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  1. Cant believe this is really a question. I have given bbs, tracer bbs, various batteries, pyro and I even gave a kid my back up aeg because I felt sorry for him even chucked in two batteries and charger. Maybe I am too generous but one day it might come back around.
    8 points
  2. I'm thinking maybe some of us need to start a new team...."Team Fluffy Unicorn" maybe. We could all have a patch of a VERY fluffy unicorn and people would know they could ask (nicely) for a bit of ammo and not get sent away with a flea in their ear.
    7 points
  3. I mean....yes the guns are expensive and in many cases the gear is too but one of the things that sets airsoft aside from paintball is the cost of ammunition. A typical bottle of 3000 rounds costs what, a tenner? So 0.33p per round. So let's say you give away a hi cap's worth, we're only talking about a quid. A mk5, £2? Maybe £2.50 if you've bought it onsite. If these tiny little amounts are that big a deal to you then maybe you've chosen the wrong hobby... Think about it this way - some rental kid who has clearly been having a load of fun (on account of having run out of ammo) asks you if you have any spare. You look in your bag and yes, you have more than you actually need. You could just say no. He'll go away deflated and you'll have either a sense of pride in having managed to keep that extra pounds worth of ammo for another day OR maybe you'll get that niggling little doubt in the back of your mind that actually, ACTUALLY you could have been a better person back there. Alternatively you could actually say "yeah sure, fill your boots" (hopefully he wouldn't really fill his boots cos that's WAY more than a hi caps worth). He goes away happy, you get a warm sense of pride that you've improved someone else's day and maybe, just maybe you've made a new friend. Is your life so full and rich that you don't need any more friends? I seriously doubt it. Life is short. Don't squander it being mean.
    7 points
  4. I always carry spare ammo but have never been asked for any. I feel left out now
    6 points
  5. Not just the sport but life its self. Far too many selfish people around.
    6 points
  6. Mid-game - I don't really carry loose BB's, but happy to lend someone a mag if it'll fit, or if they have a hicap to empty the midcap into. In the SZ - I usually take a back-up bottle of non-tracer BB, so happy to let someone dig into that if they've run out and no cash on them to buy more (done this once for a solo hire-gun kid walking round the SZ offering to be a human shield in exchange for BB's, he got through 2 rooms of people saying no (for shame!) until i gave him the bottle) Way i figure it is even if someone manages to eat half a bottle of BB from me, then that's still only the price of buying someone a pint, and the games a frivolous money-pit anyways.
    5 points
  7. I've needed a few rounds or a magazine myself in one game & borrowed them so in my respect it's only fair to help out plus if rentals & noobs see you helping then it gives a good face to the site where everyone helps eachother but you do get those guys that look at you & say piss off I personally will help out where I can for example, rentals were saying they didn't hit anything so I took them onto the range & helped dial in there hop & now 3 of them are regulars
    5 points
  8. Yeah we are the same happily give out bbs mid game if someone is out have just given them a mag to use before as easier than digging out speedloader etc.. I kinda live by the do good to others and they do good to you, plus it's a hobby and we all want to have fun so after shooting loads of people a little dose of good karma won't do any harm
    5 points
  9. I always carry a full hi-cap as a spare because one weekend my son was having a bit too much fun & managed to empty ALL FIVE of his mid caps in one game & had ran out of ammo. He couldnt see where I was & some dude threw him a full hi-cap so he could fight on. Back in the safe zone I refilled the hi-cap to hand it back to the dude who told me that my son could keep it as he never used hi-caps, it was just his spare & he had a few. I now keep this full just in case anyone would ever need it. the next time someone ask's me, that hi-cap is theirs & I hope that person will do the same. I also do this with Gaffa tape, I have given out loads of rolls to people in need. It comes from my mountain biking hobby, I'd never leave a fellow rider stuck with a puncture or at the side of the trail. Same with any airsoft dude.
    4 points
  10. That's the thing, helping people is what the sports about, welcoming new players
    4 points
  11. TBH i would have been happy to fill a mag of his, 350 BBs out of 3000 from a single bag isnt going to break the bank, but if the same guy kept coming to me then i might have been a bit pissed.
    4 points
  12. Could get two one fluffy unicorn and one care bear medic. Thinking a care bear with medic symbol, ww2 helmet rushing in with a bottle of bbs.
    3 points
  13. Nowadays using 0.30g BBs I don't often find many people wanting to take a mag from me, but I always offer. The cost of 300 BBs is just nothing compared to everything else this money pit of a hobby costs me so being a nice doesn't cost me anything. In a year I have perhaps given away £6 worh of BBs total, but in the process I have made about 10 people happy and some of them have turned out to be team mates I play with a lot. Its just another ice breaker. I do view there beingn a difference between in game and in the safe zone, in the safe zone there ought to be somewhere to buy some so its kind of cheeky to be asking mags to be filled by others, but I have given BBs for the purpose of testing feeding and magazines and guns before, in practice its just not a lot of money in the end. I understand those doing this on a tight budget might not want to give up BBs, I am not going to hold it against them but from my own experience I have found it beneficial to hand out mags like they were free. Haven't had anyone fail to bring the mag back.
    3 points
  14. I do know someone actually. Leave it with me. It's gonna be a thing.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. I had a guy asking if anyone had green gas & I had just over quarter of a bottle left, he offered me full price to which I said no mate as I had a full bottle in my bag so you keep it, he bought me a few cups of tea during the day to say thankyou
    3 points
  17. It depends if they ask nicely. I had a kid from the other team ask me if he could have a mags worth last Sunday while we were changing ends. He was a good kid. I couldn't say no. If he'd been all chavy and a bit gobby it may have been different. I don't tend to agree on the theory of what goes around comes around as I seem to help people a lot in life and get my fingers burned. Bu I will keep fighting the good fight!
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. Ok, let's just stop. You're quite obviously advertising crap on the Wanted classifieds for this website and don't know anything about UKARA, we've already had people like EPICLlama spamming us with this crap. Any future posts mentioning Spraythemag will be removed. I'm also doing this so new players don't pay the prices you charge for the stuff that you sell which is just laughable. Sorry, but this is just getting boring.
    3 points
  20. Sounds like the trigger contacts are screwed. Easy fix, cheap parts.
    2 points
  21. Haha, love the direction this thread is swerving in XD
    2 points
  22. Be careful with that depending on the shape of your lid you might end up looking like a nob, by that I mean literally a camouflaged penis.
    2 points
  23. Sounds good to me What about this https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11420865_1643193242565232_1295677014_n.jpg
    2 points
  24. Force core Fc-09 for £120 Asg mk23 for £30 Halfords camo green spray (sprayed my revolver from shitty two tone) Happy adam
    2 points
  25. We will have to get the patches now. Do you know anywhere?
    2 points
  26. I'm kind of with lozart on this one, tend to use .28's for my main, but always keep some cheap .2 and .25 as a throw away for anyone running out mid game (I've got 2 of those ammo pouch bags, one for each set). hell, when I first started there were plenty of times when I ran out of ammo, and some kind person lent me a couple of hundred to tide me over till endex, and I'm all for encouraging the younger players. all for one, and one for all
    2 points
  27. You miserable barsteward where's your humanity and sense of camaraderie. Should hang your head in shame. 😔
    2 points
  28. An old asg trishot for £15, none of the shells worked, stripped and lubed the they all feed perfect! The only problem is I like shotguns so much I fancy a tm m870 breacher!
    2 points
  29. I've got no problem giving people ammo, although I generally don't take loose BBs out of the safe zone. When I started it felt like BBs were a valuable commodity, but now it seems pretty trivial. Quite a while back I played at a site where they didn't have any BBs for sale, I think they forgot them or something. Now I pack enough ammo for two people just in case something like that happens again - I don't generally buy ammo onsite anymore as it tends to be comparatively expensive and means you have to make do with whatever they are selling(yay Nuprols!)
    2 points
  30. I've given out bbs in the past. I carry a small speedloader and sometimes small bottles that contains about 500 bbs each. In a lot of cases the player is just caught short if the game has gone on longer than expected. Usually they offer to top me up when we get back to the safe zone but it's no big deal if they don't.
    2 points
  31. The amount of times I've been asked if I have any BB's! plus the worst one I've found "Can you hold my gun" or "Can you pass me my gun" F*CK RIGHT OFF!!!!! If you turn up for a game with half a bottle of BB's then you're an idiot (Not the OP).
    2 points
  32. Jealous :/ Now go sit in the corner and think about how you've made me feel.
    2 points
  33. Games finish between 8-9 depending what's going on and who's there... Here's an idea of what's there, this is downstairs the upper floor has a full size 3 bedroom 2 story house, a train, church, balconys and lots more...
    2 points
  34. Nemesis Chest Rig from Warrior Assault Systems Construction After what I would regard as an overdue period sticking to 1000D cordura (which put me off the brand for some time) Warrior has finally seen the 500 denier light and this rig was one the very first items they produced to the new lighter, less bulky spec, in-keeping with trends seen throughout the tactical gear industry. After a few years of not picking up any WAS gear I was curious to know if the very high standard of durability in construction and mil-spec materials were still in place and I'm happy to report they are. The cordura, webbing, thread, bungee cord, elastic, polymer hardware, metal grommets, velcro and zip all meet the top-end standard and you'll find just the same materials in this rig as you would in something from Blue Force Gear or Tactical Tailor. WAS stuff is put together in China hence the low prices compared to US made gear, but the materials are all imported from elsewhere (primarily the US) which makes it ideal for the airsofter who wants the maximum possible skirmish outings per £/$/¥/€ spent. Primary Feature The 4 integrated magazine pouches are the flagship element of this chest rig and though it may appear to be a dedicated 5.56 STANAG setup on the face of things, that's actually far from the truth. Options per pouch include the following: 1 or 2 30rnd STANAGs or PMAGs, the pouches are fairly generously proportioned so you won't have to battle with it too much to get the second mag in (will also hold 20 rounders and one Surefire 60 or similar) 1 or 2 AK mags (best suited to 545, probably not ideal for 762x39 due to the curvature more than anything but most should fit) 1 Legacy 7.62 NATO Rifle/SR-25/SCAR-H mag 1 H&K G36 mag Some small/medium radios would also be a possibility along with some kind of EDC style medical kit or a sport sized smoke grenade/other pyro deivce; but you'd struggle with something the size of a military smoke. Each pouch features a bungee retention loop with folded webbing tab for ease of manipulation. The length of these loops can be quickly and easily adjusted to size, all the way from securing two 762x39 AK magazines down to just one 30 rnd STANAG. This is achieved via the cord-loc stashed away inside each individual chest panel; simply adjust the loop to the size you want, set in that size with the cord-loc and the excess bungee is all kept neatly out of the way inside the rig itself. This is a feature you'll not generally find on other chest rigs or shingle pouches out there on the market, more often than not you're left with that bungee just swinging in the breeze and either just have to live with it, or break out something sharp and make a permanent modification. Also Showing To my mind, split front chest rigs are the way to go. I find that being able to shrug on a piece of gear in the same way you do a jacket or coat is infinitely preferable to faffing around getting stuff over your head then tightening it all down. You gain maybe an inch or two of load carriage area in the very front of a a system like this by not having that zip at the 12 o/clock; space which is useful there's no denying. However, are you really making your equipment that much harder to access by shifting everything towards your back by a single inch? Generally, I'd imagine you're not. I've owned numerous variants of this style of chest rig over the past 7 years or so and have been skirmishing them on and off pretty much since I started in airsoft. The Tactical Tailor 2-Piece MAV (and the BULLE MLE that copies it) for example, are both excellent split-front setups in a very similar vein to the Nemesis and both work fantastically well for any sort of gaming when you really only want to carry the small amount of equipment that's actually necessary for Sunday skirmishing; especially as an optional alternative to putting everything on a belt. At the higher end you have various options in this style such as the FirstSpear Split-Front Tubes rig, the Mayflower UW GEN V and the Blue Force Gear SPLITminus all of which enable the sort of quick, hassle free donning and doffing that makes life so much more pleasant during those breaks between games. Airsoft is after all an enjoyable with a fast paced sporting element that doesn't require anyone to suffer the rigours or military service or deployment, anything which makes me that bit more comfortable during a game day (primarily during the breaks) is very much welcome. The Nemesis achieves its' split front functionality in a simple, robust fashion with the minimum of fuss. An extremely chunky YKK zip is mounted upside-down between the two panels and the combination of the large teeth and slider with the inverse mounting makes it super easy to line up and get started every single time, almost zero chance of annoying malfunctions and having to wrestle with this thing when it goes out of kilter on you. The teeth and slider are then covered up by a double flapped closure of velcro and webbing to maximise camouflage, minimise noise and hold down the pull on the slider to prevent it rattling around for all the world to hear. The outer most flap has 2 webbing pull tabs so you're not left to get frustrated while trying to peel up one corner of the velcro in your gloves. There are also elastic loops on the outside of this closure to hold 2 cyalumes, which personally I feel is rather pointless and would've preferred these be omitted since I'd never mount chemical lighting sticks in that position, but that's a really minor niggle and there are a few potential other uses for the elastic such as storage for paracord or other simple survival items. Moving around the sides of the integral mag pouches we have a field of PALS webbing on each panel, measuring 3 columns by 5 rows. These two areas give you plenty of space for any combination of pistol mags/radio pouch/med kit/smoke grenade/GP pouch/40mm etc to fit your personal requirements and supplement the rifle magazines carried up front. This isn't alternately spaced webbing either, so you've got guaranteed solid mounting for pouches of any height, including the less common ones built to be an even number of PALS rows tall. Most companies will shave off some weight (and more importantly, cost) by avoiding solid PALS implementation, so it's particularly nice to see this on such a competitively priced rig. The amount of stitching is almost over the top with bar tacking used very liberally indeed throughout the Nemesis, as seems to be characteristic with Warrior. This construction style does not make for a super light or supple piece of gear, but with a bit of break in it's perfectly comfortable and you'll have to really work on it to cause much in the way of wear or damage. On the inside of each chest panel there is a mesh pocket with a small velcro tab to for closure, handy for safely holding thinner administrative items. Or indeed potentially a place to keep your smart phone and wallet, safe from BB hits; depending on the thickness of those items and how bothered the wearer is about having solid items pressed directly against the body. The Harness All the above is great, but you'll need some kind of strap system to attach it all to your body. Luckily the harness on the Nemesis does a good job of that, with plenty of features built in to it. The harness comes as standard in an H configuration which is good as that is generally the all-round better option, but if you did want to convert back to an X you could remove the crossbar and very easily do so. The primary straps that bear the weight comprise 1.5” webbing (which is a lot stronger than cordura) going over the shoulders and 1” webbing to make the connections around the back between the shoulders straps and the panels themselves. You then have a large amount of padding sewn on to the primary areas at the front and top of the 1.5” webbing, which significantly cushions out the harness. Ideally we'd have seen 3D spacer mesh underneath the padding to increase airflow and moisture wicking, but then of course the price would've increased and on a comparatively small surface area like this the moisture retention issue should be fairly minimal. For communications cable and hydration tube routing there are webbing strips attached perpendicularly to the upper area of the harness straps, as well as cordura panels with velcro on the of each strap to form an enclosure wrap. Each of these has elastic loops protruding from their outer edges to form another channel for potential use. There are also PALS-like webbing points integrated to the front of each routing enclosure, which are ideal for attachment of ITW Grimlocks/Web dominators and PTT devices. Sufficed to say if you have a hydration system and/or comms setup on the back or sides of this chest rig you are extremely well catered for. One would assume that Warrior plan to release specific hydration carriage backpack or rear panel for the Nemesis as it comes with a pair of (currently) superfluous side-release buckles attached to the top of the shoulder straps. There may be some potential for hanging other PALS mounted packs or hydration pouches to these but their positioning is generally not ideal for such a setup. The entire harness features numerous points of adjustment to allow the Nemesis to fit a very wide range of builds, all facilitated via side-release buckles. The lower back strap is rather excessive on hardware with large buckles on both ends which are frankly unnecessary, especially on a split-front rig that does not require this strap to be released for donning. The user sets it in place once, secures the excess webbing strap with the supplied elastic loops and will then not need to touch this strap again unless they perhaps add significant extra clothing or body armour. In Conclusion The Nemesis represents very high durability of construction standards at a budget-to-mid level price point. As Warrior are historically well known to do, this rig provides value for money by the truck load to the skirmish user and is in many ways the ideal type of LBE for the practical airsoft player. Apologies for the cliché phrasing, but this rig would genuinely make an excellent investment for a player new to the sport as well as continuing to be a very sound choice for long time players. It will not make you look like an SOF operator and will cost you more than a low level 'ACM' rig would. It perhaps won't look as cool as a plate carrier or PALS vest, but it'll be much cooler in terms of massively reduced heat retention; having such a comparatively small footprint is of course very useful for outdoor games in the summer. But if you want something that will last for many years, be comfortable and practical, as well carrying just a basic loadout of magazines comfortably accompanied by a small amount of extra equipment; then do strongly consider the Nemesis.
    1 point
  35. Thank you for your replies, I will try this out tomorrow. I have been looking for a long time, not continuously but I didn't know it was a generic sort of thing. Sorry for the noob post but I really appreciate your long, detailed replies. I haven't used the gun since it made those noises and I didn't let it do it too much so hopefully it will be ok. Again, many many thanks guys!
    1 point
  36. Haha behave mathew
    1 point
  37. You could get Care Bear patches, in MMOs it used to be used as a derogatory term for players that helped others out(the monsters!)
    1 point
  38. MrMcG

    To give strangers BBs or not

    Hahahah I'm looking forward to this
    1 point
  39. Definitely try CQB and woodland before picking a gun, especially as you'll need to go to a site 3 times in no less than 3 months to get on the UKARA database and retailers be willing to sell you a gun that isn't painted 50% orange (would be a shame to do to a £300 gun) As for FPS on a GBB gun, it's fired by gas not spring so you're right there. Different brands/types of gas will give you dif FPS, seen reviews of GHK G5 saying it's about 330fps, others 350, so with the right gas perhaps you wouldn't need to have someone adjust the valve. One thing to bear in mind is as it's gas and 30-40 round mags, you'll need to spend another £1-200 on enough mags to make it through a skirmish without having to hide in a corner refilling mags. Another is there's probably not a veteran airsofter in the land who's first gun is still their favored 'primary', it'll take a fair bit of playing to develop your own 'style' and once you have you'll want a gun tailored to it. IMO - 30-40 rounds per mag is shite and gas is a pain in the ass (some like the 'realism' in rounds and kick), you'd do better getting 2 x £150 AEG, one for CQB, one for woodland, or just a £300 AEG of carbine size. The default advice given to all new-players here is buy a £150 ICS or G&G M4, these will do the job for CQB or woodland until you've found your favored style.
    1 point
  40. Make it a reality and I'm in Anyway I'm more than happy to lend out some ammo to anyone who needs a bit. That said I won't lend out my more expensive/sniper ammo unless the person is using that sort of rifle and wants to try a different ammo weight in it. But yeah I'm the "tools and spare ammo guy" in our group for a reason.
    1 point
  41. Tm mp7 gbb Ics Mp5 Krytac PDW Not necessarily SMGs exactly but best cqb guns in my opinion.
    1 point
  42. For some reason I'm going to my first milsim event at my local field at the end of September. I have no idea what to take! Has anyone got a basic kitlist they use? We'll be using what we have on our backs, and no access to cars and vehicles unless an emergency. No safe zone, and no breaks from Friday night until Sunday. Halp!
    1 point
  43. If you play a lot of CQB then a helmet is a wise investment. Plus it stops you having to explain the welts on your fore head to friends/the boss/the other half and anyone else who's curious. For woodland though I prefer a boonie hat or cap - just because it's more comfortable. Anyway, welcome to the hobby and forums!
    1 point
  44. Cyberdog-styles

    New airsofter

    So i got my first set of parts through. Acog scope, 7 1/2" Keymod Ris Rail, Madbull Black Python v2 363mm 6.03 tightbore barrel and 2 piece outer barrel. This is so I can urn my M4 pistol into a carbine/cqb size gun. Next to buy are stock, torch, foregrip and some spare mags. Rik
    1 point
  45. Well im sat down with a glass of port sewing my new face pro idea together and my gf has just turned to me and said she thinks im a bit "sad" for spending my eve sat sewing things so i can pretend im an army man lol. (She means it lovingly) Just made me wonder what others partners/family think of your airsofting hobby?
    1 point
  46. Can't - my schedule is too full what with ballet & violin lessons
    1 point
  47. damn vouchers - ooh I got £10 off says the fool who spends £100 coz it was a bargain honest dear - I know I said that was it - 2 orders ago but this was a must have at a discounted price yeah - mrs duck has heard them all - now I tend to just pick my moments to inform her whats - or some of whats turning up next atm - I'm still cheap over last 2 weeks or so, the kids expenditure has been a drain with little left for my more serious toy gun crap
    1 point
  48. proffrink

    Gun picture thread

    A potato quality picture of my DG M249 - finally finished.
    1 point
  49. My wife thinks xbox is sad, my car is sad, my bike is sad, airsoft is sad, my drone is sad. my fish keeping isnt sad but i have too many tanks apparently so still get moaned at for that. anything i find fun is sad.
    1 point
  50. Just tell her shes right. You should be down the pub with your mates getting drunk and chasing skirt.
    1 point
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