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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/23 in all areas

  1. rj1986

    New TM MWS announced

    Just announced - MWS URGI 11.5 Inch
    5 points
  2. Not irrational at all to me. If they can't be arsed get basic stuff right then it makes me wonder what else they can't be arsed to do
    5 points
  3. I'm guessing they don't want to pay for advertising and/or the "shop" is their spare room/garage and admiting they're running a business from home would mean paying higher council tax.
    4 points
  4. Had an amazing time at the Stirling Airsoft 36 hour milsim event this last weekend. Think I got about 5 hours sleep in total, didn't stop doing various taskings including close target recces, attacking the patrol base and ambushing vehicle convoys. Glad I made it my annual weekender!! If anyone wants a full on rural milsim event then I can't recommend one run by Stirling enough, more than happy to do a full write up but probably not that different to the one I've done previously. Platatac chest rig ran exactly as I hoped it would and was perfect for the event - really happy with the purchase
    4 points
  5. The seven dwarfs were in a Catholic church. They were sitting near the rear and as the priest was speaking, they whispered and giggled amongst themselves, causing quite a disturbance. All of a sudden, Dopey stands up and says, “Father, are there any midget nuns in the church ?” “No,” said the priest, “There are no midget nuns in the church.” A little time passed and the dwarfs were again whispering and giggling amongst themselves causing quite a disturbance and noticeably angering the priest. Soon, Dopey stands up again and asks, “Father, are there any midget nuns in the city?” “No, my son, there are no midget nuns in the city or in the church.” says the priest. Again the dwarfs resume their annoying giggling to the dismay of the priest. Once again, Dopey stands up and asks “Father, are there any midget nuns in the state?” “No, my son, there are no midget nuns in the state, in the city, and no midget nuns in the church.” exclaimed the priest, obviously upset. The dwarfs continue their interference. Dopey stands up and asks, “Father, are there any midget nuns in the country?” The priest, totally angered, exclaims “No, my son, there are no midget nuns in the church, in the city, in the state, no midget nuns in the country, there are no midget nuns in the whole world!!! Now sit down!!!” Soon afterwards, a chant can be heard from the rear of the church ... “Dopey fucked a penguin. Dopey fucked a penguin. Dopey fucked a penguin.”
    4 points
  6. Spent sunday at a new site South herts Airsoft just outside Apsley (Hemel Hempstead) its the old delta force site for those that know it. It was a fun day, we only had 16 players so didnt take long to crono. Crono was done by wieght being used and in jules. 8:30 doors open we were in play by 9:15 which is a nice change from turn up at 8:30 only to take a slow walk to fist game @ 10. First game a simple elinmination game where groups where rebalanced once done. Then it was a game of sections through the entire site. We had to get a flag to a designated area once done or until timer ran out. Attackers had infinite lives defenders 5. It is in a little forest with lots of cover and some man made cover added in. The first section is a downhill attack. Due to it being very shady and dark under the canapy it was very difficult at first to spot where people are shooting from to return fire also the 2 snipers on the other team sure did well. We had 2 flanking routes or you could go down the middle but beware its a steep sudden slop in the middle which someone found out rather sharply. Then it was moving across the flatter section through the trees into more open area with manmade defences. We made it through to the last 2 barreiers and 3 defenders, who were keeping there heads down under the surpresive fire. Which gave me the opportunity to just run with pistol past both barriers taking all three out. Then only for one of the snippers who had just respawned in look a bit confused as he set up into postion, with me shooting him thinking at first I was on his team with some blue on blue and that was the end of that section The final section was so difficult we had to fight through and clear a small building then on down a track to the drum depot. Getting into and clearing the building was fine getting out the otherside, well the defenders had dug in and again being under the dark canapy we were just being shot as soon as we left the building, it was just a battle of run out and let your team mates pinpoint where you were being shot from to take them out. It was slow going and 3 of us ran out ammo so just ended up with me running with flag to end point getting shot getting dropping flag, then do it again getting a little further each time. Until as i was running to get behind some cover and managed to trip and took a diving fall to said cover. Was still fun though. Then it was lunch which currently is bring your own thiugh they are looking to change that. After lunch it was change ends and we could see how easier defenders have it. Though I think with more players it will make it a bit easy on the attackers. They were pushing us back on one flank, but it took them so much effort they swapped flanks if they had done another push on the original flank they would of broken through. But time ran out for them. Also the 2 snipers great for defenders but dut to lthe low numbers was not so good for attacking. All in all it was a great we contiued through the second section and due to how tired we all were we then just play a couple of fun little games to round off the day. There was some good use of smoke and one or two greanades used, for pyro they have no restrictions on its use as in the next field over the local farmer does clay pigeon shooting so noise is not an issue. There is so much vegitation it is a great place for snippers and DMR's alike but also engough that they cant lock you down other than the last section coming out the building. We spoke to the owner abot that and someting will change to make it a bit easier to get out of. The changes in elvation make it nice and varied site to play on but it not a big site that walking up and down the hill to too much. They have another building that they are planning to make into a litle cqb section and across 2 floor with a small mez area in the middle. As I said its a new site they still getting the feel of how games are played and what changes are required. The owner is very happy for players input on everyting. The safe zone is all barried off from the playzone with fencing and netting. Next to the crono and range area(40m range). Plenty of tables only a few floding chairs under marquees. Site has parking for 50 though that will be a tight squeeze and is allowed up 75 players. It had a small shop of just the very basics at the moment, off bbs/gas and smoke greanades. They are looking in for someone to run a bigger shop as numbers grow. Had a real blast and can see this place grow and being a great site. The site itself is great a lot of fun to play at. Can only see it get better. Just nice to see somewhere open instead of closing for once lately. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091124543588 Google map loctaion https://maps.app.goo.gl/Us6FyZgdLkDxRPue7
    4 points
  7. When you're at STANTA and someone says "you're to old to run the Battle Alley". Not grinning, gasping for air...
    4 points
  8. not a great start is it ? Why not just join up , say hi we are so&so&co , website coming soon , great prices etc … all they’ve done so far (for anyone that’s noticed ) is look lazy and shady as fook.
    3 points
  9. I see the ads from the upcoming shop have been removed and the poster has relisted them leaving out the bits about having a job lot and opening a shop soon. Looks dodgy as fuck and definitely puts me off buying anything from them
    3 points
  10. No its not Liam from sentinal totally different crew. Yeah it put back opening for a month. But now been 2 week open, I should of said its £25 for the day too. Have added a link to there location to bottom of main post
    3 points
  11. Had heard that story along with a load of others about musician's "riders" from my then flat mate who was a drummer - but never realised that was the reason for it. Reminds me of a job where I had to get on a flat roof of a converted warehouse in London Docklands where there was a 3m balcony around the building for the top floor apartments. I'm still of the age where if I hurt myself doing something stupid its no one else's fault but my own - and that the same should apply to everyone. Hence I was rather miffed at having to write a risk assessment for the management company to go up there to confirm something ahead of a project... The writing of this thing would take longer than the trip onto the roof. So I decided to have some fun and wrote all sorts of things in there along the lines of "shall access the roof paying all due care and attention to ill tempered low flying seagulls and the urge to take a running jump". It was obvious this was never read as I got the go ahead; and was ironically nearly knocked out by the heavy roof hatch as one of the gas struts had failed and it fell on my head. Something I didn't mention checking LOL.
    3 points
  12. Selling multiple (bulk order) of the same gun appears to be a retail enterprise and not a normal airsoft player.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. First walk-on in 7/8yrs 4* , had fun , would go again 😛
    3 points
  15. I prefer... 'passionate'. My ex-wife prefers... 'dick'.
    2 points
  16. Davet

    Mask info

    British Army issue Virtus helmet (aka Revision Batlskin Cobra), mandible and visor. Good luck getting one cheap! While the helmet itself does pop up on EBay the other bits are rarer and, in reality, they shouldn’t really be on the surplus market as they’re likely nicked and classed as ACTO.
    2 points
  17. Was considering ordering a VFC aeg. Violently spilled a cup of coffee on my laptop. Took it as a sign not to proceed.
    2 points
  18. Huh, I'd heard of the clause but not the reason for it. Thanks, that's fascinating. Well, best of luck to our budding entrepreneur, selling for £5 less than retail. Sure, you don't get a warranty, but you do get an orange tip!
    2 points
  19. Don't "retailers" need permission to sell/advertise on here ?, rule 10 states: Second hand airsoft-relevant items only. They're clearly not second hand as such, but if new are they offered with any warranty etc.?
    2 points
  20. them saying they’ll have a website soon where defence checks will be in place at extra cost ? Two listings for a dozen brand new RIF’s in each ad ? The use of “we” implying more than one person . just a guess really .
    2 points
  21. MrTea

    mp5 - which sling?

    I got lazy and just bought what appears to be a legit (or at least uses the original design) HK MP5 sling but it's not as fast to adjust as a regular 2 or 3 point sling that you'd use on an M4 for example as you need to pop the 'slider' into that bit near the magwell if you don't want to drop it and have it smack you squarely in the nuts.
    1 point
  22. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I thought it would be easy to balance a bottle of tippex on my head. I stand corrected.
    1 point
  23. I have a BFG holder from them and it is a nice bit of kit and order was sorted and posted with no problems. Not tried their mag pouches so can’t speak to them specifically.
    1 point
  24. I use an L85 sling with a clip to fit it on the front sling point.
    1 point
  25. It's genuine. I was firing blanks.
    1 point
  26. I believe it's the old Tech Brigade crew. I'll be visiting once I can badger a lift from someone.
    1 point
  27. I thought the actual webbing of the sling was supposed to loop through the sling point on the stock. But the keyring idea sounds good. If you fancy something a bit more gucci here's a video with a few suggestions
    1 point
  28. Thanks @Keldon, useful info Hey @Cannonfodder, @Dan Robinson I might go along too, see you there perhaps
    1 point
  29. Mandatory not another M4 post. That out of the way, always nice to have more options in the mws line.
    1 point
  30. Nick G

    VFC M249 Thread

    120 is probably the sweet spot tbh, although I dont have any issues getting 160 in with the supplied loader. But putting less stress on the spring can't be a bad thing.
    1 point
  31. Had a rare Sunday where only the eldest had footie so Mrs M did that and I got a pass to meet up with some friends at RIFT: REDCON2 in Abingdon. Due to weekend commitments I usually play indoor CQB midweek, so it was nice to finally play outdoors in the daylight! Arrived to welcoming marshals, easy check in and a well stocked shop where I could grab some .25's. Got my kit together, sorted out my hops at the range and went through chrono just fine. Just enough time for a bacon roll and a coffee before the briefing and by now I could tell it was going to be a hot day. The briefing was ... comprehensive. There's even patches that say 'I survived Tony's briefing' 😂. What it did do was set out everything for the day to help it run smoothly - which it did. Due to the heat it was 50min games all day which was fine by me, they were well run and the marshals were very visible and vocal in terms of always letting you know they're there - eg praising when you took a hit, complementing people on a good shot, providing assistance or just singing country songs! What the marshals also do is drive the Snatch Landrovers, which are in play and they'll take you wherever you want to go which adds a whole new dimension to gameplay and is just great fun barrelling out of the back of one and trying to take the opposition's position. First game was taking down enemy flags, second was ammo tin collection, third and fourth were bomb run's with the final game being taking enemy positions / flags. They were all great fun and well run, I didn't have any issues with hit-taking and I didn't hear of any others, I think someone got pulled up for getting a bit lippy but overall everyone was there for good time, took their hits and enjoyed good gameplay. The guns worked perfectly, I'm even more of a TM MP7 fanboi now after seeing it sling .25's north of 55m (the hedge end of the range) from such a compact package. The 308 does the same but I was kind of expecting it to, although having 100rnd mags meant I could make the most of the full auto I had set to a 5rnd burst - full auto is used sparingly on a GBBR! - needless to say I put a lot more rounds through the AEG! The other pleasant surprise is that while far less accurate at distance, the FNX will go out past 50m too. I took the P226 but forgot to use it or even take it to the range. Used the MP7 in the morning and the 308 in the afternoon as due to the heat there was a fair chance the MP7 could run a tad hot in the 26 degree heat, my mate's M16 was running hot even before lunch but then he thought it may be the case which is why he asked the marshal for a chrono. He swapped to his MP5 and carried on. The FNX took a spill, falling out of my holster as I was running with a bomb. It landed on the light by the look of it and that pulled the outer away from the frame - although I didn't notice until the end of the day. After a bit of fiddling I realised it just needed snapping back into place so that's all sorted. The red dot on the 308's also a bit small, had a few issues quickly acquiring a target that I didn't have with the MP7, so that's something to think about. We were on the red team and we comprehensively lost the day but that's not really important. We all had great fun - that's the important bit. Will definitely be back, although with the way my weekends are looking, your guess is as good as mine regarding when.
    1 point
  32. If you can't laugh at your own stupid - what can you do?
    1 point
  33. 1st commando

    VFC M249 Thread

    I actually only load to either 100 or 120 as I don't think the mags will be as reliable filled to 175 given that VFC refer to them as 100 round mags with only a side note saying "they can be made to fit 175 with a mechanical loader"
    1 point
  34. But then we won't all be able to get cheap laughs at other people's mistakes
    1 point
  35. Thought I'd lost a couple of pieces....turns out they had worked their way inside the pew during transit (I'd put them in the case after they'd come lose on a game day). Wasted an hour of Google, then made thos post, stripped out the washing machine filter and the cab of my van. Still all back together now LOL
    1 point
  36. I have an irrational distrust of any retailer who is lazy with capitalisation. I see it in a lot of places in the airsoft world.
    1 point
  37. Another good day had at Tier 1 Badlands, Cornwall. End of summer holiday games were fast and involved a new element of domination. The site has literally grown to be a great venue and is very well ran. A good day was had.
    1 point
  38. But they are clearly a retailer , retailing RIF so …. No checks today , maybe checks tomorrow 🤷🏼‍♂️
    1 point
  39. My guess is because Ukara requires a payment as a physical retailer to check defence and to my knowledge only retailers (Including sites) can access the Ukara database directly - Meaning, they're wanting to set up a shop, and get the customers to essentially "chip in" so to speak on the cost to access the database.
    1 point
  40. interesting , apparently retailing on here doesn’t incur any defence costs but once they go on a website it does 🤷🏼‍♂️
    1 point
  41. Pseudotectonic

    low fps issue

    What gun? You mean you chrono'd 280 before, sat 3 days precocked, and now chronos 250? And the battery shouldn't run out so fast, either it is bad or the motor is too low torque, but since it is stock with a weak spring it shouldn't, so it could be the shimming, or the grease
    1 point
  42. Ciyeena

    Ucap bunker

    Been to one of their Wednesday games recently, they run a very tight ship at UCAP. Good turnaround on games, good briefings so everyone knows what the score is. If you enjoy CQB then the UCAP bunker is an easy recommendation. A torch of some kind is an absolute must though.
    1 point
  43. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    The rifle in the vid is the colt model 715. Later known as the C7. I built mine a few years ago with help from Jonathan ferguason. He's helped me out with my 604 too. Got another project he's helped with in the pipe line too haha. Just to bore you about hahaha. The 715 in the video is very unique. It has mainly A2 features. But the upper is odd. It has an A1 rear sight, but has a A2 brass deflector. Also another M16 A2 with the auto selection. Was originally bought by the sas, but is now in use with pathfinders, paras and royal marines. Here's the one I built while back.
    1 point
  44. Just had the PTW back from having a service and the finishing touches completed on a second upper. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
    1 point
  45. Most people: Happy with TM GBBRs/AEGs Me finding a springer: 😎
    1 point
  46. Pretty happy with this setup, has been several years in the making and refinement. TM MWS, a few minor changes to make it ambi and loft 0.32g BBs. TacBelts paracord ends for the Slingster keep it quiet and the Brownells forend keeps it old school. Waiting on a carry handle as they are like Unity Mounts but prettier. Spiritus Mk5 for 3 rifle mags and a pistol speed loader in a Esstac Kywi (kydex trimmed to allow the feeder lips to protrude…Matron!) I can top off 3 mags from this to save carrying extra weight. IFAK with actual kit I or others might need (make use of my FREC3 qualification somehow) FRV belt (back before they stopped actually supplying customers) with USP holster and TM USP, Direct Action dump pouch holding an M4 kywi for slick reloads and an added elastic leg strap a la TrexArms. Kydex Kustoms holder for the AlphaTex BFG. This set up is plenty for the usual skirmish and if I am really lazy I can run just the chest rig and Mk5 pyro on the elastic strap on the side. The coyote brown goes with most things, even the slightly faded SADF M83, and either civvy or Ranger Green gear.
    1 point
  47. Jacob Wright

    Opinions on UKAPU

    It's taken me a while to decide whether to reply to this, and if so, what I should say. As Shamal has rightly stated, I am the East of England UKAPU representative. I initially joined as a member, but decided that I would like to further support the community as a regional representative. During my interview for the position I too expressed reservations with regard to what the union provide - as others have pointed out, the social media pages are not frequently updated and there is little 'evidence'. All representatives are volunteers, and in any case, I believe that the Press Officer position is vacant. There is often assistance offered to player-members which unfortunately goes unreported due to this. This has involved helping with customs and import of RIFs, where players experienced issues - and similarly assisted players in Northern Ireland where I believe there have been further issues with customs. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Union were approached by a number of game organisers/site owners to gauge the legality of running games during the lift of restriction levels. The Union provided this guidance, but it was highlighted that if Airsoft was registered as a sport (like paintball is), then we potentially could have returned sooner. However, in order to register as a sport we would require a national governing body. The membership was 'sold' to me as more of an insurance scheme; in case I should ever need assistance, but also to support the ongoing efforts of the Union to provide some kind of national governing body - which was well supported by representatives, members, non-members and site owners when discussed with them. Whilst it was before my time, I believe the references to 'proposed bans' etc relate to the VCRA 2007 bill. @Cannonfodder if you would like I will try to find more information relating to this. Unfortunately, our Chairman has suffered from issues with his personal circumstances lately, and this has led to our AGM not happening as early in the year as perhaps would be expected. Rest assured, I am actively pursuing this and hope it will be able to go ahead soon. With this in mind, I cannot comment on the plans going forward for the annual members skirmish or attendance at NAE. In the past I have attempted to arrange a members only game, but then struggled to find a site to host it at. It is on my list of things to arrange, and as soon as I have news I will share it. I do recognise that perhaps the communications from the Union have not been as good as would be expected, and for that please accept my apology. @Rogerborg - are you referring to the Operation Stigma II post on Facebook from May 2022 as this is all I can find? @RebelScum if you would like, please send me a message and I will do my best to chase up your patch - as it is of course not right that you have yet to receive it. Finally, I would like to address suggestions that members of the Union are in it to 'make a name' for themselves, or as an 'ego boost'. I appreciate this is personal opinion, but when engaging with other representatives I have not experienced this. I see the other representatives as individuals with only the interests of the players and the sport at heart. My inbox is always open, and I am always more than happy to engage with any player, whether they are a member or not. I've done my best to address what people have said, and am happy to discuss anything. - Jacob
    1 point
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