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  1. Wouldn't work on my local site. We are not allowed to run from a grenade. We take it like men. Screaming.
    4 points
  2. Happy

    Airsoft confessions

    Is it an "airsoft sin" to deliberately throw in dud grenades and follow them straight through the door to shoot the enemy trying to get away? Because I am completely guilty if it is haha
    4 points
  3. GiantKiwi

    Gun picture thread

    Keeping it simple with this, Optic and a foregrip added.
    3 points
  4. Monty

    Airsoft confessions

    My usual outcome for most games, lol.
    2 points
  5. Aengus

    Airsoft confessions

    I sent a friend to JustBBguns
    2 points
  6. TMC and Emerson are definitely different companies. Both pretty cheap and cheerful, there's no way on earth I'd ever pay £100 for anything made by either company when you could spend the same amount on Warrior or Condor kit that's borderline indestructible.
    2 points
  7. can't go wrong with an issued UBACS, cheap as chips too.
    2 points
  8. Of the dozens of different brands and models I've owned, the british issued combat shirt has proven the most practical and comfortable for airsoft use. They're available in MTP and dessie DPM for absolute peanuts on eBay; best bang for your buck by a long stretch to my mind. Getting a higher quality trouser that'll accept internal foam padding around the knees is generally cheaper and easier than trying to get something Crye style. Anything sold by tactical-kit or hueys should be good and you're well covered if they should happen to fail you unduly quickly.
    2 points
  9. Why did you put Vaseline in there? Don't do that again, heh.
    2 points
  10. We recommend to never buy from the 'BB gun' sites. Especially this Mark 1 place, never heard of it. Seems very dodgy
    2 points
  11. Please let this stupid thread die.
    2 points
  12. proffrink

    Airsoft confessions

    I'm sure you do son.
    2 points
  13. If I do shoot a kid I try and follow it with a Nelson "Haw Haw", so they fully appreciate the situation. Did have one jump up and scream 'don't shoot' once after I burst round a corner and shot his mate. I asked but he didn't have any lunch-money so i shot him in the foot
    2 points
  14. If it's just a part, they won't give a pickle about it, just declare it as a toy. As for shipping to hong kong times... it's about 1 to 2 weeks usually.
    1 point
  15. i hear you mate, but as i am just starting out i dont really want to throw loads into it, i am still testing the waters so to speak also have a hard time justifying the expense to the missus at the moment, but if i do go regular and love the hobby this will get easier (i hope lol)
    1 point
  16. Dannn


    http://www.samaritans.org/ I hope they can help, I know you may have issues but they can help. The Samaritans can be there for you to off load you problems too, someone who can listen and give you in biased advice. Unlike the bunch of /insert own adjective here/ on here. 😂😔🔫
    1 point
  17. Another user of rockets here. Good value for money and stocked by my local site too
    1 point
  18. I've seen everything from burnt out paper pyros to unloaded BFGs, to shoes, balls from The Mall's ball pit, speed loaders, and more used as dummy nades
    1 point
  19. Josh95

    Airsoft confessions

    lol, I regard it as a genuine tactic, I see people doing it almost every skirmish
    1 point
  20. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    I was thinking the same Buy some dummy grenades or even a tennis ball painted green & see what happens
    1 point
  21. The site is great, I've ordered quite a few times from them. They are moving warehouse that's why the price drop. Shipping for the stuff on that high discount is really high as mentioned before.
    1 point
  22. Only got a pair for of TMC trousers and they are not that great. The Emerson kit is FAR better quality. I have not heard many good stories about TMC.
    1 point
  23. There is a perfect empty building next to where I work. Huge empty warehouse just crying out for adoption
    1 point
  24. The Mall - abandoned shopping mall
    1 point
  25. Battery will do about 1hr.20 on that. Might want to try an external battery, I would have done that myself but I have 4 gopro 4 batteries now, so no point.
    1 point
  26. Nope its bloody ugly. Guess what they say about beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true. Hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it though.
    1 point
  27. I tend to use their name, so if a man is gay and his name if Geoff, I'd call him Geoff.
    1 point
  28. It might be worth dropping Paypal a line as guest transactions through them to a retailer ought to be covered by their buyer protection, hopefully you should have a record of the transaction ID. Never heard of Mark 1 before but the fact they haven't emailed you at all is worrying.
    1 point
  29. As has already been said in this thread: UTG is a rebrand of Well which is, in turn, a clone of the Maruzen L96 (generally the APS-2), not the TM L96 AWS (which has the realistic magazine placement). Why on earth anyone would go as far afield as the US to buy probably the most reproduced airsoft gun ever made (other than perhaps the TM M3 and its clones) is beyond me. Grab a Well L96, or a Mauser/Cybergun. Frankly, they all shoot the same really. Buy a new cylinder, trigger, spring and guide rod from http://www.airsoftpro.cz/ before you think about taking it out. Oh and the obligatory 'don't buy a sniper rifle' is very much true - it's a really silly weapon to take to skirmishes. Even the one I've put a lot of money into isn't anywhere near my favorite thing to use.
    1 point
  30. ImTriggerHappy


    Honestly stuck for words. 😂
    1 point
  31. they with both be around 340 out the box which is perfect
    1 point
  32. Hey, http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NIYNUBG?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01 It's not what you thought ^^ Battery... the 64GB card can have atleast 4 hours, consult GoPro website or 3rd party reviews... I didn't charge my battery probably.
    1 point
  33. If you do google it just don't take the laptop into Dixons to fix afterwards
    1 point
  34. Esoterick

    Not taking hits?

    I don't think i've been to a game where there haven't been at least a couple of people cheating. The problem always is that cheaters will always start taking their hits the minute a marshal stands near them, the best solution is to get marshals to test shoot people. They just need to not be dopey and test shoot the same person 5 times in a day, otherwise people will understandably get pissed off. As far as gear goes, i dunno about anyone else but I most commonly get shot in the arms and face as you have to expose them to shoot. I have seen much more of a link between non hit taking and the person being a cheat than anything gear related. It's already been mentioned that a lot of the hit taking accusations end up just being people not in range. I used to do this but now only chalk it up to cheating if I am well in range and can generally see the shots bouncing. When I run my LMG I generally keeping shooting people until they put their hand up. I've had multiple instances of marshals actually telling the other players to take their hits or to make it clear they are hit if they don't want to keep being shot. Generally speaking though it's not too much of a problem, just calmly report people including what they are wearing to marshals. If nothing really gets done it might be worth considering another site.
    1 point
  35. Baz JJ

    Not taking hits?

    Its a common problem. Some sites are better than others in that some dont care too much or have favourite cliques which can do no wrong. Without naming names, Ive seen some sites come down very hard with schoolboy talkings to and marshals shooting suspects anonymously to see if the accused really are guilty. The only way to do something about it is to vote with your feet. If you experience it, complain to the organisers. If it doesnt get sorted in a reasonable time frame, play somewhere else.
    1 point
  36. n1ckh

    Airsoft confessions

    Sorry groverner I'll put the troll treats away
    1 point
  37. Dannn

    Not taking hits?

    If the really did notice it, give them a chance if it happens on a number of occasions Make sure you and all your team play "aim to maim" empty a full mag into any bare piece of skin you can as close as possible at the soonest oppetunity you can, just to remind them not to cheat.
    1 point
  38. Yeah why are airsoft site toilets always the most befouled. I get public transport all the time, and am working for an Arab company during Ramadan, but still nothing breaks the Geneva convention like airsoft-site toilets. Maybe someone here will admit to not bothering to cook their food for a week before skirmish or similar
    1 point
  39. I was in a CQB game using a long Paintball speedball-style zone. It was game on, and we ran forward, and almost straight away I was hit in the chest. I raised my hand and started to stop my run to turn to the respawn, and the Marshall just in-front of me starts yelling "Don't stop - come on, keep going!!!!!!" I thus put my hand down and thought - oh - ok... Then as soon as I got to a barricade, my brain engaged and I realised, he was trying to get the team animated and pushing, not excusing my hit.
    1 point
  40. Fumps

    Airsoft confessions

    Thats not a sin, it is manditory !!! When people ask how it goes with my 12 year old son. I respond "Kick his arse as often as possible" lets be fair he has entered into a game where shooting people is the point of being there. I say if it moves shoot it, if its small and moves shoot it more!!! so I think your clear on that one. It could be worse, you could shoot a kid in the head at point blank range who is on your team!!!! which is what happened to my son. He copped one right in the centre of his forehead, the guy couldnt stop apologising but we thought it was hilarious my son was chuffed to bits
    1 point
  41. Happy

    Airsoft confessions

    "Is someone running propane? Feckin' stinks in here!" Is that the reason for the forum name?
    1 point
  42. Just call it "That place you get your hair cut, amongst other stuff"
    1 point
  43. Unless you are trying to have sex with someone, I don't see why anyone needs to mention or refer to someone's sexual preference at all.
    1 point
  44. I personally think an item is worth what a person is willing to pay for it, and also comes down to supply and demand. Sure, there may be a particular airsoft weapon that could be bought for £100 from a retailer, but there may be no stock in the county. A person puts the same weapon for sale for £200 and another person buys it because they want this particular weapon now rather than waiting... Recently, on another forum, I bought two mosquito molds shower shells. The price they were on sale for was right for me, especially as you can't really buy these in the UK, and I wanted to increase how many of these I owned. I will echo the posts above as well by saying buyers should really research stuff before they buy it - and that includes from retailers as well as any second-hand / pre-used sales as well. The golden advice must always be, 'Buyer beware!'.
    1 point
  45. Have a cafe in the back, and call it admiral snackbar
    1 point
  46. I want those 1911 grips 😁
    1 point
  47. On the one hand I agree, on the other if someone is stupid enough to buy something without researching its real worth then they kind of deserve it IMO.
    1 point
  48. Check your home insurance policy too. There may be some small print that will leave you uninsured if the keys are left in the locks especially if the house is unoccupied. Some don't allow the use of thumb latches - where you lock/unlock the door from the outside with a key, but you can just twist a knob on the inside without needing one.
    1 point
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