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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/21 in all areas

  1. *Tarkov music intensifies* Took my final delivery of ZenitCo bits from Russian this morning, small amount of filing on the mock gas tube and dishes are done. Taken months to get it all together, but I love this angry little bastard. (Tracer installed in PBS-1 for CQB)
    9 points
  2. For personal use no. What would make you a nob would be acting like you think you're the next Stanley Kubrick and starting a shitty youtube channel, then spamming social media begging for likes and subscribers
    9 points
  3. Pretty much my thoughts too. "only used for testing in the garden, honest"
    6 points
  4. Brophy

    Starting out....

    😂 Love it. Welcome to the forum dude. First thing I would say before you look at the gun side of things, get some decent eye protection and some decent boots with ankle support. 1. Ideally, you would want to pick a site and go "rental" until you get your UKARA, this is what I did, this will expose you to the electric platform, which is the most common and hopefully you'll see a few guys there with co2 and hpa, most people are happy enough for you to take a look and have they odd shot with their stuff. (Thanks @strykerles ) 2. You are right, its a preference thing, I've always done outdoors and prefer the vast size of the game zone, but will probably take a look at the CQB side over the shit weather / winter. 3. Can't comment on that, as I'm midland based, but you can have a search on the forum to see if anyone has left any game site reviews until someone commments about it.
    5 points
  5. New plate carrier, very nice quality supper happy Just need the fake plate inserts now to fill it out.
    4 points
  6. EDcase

    Starting out....

    Welcome Duzum, It doesn't have to cost an arm & leg to get into but of course it depends how far you jump into the shredder 😁 My 2p worth adding to what Brophy said... 1) Yes, it is a bit more costly to rent first but it will save you lots in the long run. It'll help you get a feel for the game and what gun style you'll want. M4, AK, long, short, etc. And you'll certainly get to try other weapons people have. If you buy anything before having UKARA it will be painted a bright colour (two-tone) If you then want to get rid of it, it will be worth less and harder to sell. - AEG definitely the easiest and arguably most effective system. You can get AEGs with recoil for more realistic feel but obviously more expensive. - Gas is the most realistic in operation and feel but more expensive to purchase and run. Can be problematic in Winter. But the big downside is you can't carry as much ammunition as an AEG with high capacity magazines. You will be at a disadvantage in a firefight. Gas guns (GBBRs) are more practical in a MilSim game where there is more emphasis on realism and more people use them. - Co2 From my experience with a Co2 pistol. Expensive to run (including fixing leaks). Can't top-up on gas when low. Often shoot hot and hard to adjust power. To me not worth the hassle. - No experience of HPA but not a fan because some get into it for stupid rates of fire 🙄 2) Outdoor (woodland) uses more tactics and teamwork. Allows for a wider range of gameplay from camping sniper (hate em 😏), sneaky assaults to full on charges. Not tried indoors (CQB) yet but from videos it looks fun though seems to often be starwars style shooting down corridors in stalemate. Faster gameplay with more emphasis on sprinting to get advantageous positions. 3) Check HERE then look up reviews of places near you.
    4 points
  7. Now being a naturally suspicious fecker who’s outlook on life is very much ‘the light at the end of the tunnel is the front of an on coming train😳’ . I’m pretty skeptical of near all claims I read in adverts , so when I see an advert that says things like “brand new gun , never scurmished !” And then in the description it says “slight marks from testing , no box” or “only been used to plink in the guarded but XYZ is missing/broken” instantly I think bullshit as neither would I or any of my friends ever get rid of the box immediately nor would I be that cavalier with a new gun that it’ll get damaged or loose bits from it as soon as I’ve got it ? SO either the seller is incredibly thick and has no concept of or cares about the monetary value of a thing or(which I’m more inclined to go with) there talking bollox and trying to rip off some poor soul wIth a dodgy sale . Thoughts ?
    3 points
  8. Yes it is, Andy has run a number of game weekends, this being number 4. I am buzzing for this. As such I have a small update for this thread.... my kit list! unpacked and packed pictures. The packing process its self was a touch frustrating i had planned on just the assult pack grab bag and rifle slip case. That didn't happen. My first priority was to get the kit to site, knowing that i would be repacking on the Friday night with loadout in mind. So for a start the kit list i broke it down into the following Camping Hammock tarp sleeping bag microfibre towel (to act as underquilt) Loadout rig grab bag med kit - battle belt with vintage pouchs - bandage - (safety) scissors medic patch (yes a special metion, i think i have a weakness for patches....) watch 'gas' mask eye pro & spare + accessories gloves Weapons and ammo m4 + mags shotgun + shells & bandollier actual ammo (3 bottles, just to be sure) smokes (distractions and 'posion' gas) & bangs speed loaders Clothes key points of extra layers - hats and such like and more spares in case of rain Food kit & food (work in progress) a VX coffee filter ....yes really coffee well, lets just say i plan on snacks throughout the day with two hot meals (raman) Wash kit kept really simple teeth stuff and wet wipes.... Misc notebook + small pencils bin liners I accepted that i needed an extra bag so the brown one will be my fob bag and the assult pack will have snacks and stuff. I just need to get the three bags to london waterloo from east london, then on to fleet where the last supply run happens before hitting the site. Given the amount i know some are taking i think i have done well... There was a last minute info drop with some fun rolling objectives. i am buzzing....
    3 points
  9. 66 and still playing regularly👍🙂
    3 points
  10. think my initial point has been missed , I’m commenting on the sales you see where perceived condition does NOT match the description given by the seller , if a gun is supposedly unscurmished and as ‘new’ then you wouldn’t expect there to already be broken/missing parts and very noticeable marking on it ? to be able to claim ‘as new’ none of these should apply to the item for sale should they ?
    3 points
  11. Thought I'd give it a try. The gun is cerakoted in Midnight Blue with some details in Tungsten, then clear coated with cerakote high gloss clear. It's been used as a movie prop so it has some wear on it. Cerakoting by iKote Sweden
    3 points
  12. Well that's a bollocks excuse. Pretty much every game I play these days there's someone over 60 there! In fact, one of the guys I regularly plays with has just turned 60 and has a replacement hip. Gets about better than I do truth be told!
    3 points
  13. @Brophy I'll always be wearing a helmet now that I'm 100% committed to using an ExFog as it works perfectly for me, so I think I'm going to give it a go, and have a few video memories for when I'm old and dribbly.
    3 points
  14. I tried a cam once, but on a shoulder mount, it was crap, however it did manage to capture me doing quite an loud and aggressive fart to which a nearby team member turned around and was like "WTF was that?!" I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on uploading it anywhere or starting a youtube channel, just to capture some memories, so will probably try a head mount next time, I just don't fancy wearing a helmet 😂
    3 points
  15. Hi all, me and a friend have decided we don't like money any more and are looking to start playing airsoft. I have a few questions so any help would be greatly appreciated, so here goes; 1. I have been reading a lot about HPA, Co2 and electric platforms and as a beginner I have been advised that electric would possibly be the best path, is there any merit to this? 2. I know this is a preference question however its always nice to hear peoples opinion so, what is better game play indoor or outdoors. 3. I'll be playing around the Hull area I have been told by 1 store that the area has a decent honest game base, so is there anywhere to not go play and where are good places to play around the UK. Thank you for your help
    2 points
  16. I had a gopro 2 gun mounted at the nae. Fully charged battery and I put the settings down to 960 and 25 frames.it only lasted 30 mins lol. Sound was awful as well. Don't think I'm gonna be posting vids anytime soon.lol
    2 points
  17. The noises ain't a good sign, might need to get the joint flushed out surgically & knock running on the head, for fitness at least. Yeah tramadols a mofo, they left me on it for nearly 3 years, like you, bout 6 years ago I forced myself to go cold turkey, as the weaning me off crap that the doc recommended just made things worse, so stocked up on reading material & sweet stuff & told the wife to pretty much ignore me for the next week as I'm prob gonna be a miserable cnut, typically her reply was "what, more than usual 😱" Knee surgeon recently tried to give me a script for more tramadol FFS, I politely told him to stick em up his chuffer 🤣
    2 points
  18. Gask99

    Gun picture thread

    The family
    2 points
  19. How about a single photo, with the gun in question on a duvet in a dingy room, taken by a camera with a dirty lens? That's usually the "I bought a BB gun off my mate" crowd.
    2 points
  20. Yes definitely have met him in that case, instant sour taste!
    2 points
  21. im mid 30's and run bout with cam on my head and my rif bud nobody pays one blind bit to it,and if they do tell em to jog on
    2 points
  22. Rogerborg

    Starting out....

    Yup, what they said. Consider that it typically costs about £20 extra per day to rent, but that includes BBs. So really you're looking at a total of £30-40 extra for gun and face protection rental over the magic 3 games. Unless you really, really want your own IF right away, it does make sense to rent first so that you've got more idea what you want when you come to purchase. Of course, I didn't, and just bought a £75 CYMA M4, which I've never regretted. I wouldn't recommend getting anything more expensive in two-tone though, as above, it'll be harder to shift on. I prefer Indoor CQB as it's more intense with faster respawns and turnarounds, less walking, funnier and friendlier, with less of an issue of folk not wanting to feel hits after 15 minutes of creeping through the bushes. I agree that outdoor can have more teamwork and tactics compared to a basic linear indoor site. However, I have a lot more memorable moments indoors. Both are great though, just get stuck in with a rental package and see how you get on.
    2 points
  23. Not yet. I'm coming off it slowly - half doses every other day for a few weeks, then just half doses etc... Going cold turkey though...oof. You have my sympathy! I've been on it at 50mg dose for about 5 yeras. Earlier this year I complained about being constantly tired (one of the other side effects) and was told "well maybe you're more stressed and that's why you're tired. Let's put the does UP to 100mg" and that was when I started developing the pain in my fingers and hands. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly "low mileage" and I know full well that there are pains I've had for a while, but the feeling in my fingers that my joints are trying to separate and not being able to grip things properly is definitely new. Your mileage may well vary of course, don't come off them "just in case" if you don't have those side effects yourself!
    2 points
  24. shadowfacex

    Naf 2021

    Really good. I enjoyed it. Probably the best NAF so far for me. We played a lot, socialised a lot and even met with @Shamal on Saturday. Night game was proper havoc, but that’s always the case unless most people have NVGs etc. Sunday quiz was typical “let’s drag this for as long as possible” but we’ve had a few laughs. Bravo lost so I’m not happy but hey, we’ll do better next year. For the first time I was apt physically to sustain a whole day of combat, so I’m happy. Running up and down the hill all day from dead zone was not a problem as opposed to previous years. Overall: we’re going again in 2022. This time maybe with some PlayAirsoft merch 😉
    2 points
  25. The Fembots are coming! And seemingly want to load us full of drugs.
    2 points
  26. My first pew pew! Been playing with it in the garden and consistently doing 335fps on the chrono, hopefully it being an Ares I've got one of the rare ones that work 😳 You really do fall down a rabbit hole after buying your first gun...... batteries, chargers, sights, mags.... My bank looking at me like.... Good news is that I will get to skirmish it on the 12th Sept.
    2 points
  27. And would only call hits after getting half a high cap dumped on him
    2 points
  28. I have tried to get her along to a game - but she has no interest and from experience i know its not worth pursuing as she is stubborn. But its time for me and the eldest - main reason i started doing it as it gets him out and about and with all the restrictions Covid put on pt at school i just want him to be out the house. My youngest can start next year too so more the merrier , trying to entice the brother in law as he is ex forces but says he is too old as just turned 60
    2 points
  29. BigAl

    Bolt AEG Recoil Rifles

    The KWA/PTS/KSC ERG's are built like tanks and kick like mules. Out of the box they may need a softer hop up as they are designed for higher velocities, no other upgrades are needed. Unlike the tM they will use standard mags without an adapter ( one less thing to go wrong ) but you will lose stop on empty if you have one with that feature. As for the selector bing shorter on one side, its reversible.
    1 point
  30. I guess it makes sense that the heavier the recoil the less it will last 🙄
    1 point
  31. Lol, I'm definitely high mileage, think I've been "clocked" more than once, plus been on 100mg for ever, so might be a good time to try to see my gp for a face to face review ? prob is I've always been very physical, work, sports, bedroom😜 (not 😂), so the wear & tear is definitely relevant too, so it's difficult to gauge🤔
    1 point
  32. I have a BOLT M16 and a TM NGRS M4 SOPMOD and the TM quality is better than BOLT's, but the recoil is waay better than the TM...but I would go for a TM instead, considering there isn't much in the price point. (Depending where you shop) I've never had a problem with my TM, but i've broken the BOLT once, which Negative Airsoft fixed for me..but I am starting to have further issues with the BOLT...the main one being the Stock has sheered away from the the gun and until I can figure out how to fix it, it's gaffer taped on... The recoil of this gun is just too much for it to handle I think.... I still love my BOLT, it's a lot of fun to play with...but the TM is well, just a bit better on QC and longevity.
    1 point
  33. Thats going to be either spanking hot FPS or insanely quiet! I do niss driving a KWA Vector *miss
    1 point
  34. Brophy

    PayPal Holding Cash

    In this case, the guy was quite flamboyant on the private messages and thanked my brother for his "free" games. Although my brother provided this as proof to PayPal, they still wanted to see a delivery acknowlegement. I always think now to save the ball ache of sorting stuff out, just pay the extra quid or two (put it into the cost of the item) and have peace of mind.
    1 point
  35. Ta very much, though I can't take credit for the vast majority of the work for fitting things. Let's just say if it was a girl I'd say they were 'bubbly'.
    1 point
  36. What’s the point? In most cases the footage will be 1+ hour of your life you’ll never get back watching it. name a decent YouTube channel and you will see an iceberg of ten minutes footage that has had hours of crappy footage edited out plus hours of time making a story out of it. Unless you really want to waste your life learning a niche skill that provides zero income for the time limit/money you put into it then why bother. aside from a very few (yes and I include kicking mustang as love or hate the videos are well scripted/edited whatever) all the rest are not worth wasting your life viewing. if you were 15 at least you would have your parents patting you on the back for your new skill. I liken it to filming a concert, you are missing the moment poorly filming something others are experiencing to obtain footage that no one will ever want to watch. Or maybe you are the next Stanley Kubrick and I await your first YouTube masterpiece. Cynical comments aside, you won’t be considered a nob for having cameras on your toy gats in answer to your question.
    1 point
  37. absolutely this. anyone who gets paid to fix airsoft gnu's calls themselves an airsoft tech, regardless of their qualifications. if you're going to insist that their work adds value then you need to name drop so their reputation can do it for them. otherwise a buyer must only assume that the work was done by billybob who took up airsoft teching after failing his degree in surfing and has only been doing it for a month. and fully upgraded is a meaningless term, has it had literally every part replaced? has everything that could improve performance been done? the answer is no, because nobody replaces every single part and performance is such a wide term that to optimize a build in one aspect precludes optimization elsewhere.
    1 point
  38. Dont worry, I sent it back so it’s safe! Couldn’t find the thread for ‘what-have-you-just-un-bought’ 😂
    1 point
  39. Hi, ALL! 👋 So last Sunday, had a Great time at Skirmish Wycombe Airsoft, as @EDcase has mentioned on his status! 🔫😎👍 My package turned up on that day, I couldn’t use it, so hopefully for the next game, must test it out? 🤞👍 Also hopefully have a new RIF in my collection to test out as well, once I get the right parts? 🤞🔫 💷GAMBLE💷
    1 point
  40. Oneshotscott

    RIF Incident in News

    Should of emptied the mag just to be sure he got him.
    1 point
  41. Its printed wrong because it would be the same the other way up 😆
    1 point
  42. Just gave mine its once a year deep clean.
    1 point
  43. Police need to be equipped with fully automatic woodchippers. We need a Woodchipper Pride Month, I already have a flag in mind. I hope, I really hope, that they look into whoever sold the nonce that RIF and do them for it if they don't have a rock solid defence. And when I rant about AirsoftWorld and Fat Bobs selling to anyone who asks without a real defence, this is why.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. Umarex Glock 19 Gen4 Blackhawk T series holster Genuine Crimson Trace laser grips ❤️
    1 point
  46. Captain viper SIR!! I would love to join, based on my many many years of Airsoft experience I feel I have more than enough credentials to join, also based on the fact I have played cod and battlefield, watched blackhawkdown (and read the book the fantasy fiction that was the movie is based on) feel I am over qualified. therefore I would demand I have your job and a salary befitting someone who has played hide and seek in the woods with a nerf gun, sorry Airsoft a few times. Also I have plenty of hand signals I could show the squad Yours sarcastically. General Albiscuit
    1 point
  47. Fortunately it's a small minority of folk who think a team name, rank and callsign that look like they're from a bargain basement CoD, makes them the SF of airsoft. Usually they stop when they finish going through puberty
    1 point
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