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  1. It's the airsofter's natural progression: At first he plays with nothing but the gun and a couple of mags because that's all he can afford. Then proceeds to buy all sorts of stuff, plate carriers, pouches, tons of mags, optics and what not. The ultimate stage is back to gun + a couple of mags because the rest of his gear just slows him down.
    4 points
  2. Legal limits are: (All measurements with 0.2g BBs) 1.3j = 374fps for auto capable weapons 2.5j = 518fps for single shot only weapons (auto cannot be available) Most UK sites use lower limits. (For insurance reasons to make sure that an error in measurement doesn't result in allowing an illegal weapon to be used) 1.14j = 350fps for auto capable 1.49j = 400fps for semi auto (DMR) 2.32j = 500fps for bolt action (Sniper) THIS is useful for joule/fps conversions
    3 points
  3. Hi Alex, as you're mostly playing CQB then perhaps 22TPA motor is the easiest upgrade, good on battery efficiency and low on heat for the semi-shots , for extra snappy'ness you could run a 11.1v but you might then need to upgrade the gears and piston. Can add a Mosfet if you wish but it's not 100% necessary.
    3 points
  4. Filmsim at Tuddenham today. Pretty simple domination and timer based games today. TBH, it felt more like a standard skirmish than the usual filmsim, but fun nonetheless. Attended with the lad, his mate and an old friend that has not played for over a year due to covid restrictions etc. In the morning we had a standard but very clear safety brief. As a rule, these are of a rare kind. What they say they do usually actually happens. Chrono well before kick-off, so any issues with fps can be dealt with, and spare rifs can be fetched. Nice clear game brief delivered with a bit of humour, simple rules and a flashy magnetic backed map of the area/overhead photo thing. Whatever it is, it made knowing what do where easy. Game stared almost on time, which is nice. The armband team attacked a pair of positions with the aim of setting off a timer. I managed to run to one timer fairly early and pressed the wrong button, because despite the clear game brief, I have a crap memory. Once the timer had been correctly started, we moved to the next objective. With the first completed, I managed to work my way to the second timer. About twelve far pluckier previous attempts had failed, but these had led to the opposition giving away their positions. This was only possible due to some good teamwork and pretty clear communication, which is impressive for a random group of strangers I think. Whatever, the case, I was hit about five feet from the timer with the marshal counting down from ten. At the count of eight someone threw themselves through the hail of BBs and started to medic me, until the penny dropped... he realised that I was shouting to ignoe me and get the timer, which he dived at just in time for the countdown to end, and we lost. Seriously, it was hysterical. His seriously nice gesture used up too much precious time, the game had been great fun and no one seemed to mind taking the L. The next game turned around and was even more fun than the last. Having sussed the best spots that had blatted us previously, we swiftly set up position in them. An inability to stop talking by a couple of the players meant that we were swiftly discovered. I retook the position despite heavy fire from the lad whose mouth had lost it, as we had split up after respawning, and he had forgotten what I was wearing I think. The opposition soon played a really simple but clever series of flanking moves which almost surrounded us as we defended the timer. The amount of plastic flung was prodigious, we stuck out until the end. I think the morning was a draw overall? We may have lost, I don't really remember, if I knew at all. Lunch was too long, as it always is. Half an hour would be ample, but that may not allow enough time to drive to the nearest Mackie D's for ultra shit food. Being a cut above such behaviour, we had broccoli frittata, pork pies (with jelly), cold sausage and green tea, as per Healthy Airsofter's thread. Loads of protein and no carbs (OK apart from the crisps). If this carries on I may end up shopping in Waitrose or something. The afternoon was played in the village. This was a really great scrap over a chess timer type deal. At the close of play the timer in the shipping containers had about two minutes difference, which showed what a good scrap had developed around it. The second timer in the buildings was 100% held by the other side. Fuck knows what happened there. The turn around was well played and the fight over the containers even better. I was getting a bit knackered by now. Lack of sleep made me sluggish, but a new rif performed well, despite the inevitable hop setting palaver as it settled in. A new toy always makes a game good I reckon, especially when it turns out to be a snappily sharp little number. The loaned out and ever reliable G&G CM had a minor fit, it failed to fire as if the battery was totally flat, until I reminded the lad to select auto, as the 'fet is set to one shot burst. In semi it just sulks. Some really good gameplay saw the buildings well contested, with the front of the village lost and retaken by each side numerous times. A plethora of bangs were thrown. Smokes were slung. The teams ended up well mixed up as players went forward and showed some really spirited gameplay. Some moaning about none hit taking as ever, but TBH I think that such stuff usually gets raised when players get hacked off at losing each or nearly each game, which I think the banded team did. It seems odd to me to value winning over decent gameplay but there we go. Thoughts at days end. With wet foliage all damp deep green, russet and hues of autumn gold, DPM is still ten times better for Northern Europe than MTP. There are too few women involved in the sport, in winter when the girlfriends stay at home and only us fools still play in all weathers, it really stands out. There were far less kids too. The games themselves could have been less skirmishy and more complicated (says he who forgot which button to press). The marshals did an excellent job. Airsoft is an excellent way to catch up with old friends. The boy's friend borrowed a sniper and used one for the first time; he loved it. It's an idea to change what we do to sometimes perhaps, to learn how to enjoy the sport in new ways. Due to laziness, I used my old webbing comprising a large ammo pouch for spare BBs, speedloader and a mag, one fastmag, one holster and a water bottle, all in various camos. Radio on the webbing and what else do you need? Sorry for the ramble, just sharing a few thoughts arrived at after a post game Bloody Mary or two, sore back banished, cares forgotten for a while, laughs laughed and muscles aching slightly. Hope you enjoyed your airsoft as much today. It certainly beats a run around the local park for exercise.
    3 points
  5. Being a sci fi buff I've always wanted to unleash my inner John 117 or Doomguy on the airsoft field. None of this MTP stuff or fancy plate carriers for me. Anyway, having been inspired by @Rogerborg's rather fantastic Warhammer 40k armour and having my eyes popped at rather mental cosplay piece prices on Etsy and the like, with the winter nights ahead I decided to build my own unique armour set from EVA foam. So, here goes. 20 quid worth of a camping/yoga/whatever mat fresh off Amazon. But none of that boring smeg for Eezer G. We're doing summat much more exciting... and it's going to get shot to shit too, authentic battle damage 😂 Did some measurements of my torso using a vest and started hacking at the mat with a nice sharp craft knife. Keeping the shape basic for now, with additions to come later. Measured my noggin and cut out a space for it, and here's what we end up with. As luck would have it, the shape I cut out for my bonce ideally suited shoulder armour bits, so I traced another one out and chopped away again. Next up, forearm and shin bits. More measuring and cutting, heres what we have. That's enough for tonight, happy with the start so far. Will dremel away the rough edges, sort out attachments and cut away some of the abdomen for ease of movement next I think. Loving the pattern, which I deliberately used for effect. Its worth noting I've never done anything like this before, so it could all still go tits up, however all a learning experience. Ebeneezer G
    2 points
  6. Ah, so that's you. I now have a face to a name! Good to hear the ghillie is working out for you; everyone thinks you need a super-milsim-crafted-all-over-KMCS-leaf-suit, but the concealment vest and good camo and concealment practice (mostly just... staying still!) is super effective in airsoft.
    2 points
  7. Finally remembered to take a pic while out. I'm definitely in the "premium" stage of my kit 😂 Though the ghillie is crafted, I'm using a Viper concealment vest base, some jack pyke stealth camo hide net, and some raffia and fake plants. I've had people walk right past me when I'm low to the ground. Using some jack pyke digicam soft shell clothing, which is decently warm and waterproof, and seems to be a good camo pattern though possibly approaching a bit dark for this time of year. Also a digicam balaclava that's been cut up and attached to my mesh mask. A simple kombat chest rig with their molle yoke for holding my knife and comms, and a hydro pack on the back. It's a nice lightweight kit with a surprising amount of space for things. Also a drop leg dump pouch, no idea what brand, I just bought it of some guy. Not pictured is the tactical bum bag, very handy I must say. Gun is a nuprol ak21, all the compression and hop parts have been changed, and it's getting new gears, motor, and mosfet soon. Pretty nice so far, it throws 0.36s out to a bit past 60m at 1j. Also a hawke 3-9x scope, really nice for woodland I find. I can track shots through narrow gaps in bushes easily, and the little rmr on top means I can be reasonably quick at close range. It's covered in jack pyke tough tape.
    2 points
  8. Ffs. One day I’ll actually get it…..
    2 points
  9. 100% This is the first time using them and i will be returning to use them again. The M904A its self wasnt in anyway bad i was actually really happen when just looking at it it was the fact it just wasnt what i paid for but with the difference sorted out im more than happy to call this my first RIF!! Cant wait till sunday to use this and get my sights and hop set up and really get a good feel for it. Deffo going to be running .25's for it first then might go for .28's will see how the .25's preform for me and my playstyle (running like a mad man into buildings with four people looking at the door normally xD).
    2 points
  10. Just to update everyone i have been in touch with Patrol Base today and they couldnt have been more helpful with my order issues (inprevious posts). They had labelled all there Double Eagle M904A's as M908B's in the warehouse so thats why i recieved a 4A. They where very appologetic and understanding. They gave me a couple of options of what i would like to do with the issue and all where a possitive giving me more than the differance in price between the RIF's. i choose to refund the difference and they are sending a free speed loader to me for my troubles. Customer service was 10/10 couldnt reccomed them more.
    2 points
  11. no but i can shoot imram zakhaev before the wind dies down in cod4, basically the same thing. although evidently i'm not that good because i keep hitting his arm even though i'd swear the bullet hit his head
    2 points
  12. After 10 months I finally got a refund.
    2 points
  13. tricky one, as if it's going via the classifieds here then you'd have to assume the application of secondhand private sale rules, ie caveat emptor. that said, i'd also be assuming secondhand level pricing to reflect that, and if it's higher then i wouldn't be buying.
    2 points
  14. Oh airsofters never change. Some gems from yesterday: "Push forward!" - Screamed by the same few people who always seemed to be at the back of the crowd 🤫 "I upgraded my gun to a 11.1 lipo" "I felt a hit from the side but took a look and there wasn't anyone there, so didn't call it. Then I got shot again and noticed there was someone hiding in a bush" Player: "Guys, I've just been hit by a sniper" Marshal: "Dead men don't talk" Player: "That doesn't count because I didn't say where he is"
    2 points
  15. Good old DPM, great all round camo IMO. Best loadouts are the simple ones 👌
    2 points
  16. Bargain-bin S95 DPM + cheap hat and gloves off Wish + used/boneyard Viper skeleton harness. ESS goggles, Tigris mesh mask. Kombat UK universal holster. A couple of SA80 pouches, and a cheapo fast mag holder for when I'm in a hurry (Got 4 of those on the way from that there China) Works alright! Just wish the DPM could hide my belly a bit better
    2 points
  17. Nice start, chap! Some constructive observations: I'm not sure if your blade is dull (and EVA foam will dull it up a treat), or if you're not using a cutting mat, but you should be able to make neater cuts than that. However, a blast with a heat gun will tidy it up a treat, and you want to give it a once over anyway to close the foam up before prime and paint. If you're going to try and shape any edges after cutting, a dremel sanding drum is ideal. The shoulders look bold, but they will limit your upwards arm mobility. And the chest is heroic, but if you want to be able to actually put your hands in front of you, I reckon you'll want to remove quite a lot of material from around the armpits. You see this a fair bit in cosplay armour: folk can do heroic arms-out poses, but they can't clap. Even the classic stormtrooper armour, with its shaped in torso plate, limits what you can do with your arms. (Hidden gem video)
    2 points
  18. That is one Mother Fcuking ugly gun 😂😂
    2 points
  19. Column A, column B. None of them should be doing it. Export is irrelevant. Two offences are being committed: one at the point of manufacture, and another by possession with the intent to sell (to anyone, anywhere). But it's the publicising of it that's the real problem, and their "lol whatevs" attitude. The chances of it being an issue are tiny, but it's blithering idiocy to even risk it, since the State does get an occasional hard-on for anything firearms related, and Eagle6 are openly flaunting their contempt for the law. I just hope that they don't have any disgruntled customers who see it and figure out that it might be a way to stitch them up see justice done. Why it's an issue for everybody else is that the airsoft defence for selling a RIF could be removed on Ministerial whim: airsoft isn't even listed in the legislation, it's only mentioned in an explanatory note which is little more than an opinion piece, and a different opinion could be given tomorrow. Retailers are being trusted to self-police and uphold the letter and spirit of the laws around airsoft guns, and if too many of them get caught showing thumbing their noses, it could have consequences. It almost certainly won't, and the world will keep turning either way.
    2 points
  20. If your in the UK, & you modify or manufacture an airsoft gun that is capable of full auto fire & that also exceeds a very specific fps/joule limit, then you have technically broken the law, irrespective of where your planning on exporting it to ?. So while we as players usually do our utmost to ensure Airsoft is viewed in a positive AND LEGAL manner in order to ensure the longevity of our hobby, here we have a retailer who is blase enough to break the law, & stupid enough to broadcast that fact to anyone that has Internet access. 🤬 If they're prepared to offer those services to overseas clients, that's between them & the overseas client, but the minute they broadcast it, it becomes an issue that has the potential to affect all UK players.
    2 points
  21. All I can think about is that this Fps isn't legal in our country and its legal in the country "its being shipped to" Does that mean I can have a bag of cocaine in the UK and ship it Columbia because its legal there? No..... 😂
    2 points
  22. "Do I need a proper ghillie to be a sneaky sniper? Do I need to shell out for a full leaf suit and spend hours, days, weeks, months, years crafting it to perfection?" No. No you do not. One of the marshalls finally found me and snapped a pic of me being one with the bush. This is my lightweight, summer loadout that I've been using because my current ghillie isn't great in woodland as it's really a grassland ghillie and gets caught on literally everything (Worthing Airsoft has basically no grass). Rifle wrap is Sprinter Custom Ghillie and the hood is a Stich Profi Russian leaf hood. Haven't crafted anything onto either of them (the SCG stuff doesn't need crafting anyway...), just picked a good spot that didn't silhouette me and kept still
    1 point
  23. British Army veteran offering military skills training
    1 point
  24. The Cyma gears are good for over 400FPS as they are! The only "reinforced" gears on the market are the Prometheus set which are a) horribly expensive and b) out of stock EVERYWHERE. SHS do a set, I've just had three sets delivered direct from China or if you can find the Nuprol V7 set they are the SHS ones rebadged. As I say though, the stock gears will be absolutely fine for a good while!
    1 point
  25. Glad you're getting your gun sorted, and patrolbase haven't let you down For the BB weight, I was pinging .28's around yesterday like a good 'un, had to make some fine adjustments to dial down the hop in the middle of a fight to get the best traectory so hops those with ease. And I've shown it'll lift 0.30s at short range in my smallish garden, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could go to 0.32s if you wanted to. But if you're mostly going CQB then go with ... whatever is best value?
    1 point
  26. Oh yes, those are nice. Haven't seen those before. They're slightly bigger than the cheapo Deans connectors but nice grip surface.
    1 point
  27. I've got some heat shrink tubing already (came with some cheap extra Deans connectors I bought), but with these AMASS connectors it's not needed, the plastic shroud takes care of keeping the bare parts of the wires isolated: edit: 5 pairs male / female connectors for £7 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Non-slip-T-style-Connector-Wireless-Adapter/dp/B08RTWV8G5/ref=sr_1_8
    1 point
  28. Anyone else noticed the preponderance of Wanted ads recently especially for (currently) Rare items such as GHKs where the seller name is something along the line of Smith 123 or Banana456...ie Some random word followed by a number string? Call me suspicious but they just don't sit right with me. Of course, it does give the opportunity to laugh at them saying they have £400 to buy your GHK off you.....
    1 point
  29. I can't comment on the AEG part, as I stripped all my gearbox out to fit a Wolverine Hydra gen2 in mine, but in terms of hop and barrel, I recommend both the Prometheus EG and the ZCI stainless steel barrels enough. I have two m21 builds, one is my TM HPA monster that cost me a LOT and one is my Cyma AEG that cost me barely anything (as I kept the gearbox stock since the power was around 1J and I'd rather not open a V7 unless I have to) and both perform phenomenally well. The former performs better, but I'd damn well hope so as it cost about 5x as much! My TM setup has the Prometheus barrel, while my Cyma setup has the ZCI barrel. Both have 60 degree Maple Leaf macarons with omega nubs and I'm ranging the majority of BASR users at my local site while maintaining my 1.1J no MED shenanigans.
    1 point
  30. If you want the absolute best trigger response then a MOSFET with pre-cocking is the best option overall. If you want something better than it is now without the cost/hassle of fitting then I would suggest a high torque Neodymium motor as a much easier upgrade and something you'll benefit from even with a MOSFET.
    1 point
  31. This. Along with sending a letter to trading standards
    1 point
  32. why S-hop when it's much easier and as (arguably more) effective to drop in something like an ml macaron+omega nub to lift the heavies? if you're not changing the ratio for a specific purpose (eg going for high speed) then why change a set of gears if there's nothing wrong with them?
    1 point
  33. indeed. there are lots of other factors (eg battery choice and state of the box as it presently sits) that could factor in, eg switching to lipo from nimh. however assuming the box is in good running order and being fed by a decent battery then the first port of call i'd be looking at would be to look at a mosfet with precocking. after that you can look at changing motor/gears depending on where your personal cutoff for "good enough" response is.
    1 point
  34. I do think the new BTP camo works better now we're in the autumn, even the desert version would do a better job blending in with the golden leaves that are all over the ground and the low trees. Dark stuff was less effective and sticking out a bit more than usual yesterday... In the morning I was wearing a black camo UBACS style undershirt, and I wished I'd bought the multi-cam version instead. I definitely don't need stuff slowing me down. That would = stopped A massive shout-out to this chap, who did the WW2 load out properly... He even lit up a pipe during the rest/reload breaks for the full effect Tally-ho!
    1 point
  35. AirSniper

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Bloke goes in to a pub. Orders a beer and sits quietly drinking it. After a while he starts feeling peckish and notices the bar snacks and food menu. So he goes up to the bar, asks for a menu off the bar maid who hands him a menu. After reading the menu, Cheese rolls £1, Ham Rolls £1.50, Cheese and ham roll £2, sausage rolls £1 and hand shandy's £5... So the guy calls the bar maid over and he asks her, "Are you the person that give out the hand shandy's" and she replied "Why yes, I am" fluttering her eyes at the guy... He replies "Good... Wash your hands I want a cheese roll..."
    1 point
  36. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for a black PEQ-10 or something similar. My budget is around £15 if possible. Thank-you!


    1 point
  37. Druid799

    M9 KWC

    Dam beat me too it ! It’s called a Jericho (one tiny insignificant bit of man pride grasped back !)
    1 point
  38. Nah I’d want a full refund or a lot more than a fiver off it as he’s knowingly selling defective goods as intact and complete .
    1 point
  39. Mmm, there's a strong scent of flipper there. I mean, it's all the same overpriced junk at the end of the day, I just like a bit of honesty when I'm being dry-humped.
    1 point
  40. You build such nice guns Matt.
    1 point
  41. Why not do both? Try and get it sent back, and go and play some airsoft. Why have single-pass when you could have...
    1 point
  42. Says to self...Today I must not go charging through the stream..it's cold and it's probably not a good idea. Comes back to safe zone at end of the day, soaking wet. Bollocks! (I'll do anything to try & win)
    1 point
  43. I have fitted one. Although I have not fitted the Marui red dot personally, the area does look the same once the slide is fitted. I did also get this from Kim at Volante during my purchase. "I recommend to use it with RMR mountable aluminium housing as original FNX can't mount RMR size sights." I would email Kim at Volante if you have any questions as he is absolutely brilliant to deal with and I always find him helpful. The slide itself went on with minimal fitting. Certainly well made with good tolerances. There is a lack of full markings on the right of the slide. Better that than the wrong markings I guess. Metal RMR cover and sights would have been a nice extra. Recoil impulse has improved. I can still empty a full mag, rapid firing with no adverse cool down effect which is good enough for me. The obvious comparison has to be made with the Cybergun/VFC version of course. I made some mods to mine which need to be taken in to account. My VFC versions have the same internal upgrades: Azimuth lightweight blowback housing and nozzle. (This improves gas efficiency at the expense of a small amount of recoil impulse as I found the standard set up started to suffer cool down effects by the end of the mag if the gun was rapid fired). Marui HOP rubber, I key and inner barrel. (Standard set up was terrible). Guns Modify 125% recoil spring (for Glock 17) which is just a bit weaker than standard but fitted in conjunction with the lighter blowback housing to help fight cooldown. Handling both brands shows a similar weight and feel. No extreme size differences to note. Firing them both side by side shows similar FPS with green gas. VFC has the edge on recoil. VFC has better trademarks. Marui HOP beats VFC hands down. Fantastic stock unit, not even on halfway and lifts .30s with ease. VFC has a few minor QC 'foibles', most of which can be dealt with. There are many other details but the bottom line is the Marui version is a better skirmish gun out of the box (or with the metal slide) but the VFC has the edge on details. Once modified it does bring them closer. Different people want different things out of a gun but I feel the perfect FNX would be a hybrid of both. I hope this helps 🙂
    1 point
  44. Davegolf

    THE TM MWS thread

    Come on,thats not why you really clicked on it
    1 point
  45. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    Some AR builds I've finished in the last year or so. If I went by my usual social media schedule I'd end up not posting them for a couple of years which feels a waste so just overviews for now and I'll post more later. Krytac LVOA-S KWA LM4c TM SOCOM
    1 point
  46. Mountain warehouse currently have 50% off everything if anyone needs camping kit, or even good quality clothing etc. https://www.mountainwarehouse.com/ Plus COMEBACK15 gives you 15% off their explorer hiking socks(yes they come in green.)
    1 point
  47. Well, this has arrived. Might not look like much but this is a nice 2x1m roll of EVA that marks the start of my sci fi armour project that I'll be working on over the next few weeks. It's my first experience of doing this, so it could go amazingly well, or feckin horribly catastrophically bungled. Either way it'll be fun. Going to do a build thread if anyone's interested.
    1 point
  48. Yeah, but see it this way. Innocent member of public sees some radge waving about an AK down the Co-Op car park. They dont know its an airsoft gnu, for all intents and purposes it looks real and it could be some git at the old Allan's Snackbar routine. Treble 9 and the Filf show up. They don't know either, from a distance, that it's some daft wee laddie waving a CYMA plastic-slugger, again to the eye it looks real. Split second decision to make, lives are at stake... The UAR might not be based on a "real" gnu, but again to an untrained eye it looks like a firearm. Some may assume it an SA80 or something.
    1 point
  49. With all the shit been going on in my life past 8mths I’ve definitely developed a “fuck it , if it makes you happy do it !” Attitude(I used to be quite take my time lets see how things go , but after loosing my oldest friend and having a bit of a near call my self I’ve realized you can’t count on tomorrow even happening let alone plans coming to fruition) SO t’other night whilst wandering aimlessly through Tinter’Web I came across a Cyma mosfet edition XM177 on Bullseye , now always had a bit of a crush on that particular AR so I bought it , and when I got in this afternoon it was sat there waiting for me ! 👍 Oh so much a happy chappy ! 😍
    1 point
  50. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Took the new girlfriend home to meet the family. The kids love her and my folks think she is great. The wife's not too impressed though! 🤔 Regards
    1 point
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