matter how cathartic it feels.
    2 points
  20. I bought this mask like 6 months ago, first time taking it out the box;
    2 points
  21. This. It can also be applied in game as well as to your gear
    2 points
  22. @Rogerborg Yes, hopefully we're over the worst and as you said, it should follow the trend of past pandemics like the Spanish Flu. I still think the situation will improve faster if everyone takes it seriously and tries to reduce the risks of contamination. Follow the advice of the medical experts not the government or politicians
    2 points
  23. Your hop unit arm is different from that in my DE M904E, mine 100% did not have the cut-out that held a bump on top of the cylindrical nub. I've just dug the Maple Leaf packet out, from under my computer desk, that the old nub is in and it's just a cylinder of black rubber with a hole through the middle (no retaining "bump" on the top). And what Adolf said is 100% spot on with the nub 👍 Also my youngest son's getting an M906C for Christmas, so it will be interesting to see what's inside of his when he lets me crack it open (ML bucking and nub are the first thing I'll tweak for him before he plays with it in anger). Also at some point you might have to crack the gearbox open and re-grease the piston head O-ring, I had to do this on mine recently to get it back to the FPS it had out of the box. Lastly I'm finding that the QD spring guide is getting harder to remove and re-insert each time, the metal ring that's holding the ball bearings in place appears to be slightly warping, I think a sign of the cheaper build quality and materials used by DE. I'm going to take a punt on one of these in the New Year... https://www.maxxmodel.com/cnc-stainless-steelaluminum-spring-guide.html ... also, just in-case you're wondering, I'm not trying to hijack your thread, just wanting to help out another M90X buddy
    2 points
  24. Very true Rostok. Though it doesn't really depend on the leaders and governments but the people. If everyone in each country treated this seriously and did the right thing it would help in the long run. The authorities are responsible for organising the vaccines (and hopefully there will be more co-operation and help from the richer countries) but if people refuse to have them through ignorance and false information this could drag on for many more years.
    2 points
  25. Have a turn out before you arrive all’s good 😊 I heard dirty burgers are good for your biome 👀
    2 points
  26. Decent toilets always outweigh food. Clean, toilet roll and soap trumps some dodgy hotdog. Bringing your own food will possibly even remove any desperate need of the site toilet facilities.
    2 points
  27. Not all of us, with respect. This opinion is also available. The people issuing the laws, diktats, rules and guidelines, clearly, demonstrably, don't believe that they're necessary. Their actions give the lie to their words, and I mean all of them, all politicians of all parties, all meedja talking heads of all channels, all podiumed scienticians: everybody that we see lecturing us on our Telescreens every day puts on a performance, whips the mask off the moment they think the cameras have stopped rolling, then gets their mistress round to nosh them off at a cheesy wine party. We are to do as they say, not as they do. Long term, we should be clear that SARS-COV-2 being endemic means we're all going to get the coofs, multiple times, no matter how much we mask, wash, clap and jab. Blaming each other for something that is inevitable won't really achieve much except for keeping us perpetually angry, suspicious and weaponised against (REQUIRED_JABS - 1) refuseniks. On jabs, vaccination now is likely as good as it's ever going to get in combination of coverage and efficacy. Coronaviruses mutate faster than we can keep up, and vaccines are always going to be multiple variants behind. Israel, Gibraltar, Malta, all past their third doses and onto their fourth, all with transmission still through the roof, and with waning efficacy against omicron. The ONS are reporting, quietly, without a headline summary, that the more jabs you've had, the more likely any covid diagnosis will be for omicron than for a previous variant (table 1b). Please note that I'm being careful with the wording there, I'm not saying anything that I'm not saying. In terms of how bad it is, raw "cases" are numberwang, and driven by testing rather than rising positive rates. If I were to tell you that there are 2 billion bacteria on your toilet seat, it's because I looked for them. There were 2 billion yesterday, and the only thing that's changed today is that you know, and might be worried about it. Looking at the daily hospital numbers for England, the number of beds occupied by people who have tested positive for SARS-COV-2 is rising. However, deaths are not rising, either with or from, and significantly, mechanical ventilation number have barely budged since October. Yes, bad cases of delta are very very bad, and it's genuinely harrowing for the ICU staff dealing with it. If we could eliminate SAR-COV-2 tomorrow, I'd be delighted. The bad news is that we cant, but the good news is that the numbers that matter, deaths and suffering, aren't anywhere near as bad as the "cases" headlines. If we accept the argument that we have to mask, jab, isolate, jab, distance, jab and jab in order primarily to Save Our NHS from winter pressure, then I cannot see any reason why this won't apply every winter. Our NHS is three weeks from collapse, always has been, and always will be. So I'd suggest that whatever happens this year isn't just for this Christmas, it's for every Christmas to come, forever. I'll respect differing opinions, but I'll respect them a lot more if they're your own independent thoughts, and come with some up-to-date source citations.
    2 points
  28. Quite right, you wouldn't whip your Glock out at the local Club Chlamydia. Good point about the dick-rule covering this issue, and it all being down to proactive, constructive marshalling. One thing I'd pick up on is the belief that it's OK to flip the wankergun-switch to punish an OMG CHEETAR. It doesn't solve the underlying problem. I'm not saying that it's not funny and satisfying to do so, just be honest about why you're doing it. You're only making the situation worse by escalating it. On the ultimate sanction, I'd like to see a lot more players getting hoofed right out of the hobby, whether it's for persistent cheating, cheat calling, or wanker-gunning. I'd be willing to bet that regularly inviting the most toxic player of the day to not come back would pay off in terms of the potential players that get silently lost because of them. Hard to quantify though.
    2 points
  29. Id happily pay that but needs to be banging hot food available FOC
    2 points
  30. Your ability to keep finding new stuff to strap to your poor SCAR never ceases to amaze me
    2 points
  31. Santa (UPS) arrived early this year... But I'm not going to open the box until Christmas morning. Oh, the anticip...... .... ation Also... 18,000 Bio 0.28g BBs, an M105 spring, and a nozzle and fuses for my AK.
    2 points
  32. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Spot on, I played at an old power station in Kent years ago, great morning session, broke for lunch & approx 30 min later the organiser asks for everyones attention, turned around thinking it's the briefing for the next session, next thing stripper music comes on & some bird starts taking her kit off, I turned my back on it & got back to getting my kit in order, at which point I teammate nudges me & says "oy tack, you gone gay", I tell him "I've come to play, not watch some ropey tart get her kit off, there's a time & a place for this crap", load up & head outside. Point is, gamedays are for playing, sure you can have some bantz when doing it but hanging around for anything that doesn't involve shooting peeps, not my bag, & if a sites not on top of this, I usually don't go back 😏
    2 points
  33. Dragon Valley run all their games limited ammo (or did last time I played there) only allowed to carry 600rds on you but you can go back to safezone to bomb up . Support guns 2000rds BUT it’s only classified as a support gun if there is a real world equivalent, so no claiming “this is my support gun !” As you stand there with your M4 pistol and a drum mag ! 🤦‍♂️
    2 points
  34. I've never been a fan of banning things as the issue is usually the soft fleshy bit holding it. I'd rather sites booted those who act like twats, whether it's not calling hits, overshooting or something else
    2 points
  35. lekne

    Gun picture thread

    My first paint job Used plastic primer and tamiya acrylic paint.Two coat of clear coat
    2 points
  36. Huh, seems like a lot of effort to go to to scam you, but looks like it. Sadly, I suspect this will be the eBay decision.
    1 point
  37. Not strictly true. The US Military has reportedly developed a jab that works against all currently known variants and supposedly all future variants. Time will tell of course, but humans are capable of incredible feats especially when there's a strong enough incentive at play.
    1 point
  38. This. Your analogy with Spanish flu was a good one. The pandemic of 1918 was H1N1, the same as the 2009 swine flu pandemic which killed an estimated 284000 globally It's the anti vaxxers and tin foil hat brigade causing this to go on longer. If you look in ICU wards it's the unvaccinated who are filling up the beds and mortuarys. Tbh I'm getting to the point where every time a plague rat is reportedly being treated for covid I feel like quoting Ivan Drago
    1 point
  39. Hi @TheNotoriousLoki 👋 You lucky boy! 😮 We all have to start somewhere and progress! Start of simple, many parts can be multifunctional and saves you 💷 along the way. Scope is simple and have the same torch, used mine on the 19th, with the button setup, good torch, will be in a video this Sunday! 🤪 Look forward to seeing the setup? 👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  40. I'm sure we can all agree the government is comprised of toffs living in their privileged world with nothing but personal gains on their little minds. BUT They occasionally listen to the doctors and medical experts advising what to do. It should be very clear after two years of this shit situation that its only going to go away if EVERYONE does their bit to protect themselves and each other. The anti-vaxers and people moaning about loosing their rights are precisely the reason we're still in this situation. Luckily the new Omicron variant seems to have less serious symptoms but the more people who are infected the more likely it is to mutate into a worse variant.
    1 point
  41. Oh I see what you mean, so I forego the security of the retaining part, but it'll still work! Yeah, I'll give that a go! Tomorrow... my wife is demanding my return to the sofa... I must admit, I'm not confident about the muzzle velocity. I'll want to see it chrono consistently for at least a couple more days before being reasonably sure it's fixed. Top tip for anyone putting the stock tube back on, and completely confused on how to manoeuvre the silver bolt retainer into the right location and orientation (especially with the wiring getting in the way) - put the bolt through it before dropping it down the tube - the extra weight stabilises it and gravity becomes your friend
    1 point
  42. AND he knocked on the door and waited until someone answered! (Admittedly it was me, and it took me approximately 3.2 seconds to run down the stairs as I got that spidey-sense tingle, in spite of the fact that just 4 minutes prior I'd sent an email to JD Airsoft to ask if my gun had been sent yet, as the order status was still 'preparing'!) And he smiled nicely and wished me a happy Xmas. So actually an effort 'Worthy Of Laudation' from the UPS chap this time.
    1 point
  43. Nick G

    DC Titans

    Didn't need to, it's exactly the same as my XR5 🤣
    1 point
  44. TheFull9

    Acceptable rates of fire

    100% they will and I could always be wrong. But if you're willingly entering in to a recreational activity the probability is that you have a desire to engage in the game within the rules set down by the organisers and I think that applies to an especially high level in your average weekend skirmish given there is no prize to the 'winner' (if there even is an announced winner). That's probably why the most competitive players who for some reason really want to win the fake Sunday battle and run around with a HPA'd drum mag Hi-Capa are often perceived to be the most likely to cheat and be dicks - whether they are or not I have no evidence to say. Maybe if we got rid of all other rules and just upped a walk-on fee to at least £35-45 and sites became a lot happier to boot people we'd see a big improvement? Maybe not though if someone was further financially invested in their game than usual. But then if more marshals could be hired and they were better compensated for their time... swings + roundabouts. End of the day safety actually is the number 1 priority and not over-shooting is very important in that regard. The one thing I don't think is the answer is just to say 'fuck it nothing will work or change' and not try anything. I'd go as far to say I'm confident in that regard, but some folks will say the problem isn't large enough and that is purely a personal perception matter and impossible to reconcile for most people.
    1 point
  45. Mad-Al

    Gun picture thread

    I think i may have a new favourite! LCT LK53 ARMS mount Vector frenzy VFC torch grip HK 3 point sling Perun hybrid, maple leaf macron, omega nub.
    1 point
  46. I am kinda of both minds. On the one hand, I do not build any of my guns to be too high ROF, whether HPA or AEG. With the advent of Titans and ROF limiters on AEGs all my Titan builds are locked at 20RPS. HPA is even easier to tune - they get the same 20 for the most part. I also have several guns that, when built, just shoot slower. My QJB-95 sits around 15RPS, for instance. I only have 3-4 guns above that rate - my M134, M132, my KA 9mm SBR (shoots 26RPS through no fault of its own, just happened when I switched to 11.1s), and im sure theres a gun or two in there that is above 20 as well. And to top that most of the time I have them on burst or fire 3-5 round bursts on auto, if its not a semi-only game. I personally do not like accuracy through volume, whether indoors or out. What I dont like, however, is people wanting to ban HPA simply because it can be used to easily cheat. I can just as easily cheat any chrono with one of my TItan AEGs as I can with HPA - even easier in fact. You can tournie-lock my HPA reg, but you cant stop me from popping my QC gearbox open and changing springs, and its just as easy to attach my Titan programming card to my gun as it is to change FCU settings on HPA - easier in fact if it isnt a FCU with a screen. If sites would learn to lock regulators and pay attention to their players its not a hard thing to catch those trying to cheat (also I am all for reasonable ROF limits at fields), instead of just banning anything HPA.
    1 point
  47. Patrolbase messed up my order so I got them to exchange it for an item of similar value. Got this for £75 (the rifle, not the extra bits. Those I already had!) including postage with a bottle of .3s. It's supposedly VSR compatible, so I'll find out to what extent when I get a 60 degree autobot rubber and omega nub in the next few days. From a cylinder/trigger perspective, it isn't VSR compatible as the cylinder is slightly shorter and the trigger box isn't quite the same size. It didn't accept my Laylax cylinder and SCW S-trigger, though the parts inside the cylinder looked like they could be compatible, so if it breaks I'll try putting my SCW piston and spring guide in there. Chrono'd at 0.95J on a .32, so I'm not going to be taking apart the cylinder anyway until it breaks, as I like my spring snipers to be lower power with no MED, as my HPA VSR is more than capable of doing 2.3J and lower power is quieter for spring guns. Is it as good as the VSR? No. The bolt pull is a bit weird and requires some force to push it back into place, even after lubing the outside of the cylinder with PTFE grease. I think it's a little louder than my 1.1J spring VSR build, it's a bit heavier than the VSR and, obviously, it's 0.95J as opposed to my 1.1J VSR which is right on the limit. However, I wouldn't say it was a bad purchase. If it sucks on the range after I put the Maple Leaf rubber in when I take it to my local site in the new year, then it'll be bad, but I really like the fact it's relatively unique (don't see many m40a3 builds out there) and love the adjustable stock and cheek rest. Also, having QD sling attachments is nice as I have a genuine magpul ms4 gathering dust on my TM416D that I never use as I don't like AEGs (even recoil ones like my 416!) since buying and firing my TM AKM GBBR and I have no other guns that can use it. I guess I could get the Maple Leaf stock for the VSR, but I just... don't like it.
    1 point
  48. I've got one of these. Seems accurate but yeah, didn't bother with the mounting tubes and have shot the hell out of it. Whoops.
    1 point
  49. Good luck pal. I ordered my shooters belt on 25 October, also listed as in stock. Emailed them after the 15 business days had expired to ask for an update, and after a few days I received a reply saying they were expecting a delivery of buckles and would contact their supplier and keep me up to date. That was 15 Nov. Really tempted to cancel and go for the C2R belt, despite it being almost three times the price.
    1 point
  50. Seeker Bravo

    Gun picture thread

    Daewoo K-2 manufactured by Toystar This is the service rifle of Republic of Korea It's just a plastic springer now, but I'll convert to AEG someday PVS-14 ( Instead of PVS-04K ) with Aimpoint M4s ( Instead of PVS-11K )
    1 point
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