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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/09/23 in all areas

  1. So if i'm reading this right; you bought a gun It has an issue You gave it back to the retailer to fix the issue The retailer failed to fix the issue, delivering an unusable product And the solution is to spend a bunch of money you dont really want to have to spend, to fix an undisclosed fuckup by the retailer that may or may not be fixable with the parts you intend to buy? I feel like if we replaced the term "airsoft gun" with "washing machine" or for that matter basically any modern purchase i wouldnt need to explain the difference in tone the conversation would be taking. However to directly answer the question being asked, you've listed a lot of parts but without necessarily being sure you're replacing the right ones, this very much feels like what i like to call the "coat it in superglue and drag it through the prometheus catalogue" approach to airsoft tinkering. For example one thing not on your list that theoretically could be the cause of the synptoms you see is the cylinder, i have seen guns with holes drilled in the cylinder as an incredibly lazy and frankly negligent "fix" for reducing energy output. If the rest of the box in such a gun was in good order then it could be properly fixed for minimal cost. Now there are multiple things that could be causing your problem and i'm not suggesting that someone has actually drilled a hole in your cylinder, but it is an example of the sort of thing that could happen and makes throwing a bunch of expensive parts that might not necessarily play well together into a gearbox without someone properly diagnosing the real fault will merely result in an empty bank balance and a broken gun. An airsoft tech worth their salt is almost certainly going to need nowhere near all that to fix an air seal issue, and it does seem that a not insignificant secondary objective with your basket is to get a snappier feeling gun, and there's nothing wrong with that if the justification is "i want a snappier gun", indeed that's all you need but perhaps not when it's "my guns broken and i just want it fixed".
    3 points
  2. TAG launchers already serve this purpose. As noted, some sites are OK with them, some want nothing to do with them. Anything that's lobbing a substantial projectile for a useful distance will be operating at higher energies than shooting glasses are rated for, and it'll only take one person looking up to see what's coming in to illustrate why this is a safety and insurance problem.
    2 points
  3. The scuffing is irrelevant; you were sold a faulty item that they then failed to fix. Contact Citizens' Advice.
    2 points
  4. If this is a recent enough purchase to be covered by consumer protection then i would first and foremost be asking for a refund/replacement. You've given them a chance to fix it, they failed, it's a them problem. This is the one reason people want to buy new is to benefit from the consumer protection/warranty so if you've got that to leverage i'd say use it. It is dissapointing, but what's more dissapponting is spending time, money and energy trying to fix a gun only for that not to be the fix. Bad enough when you have to fix a mistake you've made yourself (made that walk of shame a time or ten shit gets old fast) but even worse when it wasnt your fault. If you're dead set on keeping the gun and taking it somewhere else i'd suggest doing the following: Give them a clear breif on what the gun is currently doing/not doing Give them a clear breif on what you want it to do Let them give you a list of parts, and if they're coming up with that list before looking inside the gun then walk away.
    2 points
  5. First I'd suggest not buying anything until you know what the issues is. There may be nothing wrong with the stock parts, and if there are, and its was purchased new from patrolbase then they should be giving you a new one. Alternatively Check the seal on the compression parts. If its good then move to the hop up unit and nozzle mating. If all is consistent then look to the spring. Once all above have done then the Perun to add functionality. It could be something as simple as new oring.
    2 points
  6. You tried bespoke airsoft? Don’t go high pressure airsoft there £150 above competition price, it’s a joke, bespoke selling them for £350 code SAVE5 for 5% off , can’t believe another retailer is pricing them so high, airsoft aint cheap at the best of times lol
    2 points
  7. Hobbnob

    Gun picture thread

    A couple of my MWS's, top is a colt 723 with a Nova receiver, VFC Ops Inc suppressor and a few other bits and pieces for a 90's delta build, and the second is an M16A4 as seen in its transitional era during the Iraq war
    2 points
  8. It's to do with an aeg being a fixed energy system whereas a gbb/hpa is a fixed pressure system. If you make the bb stay in the barrel longer (wether it be a longer barrel or a heavier round being slower to accellerate) then the gas gun/hpa is just going to keep adding more pressurised air until the bb leaves. Whereas with an aeg it can't have more energy than was stored in the spring to begin with. That's a bit of an oversimplification as there's all sorts of gas expansion shenanigans going on and there's the whole thing with weighted pistons but its close enough for government work.
    2 points
  9. Shamal

    DOH! #2

    Very fetching I must admit. A light sabre would have complimented the ensemble 👍
    2 points
  10. Richie101

    Cybergun 1911 pistol


    • For sale
    • Used

    1911 cybergun pistol weathered look not to everyone's taste but like the worn look on post war pistols. Joker grips were one off custom made from America by private artist new mag supplied and co2 collection only please I CANNOT POST


    Lancing , Select an option… - GB

    1 point
  11. Apart from the obvious issues already raised I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be pissed off at the thought of having to clean a load of powder out of their guns and gear at the end of a game day. Also I'm pretty sure the vast majority of outdoor sites are woodland so it would severely limit their usefulness
    1 point
  12. Tommikka

    Barrel length

    It’s what you do with it that counts However at the start of the day in the safe zone other players can only judge your barrel length. They don’t know what practice you have put in to hone your skills with it
    1 point
  13. JinxDuh

    V2 Upgrade Clarification

    Nice one, thanks. I'll look into him if I don't get any luck with PB!
    1 point
  14. Good day at Gunman Airsoft in Tuddenham. I got to try my new ( new to me ) MWS, and GBB are cool, but it is gonna take me some time going from a standard 200 bb midcap down to 35 per mag. They had a filsim theme event, and it is a nice change of pace to have the objectives being more complex than just “ shoot bbs at the other team”. I liked the site, and the marshall team was good. Had a good game with the green team, good team play, good collab. I am gonna need a day or two for my legs to recover but i will definitely go again.
    1 point
  15. Distrct 23. Sunday afternoon/evening session. Around 20-25 players. Fantastic session. MP5 ran like a champ all session but man I need to find a better sling setup. Gameplay was great and everyone had a laugh. Rentals had fun. No complaints. @Tugger During the break we introduced the marshal to Magflash as he was also interested in them. The "mini" flashbang that was sent as a tester is what I used first and was the single loudest piece of pyro i've ever heard, holy shit. I've never felt a shockwave like that from any pyro, no wonder they're still in the testing phase. Testing the three other flashbangs (small, regular, large) was a success and they're much quieter than the first; these three are about the same sound report as a Mk5 Thunderflash where the small, regular, large appears to relate to the amount of flash/sparks effect each flashbang provides. The marshal has approved them for use downstairs only as the upstairs of the site is made primarily of wood and he wants to reduce the risk of fire caused by the sparks as much as possible. The "mini" flashbang might need a bit of tweaking but can't say for sure as I only took one of each for testing/approval.
    1 point
  16. If you paid via paypal or credit card you have extra consumer protection, log an appeal. goods must be fit for purpose, the supplier has been given a chance to fix the issue & failed.
    1 point
  17. Sewdhull

    Barrel length

    I have been told the same, but I'm not sure it's true.
    1 point
  18. MrTea

    V2 Upgrade Clarification

    Fucking Patrolbase lmao. They even damaged it further when attempting to repair it. If you contact citizens advice, make sure to mention all of this and take pictures.
    1 point
  19. Personally I'd rather take this over the Lancer Tactical... https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/double-eagle-m904e-fire-control-system-edition?pv=15410 ... not that I've got anything against Lancer. The reason I'd chose the DE M904E is that the ETU in the Lancer uses a magnet in the sector gear to perform its cycle control, it's not optical like the Falcon in the DE M900's. If for any reason the sector gear in the Lancer get's damaged you'll have to make sure you buy one that has the same magnet present in it (it comes in a kit with the Zion ETU, but I've no idea if you can buy it separately (or remove the delayer to swap to a new gear).
    1 point
  20. ak2m4

    V2 Upgrade Clarification

    Any Airsoft retailer should not be sending out untested AEGs. It's very probable that you can fix the issue with a couple of new orings and new bucking and nub. No need to speed £200+. Please don't Where are you based?
    1 point
  21. gavinkempsell

    Barrel length

    Don't listen to their 'informed' gobbledegook... size doesn't matter, I've been told that many times from many people i know intimately.
    1 point
  22. no buying experience from me, just thot you'd want to know who has some for sale.
    1 point
  23. Another weekend at... not Worthing 😮 So this weekend a few of us decided to try a new site, since Worthing is only every two weeks and one guy hasn't been able to play for a bit due to family and football commitments and he wanted to get out and play BB wars. I snagged a lift with him since he lives near to where I am and we headed to Southdown Airsoft, near Petworth in West Sussex, along with two others from Worthing. I packed the MWS, as I planned on using that after doing a bit of setup, however I also packed the m40a5 and the mp9 just in case it didn't work as intended... and how prescient that was. Chronoed the m40a5 and mp9 first as I knew what to set them up with and it was nice and easy to get them sorted in case I needed them. Then I took the MWS to the range and... it was flinging BBs all over the place. I could get the power where I wanted it, experimenting up to 1.7J on .32s at the highest, though I imagine I can bump it up to 1.88J with .4s if I ever go to a site to run a DMR at, and I had no issue getting it comfortably to 1.1J on .32s without issue. However, it was flinging BBs left, right, centre, up, down, side to side. It was horrifically inaccurate, so I put it back in the bag and will swap the hop rubber out. I don't think it's ever really liked autobot rubbers, so I'll stick in an MR hop. Was running the Jaeger Precision nub, but I'll take it to Worthing with spare nubs and rubbers next weekend and properly sort it out as I really want to run it now that I've converted it to a mk12. They separated us into two teams, splitting the snipers down the middle too and I overheard a marshall being concerned that the other team had all their regular snipers who are well-known at the site with well-tuned rifles and our team had two of us who had never been to the site before and another kid. However, we dunked on them so it was all fine Anyway, with the m40a5 in hand and the mp9 in its holster, we headed out to the first game. The first game was good fun. There was a box with a scanner and people on each team were given cards they had to scan. So you had to run up to the box and scan your card to score a point, then once you've achieved that you handed your card back to the marshalls so you could only score once. I actually quite liked this, as it meant that a lot of people on your team had to push rather than the same 2 or 3 people playing aggressive and trying to get all the points by themselves. There were some very good pushes on both sides. My main criticism here were two things; the gameplay area needed some barricades (and with my criticisms of Worthing at this time of year you know it's gotta be bad if I'm saying that). It was way too open and that allowed people like me to set up and deny the other team any progress, assuming people are taking their hits. That was my 2nd criticism; there was some laughable non-hit taking. Most people were fine, but a not-small amount of players were hilariously bad at taking their hits on the way into the objective, getting laced up sometimes and not calling it. Marshalls sometimes called it out, but not always and I feel more could've been done. I just started aiming for more noticeable areas, like flabby bits sticking out the side of plate carriers. A .45 at 2J is going to be felt there! I got so many hits here that I had to reload and keep ammo out with me, which I never usually have to as I only shoot when I'm confident I'm going to hit the shot but there were just so many targets. I even hit the same guy (one of their regular snipers) 4 times as he kept going back to the same spot that I had a perfect line to. I was just thinking to myself "go literally anywhere else!" but he kept coming back and getting hit by me. Second game didn't work. It was a standard team deathmatch, but without any other objectives it turned into a bit of a campfest. I pushed up to a spot that overlooked a massive valley to watch a flank and denied a large area with my m40a5, but one of the guys I was with said he pushed so far up without finding anyone to shoot at that he was almost at their spawn. If I was running the game, I would've put an objective in the central tower structure of the area we were playing in for this game to force both teams to push up, as it slowed right down and wasn't a great game. That's all though, as we left at lunch. I'm only playing half days until my heart is fixed and my friend's mosfet got wet in the absolute torrential downpour that started during the second game, so we decided to head off early. Did I have fun? Yeah, I did actually. The site is great and the first game we played was super engaging. It's just a shame the weather was so bad and was absolutely tipping it down fairly early into the games as a lot of people (myself and one of the Worthing guys included) headed home at lunch because it was just unworkable. It was some of the heaviest rain I've ever been in, but the thunder storm was atmospheric as all hell. Don't think I'll be heading back any time soon though as it's a bit far from us and I think they have to close for the winter due to local wildlife or something. Was a good day though and I thoroughly enjoyed myself
    1 point
  24. Probably unlikely, ultimately its gonna depend on how heavy the projectile is & how much force it lands with, nobody wants to get wankered by a bag of flour dropping 100ft or more. The other issue may be insurance etc, even if you can show game organisers that the impact energy is negligibly low, their insurers may have a different view of relatively unproven "homemade" products ?
    1 point
  25. First off, I should mention that you actually have a rather high speed set up posted here. Rocket/SHS HTs tend to run at around 35K RPM unloaded. Assuming everything is built right, this setup should give you 30+ RPS on 11.1v. The issue with this is PME on your fairly weak spring. Next, I should mention that the majority of the parts posted aren’t really upgrades. Before buying anything you should check the gearbox yourself, as none of these parts are actually better than the stock parts (if they’re not broken or messed up for some reason). In fact, some of the parts could be downgrades depending on fitment (air nozzle and piston). Nozzles in particular can be very, very finicky, and chances are that your stock nozzle does its job great already. The Perun and clicker I can wholly recommend. It’s a luxury upgrade that’s worth it. The barrel is a maybe, in my opinion. AA barrels have a great rep in many circles, so I’d say it’s a good choice IF you wanted to replace your barrel… but there might not be any reason to replace in the first place. Before replacing the barrel, you should always examine the stock one for any defects or reasons to replace, and if not you should polish it up, stabilize it, and try it out! A hop rubber can be a good upgrade, but you should note that the Prometheus purple, while a fine choice, won’t perform better than your stock rubber, unless the stock rubber has something wrong with it, like being too slick and hard or having imperfections/tears in it. TL:DR, you need to assess the internals yourself before doing anything, as most “pro techs” are garbage at what they do. You don’t know what actually needs to be changed, modified, or replaced until you get inside a look.
    1 point
  26. Another day at Ambush Airsoft and on the whole us was a good one, despite a few negatives. Firstly the PDW chrono'd at a measly 120ish fps on a .28g bb (0.2j) so it went straight back into the bag and I stuck with the MP5K. The only other real negative was that there appeared to be a few players who were reluctant to call their hits and so this resulted in quite a few cases of overkill. An announcement by staff to knock it off was given and afterwards things were alot better. A large number of players also left at lunchtime when the heavens opened and after this the games felt like they flowed better and everyone seemed generally more chilled out. All in all it's not the best day I've had there but it certainly wasn't a bad one
    1 point
  27. Cazza121

    Daytona M249 BlowBack

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hello Gents I have finally decided to let my Daytona m249 go, after putting it up and taking it down 3 times ! Lol ... I have had this 2 years and never managed to get it running just right. It is in an A&K body full metal with a version 2 Daytona kit .... It has an upgraded barrel and been lube continuously It circles perfectly at 120psi and is soooo loud with huge recoil !!! However.... I could never get it past the breaking in stage... The box mag just doesn't feed continuously were as a standard m4 mid cap does ? It shoots about 4 rounds straight then 3 all over the place.... I contacted Daytona and they said this was normal and needed 5000 rounds out though it to break in... but I have put about 2000 through and no change !! I feel this is a a quick fix for someone with patience but I live surrounded by neighbours so can't fire it in the garden to bed it in !! The front sight has snapped off and I can't find it !!! Apart from that the m249 had been weathered to look battle warn !! It is 100% leak free The kit themselves with Tax is £600 and the M249 is £300 !! But because it isn't firing right I am selling cheap for a bargain for some one Delivery is avaible but would be expensive (£50 plus) collection Worcester And question let me know Oliver


    Worcester - GB

    1 point
  28. My Uzi has been in a state of unreliability and painfully underwhelming performance since it arrived at my door. As it’s evolved through the batches, I’ve updated it as it’s gone along and now it’s at a stage where it’s alright. Providing everything is going along swimmingly, it’s not as fun to shoot as other SMG’s. My MP5’s deliver more of a fun experience when shooting. The Uzi’s steel body soaks up a lot of that fun. If it absolutely MUST be an Uzi SMG, sure, buy the latest 3rd batch unit.
    1 point
  29. Sewdhull

    Barrel length

    It's going depend on your cylinder volume what the max barrel length should be, along with BB weight. Whilst FPS matters for range you lose FPS very quickly once the BB has left the barrel. The main things are energy, which is a combination of speed and mass, and the BB spin. A heavier BB will go further than a lighter one at the same energy, but a heavier BB needs more time to pick up the energy which can only be done with more push in the barrel or more barrel to get pushed in. Aegs have a fixed cylinder volume so your spring will increase the pressure but not the volume as it gets stronger. More pressure is faster acceleration so you can run out of barell with plenty of air pressure still in the barrel. Heavier bbs need more pressure to accelerate them so they accelerate slower and spend more time in the barrel and pick up more energy by the time they leave the barrel if it's long enough. But for range it is the bbs spin that creates lift whilst moving forward and extending the range and heavier bbs slow down slower than light ones extending range still further. There isn't a lot of science in Airsoft but the Airsoft trajectory project from many years ago did some. http://mackila.com/airsoft/atp/ Since an aeg is looking at 1.14 joules here in the UK, things like air seal and hop matter more since that level of energy is easy to reach even with 300mm barrels, or shorter. FPS matters less than the joules.
    1 point
  30. Adolf Hamster

    Barrel length

    On paper yes, but nowhere near as impactful as you'll get from the gas powered stuff, enough to where it's drowned out by all the other shenanigans going on. You can get more significant creep by weighting the piston which the bolt actions can exhibit, but that's counterproductive to the aims of most aeg users when it comes to avoiding pme in auto fire. All other things being equal, more energy does mean more range. The reason tm's seem to buck this trend is because some guns are built more equal than others. It's worth noting that the whole "fps doesnt matter with a tm argument" always seems to fall flat on its face when the gun in question is a vsr. That said, the general point that raw fps alone making for more range is not the same as effective range, which is what you're going to percieve as i aimed, i fired, the hit landed, the target felt it.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Ha! And I thought I was the only one using the weekly Gousto box as a ballistic gel substitute.
    1 point
  33. ya_boy_noodles

    Resident evil m92


    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    Here i have my tokyo marui m92 resident evil collection with 2 leakless mags. Looking for 150 ono and will accept trades.


    1 point
  34. A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He soon realized She was heading straight towards his seat. As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his: Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out. "Business trip or pleasure?" She turned, smiled and said. "Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston." He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs! Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked. “What’s your Business at this convention?" “Lecturer." She responded. "I use information that I have learned from my Personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality." “Really?” He said. “And what kind of myths are there?” “Well.” She explained. “One popular myth is that African-American men are The most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is men of Mexican Descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with Absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck." Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed.. "I’m Sorry." She said, “I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t even know your name." "Tonto." The man said. "Tonto Gonzales, but my friends call me Bubba." ..........
    1 point
  35. Dan Robinson

    DOH! #2

    Here's one of me getting a bollocking off her whilst having a test fit of my wedding Kimono (you'll notice shes up on her toes too)..... ah how things never changed in 20 years. 🤣
    1 point
  36. Dan Robinson

    DOH! #2

    SWMBO likes a clean house.... we have a Roomba, two cordless Dysons (one long one short), a mains powered Dyson and a steam mop. The latter of which is replacement number 3 in 4 years despite being filled with soft water. *sigh*. Roomba has more miles on her than your average family car. The problem lies in that I am 6' 7". SWMBO is around 5' 2" so I get to see the bits she misses. Really fucks with her OCD when i pick her up to see my POV and she sees the bits she can't reach 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
    1 point
  37. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    For sale: a positively ancient (+10 years) Micro T1 replica with a LaRue riser/QD mount. I hate this thing. It has no auto-off, so it will EAT batteries unless you're smart enough to remember to switch it off. It also only takes these stupid little button batteries (CR1632) that are super uncommon and NOT available from your local shop, so bear that in mind this thing is a faff to run. Other than that, it's alright. It still works, with both a red and green dot, and with 5 brightness settings for each. Also has the Aimpoint trades on the top. Despite the forum posting my pictures upside down, this will be delivered the correct way up. COST = £15 + £3.29 P&P POSTAGE = Royal Mail Tracked 48 PAYMENT = Bank Transfer or PayPal (Friends & Family OR Goods & Services are fine, but note that any fees are payable by you.)


    - GB

    1 point
  38. Cracking evening of CQB this past Wednesday at Invicta Black Site. As always well run, very very little time waiting around between games, and fast paced jumpy CQB action in pitch black darkness. New Glock 34 was playing up (mag related I surmise), so most games played with the ASG JW3 hicappa (bought second hand from the classifieds for peanuts, and thousands of rounds later continues to perform flawlessly), and the Double Eagle UTR45 (great, but in tight CQB I still prefer a pistol). Quite pleased with my performance, but as ever, the more tired I get in the later games, the more fast, frantic, and poorer thought through my movements seem to become - with so many more players getting the drop on me as a result. I really need to work on slowing down my pace in the last few games and taking a breath... Took some of the most painful hits i have (drew blood through my clothing) - so its convinced me that, heat be damned, I need to invest in a plate carrier when playing indoors! Only negatives (aside from the overly painful hits) was that, when you have an hours drive home and the last game doesn't finish until 11pm, you really could do without waiting 10 minutes for a marshal to unlock the car park gate and sign you out....
    1 point
  39. DanBow

    What have you made?

    Ok, another make today. I got my hard case very cheap. The foam was a bit wet and the case needed a bit of a clean. So case cleaned, foam towel dried then put in the airing cupboard overnight. Stuck it back in the case and it didnt quite feel dry enough so i printed a couple of vented silica gel holders, grabbed some reusable silical gel out of my filament filament dry box, put them all together and bish bash bosh . . . . after 24 hours, the silica gell had turned brown, meaning it had absorbed as much moisture as it could. Ive just refilled them, so back in they go.
    1 point
  40. BEWARE!!!! I caught a couple of guys stealing my gate last night. I didn't say anything to them in case they took a fence.
    1 point
  41. What do dark humour and unvaccinated kids have in common? They don't get old
    1 point
  42. I think my wife has been pouring glue on my Airsoft kit. She denies it, but I’m sticking to my guns.
    1 point
  43. Huge duffel backpack from amazon just got delivered and I have to say its probably the best purchase I have made in my airsoft career, fits just about everything with extra space, solid construction all only for £30s. Highly reccommend for anyone that uses public transport to get around. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00A6TJ6TG?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
    1 point
  44. ZakLav-

    Gun picture thread

    Got my Rossi “L119A2” back from Negative Airsoft who has once again absolutely smashed the build. Now time for painting!
    1 point
  45. adhesive vinyl stencils , inbetween the colours This one for example , base coat black add first stencil layer then overspray with olive , next stencil layer overspray with grey then some light dusting of black to blend a little , leave to dry , peel & reveal Optics & accessories to match / same method
    1 point
  46. Hi guys, i can try to answer your questions, we designed and patented the Sierra Mask as a mauable design, it is able to be fully molded to the users face. We have had no issues when it has come to various types of eye pro, and during the year long development, ours trial users, used everything from frame less to framed, including goggles. I can understand about the photos for the website, it is very difficult as we couldn't find a display head with true human proportions, so it doesn't really show the Sierra mask off till its full potential. When users purchase a Sierra Mask We do suggest spending time to mold the mask to their own face, whilst using their usual eye pro, ultimatly the better the fit, the more comfortable they are when using for prolonged periods. Personally I spent around 15 minutes when I first molded mine, and wear it every Sunday without issue. We have sold over 800 Sierra Masks in the last 8 weeks, and have only received positive feedback. However, if you have any questions, i am more than happy to answer them. All the best Eddie Lonestar Tactical Gear
    1 point
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