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Pseudotectonic last won the day on April 20

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  1. I am just saying, you definitely need "evidence", because that is what VCRA says The wording "sufficient evidence [...]" is that of the concept of evidential burden of proof which is not exclusive to VCRA and there are tests for "evidential sufficiency" in other areas of law that we can triangulate with If you don't try to interpret the law yourself, you are at mercy of judges making wrong interpretations
  2. Ackchually VCRA specifies "sufficient evidence to raise an issue" to be the standard for testing So you would need some sort of evidence
  3. Why would a retailer expect harsher punishment? VCRA does not discriminate
  4. The way he waves it around tells me it's a bloody plastic spring pistol
  5. You can import an RIF if you have UKARA. But ring your airline if they allow such items. You will probably need to put them into cargo as a checked luggage (not carry on). The size restrictions might say you need to pay a fee, depends on the size and shape of your box or bag. If they get inspected you can give them your UKARA number as proof of defence.
  6. The law is very clear, selling an RIF is illegal unless you have sufficient evidence of defence. It does not matter if you are a retailer or a private seller on a forum, the law is exactly the same. UKARA is just one example of evidence of defence. You can choose to use something else other than UKARA to be your evidence of defence. But UKARA is most commonly used. (It has absolutely nothing to do with any duty of care / negligence, which is a civil matter. Meanwhile the VCRA offence is a criminal matter.)
  7. Section 161 is titled "Penalties for causing certain kinds of danger or annoyance". It is mainly to keep the highway safe and free of distraction. Specifically it prohibits the actions of "lighting" a fire, or "discharging" fireworks or firearms. Fire itself can be dangerous and highly distracting/annoying, but it is the action of starting a fire that is illegal. Fireworks and firearms can also be dangerous and highly distracting/annoying, but it is the action of firing that is illegal. Coming back to airsoft, the mere sight of someone waving a realistic looking gun shaped object by itself doesn't qualify for Section 161. It is the firing of airsoft that got them done in. Airsoft can also be loud. Stray BBs can be dangerous. It's exactly the type of danger or annoyance Section 161 is written to protect highways from.
  8. To cover the blue, you need to have evidence of you playing airsoft: Name of the site (needs to be listed on the UKARA website) Your attendance at this site This could be booking receipt/email, plus a selfie photo of you at the safe zone with an identifiable logo or sign, or something like that.
  9. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1980/66/section/161 "and in consequence a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered" Unfortunately this might stick
  10. Can you post a picture? What sort of location is this? No paint is really able to withstand constant wear, even cerakote can wear out over time So instead of looking for something that last forever (which doesn't exist), maybe you need something that can be applied easily, like a paint marker pen that you keep in the bag Or 3D print a replacement part with a different colour plastic
  11. If you google "gun room interior design" there are loads of impressive looking examples, the vast majority of them seem to follow this formula: Cabinets lower half Display racks upper half Colour / material coordinated Integrated lighting In your case maybe it is a matter of organising what is below the slatboards, maybe with some cabinets Maybe convert to a vertical gun rack for better efficiency Or even remove half the wall rack and put in taller cabinets, since half of your wall rack is stuff that shouldn't be on the wall anyway
  12. I concur With 13:1 this will get you to just under the PME ceiling which is optimal Btw I was thinking those x ms delays in brushless may be related to the software denouncing method, and there is a way to completely remove this delay if they change the code to "register immediately upon voltage detection and ignore input for the next x ms" rather than the usual "wait x ms for the voltage to stabilise before registering"
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