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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/12/21 in all areas

  1. Pretty amused to see another load of drugs advertised on the site. As if anyone on here would waste cash on drugs when there are toy guns to purchase.
    7 points
  2. I've never been a fan of banning things as the issue is usually the soft fleshy bit holding it. I'd rather sites booted those who act like twats, whether it's not calling hits, overshooting or something else
    6 points
  3. My problem with airsoft remains the number of people who are not there primarily to play airsoft. If they were, they wouldn't have to be nagged, cajoled and herded out of the safe zone game after game after game. Whether it's socialising, geardo-peacocking, clowning for an audience, or whatever other reason, I generally have a better day hanging out with enthusiastic rentals or new players keen to know what they ought to be doing, rather than regulars who have firmly fixed ideas which can often vary wildly from the briefing that they've just talked over.
    4 points
  4. Finally got it all together with my 3d printed parts. 3d printed mag well 3d printed foregrip 3d printed tac torch mount 3d printed wall mount and MAG rack all in petg I have swapped out the stock barrel and bucking for a ZCI 6.02 294mm barrel and Prometheus purple bucking and nub and a ZCI high torque motor Now it's nice and snappy and very accurate
    4 points
  5. Dragon Valley run all their games limited ammo (or did last time I played there) only allowed to carry 600rds on you but you can go back to safezone to bomb up . Support guns 2000rds BUT it’s only classified as a support gun if there is a real world equivalent, so no claiming “this is my support gun !” As you stand there with your M4 pistol and a drum mag ! 🤦‍♂️
    3 points
  6. Since we're well off topic now, I heard a player-marshal grumbling after a game that he'd "hit someone, and the cheeky cnut had put his hand up, then ducked back into cover." I kindly let him know that the cheeky cnut was in fact waving cheerily at him because his BBs were dropping about 3m short. Perhaps ill advised, but he was already convinced that he was hitting me and would have been salty anyway, so I might as well have fun with it.
    3 points
  7. snuff

    Acceptable rates of fire

    As said if you're a dick you're a dick.We played yesterday and there is always a few regular troublesome younger "coders" running HPA's .I say troublesome because they are always getting tagged for non-hit taking, etc,I mean this regularly.It also happens that they are friends of some of the marshalls,so much so that yesterday I heard one of them in question ask the marshall if there was a ROF limit,the coversation continued until the marshall went into the players backpack and made an adjustment for him (you can enlighten me) and the ensuing ROF was crazy.It doesn't personaly bother me so much but you can hear newbies asking WTF!!I think a cap will happen when someone gets tired of being overshot by these types or until someone gets hurt.I know you can hose anyone with any gun but higher ROF makes it easier.
    3 points
  8. Decent toilets always outweigh food. Clean, toilet roll and soap trumps some dodgy hotdog. Bringing your own food will possibly even remove any desperate need of the site toilet facilities.
    2 points
  9. No worries there mate. They wouldn't lol If they told you to jump off a cliff I take it you would.
    2 points
  10. Are they the same guidelines that our government adhere to. 🤔
    2 points
  11. Quite right, you wouldn't whip your Glock out at the local Club Chlamydia. Good point about the dick-rule covering this issue, and it all being down to proactive, constructive marshalling. One thing I'd pick up on is the belief that it's OK to flip the wankergun-switch to punish an OMG CHEETAR. It doesn't solve the underlying problem. I'm not saying that it's not funny and satisfying to do so, just be honest about why you're doing it. You're only making the situation worse by escalating it. On the ultimate sanction, I'd like to see a lot more players getting hoofed right out of the hobby, whether it's for persistent cheating, cheat calling, or wanker-gunning. I'd be willing to bet that regularly inviting the most toxic player of the day to not come back would pay off in terms of the potential players that get silently lost because of them. Hard to quantify though.
    2 points
  12. inb4 all the "never use silicone on a hop rubber" posts. it should just be good to go, just be sure when you have the barrel and hop unit re-assembled to check that everything is nice and centred and the adjustment is working fine, you may need to "twiddle" a bit to get it all sitting nice.
    2 points
  13. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Ultimately cheats will always cheat, & dicks will be dicks. & too many sites are only interested in chasing pound notes than enforcing rules, even their own ☹️
    2 points
  14. Be nice if you answered the question ?
    2 points
  15. In that case I suggest some kind of protection for the lens on the light as they can easily be shot out.
    2 points
  16. TheFull9

    DC Titans

    Disregard females. Search for fill valves and winding wheels.
    2 points
  17. Steveocee

    Scam or stupidity

    Honest opinion.... stupidity on both of you's side. Why has your common sense not kicked in that buying from abroad, especially privately wouldn't be an absolute nightmare? Paperwork as it's an imitation firearm for a start and then probably that YOU have a valid defence for receiving it. He does seem to have messed you about a bit and has gone quite scatty with it but just claim the money back and learn from this.
    2 points
  18. I'm fairly new to airsoft having started in Sept. One of the things that got my attention was rate of fire, in that it excited me. I wanted to buya fast firing rif. I recently bought a chrono Purely to see the rps of mine and my sons ( box std) arp556. His was 15rps and mine is 13rps. This surprised me as I thought it was much higher. Given the amount of bb I can get through in a day I don't want anything faster and really can't see why more than 20 rps would be needed? Infact my preferred rate is now 3 round burst as its plenty. Full auto is only for non callers now. I've no problem with those that want to go faster or what propels them. Only real problem I've come across is the drum mag users. Granted I use high caps at 350 rounds but they are nothing compared to what seems minutes on end from the drummers, from behind their cover ! Really slows or stops the game some days. I've also noticed bar post teen walk ons, it's seems the drummers are the ones who don't call hits more often? I sniped one drummer with 3 body shots Sunday from about 40 - 30m as he did a terminator walk across open ground. On the 3rd hit he turned and sprayed me. I just stuck 2 fingers up at him but also then got head shot by a fellow sniper lol so I called hit and off i went.
    2 points
  19. Pussys, dicks and arseholes. Airsoft has always been this way, I find I just take on the challenge of out smarting them and making the way they play ineffective for them. I do completely get that dick players don’t do any good for potential newbs. However of all airsoft gripes dishonesty and non hit taking are the game day killers for me.
    2 points
  20. As a HPA sniper (best of both worlds!), I'll add spring snipers to that list. Plenty of spring snipers who go for headshots, try to inflict pain because it's "funny" and ignore their MED. Not all HPA users are dicks, just like not all dicks are HPA users.
    2 points
  21. If you track back further and look at the other troughs before the rise in case, you'll see the biggest leap was just after BLM kicked off. Actual real world data from the John Hopkins University who are collecting all world data and this guy used that data to plot an alternative graph that demonstrates why we are not going to be over COVID and that we almost had it licked back at the time BLM kicked off. Each subsequent gathering to protest and demonstrate has led to sudden rises in cases. There is no coincidence as it repeats with each bunch of idiots out shouting about stuff when we need to have people just follow the rules and get over themselves. If its not Extinction Rebellion or its offshoot, Insulate Britain, its BLM or protests about lockdowns and vaccinations. The way things are going is going to be lockdown and all because people refuse to follow the guidelines that are there to prevent spread. https://aatishb.com/covidtrends/?location=United+Kingdom As I say often,.... You can lead a horse to slaughter but you can't make it shoot itself.
    1 point
  22. Davegolf

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Have a turn out before you arrive all’s good 😊 I heard dirty burgers are good for your biome 👀
    1 point
  23. looks like the stock hop nub (red bit) is a weird proprietary shape, but it also looks like if you slide it out sideways the omega nub will sit normally in the arm. reckon that extra bit of material that's in the top is to stop the nub from falling out (which is the inevitable outcome of cutting corners and not dissassembling the hop before pulling the barrel with a standard nub) normally i'd caution against spring changes until certain the air seal is pretty consistent, as a low energy reading could be an adequate spring losing most of its puff to an air leak, but sounds like 'borgs silicone down the nozzle trick has helped a bit in that regard (also possible the macaron feedlips are sealing better to the nozzle)
    1 point
  24. Something we can agree on 👍
    1 point
  25. I'm not restricted in any way. I work, I go out where and when I like. I don't wear a mask. What restrictions?
    1 point
  26. Rubber on to barrel dry and gentle, then a wipe of silicon lube on the outer, away from the lip, to ease it all into the hop unit. I found it helps if units are a little tight, and stops the rubber from being distorted or torn.
    1 point
  27. BigStew

    DC Titans

    why disregard? multi task! pretty sure Red hood was packing a pair of WE Hi Capas
    1 point
  28. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Spot on, I played at an old power station in Kent years ago, great morning session, broke for lunch & approx 30 min later the organiser asks for everyones attention, turned around thinking it's the briefing for the next session, next thing stripper music comes on & some bird starts taking her kit off, I turned my back on it & got back to getting my kit in order, at which point I teammate nudges me & says "oy tack, you gone gay", I tell him "I've come to play, not watch some ropey tart get her kit off, there's a time & a place for this crap", load up & head outside. Point is, gamedays are for playing, sure you can have some bantz when doing it but hanging around for anything that doesn't involve shooting peeps, not my bag, & if a sites not on top of this, I usually don't go back 😏
    1 point
  29. Hmmm. Broken selector, randomly generated stock and grip…. Also, does this have the bolt stop piece to function or does the buyer have to send of for it like all the other disappointed customers?
    1 point
  30. TheFull9

    Acceptable rates of fire

    100% they will and I could always be wrong. But if you're willingly entering in to a recreational activity the probability is that you have a desire to engage in the game within the rules set down by the organisers and I think that applies to an especially high level in your average weekend skirmish given there is no prize to the 'winner' (if there even is an announced winner). That's probably why the most competitive players who for some reason really want to win the fake Sunday battle and run around with a HPA'd drum mag Hi-Capa are often perceived to be the most likely to cheat and be dicks - whether they are or not I have no evidence to say. Maybe if we got rid of all other rules and just upped a walk-on fee to at least £35-45 and sites became a lot happier to boot people we'd see a big improvement? Maybe not though if someone was further financially invested in their game than usual. But then if more marshals could be hired and they were better compensated for their time... swings + roundabouts. End of the day safety actually is the number 1 priority and not over-shooting is very important in that regard. The one thing I don't think is the answer is just to say 'fuck it nothing will work or change' and not try anything. I'd go as far to say I'm confident in that regard, but some folks will say the problem isn't large enough and that is purely a personal perception matter and impossible to reconcile for most people.
    1 point
  31. I got my WADSN Unity / hotbuttons: ### Need to swap the button behind the dbal back to a button with a RAMP, not enough room in front of the eotech to easily get my thumb in there. Like this: Only it'll be a tan button with a smaller connector.
    1 point
  32. What does it change though? No more big events with lots of people? There will always be those. Covid is not something we get over. We will live with it forever. Just hopefully in a similar manner to the common cold as it gets further diluted from mutations.
    1 point
  33. TheFull9

    Acceptable rates of fire

    Tbh, I think in the game of airsoft which is literally 100% based on honest hit calling by players on themselves, saying that something in terms of a rule is a fruitless endeavour is a pretty bad logical fallacy. Everything aspect of every action that every player takes on the field is constrained by (first) governmental laws then there's a thick layer of rules set down by the skirmish site layered on top of those. Yes some are harder to enforce than others but there's already loads that are common and accepted yet are hard to enforce. The vast majority of people follow them the vast majority of the time. I've also played a site that had an ammo limit at all times and when it came out in the safety brief I watched a lot of hi-caps go back in bags. Was one of my favourite sites that I re-visited quite often (by my standards). Would people break the rule? For sure, but unless you think a simple rule like any mentioned in this thread will make the gameplay worse then I'd propose there's not a strong case to object to it within the framework of this hobby.
    1 point
  34. Impulse

    Acceptable rates of fire

    I'd love ammo limits, but you won't get them for the mostpart in casual skirmish weekends. I typically only run about 150 BBs in my VSR or 350 BBs in my m21, plus 125 BBs in a pistol or 250 BBs in the mp7, depending on what I'm carrying, so my maximum loadout of BBs at any one time is going to be 600 BBs (m21 + mp7 combination). Once I get my standard rifleman setup done, that will only be carrying about 175 BBs because GBBR magazines are small, so ammo limits never affect me since it's my normal way of playing. However, as I said, you won't get them in skirmish games, as skirmish is supposed to be accessible to everyone. This includes both the speedy 14 year old with his m4 pistol and drum mag and the super-serious-milsim-tacticool-oper8r with his gucci gear and NGRS and real cap magazines.
    1 point
  35. BigStew

    JG V61 VZ61 switch to semi

    other than fitting a mosfet with your current set up no idea. all i can suggest is look through this manual https://www.greekairsoft.gr/manuals/manual.asp?Manufacturer=WELL&Filename=WELL+Scorpion+R2+Manual.pdf and see what parts you still have.
    1 point
  36. Printing stuff for airsoft is so fun. I really need to finish some of the projects I've started
    1 point
  37. Yes I learnt very quickly to remember my gloves next time. I have made two more purchases but nothing crazily expensive, just a torch for the side of my gun & a better sight. as soon as it’s all arrived and it’s all fitted, I will make sure to upload a photo for people to see.
    1 point
  38. it's an idea i like, as you say problematic to enforce, but good in principle for changing up the game dynamic of a regular skirmish without necessarily screwing anyone over for not having things like low caps etc. problem is, like most things in this sport, it's not the ones who are playing fairly and following the in-place rules that are the problem, so adding more rules won't necessarily fix it. this is true, and a trap we've all fallen foul of at some point, even if you're usually an ok judge of things unless you actually see the rounds land then it always remains a possibility. although that doesn't mean non-hit calling isn't a thing, it absolutely is ranging from legitimate no-feels (something no player is immune to, no matter how honest) to tunnel vision to just straight up plot armour.
    1 point
  39. In general I think that high rate of fire is pointless and "he burned my patch" ing someone should be a should result in a site ban and other sites being informed. High rate of fire aren't inherently bad things. However I would say that if someone is building as super high rps dsg whatever "Just for the trigger response" it should be locked to semi. As someone else said a 25-20rps max limit could become a thing at more sites. It depends how many people abuse it. I could certainly see milsims implementing it. Also speaking as someone who runs a variety of lmgs and support weapons I tend to leave the rof stock, run a 7.4 lion battery and happily chug away an entire game without reloading. High rof is not necessary for suppressive fire.
    1 point
  40. I am kinda of both minds. On the one hand, I do not build any of my guns to be too high ROF, whether HPA or AEG. With the advent of Titans and ROF limiters on AEGs all my Titan builds are locked at 20RPS. HPA is even easier to tune - they get the same 20 for the most part. I also have several guns that, when built, just shoot slower. My QJB-95 sits around 15RPS, for instance. I only have 3-4 guns above that rate - my M134, M132, my KA 9mm SBR (shoots 26RPS through no fault of its own, just happened when I switched to 11.1s), and im sure theres a gun or two in there that is above 20 as well. And to top that most of the time I have them on burst or fire 3-5 round bursts on auto, if its not a semi-only game. I personally do not like accuracy through volume, whether indoors or out. What I dont like, however, is people wanting to ban HPA simply because it can be used to easily cheat. I can just as easily cheat any chrono with one of my TItan AEGs as I can with HPA - even easier in fact. You can tournie-lock my HPA reg, but you cant stop me from popping my QC gearbox open and changing springs, and its just as easy to attach my Titan programming card to my gun as it is to change FCU settings on HPA - easier in fact if it isnt a FCU with a screen. If sites would learn to lock regulators and pay attention to their players its not a hard thing to catch those trying to cheat (also I am all for reasonable ROF limits at fields), instead of just banning anything HPA.
    1 point
  41. Monkman

    Acceptable rates of fire

    HPA user here... personally I love to use semi and only use Full auto when someone deserves it (Not hit taking) - I can adjust the ROF on mine to Wanker level...but why? All your doing as advertising that you a cunt and there is no need. One lad on our site who plays every now and again sets his up to fire at a billion rps...and everyone thinks he's a knob. Marshalls informed and aware and chrono'd to right limits...but still a wanker for running something that fast and overshooting peeps as well. (He's young and I think trying to show off to his mates with his setup all the time) I always wary of peeps on the site, even more so for rentals & new players..we need more peeps coming into Airsoft, not driving them away by shooting the crap out of them with silly ROF setups. **Btw using HPA as an example...seen plenty of peeps with DSG builds and high ROF builds being dicks as well... But it's airsoft..and people are people.... Merry Xmas everyone.
    1 point
  42. tbh, i don't think even that works out for a sufficiently determined arse.
    1 point
  43. Decent human being + low ROF gun = ✔️ Decent human being + high ROF gun = ✔️ Nobber + low ROF gun = ✔️ Nobber + high ROF gun = ❌ They shamble among us. Yesterday was a constant litany of "No full auto into the buildings!", over and over and over. Some people just can't be told, and sites aren't going to kick them out, no matter how often they threaten to do so. I'd rather that temptation was never put in their paws in the first place.
    1 point
  44. Yesterday's game was 'interesting' in a few ways. My M906C chrono'd at 230fps in the morning. Once I'd recovered from the shock (I wasn't expecting much more, say 270fps, but still!) I decided to roll with the gun anyway, as my belt is all set for M4 mags and I didn't have 100% faith in my AK. So I ended up on a team with Santa and his Elf, which was amusing but not very tactical Usual collection of good games in the morning, with a nice pic of me in the battle haze... A a great Xmas stew for lunch, a raffle with some decent prizes (no luck on those unfortunately, a P90 with an M4 adapter would've been fun to win) For the afternoon I decided to roll with the AK but damn it, it let me down. It looked damnably cool while it was working But later in this 'rolling defence' game against the marshals firstly the hop needed tweaking - I asked for help and a teammate got pinged as he was doing it. Poor bugger was our first casualty, and out for the rest of the game. Then I couldn't get the top cover back on (I'm still cursing it now, damn thing won't go on easily even at home)... I ended up surrounded by the enemy , knowing that as soon as I showed myself I'd get lit up by multiple HPAs at very short range :[ I popped my head out of cover, holding the top cover and battery sort-of in place with my left hand, aimed at the nearest enemy, pulled the trigger - nothing! I think the fuse had gone with all the fecking-about. (Luckily someone from distance saw me first and I got pinged not too painfully) Back to the M906 which had held up pretty well through the day, considering the low fps - there's a lot to be said for sneaking or rushing up close before opening fire - outright performance isn't an issue when you're engaging at 10-30m rather than trying to out-duke an HPA or sniper at 40m+ range. Anyway, a good day, roll on the next game, whenever that might be! (that's my grinning fizzog next to the left of the Russian flag)
    1 point
  45. Nick G

    Acceptable rates of fire

    This is the absolute truth, unfortunatly when you get players who are and who are packing guns with insane ROF the day tends to down the toilet pretty rapidly. Not a fan of HPA personally but the high ROF issue doesn't just apply to them , plenty of aegs with stupidly high ROF too and all too often you get a knob using one .
    1 point
  46. i have in the past dabbled with the brrrt side of things and tbh whilst you can punch through undergrowth that a slower rof couldn't, it's otherwise of limited utility, certainly if it's being acheived at the expense of accuracy. it wasn't long at all before i was voluntarily dialing it back because it was difficult to not send more than the necessary amount of plastic downrange. generally the figure that i've heard most sites implementing is 30rps, which tbh could still be argued to be on the fast side, and as long as it's applied equally (as in any gun is limited not just hpa) then i don't see it as a particularly unfair rule. with that said, folks can still be a dick and overshoot with a lower rate of fire, it just takes longer.
    1 point
  47. Tackle

    Acceptable rates of fire

    I generally only use single shot anyway, & have played a few game days where only single shot was allowed, & I gotta say it rocked, made people think about their gameplay, didn't stop some from spamming their trigger though, but still way way better than the usual hose fest. Thing is, most players do almost everything to emulate what they believe to be a combat scenario, from load outs & webbing etc, & then some feel the need to turn their gats in to hypersonic sewing machines ffs, & any modicum of realism is blown out of the window. I consider what we do to be a sport, in some form anyway, but in other recognised sports there's generally an expectation or requirement of a reasonably level playing field, you'd never get away with such extreme modifications to your playing kit. I'd like to see gamedays catering for specific setups OCCASIONALLY, a day where run wot ya brung high speed setups with box mags are OK, or single shot days, or gas only days etc etc, maybe one gameday in three ?, & the rest of the time I'd expect a fairly "normal" set of rules to govern what's acceptable ?
    1 point
  48. No you're not forgiven. You have to walk Gaylord around the block in an I Love Kicking Mustang T-shirt.
    1 point
  49. I'd trust Nuprol glasses to protect my eyesight every bit as much as I'd trust Nuprol chargers and batteries to not burn my house down.
    1 point
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