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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/08/15 in all areas

  1. As part of Okto milsim I had two friends travel from abroad to come to the game. The one from Denmark had some issues flying and I thought I would share our experiences and what we found out. My friend flew with SAS and having spoken to them and heathrow security months before flying all that needed to happen was to tell them what was being carried to the airline and then it could be brought in for the weekend so long as it was in a locked hard case in the hold, they gave no further requirements. On the day however turning up into the airport in Copenhagen the airline was unsure, xrayed it (the inner barrel doesn't even appear and the outer barrel is clearly not strong enough to survive a round being fired) and then required it have a firearms tag attached to it and have it shipped as a firearm in the plane which cost £50 as they were unsure what UK customs would do with it. Then when it got into the UK customs security checked it and found a RIF instead and wouldn't let it pass without details of the insurance of the site we were going to. We provided all the sites information and they let it through but that actually didn't contain proof of insurance, I don't think I have ever seen a site say anything other than the fact they have insurance but regardless the site details were sufficient. I think it passed the attitude test more than the letter of whatever rule they had in place however, it was touch and go. The security guy did say this was only the second time he had seen a RIF come through security in 6 years. On the way back there was no problems in Heathrow the RIF was allowed onto the plane without further incident. In Copenhagen my friend went into the "something to declare" red zone and showed the RIF and the security guy took one look at it and laughed and asked why he was declaring a toy and sent him on his way.
    3 points
  2. bit of an update, as if it wasn't unwieldy enough lol. next things will be some RIS on the side for the funky looking vltor bipods, possibly to "sink" the launcher into the gun, slightly less weight, slightly lower profile.
    3 points
  3. That's not OCD, that is just basic math.
    3 points
  4. Sinon

    Gun picture thread

    My previous replica, heavily customised CyberGun m4 (full metal). Had a precision barrel, hi-torque motor, upgraded cylinder, bunch of other details. It was super precise, I loved this thing. The silencer was custom made to hide the long barrel of the gun: One day I'll build a replica close to this one again. For now I'm just gonna scrub, and see if I can actually have proper time to play some good games before getting a new replica.
    2 points
  5. Change it from A1 to the improved A2 version that works
    2 points
  6. See , now what you want to do there mate is send it off to h&k and pay a stupid sum for them to fix it all
    2 points
  7. Knock off of a respro mask. That won't protect you for toffee.
    2 points
  8. Right that settles it then! A 2nd pair of boots will be purchased for outdoor or wet days haha is the only solution id say
    2 points
  9. They're basically all clones of the TM system and are mostly the same performance-wise. Oh, and they're all brilliant
    2 points
  10. I have been bad :/ But I finally got one of the guns I have always wanted so that's my excuse hahaha KWA Vector that came with 3 mags I bought an extra 2 and the angry gun supressor, I also got a T1 optic and Reflex optic. Picking up a UMG on monday too... Very bad bad bad But means I can change my loadout to SMG
    2 points
  11. Jedi_Master

    Combat South

    Today I purchased my first RIF and bought it from Combat South in Portsmouth. I was impressed in the available stock and accessories (Tokyo Marui and ICS), and it is well worth giving them a call or sending an email to see what items are currently available because not everything is listed on their website. www.combatsouth.co.uk Combat South was recommended to me by people on this forum and at UCAP Bunker, and I am pleased that I made the effort to drive down there. I arranged a time with Russell and spent nearly two hours with him looking at the Tokyo Marui HK416 models, asking questions and trying them out. It was a big decision for me to get the perfect RIF and set up and I felt no pressure from the staff to hurry in my choice. There is a small test range in the shop so I had an opportunity to fire a magazine on single shot and automatic which was very useful in seeing how it worked and sounded. The process of getting the stock re-wired from SPOMOD to LiPo with Tamiya connection was straightforward and done while I was browsing the extensive TM pistol selection. As a new airsofter I was shown how to fit the batteries, use the battery charger, and other useful safety/practical tips. Russell has set the bar very high for outstanding customer service (I was even given a cup of tea) and he could not do enough to make the buying experience both enjoyable and informative. Highly recommended and I will be shopping there again.
    1 point
  12. Correction its the Elite Force SL14. I recently got the Elite force SL14 speed loader, its the 1800 round pump action loader. You pour BBs into it and then shake it vertically up then down a few times then pump and its meant to put 40 rounds into a midcap magazine, so three pumps and you have a full magazine and then you take it off and connect another. In my experience over the weekend what actually happens is I get about 10-20 rounds. It takes a lot of shaking to get the rounds to go into the feeding tube and it takes longer to load than a normal pistol loader as its so unreliable about getting the rounds into the chamber. I can't stress enough how disappointing this product is. If you looked at the reviews on youtube and such you would have thought this thing was amazing and very quick to load magazines. But practically since it doesn't work as advertised it ends up being considering slower as you need more than 3 pumps and unfortunately it isn't consistent about what it feeds so you can't count the rounds in like you can with a speed loader leaving you prone to under/over load. I tested it using Nuprol 0.30g BBs and EPM magazines. It had no issues pushing rounds into the magazine but the BBs did not feed into the feeding tube. In addition they are super hard to get out. So if you want to change or use different ammo you'll need to pump it mostly out and then its hard to get it into a bottle afterwards due to the spring pushed door on the top. As the BBs run down the ability for the feed tube to fill diminishs as well so it becomes all but impossible to actually empty the loader, at 300 rounds in there or so it might only put 5 rounds in but it takes you longer to shake them there than it does to plung a basic speed loader. Utter waste of money do not buy it.
    1 point
  13. Sinon

    New blood in London

    Hello Everyone, I recently moved to London from Serbia, and am currently looking for a team or place where I can pop in, have some fun, and get my blood pumping. I used to play Airsoft back home, but the scene there is....underwhelming to say the least. Living in a fairly remote area didn't help either, so getting to games was pretty hard for someone without a team or like minded people around. But I digress. A quick Google search gives me a few options, but its hard to pick the best (and cheapest) one, and I don't really have anyone who could show me around or give me advice on this matter - Thus I registered here. So here goes: Are there any airsoft teams in London that would accept newbies, and be willing to lend a hand in acquiring all the necessary gear, and getting me into a few training sessions? I don't really have the funds to blow on brand new AS gear, or going to games all by myself all the time. Also, I am already aware of the law and purchasing hoops one has to go trough to get a replica in the UK. Seems reasonable enough, and I don't mind renting equipment until I can qualify as a buyer, but I am not sure if this applies to buying second hand replicas - I actually prefer second hand stuff, as I enjoy tinkering with things, and customizing them. As for me being a foreigner, I know some people would be worried about my English, or cultural differences that could affect teamplay - no need to be worried. The Yanks I worked with before made sure that I speak and understand the language perfectly, that also made me pick up their accent. Incidentally, some of those people whom I played a lot of Project Reality with also made sure that I know all their crappy marine/army jokes. Bunch of homos. Bottom line is, a new friendly and somewhat experienced player is looking for a team in London to help him get around and have some fun. Any advice or information is more than welcome. Cheers all! Also, as an added bonus, my previous weapon - a heavily customised Cybergun Full Metal m4. I miss this thing so much. ~S.
    1 point
  14. MrMcG

    New blood in London

    Hey buddy welcome to the forum and welcome to London Where abouts are you living in London? Your more than welcome to come along with us to Epsom tunnels it's an underground ww2 air raid shelter. It is dark up close and personal we normally play Wednesday evenings but tomorrow I don't think I'll make it due to work. Plenty of nationalities their and all friendly Welcome again mate
    1 point
  15. Our A1 version was terrible; firing pins broke, mags fell out when mag release was knocked, stoppages due to weak spring, need for the forward assist, etc. Once H&K made the mods to upgrade to the A2 version I found it to be a reliable and decent weapon.
    1 point
  16. Regards the WAS/Viper/Guarder gun bags, they often look the same because they all copy the same design, but they don't come from the same place and in some instances are actually quite different when you get a better look than the tiny website pictures. I used a cheap chinese bag initially, fell apart in short order. Then went with the Guarder in the style linked, good quality but a little shorter than ideal. Upgraded to the Warrior maybe 5-6 years ago now, it still looks new frankly; the build quality is far above any Viper kit I've seen and I happily trust it to carry any weapon(s) in my collection. Proper mil-spec cordura (which Warrior use) carries certain guarantees along with the name relating to the overall strength and abrasion resistance of the fabric; wouldn't say it's necessary all the time for airsoft by any means, depends what you're doing. But overall it'd probably last 5x longer than a product that costs half as much, again depending on what you do with it. Never personally been a fan of hard cases as they tend to have less capacity generally per volume of the case itself, but then obviously they can give the gun a lot more protection if you really like flinging the thing around and dropping it on concrete. My current gun bag for every skirmish is a Voodoo tactical which can hold 2-3 long guns, up to about 6 pistols if you cram them in, maybe ~30 rifle mags and 10-12 pistol mags plus extra ancillaries (not that I ever bring anything like that much with me) but they seem to have closed their EU operation. I think a decent hard case is probably better if you have room to store it and tend to just take the one primary to a game as you can cut the foam to suit that gun along with the specific mags and extras. I prefer a good nylon bag to carry a rifle, backup long gun, pistol/holster, all the the mags and batteries/gas/speedloader. Just the system I've found to work over the years for me, but obviously I take more stuff on a sunday than some people (though still quite a bit less than some others).
    1 point
  17. He's joking Nick. You know when the British Army sent all their sa80s off to Heckler and Koch to get them fixed?
    1 point
  18. ben33

    Where to zero sights?

    Do what I did. Spend all your money on ponies for the wife and kids. Now I have a large field to check the range on my rifs in.😁 Although this may not be the best idea as now I have no free cash for airsoft toys and seem to spend most Sundays running them around to do horsey stuff 😞 ...... ...... Yep defiantly don't do this!!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. ikarma70

    APS UAR questions

    I think I might cut the trigger contact wires and solder the signal wires to them.
    1 point
  21. Hegs44

    Airsoft Etiquett

    Great info for newbi me also. I've got my first "walk on" skirmish day next week. I work in the "real" weapon world and I'm quite nervous about messing up and annoying the old sweats at the skirmish with their established tactics and drills. Hugely looking forward to the FUN aspect of the airsoft environment. Thanks again
    1 point
  22. The viper multi bag is one of the ones I use. It holds a pistol + 2 magazines, a pretty small SMG and a short M4 without the extension being out. I have personally found the height is fine for an M4 but not for a Tar21. The Tar 21 is a little bit taller due to its trigger guard and handle combination and it ends up being just 0.25 inches too tall to have the case close with a sight on there. It will fit without optics but the optics are just slightly too tall. The cheap swiss arms one I have on the other hand is capable of holding a considerably longer gun and also fits the confines of the tar 21 with optics. They both do the job, neither has great protection for the item itself they just stop people noticing what I am carrying.
    1 point
  23. That's not entirely true. You can just reinsert them into the mag pouches. Dump pouches are fine if you don't mine clattering about once you have a couple of empties in there.
    1 point
  24. Like you I didn't want to spend over £60 so I bought this a few months ago.. at £32.99 this was a steal! Was abit dubious as to what it would be like but it is probably the best purchase I've made on Airsoft! Holds everything I need it to. Has got two pin code locks and two keyhole locks too. Carry handle also. If you are worried that it won't fit in your boot, I've laid it across the back of a few different cars now. Or you can sit it upright behind the passenger seat in you car! 53” Aluminium Foam Padded Gun Weapon Carry Case Instrument Storage Transport http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271749590011?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
    1 point
  25. I guess there's so much variation in products from different manufacturers I've found it's a bit of a "suck it and see" game when it comes to airsoft tuning
    1 point
  26. Would be nice if it always worked like that.
    1 point
  27. How do you figure that one out?
    1 point
  28. My mate got a full set of multicam black kit and I agree it looks amazing and really makes you stand out but I would say that until it becomes more widely produced stay away just because of how high the prices are (however if moneys not an issue I would definitely look into it)
    1 point
  29. Baz JJ

    Noobs and Milsims

    Haha. I fired 20 rounds with just a pistol all afternoon. The Cat and Mouse is much more fun than the full auto. On my first jaunt out I was unarmed and we got in a firefight with rebels and a PMC lent me his pistol so we shot ourselves out. I ended with a round to the arm. Second time around I went back with my own Beretta and leg rig.
    1 point
  30. Multicam Black... it is fairly new, looks great, can work in urban and woodland environments, and you could still use some of your existing kit with it. On the downside it is not cheap or as easily available as other camoflague patterns.
    1 point
  31. I purchased the HK416D and had Russell at Combat South change the SOPMOD connector for Deans, and have fitted a single LiPo 7.4V 1300mAh 20C. Getting the standard 416D stock meant having a little more space inside than the DEVGRU stock. Just need to get out skirmishing now to try it all out. Thanks for everyones help.
    1 point
  32. If you're doing CQB at a site with lots of Sofas you'll be sorted Otherwise go for it if you really like the pattern; you're the one wearing it after all, not anyone else.
    1 point
  33. SRC hard cases tend to flex when you're trying to snap the catches closed meaning they can be a pig to get shut. The smaller cases might be better as they won't flex as much. The handles can be a bit uncomfortable if they're heavily loaded too. Still better than a pelicase for 6 times the price.
    1 point
  34. proffrink

    what gun is this ?

    too soon
    1 point
  35. I settled for an SRC hard case too after using a cheap chinese soft case for a few months. The SRC cases are usually about £60 depending on where you look. I wasn't too happy with the soft case. Although it did do it's job there wasn't that much padding and the rifle tended to move around a bit inside which I believe lead to a little paint being worn away on the fire selector switch. I've been quite happy with my SRC case so far. It only JUST fits into the boot of my Golf so if you look at other cases, bear in mind the width of the case.
    1 point
  36. I use an SRC hard case to carry my guns about. So far it's stood up to some fairly heavy abuse with absolutely no damage to any of my guns. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend one.
    1 point
  37. ...I'm an idiot. Thanks, I'd tried all different kinds of knots just on the sling.
    1 point
  38. Take the end of the sling in the second picture and wrap it around the buffer tube once then back through the triglide buckle. Tighten the buckle down so that it sits against the buffer tube and then pass the slack end back through the buckle to secure it.
    1 point
  39. Looks like they are made out of different material. WAS bag is 500D Cordura, Viper is 600D Polyester
    1 point
  40. I use one of these: http://uktactical.com/p-690-warrior-twin-rifle-bag.aspx It's not cheap but the build quality is excellent. In mine I can store: LMG or HK416 in the main compartment HK416 or submachinegun/M870 in the smaller compartment, both compartments have 2 velcro straps to stop the guns from move about and are padded 7 PMAGs in a pocket Wallet, keys, phone, a couple of smoke grenades and 2 pistol mags in a pocket Last pocket has straps for a pistol, plus two mounts for mags so I have a pistol mag and my M870 gas magazine in them. Plus 6 LiPos Aside from a couple of indents from my LMGs receiver digging into the padding there's pretty much no signs of wear after 18+ months of owning it. There certainly are cheaper bags available but personally i'd rather pay a bit more for one that's really sturdy. I own a Plano hard case too, but the biggest issue there is any gun aside from my LMG slides around. Negates having the eggshell padding when the guns hit the hard plastic case as soon as you try and walk along holding the carry handle. It's relegated to being storage for guns i'm not taking out to a game, it also doesn't fit in my boot lol.
    1 point
  41. Just to be picky and having mild OCD with figures etc 9.5/10 would be 95%. Phew, that feels better
    1 point
  42. TheGrover

    RiF loopholes

    We really need a "read first" thread for this recurring question As above. A few points that get given on every other thread in this section: 1 - UKARA us NOT a licence, it has nothing to do with government, police or customs 2 - there is no law or legislation controlling the ownership of an IF/RIF. It is impossible to be charged with an offence for owning or using an IF/RIF unless authorities could prove you were going to use it for violent crime. 3 - there is no law or legislation controlling the purchasing of an IF/RIF 4 - by law, all SELLERS must ensure that the purchasor of an IF if at least 18 years old. If a minor purchases an IF, only the seller has committed a criminal offence 5 - by law, all sellers must ensure that the purchasir of an RIF holds a legitimate DEFENCE, as a way of proving they will use the RIF for sport, recreation, or some other use that doesn't involve violent crime. For us airsofters, that is almost always UKARA. Again, if someone does sell a gun to someone without a defence, the seller has committed an offence and the buyer had not 6 - giving someone an IF or an RIF for free does not legally require a defence 7 - altering an IF to look realistic is covered explicitly in the VCRA, and it is illegal, hovever a legitimate defence (like UKARA) protects the person who did it, putting sniper tape on a rifle is not a permanent change, so that doesn't count, but adhesive tape probably would. 8 - since there are no existing court cases in this legislation, the few grey areas haven't been tested yet. This means that the only person who can tell you if you have/will break the law is a man I'm a curly wig at a courthouse (and maybe 12 of your peers)
    1 point
  43. Lord Daem

    Airsoft Etiquett

    Thanks for all your replies! Stuck this up while I was working Nights, so gave me a good read when it was quiet.
    1 point
  44. Dannn

    Gun "Bling"

    I love people with lasers, torches and any other rubbish that gives me a target to hit where without all that flashy kit I wouldn't be able to see them
    1 point
  45. MZKaleem

    Gun picture thread

    My newest guns, and the three I'll be using the most throughout NAE later this month. Top one is a CYMA AK, I added a rail system, which required some "dremelling" to get it to work, (I guess it was designed for a AK47, not a 74 style front end..?) The Middle one is a Black FNX-45 Tactical, just got this today, really awesome kick on it, got it for £115 on Airsoft-worlds new auction thingy. considering their "sale" price is £150, not too shabby for a brand new pistol. Bottom is my ICS L85, got an Elcan for it, currently It's got a G36k flash hider on it because the pistol took all of my money and made me poor lol.
    1 point
  46. Esoterick

    TM HK416 Upgrades?

    I think people get carried away with how good their guns are hence why it's so common to see people saying how their gun outranges 90% of people on site. As much as I love my HK416 it's accurate out to 50-55 metres(on 0.25g blasters), which is the same as what any decent AEG should be doing. Up to you if you want to do it but changing the hop rubber and fitting a tight bore barrel made a very small difference at best. I treat it as a learning experience but outside of that I would say it was essentially a waste of money. Here is the thread I made on doing this if you are interested: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/23985-tm-hk416-barrel-and-hop-change/#entry174059 The next option is going to be looking at upping the FPS so it's closer to 350 FPS. Not that it's 100% helpful to you now but Fire Support offer an upgrade package which is both a more powerful spring and a Lonex gear set so they recommend changing both, but that package is limited to new guns: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/firesupport-marui-sopmod-scar-recoil-m4-340-fps-upgrade Personally I think it starts getting a bit messy and I would take it to someone that messes about with TMs for a living, for instance my mate has just bought a HK416 and it's due back this coming week after a few hundred quids worth of work done on it. However that's what I would do to my gun, if you are feeling adventurous then go for it - There's also a few guys on here that know a lot more about recoil shock upgrades than I do(which isn't hard) so might be worth seeing what they say too.
    1 point
  47. I'm somewhat short sighted, always found an ACOG extremely useful in woodland games; literally couldn't identify friend from foe otherwise. For the longer shots I aim with the optic, closer up you can point-shoot easily enough with a quick burst or few shots in semi. Only way to really know if you like the characteristics of a magnified optic is to try one out. Within a skirmish or two you'll know whether it's for you or not.
    1 point
  48. Also. Remember to say things such as... 'Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance' 'Broadsword Calling Danny Boy' 'Iron Man this is Wild Goose' 'UVB-76 calling Yankee Hotel Foxtrot...' ...every once in a while when everyone is taking it too seriously.
    1 point
  49. Dalno


    Check www.mechbox.com, watch the tutorial videos.. as for keeping screws safe, make a paper cut-out of the gearbox or gun and put the screws through the paper at the corresponding location. Will keep things neat and tidy.
    1 point
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